blob: 5409a7d3e85e95ad127e585747d4b5e35ccbb12b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package benchtab
import (
// A Table summarizes and compares benchmark results in a 2D grid.
// Each cell summarizes a Sample of results with identical row and
// column Keys. Comparisons are done within each row between the
// Sample in the first column and the Samples in any remaining
// columns.
type Table struct {
// Opts is the configuration options for this table.
Opts TableOpts
// Unit is the benchmark unit of all samples in this Table.
Unit string
// Assumption is the distributional assumption used for all
// samples in this table.
Assumption benchmath.Assumption
// Rows and Cols give the sequence of row and column Keys
// in this table. All row Keys have the same Projection and all
// col Keys have the same Projection.
Rows, Cols []benchproc.Key
// Cells is the cells in the body of this table. Each key in
// this map is a pair of some Key from Rows and some Key
// from Cols. However, not all Pairs may be present in the
// map.
Cells map[TableKey]*TableCell
// Summary is the final row of this table, which gives summary
// information across all benchmarks in this table. It is
// keyed by Cols.
Summary map[benchproc.Key]*TableSummary
// SummaryLabel is the label for the summary row.
SummaryLabel string
// TableKey is a map key used to index a single cell in a Table.
type TableKey struct {
Row, Col benchproc.Key
// TableCell is a single cell in a Table. It represents a sample of
// benchmark results with the same row and column Key.
type TableCell struct {
// Sample is the set of benchmark results in this cell.
Sample *benchmath.Sample
// Summary is the summary of Sample, as computed by the
// Table's distributional assumption.
Summary benchmath.Summary
// Baseline is the baseline cell used for comparisons with
// this cell, or nil if there is no comparison. This is the
// cell in the first column of this cell's row, if any.
Baseline *TableCell
// Comparison is the comparison with the Baseline cell, as
// computed by the Table's distributional assumption. If
// Baseline is nil, this value is meaningless.
Comparison benchmath.Comparison
// TableSummary is a cell that summarizes a column of a Table.
// It appears in the last row of a table.
type TableSummary struct {
// HasSummary indicates that Summary is valid.
HasSummary bool
// Summary summarizes all of the TableCell.Summary values in
// this column.
Summary float64
// HasRatio indicates that Ratio is valid.
HasRatio bool
// Ratio summarizes all of the TableCell.Comparison values in
// this column.
Ratio float64
// Warnings is a list of warnings for this summary cell.
Warnings []error
// RowScaler returns a common scaler for the values in row.
func (t *Table) RowScaler(row benchproc.Key, unitClass benchunit.Class) benchunit.Scaler {
// Collect the row summaries.
var values []float64
for _, col := range t.Cols {
cell, ok := t.Cells[TableKey{row, col}]
if ok {
values = append(values, cell.Summary.Center)
return benchunit.CommonScale(values, unitClass)
// ToText renders t to a textual representation, assuming a
// fixed-width font.
func (t *Table) ToText(w io.Writer, color bool) error {
var o texttab.Table
// Each logical column expands to centerCols columns, plus
// deltaCols columns if there's a baseline.
const labelCols = 1
const centerCols = 3 // <center ±> <CI> <warnings>
const deltaCols = 3 // <P%> <(p=0.PPP n=N)> <warnings>
// startCol returns the index of the first centerCol of
// logical column exp.
startCol := func(exp int) int {
if exp == 0 {
return labelCols
// The width of experiment 0 is just centerCols. All
// later experiments are centerCols+deltaCols.
return labelCols + centerCols + (exp-1)*(centerCols+deltaCols)
var warningList []string
warningSet := make(map[string]int)
warn := func(msgs ...[]error) {
var footnotes []string
for _, msgs1 := range msgs {
for _, msg := range msgs1 {
s := msg.Error()
i, ok := warningSet[s]
if !ok {
i = len(warningList)
warningSet[s] = i
warningList = append(warningList, s)
footnotes = append(footnotes, superscript(i+1))
s := strings.Join(footnotes, " ")
// Construct the header.
kt := benchproc.NewKeyHeader(t.Cols)
rEdge := startCol(len(t.Cols) + 1)
nodes := kt.Top
for len(nodes) > 0 {
// Process this level.
var nextNodes []*benchproc.KeyHeaderNode
for _, node := range nodes {
l := startCol(node.Start)
r := startCol(node.Start + node.Len)
// Configuration headers can span a lot of
// columns, so we add a vertical rule to more
// clearly delineate the columns they span. We
// also add some space so that each logical
// column in the rest of the table is better
// separated.
o.Col(l).Span(r-l, node.Value, texttab.Center, texttab.LeftMargin(" │ "))
nextNodes = append(nextNodes, node.Children...)
// Add a vertical bar down the right side to match the other
// separators.
o.Col(rEdge).Cell("", texttab.LeftMargin(" │"))
nodes = nextNodes
// Add the column labels row, set margins, and create stretch
// columns.
for i := range t.Cols {
l := startCol(i)
// Show the unit over the center column group, since
// these are values in that unit.
o.Span(centerCols, t.Unit, texttab.Center, texttab.LeftMargin(" │ "))
if i > 0 {
// All but the first column will have A/B
// comparisons.
// Separate center and delta column groups by
// 2 spaces.
o.Span(deltaCols, "vs base", texttab.Left, texttab.LeftMargin(" "))
// Make all of the interior columns in this column
// group shrink columns, leaving on the leftmost and
// rightmost to stretch.
for j := l + 1; j < o.CurCol(); j++ {
o.SetShrink(j, true)
o.Col(rEdge).Cell("", texttab.LeftMargin(" │"))
// Emit measurements.
unitClass := benchunit.ClassOf(t.Unit)
for _, row := range t.Rows {
// TODO: Should I put each row key value in a
// column? With the keys as headers?
// Get a common scalar across this row.
scalar := t.RowScaler(row, unitClass)
for exp, col := range t.Cols {
cell, ok := t.Cells[TableKey{row, col}]
if !ok {
o.Cell(scalar.Format(cell.Summary.Center), texttab.Right)
// Put ± in the margin so 1) the ±s line up,
// 2) the geomean value (which doesn't have ±)
// aligns with the summary column, 3) we can
// right align the range column.
o.Cell(cell.Summary.PctRangeString(), texttab.Right, texttab.LeftMargin(" ± "))
warn(cell.Sample.Warnings, cell.Summary.Warnings)
if exp > 0 && cell.Baseline != nil {
d := cell.Comparison.FormatDelta(cell.Baseline.Summary.Center, cell.Summary.Center)
// TODO: Color the delta for whether
// it's good or bad.
o.Cell(d, texttab.Right)
o.Cell("(" + cell.Comparison.String() + ")")
// Emit summary row.
if len(t.Rows) > 1 {
for exp, col := range t.Cols {
tsum, ok := t.Summary[col]
if !ok {
if tsum.HasSummary {
o.Cell(benchunit.Scale(tsum.Summary, unitClass), texttab.Right)
if exp > 0 {
o.Col(startCol(exp) + centerCols)
if tsum.HasRatio {
o.Cell(fmt.Sprintf("%+.2f%%", (tsum.Ratio-1)*100), texttab.Right)
} else {
o.Col(startCol(exp+1) - 1)
// Emit table.
if err := o.Format(w); err != nil {
return err
// Emit warnings.
if len(warningList) > 0 {
for i, msg := range warningList {
if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s %s\n", superscript(i+1), msg); err != nil {
return err
return nil
var superDigits = []rune("⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹")
func superscript(i int) string {
if i == 0 {
return string(superDigits[0])
var buf [20]rune
pos := len(buf)
for i > 0 && pos > 0 {
buf[pos] = superDigits[i%10]
i /= 10
return string(buf[pos:])
// ToCSV renders t to CSV format. Warnings are written in text format
// to the "warnings" Writer, and prefixed with spreadsheet-style cell
// references. These references assume the table begins on row
// "startRow".
func (t *Table) ToCSV(o *csv.Writer, startRow int, warnings io.Writer) (rowCount int) {
const labelCols = 1
const centerCols = 2 // <center> <CI>
const deltaCols = 2 // <P%> <(p=0.PPP n=N)>
startCol := func(exp int) int {
if exp == 0 {
// Baseline, so no delta.
return labelCols
// Center and delta columns.
l := labelCols + centerCols + (exp-1)*(centerCols+deltaCols)
return l
row := make([]string, startCol(len(t.Cols)))
row = row[:0]
clearTo := func(col int) {
for len(row) < col {
row = append(row, "")
emit := func() {
row = row[:0]
warn := func(msgs []error) {
// Construct a spreadsheet-style cell label.
colName := make([]byte, 10)
colNamePos := len(colName)
for x := len(row); x > 0; {
colName[colNamePos] = 'A' + byte(x%26)
x /= 26
if colNamePos == len(colName) {
colName[colNamePos] = 'A'
colName = colName[colNamePos:]
// Print warnings.
for _, msg := range msgs {
fmt.Fprintf(warnings, "%s%d: %s\n", colName, startRow+rowCount, msg)
// Emit column configurations header.
colFields := t.Cols[0].Projection().FlattenedFields()
for _, field := range colFields {
for exp, key := range t.Cols {
row = append(row, key.Get(field))
// Emit column headers.
for exp := range t.Cols {
row = append(row, t.Unit, "CI")
if exp > 0 {
row = append(row, "vs base", "P")
// Emit table.
for _, rowKey := range t.Rows {
row = append(row, rowKey.StringValues())
for exp, colKey := range t.Cols {
cell, ok := t.Cells[TableKey{rowKey, colKey}]
if !ok {
row = append(row,
if exp > 0 && cell.Baseline != nil {
row = append(row,
cell.Comparison.FormatDelta(cell.Baseline.Summary.Center, cell.Summary.Center),
// Emit summary row.
row = append(row, t.SummaryLabel)
for exp, key := range t.Cols {
tsum, ok := t.Summary[key]
if !ok {
if tsum.HasSummary {
row = append(row, fmt.Sprint(tsum.Summary))
if exp > 0 {
clearTo(startCol(exp) + centerCols)
if tsum.HasRatio {
row = append(row, fmt.Sprintf("%+.2f%%", (tsum.Ratio-1)*100))
} else {
row = append(row, "?")