blob: f5849facfddba9a53ed53a995b9e45de4a888f68 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package benchtab presents benchmark results as comparison tables.
package benchtab
import (
// TODO: Color by good/bad (or nothing for unknown units)
// A Builder collects benchmark results into a Tables set.
type Builder struct {
tableBy, rowBy, colBy *benchproc.Projection
residue *benchproc.Projection
unitField *benchproc.Field
// tables maps from tableBy to table.
tables map[benchproc.Key]*builderTable
type builderTable struct {
// Observed row and col Keys within this group. Within the
// group, we show only the row and col labels for the data in
// the group, but we sort them according to the global
// observation order for consistency across groups.
rows map[benchproc.Key]struct{}
cols map[benchproc.Key]struct{}
// cells maps from (row, col) to each cell.
cells map[TableKey]*builderCell
type builderCell struct {
// values is the observed values in this cell.
values []float64
// residue is the set of residue keys mapped to this cell.
// It is used to check for non-unique keys.
residue map[benchproc.Key]struct{}
// NewBuilder creates a new Builder for collecting benchmark results
// into tables. Each result will be mapped to a Table by tableBy.
// Within each table, the results are mapped to cells by rowBy and
// colBy. Any results within a single cell that vary by residue will
// be reported as warnings. tableBy must have a ".unit" field.
func NewBuilder(tableBy, rowBy, colBy, residue *benchproc.Projection) *Builder {
tableFields := tableBy.Fields()
unitField := tableFields[len(tableFields)-1]
if unitField.Name != ".unit" {
panic("tableBy projection missing .unit field")
return &Builder{
tableBy: tableBy, rowBy: rowBy, colBy: colBy, residue: residue,
unitField: unitField,
tables: make(map[benchproc.Key]*builderTable),
// Add adds all of the values in result to the tables in the Builder.
func (b *Builder) Add(result *benchfmt.Result) {
// Project the result.
tableKeys := b.tableBy.ProjectValues(result)
rowKey := b.rowBy.Project(result)
colKey := b.colBy.Project(result)
residueKey := b.residue.Project(result)
cellKey := TableKey{rowKey, colKey}
// Map to tables.
for unitI, tableKey := range tableKeys {
table := b.tables[tableKey]
if table == nil {
table = b.newTable()
b.tables[tableKey] = table
// Map to a cell.
c := table.cells[cellKey]
if c == nil {
c = new(builderCell)
c.residue = make(map[benchproc.Key]struct{})
table.cells[cellKey] = c
table.rows[rowKey] = struct{}{}
table.cols[colKey] = struct{}{}
// Add to the cell.
c.values = append(c.values, result.Values[unitI].Value)
c.residue[residueKey] = struct{}{}
func (b *Builder) newTable() *builderTable {
return &builderTable{
rows: make(map[benchproc.Key]struct{}),
cols: make(map[benchproc.Key]struct{}),
cells: make(map[TableKey]*builderCell),
// TableOpts provides options for constructing the final analysis
// tables from a Builder.
type TableOpts struct {
// Confidence is the desired confidence level in summary
// intervals; e.g., 0.95 for 95%.
Confidence float64
// Thresholds is the thresholds to use for statistical tests.
Thresholds *benchmath.Thresholds
// Units is the unit metadata. This gives distributional
// assumptions for units, among other properties.
Units benchfmt.UnitMetadataMap
// Tables is a sequence of benchmark statistic tables.
type Tables struct {
// Tables is a slice of statistic tables. Within a Table, all
// results have the same table Key (including unit).
Tables []*Table
// Keys is a slice of table keys, corresponding 1:1 to
// the Tables slice. These always end with a ".unit"
// field giving the unit.
Keys []benchproc.Key
// ToTables finalizes a Builder into a sequence of statistic tables.
func (b *Builder) ToTables(opts TableOpts) *Tables {
// Sort tables.
var keys []benchproc.Key
for k := range b.tables {
keys = append(keys, k)
// We're going to compute table cells in parallel because the
// statistics are somewhat expensive. This is entirely
// CPU-bound, so we put a simple concurrency limit on it.
limit := make(chan struct{}, 2*runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// Process each table.
var tables []*Table
for _, k := range keys {
cTable := b.tables[k]
// Get the configured assumption for this unit.
unit := k.Get(b.unitField)
assumption := opts.Units.GetAssumption(unit)
// Sort the rows and columns.
rowKeys, colKeys := mapKeys(cTable.rows), mapKeys(cTable.cols)
table := &Table{
Unit: unit,
Opts: opts,
Assumption: assumption,
Rows: rowKeys,
Cols: colKeys,
Cells: make(map[TableKey]*TableCell),
tables = append(tables, table)
// Create all TableCells and fill their Samples. This
// is fast enough it's not worth parallelizing. This
// enables the second pass to look up baselines and
// their samples.
for k, cCell := range cTable.cells {
table.Cells[k] = &TableCell{
Sample: benchmath.NewSample(cCell.values, opts.Thresholds),
// Populate cells.
baselineCfg := colKeys[0]
for k, cCell := range cTable.cells {
cell := table.Cells[k]
// Look up the baseline.
if k.Col != baselineCfg {
base, ok := table.Cells[TableKey{k.Row, baselineCfg}]
if ok {
cell.Baseline = base
limit <- struct{}{}
cCell := cCell
go func() {
summarizeCell(cCell, cell, assumption, opts.Confidence)
// Add summary rows to each table.
for _, table := range tables {
table.SummaryLabel = "geomean"
table.Summary = make(map[benchproc.Key]*TableSummary)
// Count the number of baseline benchmarks. If later
// columns don't have the same number of baseline
// pairings, we know the benchmark sets don't match.
nBase := 0
baseCol := table.Cols[0]
for _, row := range table.Rows {
if _, ok := table.Cells[TableKey{row, baseCol}]; ok {
for i, col := range table.Cols {
var s TableSummary
table.Summary[col] = &s
isBase := i == 0
limit <- struct{}{}
table, col := table, col
go func() {
summarizeCol(table, col, &s, nBase, isBase)
return &Tables{tables, keys}
func mapKeys(m map[benchproc.Key]struct{}) []benchproc.Key {
var keys []benchproc.Key
for k := range m {
keys = append(keys, k)
return keys
func summarizeCell(cCell *builderCell, cell *TableCell, assumption benchmath.Assumption, confidence float64) {
cell.Summary = assumption.Summary(cell.Sample, confidence)
// If there's a baseline, compute comparison.
if cell.Baseline != nil {
cell.Comparison = assumption.Compare(cell.Baseline.Sample, cell.Sample)
// Warn for non-singular keys in this cell.
nsk := benchproc.NonSingularFields(mapKeys(cCell.residue))
if len(nsk) > 0 {
// Emit a warning.
var warn strings.Builder
warn.WriteString("benchmarks vary in ")
for i, field := range nsk {
if i > 0 {
warn.WriteString(", ")
cell.Sample.Warnings = append(cell.Sample.Warnings, errors.New(warn.String()))
func summarizeCol(table *Table, col benchproc.Key, s *TableSummary, nBase int, isBase bool) {
// Collect cells.
// This computes the geomean of the summary ratios rather than
// ratio of the summary geomeans. These are identical *if* the
// benchmark sets are the same. But if the benchmark sets
// differ, this leads to more sensible ratios because it's
// still the geomean of the column, rather than being a
// comparison of two incomparable numbers. It's still easy to
// misinterpret, but at least it's not meaningless.
var summaries, ratios []float64
badRatio := false
for _, row := range table.Rows {
cell, ok := table.Cells[TableKey{row, col}]
if !ok {
summaries = append(summaries, cell.Summary.Center)
if cell.Baseline != nil {
var ratio float64
a, b := cell.Summary.Center, cell.Baseline.Summary.Center
if a == b {
// Treat 0/0 as 1.
ratio = 1
} else if b == 0 {
badRatio = true
// Keep nBase check working.
ratios = append(ratios, 0)
} else {
ratio = a / b
ratios = append(ratios, ratio)
// If the number of cells in this column that had a baseline
// is the same as the total number of baselines, then we know
// the benchmark sets match. Otherwise, they don't and these
// numbers are probably misleading.
if !isBase && nBase != len(ratios) {
s.Warnings = append(s.Warnings, fmt.Errorf("benchmark set differs from baseline; geomeans may not be comparable"))
// Summarize centers.
gm := stats.GeoMean(summaries)
if math.IsNaN(gm) {
s.Warnings = append(s.Warnings, fmt.Errorf("summaries must be >0 to compute geomean"))
} else {
s.HasSummary = true
s.Summary = gm
// Summarize ratios.
if !isBase && !badRatio {
gm := stats.GeoMean(ratios)
if math.IsNaN(gm) {
s.Warnings = append(s.Warnings, fmt.Errorf("ratios must be >0 to compute geomean"))
} else {
s.HasRatio = true
s.Ratio = gm
// ToText renders t to a textual representation, assuming a
// fixed-width font.
func (t *Tables) ToText(w io.Writer, color bool) error {
return t.printTables(func(hdr string) error {
_, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", hdr)
return err
}, func(table *Table) error {
return table.ToText(w, color)
// ToCSV returns t to CSV (comma-separated values) format.
// Warnings are written to a separate stream so as not to interrupt
// the regular format of the CSV table.
func (t *Tables) ToCSV(w, warnings io.Writer) error {
o := csv.NewWriter(w)
row := 1
err := t.printTables(func(hdr string) error {
return nil
}, func(table *Table) error {
nRows := table.ToCSV(o, row, warnings)
row += nRows
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
return o.Error()
func (t *Tables) printTables(hdr func(string) error, cb func(*Table) error) error {
if len(t.Tables) == 0 {
return nil
var prevKey benchproc.Key
fields := t.Keys[0].Projection().FlattenedFields()
for i, table := range t.Tables {
if i > 0 {
// Blank line between tables.
if err := hdr(""); err != nil {
return err
// Print table key changes.
key := t.Keys[i]
for _, f := range fields {
if f.Name == ".unit" {
// Skip .unit because it's shown in the table itself.
val := key.Get(f)
if prevKey.IsZero() || val != prevKey.Get(f) {
if err := hdr(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", f.Name, val)); err != nil {
return err
prevKey = key
// Print table.
if err := cb(table); err != nil {
return err
return nil