blob: fa569631b07ab1908e3acd872de410c819f716af [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package benchfmt
import (
func TestReaderUnits(t *testing.T) {
_, reader := parseAll(t, `
Unit ns/op a=1 b=2
Unit MB/s c=3 c=3
units := reader.Units()
if len(units) != 3 {
t.Fatalf("expected 3 unit metadata, got %d:\n%v", len(units), units)
check := func(unit, tidyUnit, key, value string) {
// The map is indexed by tidy units.
mkey := UnitMetadataKey{tidyUnit, key}
m, ok := units[mkey]
if !ok {
t.Errorf("for %s:%s, want %s, got none", tidyUnit, key, value)
want := UnitMetadata{UnitMetadataKey: mkey, OrigUnit: unit, Value: value}
if m.UnitMetadataKey != want.UnitMetadataKey ||
m.OrigUnit != want.OrigUnit ||
m.Value != want.Value {
t.Errorf("for %s:%s, want %+v, got %+v", unit, key, want, m)
// Check that Get works for both tidied and untidied units.
if got := units.Get(unit, key); got != m {
t.Errorf("for Get(%v, %v), want %+v, got %+v", unit, key, m, got)
if got := units.Get(tidyUnit, key); got != m {
t.Errorf("for Get(%v, %v), want %+v, got %+v", tidyUnit, key, m, got)
check("ns/op", "sec/op", "a", "1")
check("ns/op", "sec/op", "b", "2")
check("MB/s", "B/s", "c", "3")
func TestUnitsGetAssumption(t *testing.T) {
_, reader := parseAll(t, `
Unit a assume=nothing
Unit ns/frob assume=exact
Unit c assume=blah`)
units := reader.Units()
check := func(unit string, want benchmath.Assumption) {
got := units.GetAssumption(unit)
if got != want {
t.Errorf("for unit %s, want assumption %s, got %s", unit, want, got)
check("a", benchmath.AssumeNothing)
check("ns/frob", benchmath.AssumeExact)
check("sec/frob", benchmath.AssumeExact)
check("c", benchmath.AssumeNothing)
func TestUnitsGetBetter(t *testing.T) {
_, reader := parseAll(t, `
Unit a better=higher
Unit b better=lower`)
units := reader.Units()
check := func(unit string, want int) {
got := units.GetBetter(unit)
if got != want {
t.Errorf("for unit %s, want better=%+d, got %+d", unit, want, got)
check("a", 1)
check("b", -1)
check("c", 0)
check("ns/op", -1)
check("sec/op", -1)
check("MB/s", 1)
check("B/s", 1)
check("B/op", -1)
check("allocs/op", -1)
// Check that we can override the built-ins
_, reader = parseAll(t, "Unit ns/op better=higher")
units = reader.Units()
check("ns/op", 1)
check("sec/op", 1)