blob: 9b5bfa567692bb4b5ae3aacdef5b11120d510eb4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package gemini implements access to Google's Gemini model.
// [Client] implements [llm.Embedder] and [llm.GenerateContent]. Use [NewClient] to connect.
package gemini
import (
// Scrub is a request scrubber for use with [].
func Scrub(req *http.Request) error {
delete(req.Header, "x-goog-api-key") // genai does not canonicalize
req.Header.Del("X-Goog-Api-Key") // in case it starts
delete(req.Header, "x-goog-api-client") // contains version numbers
if ctype := req.Header.Get("Content-Type"); ctype == "application/json" || strings.HasPrefix(ctype, "application/json;") {
// Canonicalize JSON body.
// goes out of its way to randomize the JSON encodings
// of protobuf messages by adding or not adding spaces
// after commas. Derandomize by compacting the JSON.
b := req.Body.(*httprr.Body)
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := json.Compact(&buf, b.Data); err == nil {
b.Data = buf.Bytes()
return nil
// A Client represents a connection to Gemini.
type Client struct {
slog *slog.Logger
genai *genai.Client
embeddingModel, generativeModel string
const (
DefaultEmbeddingModel = "text-embedding-004"
DefaultGenerativeModel = "gemini-1.5-pro"
// NewClient returns a connection to Gemini, using the given logger and HTTP client.
// It expects to find a secret of the form "AIza..." or "user:AIza..." in sdb
// under the name "".
// The embeddingModel is the model name to use for embedding, such as text-embedding-004,
// and the generativeModel is the model name to use for generation, such as gemini-1.5-pro.
func NewClient(ctx context.Context, lg *slog.Logger, sdb secret.DB, hc *http.Client, embeddingModel, generativeModel string) (*Client, error) {
key, ok := sdb.Get("")
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing api key for")
// If key is from .netrc, ignore user name.
if _, pass, ok := strings.Cut(key, ":"); ok {
key = pass
// Ideally this would use use “option.WithAPIKey(key), option.WithHTTPClient(hc),”
// but using option.WithHTTPClient bypasses the code that passes along the API key.
// Instead we make our own derived http.Client that re-adds the key.
// And then we still have to say option.WithAPIKey("ignored") because
// otherwise NewClient complains that we haven't passed in a key.
// (If we pass in the key, it ignores it, but if we don't pass it in,
// it complains that we didn't give it a key.)
ai, err := genai.NewClient(ctx,
option.WithHTTPClient(withKey(hc, key)))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Client{slog: lg, genai: ai, embeddingModel: embeddingModel, generativeModel: generativeModel}, nil
// withKey returns a new http.Client that is the same as hc
// except that it adds "x-goog-api-key: key" to every request.
func withKey(hc *http.Client, key string) *http.Client {
c := *hc
t := c.Transport
if t == nil {
t = http.DefaultTransport
c.Transport = &transportWithKey{t, key}
return &c
// transportWithKey is the same as rt
// except that it adds "x-goog-api-key: key" to every request.
type transportWithKey struct {
rt http.RoundTripper
key string
func (t *transportWithKey) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (resp *http.Response, err error) {
r := *req
r.Header = maps.Clone(req.Header)
r.Header["x-goog-api-key"] = []string{t.key}
return t.rt.RoundTrip(&r)
const maxBatch = 100 // empirical limit
var _ llm.Embedder = (*Client)(nil)
// EmbedDocs returns the vector embeddings for the docs,
// implementing [llm.Embedder].
func (c *Client) EmbedDocs(ctx context.Context, docs []llm.EmbedDoc) ([]llm.Vector, error) {
model := c.genai.EmbeddingModel(c.embeddingModel)
var vecs []llm.Vector
for docs := range slices.Chunk(docs, maxBatch) {
b := model.NewBatch()
for _, d := range docs {
b.AddContentWithTitle(d.Title, genai.Text(d.Text))
resp, err := model.BatchEmbedContents(ctx, b)
if err != nil {
return vecs, err
for _, e := range resp.Embeddings {
vecs = append(vecs, e.Values)
return vecs, nil
var _ llm.ContentGenerator = (*Client)(nil)
// Model returns the name of the client's generative model.
func (c *Client) Model() string {
return c.generativeModel
// GenerateContent returns the model's response for the prompt parts,
// implementing [llm.ContentGenerator.GenerateContent].
func (c *Client) GenerateContent(ctx context.Context, schema *llm.Schema, promptParts []llm.Part) (string, error) {
// Generate plain text.
if schema == nil {
texts, err := c.generate(ctx, "text/plain", nil, promptParts...)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("gemini.GenerateContent: %w", err)
return strings.Join(texts, "\n"), nil
// Generate JSON.
texts, err := c.generate(ctx, "application/json", toGenAISchema(schema), promptParts...)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("gemini.GenerateContent: %w", err)
// Return just the first response, as it's not clear how to concatenate
// multiple JSON responses.
return texts[0], nil
// generate returns the model's response (of the specified MIME type) for the prompt parts.
// It returns an error if a response cannot be generated.
func (c *Client) generate(ctx context.Context, mimeType string, schema *genai.Schema, promptParts ...llm.Part) ([]string, error) {
parts, err :=
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp, err := c.model(mimeType, schema).GenerateContent(ctx, parts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if texts := responses(resp); len(texts) > 0 {
return texts, nil
return nil, errors.New("no content generated")
// model returns a new instance of the generative model
// for this client, with the candidate count set to 1,
// the MIME type set to mimeType, and the response schema set
// to schema.
func (c *Client) model(mimeType string, schema *genai.Schema) *genai.GenerativeModel {
model := c.genai.GenerativeModel(c.generativeModel)
model.ResponseMIMEType = mimeType
model.ResponseSchema = schema
return model
// parts converts the given prompt parts to [genai.Part]s of
// their corresponding type.
func (c *Client) parts(promptParts []llm.Part) ([]genai.Part, error) {
var parts = make([]genai.Part, len(promptParts))
for i, p := range promptParts {
switch p := p.(type) {
case llm.Text:
parts[i] = genai.Text(p)
case llm.Blob:
parts[i] = genai.Blob{
MIMEType: p.MIMEType,
Data: p.Data,
return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad type for part: %T; need string or llm.Blob", p)
return parts, nil
// responses parses all text responses from the response.
func responses(resp *genai.GenerateContentResponse) (rs []string) {
for _, c := range resp.Candidates {
if c.Content != nil {
for _, p := range c.Content.Parts {
if txt, ok := p.(genai.Text); ok {
rs = append(rs, string(txt))
return rs