tree: 682dd5938a7d49505b177b14b806f4afebb97aff [path history] [tgz]
  1. checks/
  2. crproxy/
  3. firestore/
  4. gcpconfig/
  5. gcphandler/
  6. gcpmetrics/
  7. gcpsecret/
  8. gemini/
  9. grpcerrors/
  10. grpcrr/
  11. tasks/
  12. manage-traffic.png

Oscar GCP

The packages in this module support Oscar running on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). It is a separate module to avoid having the main Oscar module,, depend on GCP.


Stopping gaby

From the command line:

gcloud --project oscar-go-1 scheduler jobs pause gaby-run-prod --location us-central1

If that fails with a permission error, make sure you have authenticated with

gcloud auth application-default login

Deploying a Cloud Run service

The gaby-prod service is deployed automatically on each push to master of the oscar repo via a cloud build trigger deploy-gaby-prod-on-push.

The services gaby-devel and gaby-prod can also be deployed manually following the instructions below.

Deploy a service at the latest commit to master

From the UI:

  1. Find the appropriate Cloud Build Trigger (deploy-gaby-devel or deploy-gaby-prod).
  2. Click RUN followed by RUN TRIGGER. (Do not edit the environment variables).

Or, from the command line:

gcloud builds triggers run [TRIGGER_NAME] --branch master

Here, [TRIGGER_NAME] is one of deploy-gaby-devel or deploy-gaby-prod.

Check that the deploy was successful by monitoring the Cloud Build History. (Deploys take around 8 minutes to complete).

Deploy a service at a specific commit


gcloud builds triggers run [TRIGGER_NAME] --sha [COMMIT]

where [TRIGGER_NAME] is one of deploy-gaby-devel or deploy-gaby-prod and [COMMIT] is the full commit hash.

Rolling back a Cloud Run service

Roll back a service from the UI:

  1. Click the service name (gaby-devel or gaby-prod) in Cloud Run.
  2. Click the “REVISIONS” tab.
  3. For the revision you want to roll back, click the “Actions” nav bar, then “Manage Traffic”: select Manage Traffic
  4. Set the traffic for this revision to 0%, and pick a healthy revision (usually the previous one), to direct 100% of traffic to. Click “SAVE”.

Or from the command line:

gcloud run services [SERVICE] update-traffic --to-revisions [REVISION]=100

Here, [SERVICE] is either gaby-prod or gaby-devel and revision is the revision name to roll back to, which can be found in the revision history, e.g. gaby-prod-00004-t9p).

Full guide to rollbacks

GCP dashboards

Firestore Cloud Run Cloud Build Cloud Error Reporting. Cloud Monitoring

GCP error logging and alerting

Oscar errors, failures, and crashes are logged to Cloud Logging, along with other debugging messages.

Major errors and crashes are also organized and reported via Cloud Error Reporting. Notifications about new errors are also sent via email. Click on the “Configure Notifications” to manage notifications.

Cloud Build failures can be manually inspected at Cloud Build dashboard. To create an automatic alert:

  1. Go to Cloud Logging page.
  2. Type in the following query
resource.type= "build"

where [TRIGGER_ID] is the ID of one of the triggers. You can find the trigger IDs by inspecting trigger information on Cloud Build page. 3. Run the query and make sure the results are as expected. 4. Click on “Create Alert”. 5. Fill in the information on alert name, description, and notifications.

You can inspect the alert information and results at Monitoring > Alerting

Secrets and environment variables


The GitHub API token and the Gemini API key are in the GCP Secret Manager, under hex-encoded names. You shouldn’t need to look at them. Programs that include the internal/gcp/gcpsecret package will be able to access them.




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