blob: b64e1030dfcb99359e3ecec6893dc5103619b78e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package firestore
import (
// DB is a connection to a Firestore database.
// It implements [storage.DB].
type DB struct {
uid int64 // unique ID, to identify lock owners
locks *firestore.CollectionRef
values *firestore.CollectionRef
activeLocks *activeLocks // locks held by this DB
// NewDB constructs a [DB] with the given GCP logger, project ID, Firestore database, and client options.
// The projectID must not be empty.
// If the database is empty, the default database will be used.
// Key-value pairs are stored in the collection "values".
// Locks are stored in the collection "locks".
func NewDB(ctx context.Context, lg *slog.Logger, projectID, database string, opts ...option.ClientOption) (*DB, error) {
fs, err := newFstore(ctx, lg, projectID, database, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &DB{
fstore: fs,
uid: rand.Int64(),
locks: fs.client.Collection("locks"),
values: fs.client.Collection("values"),
activeLocks: &activeLocks{locks: make(map[string]*locked)},
}, nil
// vars for testing
var (
// how long to wait before stealing a lock
lockTimeout = 2 * time.Minute
// how often to renew a held lock
lockRenew = 1 * time.Minute
timeSince = time.Since
// Lock implements [storage.DB.Lock].
// Locks are stored as documents in the "locks" collection of the database.
// If the document exists its content is the UID of the [DB] that holds it,
// as set in [NewDB].
// It is an error for a DB to unlock a lock that it doesn't own.
// If the calling process fails, the lock times out after two minutes.
// Otherwise, locks are renewed every minute if Unlock is not called.
// There is no way to change the timeout or renew value.
func (db *DB) Lock(name string) {
// Wait for the lock in a separate function to avoid defers inside a loop, consuming
// memory on each iteration.
for !db.waitForLock(name) {
db.slog.Info("firestore locked", "name", storage.Fmt([]byte(name)))
// waitForLock waits for the lock to become available.
// It returns true if it acquires the lock, or false if it cannot
// acquire the lock after lockTimeout elapses.
func (db *DB) waitForLock(name string) bool {
// Use a snapshot iterator to iterate over changing states of the document.
// It yields its first value immediately, and subsequent values only when
// the document changes state.
// We want the iterator to time out eventually, or an orphaned lock document
// that remains unchanged could cause it to wait indefinitely.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), lockTimeout)
defer cancel()
dr := db.locks.Doc(encodeLockName(name))
iter := dr.Snapshots(ctx)
defer iter.Stop()
for {
_, err := iter.Next()
if err == nil {
if db.lock(name) {
return true
// We didn't get the lock; wait for a change in the lock document.
if grpcerrors.IsTimeout(err) {
// The lock document may not have changed for lockTimeout;
// assume that's true and try to steal it.
return db.lock(name)
// unreachable except for bad DB
db.Panic("firestore waiting for lock", "name", name, "err", err)
// lock tries to acquire the named lock in a transaction.
// It reports whether the lock was acquired.
// (The lock is not acquired if it is already held
// by this or another DB, and not expired.)
// On success, lock starts a goroutine to renew the acquired lock.
// lock panics if a lock with the given name is already held by this DB.
func (db *DB) lock(name string) bool {
// Lock is held by this DB, no need to check firestore.
if db.activeLocks.isHeld(name) {
return false
held := db.lockTx(name)
if !held {
return false
lk := db.activeLocks.lock(name)
if lk == nil {
db.Panic("lock of held lock", "name", name, "uid", db.uid)
// We have the lock. Renew it every minute until unlocked.
go db.manageLock(name, lk)
return held
// lockTx tries to acquire the named lock in a transaction.
// It reports whether the lock was acquired.
// (The lock is not acquired if it is already held
// by another DB, and not expired.)
func (db *DB) lockTx(name string) (held bool) {
db.runTransaction(func(ctx context.Context, tx *firestore.Transaction) {
// Transactions can run multiple times, so explicitly set
// held to false in each run.
held = false
uid, createTime, updateTime := db.getLock(tx, name)
if createTime.IsZero() {
db.setLock(tx, name)
held = true
if elapsed := timeSince(updateTime); elapsed > lockTimeout {
db.slog.Warn("taking expired lock", "name", name, "old", uid, "new", db.uid, "elapsed", elapsed)
db.setLock(tx, name)
held = true
return held
// manageLock renews the named lock in firestore every minute until
// Unlock is called, at which point it unlocks the lock in firestore.
// manageLock panics if the lock cannot be renewed or unlocked.
// The named lock must have already been acquired by this DB.
func (db *DB) manageLock(name string, lk *locked) {
for {
select {
case <-lk.unlock:
// Tell Unlock that it is safe to return.
case <-time.After(lockRenew):
db.slog.Info("renewing lock", "name", name, "uid", db.uid)
// unlockTx unlocks the named lock in a firestore transaction.
// It panics if the lock is already unlocked or held by another DB.
func (db *DB) unlockTx(name string) {
db.runTransaction(func(ctx context.Context, tx *firestore.Transaction) {
uid, createTime, _ := db.getLock(tx, name)
if createTime.IsZero() {
db.Panic("unlock of never locked key", "key", name)
if uid != db.uid {
db.Panic("unlocker is not owner", "key", name)
db.deleteLock(tx, name)
// renewTx renews the named lock in a firestore transaction,
// It panics if the locks is unlocked, expired or held by another DB.
func (db *DB) renewTx(name string) {
db.runTransaction(func(ctx context.Context, tx *firestore.Transaction) {
uid, createTime, updateTime := db.getLock(tx, name)
if createTime.IsZero() {
db.Panic("can't renew unlocked lock", "name", name, "uid", db.uid)
if uid != db.uid {
db.Panic("can't renew lock owned by another DB", "name", name, "uid", db.uid, "owner", uid)
if elapsed := timeSince(updateTime); elapsed > lockTimeout {
db.Panic("can't renew expired lock", "name", name, "uid", db.uid, "elapsed", elapsed)
db.setLock(tx, name)
// activeLocks represents the locks currently held by a DB.
// It allows a DB to remember which locks it has locked and
// unlocked, and to stop attempting to renew a lock that is unlocked.
type activeLocks struct {
mu sync.Mutex
// lock names to active locks
locks map[string]*locked
// Names returns the names of all the active locks.
func (a *activeLocks) Names() []string {
return slices.Sorted(maps.Keys(a.locks))
// A locked represents a currently held lock.
// It is created by db.Lock and used to co-ordinate between db.Unlock
// and db.manageLock.
type locked struct {
unlock chan struct{} // closed by Unlock
unlocked chan struct{} // closed by manageLock
func (a *activeLocks) isHeld(name string) bool {
_, ok := a.locks[name]
return ok
// lock returns a new active lock, which is also
// stored in the locks map under the given name.
// It returns nil if there is already an active lock with
// the given name.
func (a *activeLocks) lock(name string) *locked {
if _, ok := a.locks[name]; ok {
return nil
l := &locked{
unlock: make(chan struct{}),
unlocked: make(chan struct{}),
a.locks[name] = l
return l
// unlock unlocks the active lock with the given name
// and waits for renew to finish before returning.
// It returns an error if the lock is not held by this DB.
func (a *activeLocks) unlock(name string) error {
lk, ok := a.locks[name]
if !ok {
return errors.New("unlock of unlocked or unowned lock")
delete(a.locks, name)
// Wait for manageLock to delete the lock in firestore.
return nil
// Unlock releases the lock. It panics if the lock isn't locked by this DB.
func (db *DB) Unlock(name string) {
db.slog.Info("firestore unlock", "name", storage.Fmt([]byte(name)))
if err := db.activeLocks.unlock(name); err != nil {
db.Panic("could not unlock", "name", name, "uid", db.uid, "err", err)
// A lock describes a lock in firestore.
// The value consists of the UID of the DB that acquired the lock
// and a nonce to force Firestore to treat every renewal as an update.
// Otherwise the updateTime does not change on renewal.
type lock struct {
UID int64
Nonce int64
// setLock sets the value of the named lock in the DB, along with its update time.
func (db *DB) setLock(tx *firestore.Transaction, name string) {
db.set(tx, db.locks, encodeLockName(name), lock{
UID: db.uid,
Nonce: rand.Int64(),
// getLock returns the value of the named lock in the DB and the times
// it was created and last updated.
func (db *DB) getLock(tx *firestore.Transaction, name string) (uid int64, created time.Time, updated time.Time) {
ds := db.get(tx, db.locks, encodeLockName(name))
if ds == nil {
return 0, time.Time{}, time.Time{}
uid = dataTo[lock](db.fstore, ds).UID
return uid, ds.CreateTime, ds.UpdateTime
// deleteLock deletes the named lock in the DB.
func (db *DB) deleteLock(tx *firestore.Transaction, name string) {
db.delete(tx, db.locks, encodeLockName(name))
func encodeLockName(name string) string {
return hex.EncodeToString([]byte(name))
// Set implements [storage.DB.Set].
func (db *DB) Set(key, val []byte) {
if len(key) == 0 {
db.Panic("firestore set: empty key")
db.set(nil, db.values, encodeKey(key), value{val})
// Get implements [storage.DB.Get].
func (db *DB) Get(key []byte) ([]byte, bool) {
ekey := encodeKey(key)
ds := db.get(nil, db.values, ekey)
if ds == nil {
return nil, false
return dataTo[value](db.fstore, ds).V, true
// Delete implements [storage.DB.Delete].
func (db *DB) Delete(key []byte) {
db.delete(nil, db.values, encodeKey(key))
// DeleteRange implements [storage.DB.DeleteRange].
func (db *DB) DeleteRange(start, end []byte) {
db.deleteRange(db.values, encodeKey(start), encodeKey(end))
// Scan implements [storage.DB.Scan].
func (db *DB) Scan(start, end []byte) iter.Seq2[[]byte, func() []byte] {
return func(yield func(key []byte, valf func() []byte) bool) {
for ds := range db.scan(nil, db.values, encodeKey(start), encodeKey(end)) {
if !yield(decodeKey(ds.Ref.ID), func() []byte { return dataTo[value](db.fstore, ds).V }) {
// Batch implements [storage.DB.Batch].
func (db *DB) Batch() storage.Batch {
return &dbBatch{db.newBatch(db.values)}
type dbBatch struct {
b *batch
// Delete implements [storage.Batch.Delete].
func (b *dbBatch) Delete(key []byte) {
// DeleteRange implements [storage.Batch.DeleteRange].
func (b *dbBatch) DeleteRange(start, end []byte) {
b.b.deleteRange(encodeKey(start), encodeKey(end))
// Set implements [storage.Batch.Set].
func (b *dbBatch) Set(key, val []byte) {
if len(key) == 0 {
b.b.f.Panic("firestore batch set: empty key")
// TODO(jba): account for size of encoded struct.
b.b.set(encodeKey(key), value{slices.Clone(val)}, len(val))
// MaybeApply implements [storage.Batch.MaybeApply].
func (b *dbBatch) MaybeApply() bool {
return b.b.maybeApply()
// Apply implements [storage.Batch.Apply].
func (b *dbBatch) Apply() {
// encodeKey converts k to a string, preserving ordering.
func encodeKey(k []byte) string {
return hex.EncodeToString(k)
// decodeKey decodes an encoded key back to the original.
func decodeKey(s string) []byte {
b, err := hex.DecodeString(s)
if err != nil {
// unreachable except for bad DB
panic(fmt.Sprintf("decodeKey(%q) failed: %v", s, err))
return b
// keyAfter returns the lexically next encoded key after s.
func keyAfter(s string) string {
return s + "00"
// A value is a [DB] value as a Firestore document.
// (Firestore values must be maps or structs.)
type value struct {
V []byte