blob: 0a4de33ba60580fe92bc0cabfa7d7c9a286369b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ggstat
import (
// Function samples a continuous univariate function at N points in
// the domain computed by Domain.
// The result of Function binds column X to the X values at which the
// function is sampled and retains constant columns from the input.
// The computed function can add arbitrary columns for its output.
type Function struct {
// X is the name of the column to use for input domain of this
// function.
X string
// N is the number of points to sample the function at. If N
// is 0, a reasonable default is used.
N int
// Domain specifies the domain of which to sample this function.
// If Domain is nil, it defaults to DomainData{}.
Domain FunctionDomainer
// Fn is the continuous univariate function to sample. Fn will
// be called with each table in the grouping and the X values
// at which it should be sampled. Fn must add its output
// columns to out. The output table will already contain the
// sample points bound to the X column.
Fn func(gid table.GroupID, in *table.Table, sampleAt []float64, out *table.Builder)
const defaultFunctionSamples = 200
func (f Function) F(g table.Grouping) table.Grouping {
// Set defaults.
if f.N <= 0 {
f.N = defaultFunctionSamples
if f.Domain == nil {
f.Domain = DomainData{}
domain := f.Domain.FunctionDomain(g, f.X)
return table.MapTables(g, func(gid table.GroupID, t *table.Table) *table.Table {
min, max := domain(gid)
// Compute sample points. If there's no data, there
// are no sample points, but we still have to run the
// function to get the right output columns.
var ss []float64
if math.IsNaN(min) {
ss = []float64{}
} else {
ss = vec.Linspace(min, max, f.N)
var nt table.Builder
ctype := table.ColType(t, f.X)
if ctype == float64Type {
// Bind output X column.
nt.Add(f.X, ss)
} else {
// Convert to the column type.
vsp := reflect.New(ctype)
slice.Convert(vsp.Interface(), ss)
vs := vsp.Elem()
// This may have produced duplicate values.
// Eliminate those.
if vs.Len() > 0 {
prev, i := vs.Index(0).Interface(), 1
for j := 1; j < vs.Len(); j++ {
next := vs.Index(j).Interface()
if prev == next {
// Skip duplicate.
if i != j {
prev = next
// Bind column-typed values to output X.
nt.Add(f.X, vs.Interface())
// And convert back to []float64 so we can
// apply the function.
slice.Convert(&ss, vs.Interface())
// Apply the function to the sample points.
f.Fn(gid, t, ss, &nt)
preserveConsts(&nt, t)
return nt.Done()
// preserveConsts copies the constant columns from t into nt.
func preserveConsts(nt *table.Builder, t *table.Table) {
for _, col := range t.Columns() {
if nt.Has(col) {
// Don't overwrite existing columns in nt.
if cv, ok := t.Const(col); ok {
nt.AddConst(col, cv)