blob: 7aae9bf536a430663eaf85a3981d276c87ce6080 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gerrit
// The types stored in Gerrit.
// A ChangeInfo is the information recorded for a change.
// This describes Gerrit JSON data.
type ChangeInfo struct {
// ID of the change, currently <project>~<number>.
ID string `json:"id,omitempty"`
// Triplet ID, currently <project>~<branch>~<number>.
TripletID string `json:"triplet_id,omitempty"`
// The name of the project.
Project string `json:"project,omitempty"`
// The name of the target branch.
// The refs/heads/ prefix is omitted.
Branch string `json:"branch,omitempty"`
// The topic to which this change belongs.
Topic string `json:"topic,omitempty"`
// The map that maps account IDs to AttentionSetInfo of that
// account. Those are all accounts that are currently in the
// attention set.
AttentionSet map[int]AttentionSetInfo `json:"attention_set,omitempty"`
// The map that maps account IDs to AttentionSetInfo of that
// account. Those are all accounts that were in the attention
// set but were removed. The AttentionSetInfo is the latest
// and most recent removal of the account from the attention set.
RemovedFromAttentionSet map[int]AttentionSetInfo `json:"removed_from_attention_set,omitempty"`
// List of hashtags that are set on the change.
Hashtags []string `json:"hashtags,omitempty"`
// The Change-Id of the change.
ChangeID string `json:"change_id"`
// The subject of the change (header line of the commit message).
Subject string `json:"subject"`
// The status of the change (NEW, MERGED, ABANDONED).
Status string `json:"status"`
// The timestamp of when the change was created.
Created TimeStamp `json:"created"`
// The timestamp of when the change was last updated.
Updated TimeStamp `json:"updated"`
// The timestamp of when the change was submitted.
Submitted TimeStamp `json:"submitted,omitempty"`
// The user who submitted the change.
Submitter *AccountInfo `json:"submitter,omitempty"`
// The submit type of the change. Not set for merged changes.
SubmitType string `json:"submit_type,omitempty"`
// Whether the change has been approved by the project submit rules.
Submittable bool `json:"submittable,omitempty"`
// Number of inserted lines.
Insertions int `json:"insertions"`
// Number of deleted lines.
Deletions int `json:"deletions"`
// Total number of inline comments across all patch sets.
TotalCommentCount int `json:"total_comment_count"`
// Number of unresolved inline comment threads across all patch sets.
UnresolvedCommentCount int `json:"unresolved_comment_count,omitempty"`
// The change number.
Number int `json:"_number"`
// The virtual id number is globally unique. For local
// changes, it is equal to the _number attribute. For imported
// changes, the original _number is processed through a
// function designed to prevent conflicts with local change
// numbers. Note that its usage is intended solely for
// Gerrit’s internals and UI, and adoption outside these
// scenarios is not advised.
VirtualIDNumber int `json:"virtual_id_number"`
// The owner of the change.
Owner *AccountInfo `json:"owner"`
// List of the [SubmitRecordInfo] containing the submit records
// for the change at the latest patchset.
SubmitRecords []SubmitRecordInfo `json:"submit_records"`
// The labels of the change as a map that maps the label names
// to LabelInfo entries.
Labels map[string]LabelInfo `json:"labels,omitempty"`
// The reviewers as a map that maps a reviewer state to a list
// of AccountInfo entities. Possible reviewer states are:
// REVIEWER: Users with at least one non-zero vote on the change.
// CC: Users that were added to the change, but have not voted.
Reviewers map[string][]*AccountInfo `json:"reviewers,omitempty"`
// Updates to reviewers that have been made while the change
// was in the WIP state. Only present on WIP changes and only
// if there are pending reviewer updates to report. These are
// reviewers who have not yet been notified about being added
// to or removed from the change. Possible states are:
// REVIEWER: Users with at least one non-zero vote on the change.
// CC: Users that were added to the change, but have not voted.
// REMOVED: Users that were previously reviewers on the
// change, but have been removed.
PendingReviewers map[string][]*AccountInfo `json:"pending_reviewers,omitempty"`
// Messages associated with the change.
Messages []ChangeMessageInfo `json:"messages,omitempty"`
// The number of the current patch set of this change.
CurrentRevisionNumber int `json:"current_revision_number"`
// The commit ID of the current patch set of this change.
CurrentRevision string `json:"current_revision,omitempty"`
// All patch sets of this change as a map that maps the commit
// ID of the patch set to a [RevisionInfo] entity.
Revisions map[string]RevisionInfo `json:"revisions,omitempty"`
// The SHA-1 of the NoteDb meta ref.
MetaRevID string `json:"meta_rev_id,omitempty"`
// When present, change is marked as private.
IsPrivate bool `json:"is_private,omitempty"`
// When present, change is marked as Work In Progress.
WorkInProgress bool `json:"work_in_progress,omitempty"`
// When present, change has been marked Ready at some point in time.
HasReviewStarted bool `json:"has_review_started,omitempty"`
// The change number of the change that this change reverts.
RevertOf int `json:"revert_of,omitempty"`
// ID of the submission of this change. Only set if the status
// is MERGED. This ID is equal to the change number of the
// change that triggered the submission. If the change that
// triggered the submission also has a topic, it will be
// "<id>-<topic>" of the change that triggered the
// submission. The callers must not rely on the format of the
// submission ID.
SubmissionID string `json:"submission_id,omitempty"`
// The change number of the change that this change was
// cherry-picked from. Only set if the cherry-pick has been
// done through the Gerrit REST API (and not if a
// cherry-picked commit was pushed).
CherryPickOfChange int `json:"cherry_pic_of_change,omitempty"`
// The patchset number of the change that this change was
// cherry-picked from. Only set if the cherry-pick has been
// done through the Gerrit REST API (and not if a
// cherry-picked commit was pushed).
CherryPickOfPatchSet int `json:"cherry_pick_of_patch_set,omitempty"`
// The remaining fields are defined by Gerrit but we don't
// request their values.
// CustomKeyedValues map[string]string `json:"custom_keyed_values,omitempty"`
// Starred bool `json:"starred,omitempty"`
// Reviewed bool `json:"reviewed,omitempty"`
// Mergeable bool `json:"mergeable,omitempty"`
// Actions map[string]*ActionInfo `json:"actions,omitempty"`
// Requirements `json:"requirements,omitempty"`
// SubmitRequirements []SubmitRequirementResultInfo `json:"submit_requirements,omitempty"`
// PermittedLabels map[string][]string `json:"permitted_labels,omitempty"`
// RemovableLabels map[string]*AccountInfo `json:"removable_labels,omitempty"`
// RemovableReviewers []*AccountInfo `json:"removable_reviewers,omitempty"`
// ReviewerUpdates []ReviewerUpdateInfo `json:"reviewer_updates,omitempty"`
// TrackingIDs []TrackingIDInfo `json:"tracking_ids,omitempty"`
// Problems []ProblemInfo `json:"problems,omitempty"`
// ContainsGitConflicts bool `json:"contains_git_conflicts,omitempty"`
// AccountInfo contains information about an account.
// This describes Gerrit JSON data.
type AccountInfo struct {
// The numeric ID of the account.
AccountID int `json:"_account_id"`
// The full name of the user.
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// The display name of the user.
DisplayName string `json:"display_name,omitempty"`
// The email address the user prefers to be contacted through.
Email string `json:"email,omitempty"`
// The username of the user.
UserName string `json:"username,omitempty"`
// List of [AvatarInfo] entities that provide information about
// avatar images of the account.
Avatars []AvatarInfo `json:"avatars,omitempty"`
// Status message of the account.
Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`
// Whether the account is inactive.
Inactive bool `json:"inactive,omitempty"`
// List of additional tags that this account has. The only
// current tag an account can have is SERVICE_USER.
Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"`
// The remaining fields are defined by Gerrit but we don't
// request their values.
// SecondaryEmails []string `json:"secondary_emails,omitempty"`
// AvatarInfo holds Information about an avatar image of an account.
// This describes Gerrit JSON data.
type AvatarInfo struct {
// The URL to the avatar image.
URL string `json:"url"`
// The height of the avatar image in pixels.
Height int `json:"height"`
// The width of the avatar image in pixels.
Width int `json:"width,omitempty"`
// AttentionSetInfo describes users in the Gerrit attention set.
// This describes Gerrit JSON data.
type AttentionSetInfo struct {
// The account.
Account *AccountInfo `json:"account"`
// The timestamp of the last update.
LastUpdate TimeStamp `json:"last_update"`
// The reason for adding or removing the user. If the update
// was caused by another user, that account is represented by
// account ID in reason as <GERRIT_ACCOUNT_18419> and the
// corresponding AccountInfo can be found in reason_account field.
Reason string `json:"reason"`
// AccountInfo of the user who caused the update.
ReasonAccount *AccountInfo `json:"reason_account"`
// SubmitRecordInfo holds results from a submit rule.
// This describes Gerrit JSON data.
type SubmitRecordInfo struct {
// The name of the submit rule that created this submit record.
// The submit rule is specified in the form of "$plugin~$rule"
// where $plugin is the plugin name and $rule is the name of
// the class that implemented the submit rule.
RuleName string `json:"rule_name"`
// OK, the change can be submitted.
// NOT_READY, additional labels are required before submit.
// CLOSED, closed changes cannot be submitted.
// FORCED, the change was submitted bypassing the submit rule.
// RULE_ERROR, rule code failed with an error.
status string `json:"status"`
// A list of labels, each containing the following fields.
// * label: the label name.
// * status:
// * appliedBy:
Labels []struct {
// The label name.
Label string `json:"label"`
// The label status: {OK, REJECT, MAY, NEED, IMPOSSIBLE}.
Status string `json:"status"`
// The account that applied the vote to the label.
AppliedBy *AccountInfo `json:"appliedBy"`
} `json:"labels,omitempty"`
// List of the requirements to be met before this change can
// be submitted.
Requirements []Requirement `json:"requirements,omitempty"`
// When status is RULE_ERROR this message provides some text
// describing the failure of the rule predicate.
ErrorMessage string `json:"error_message,omitempty"`
// Requirement hold information about a requirement relative to a change.
// This describes Gerrit JSON data.
type Requirement struct {
// Status of the requirement. Can be either OK, NOT_READY or RULE_ERROR.
Status string `json:"status"`
// A human readable reason.
FallbackText string `json:"fallback_text"`
// Alphanumerical (plus hyphens or underscores) string to
// identify what the requirement is and why it was
// triggered. Can be seen as a class: requirements sharing the
// same type were created for a similar reason, and the data
// structure will follow one set of rules.
Type string `json:"type"`
// LabelInfo holds information about a label on a change, always
// corresponding to the current patch set.
// This describes Gerrit JSON data.
type LabelInfo struct {
// Whether the label is optional. Optional means the label may
// be set, but it’s neither necessary for submission nor does
// it block submission if set.
Optional bool `json:"optional,omitempty"`
// The description of the label.
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
// One user who approved this label on the change (voted the
// maximum value).
Approved *AccountInfo `json:"approved,omitempty"`
// One user who rejected this label on the change (voted the
// minimum value) .
Rejected *AccountInfo `json:"rejected,omitempty"`
// One user who recommended this label on the change (voted
// positively, but not the maximum value).
Recommended *AccountInfo `json:"recommended,omitempty"`
// One user who disliked this label on the change (voted
// negatively, but not the minimum value).
Disliked *AccountInfo `json:"disliked,omitempty"`
// If true, the label blocks submit operation.
Blocking bool `json:"blocking,omitempty"`
// The voting value of the user who recommended/disliked this
// label on the change if it is not “+1”/“-1”.
Value int `json:"value,omitempty"`
// The default voting value for the label. This value may be
// outside the range specified in permitted_labels.
DefaultValue int `json:"default_value,omitempty"`
// A list of integers containing the vote values applied to
// this label at the latest patchset.
Votes []int `json:"votes,omitempty"`
// List of all approvals for this label. Items in this list
// may not represent actual votes cast by users; if a user
// votes on any label, a corresponding ApprovalInfo will
// appear in this list for all labels.
All []*ApprovalInfo `json:"all,omitempty"`
// A map of all values that are allowed for this label. The
// map maps the values (“-2”, “-1”, " `0`", “+1”, “+2”) to the
// value descriptions.
Values map[string]string `json:"values,omitempty"`
// ApprovalInfo holds information about an approval from a user for a
// label on a change.
// This describes Gerrit JSON data.
type ApprovalInfo struct {
// The account that approved.
// The vote that the user has given for the label. If present
// and zero, the user is permitted to vote on the label. If
// absent, the user is not permitted to vote on that label.
Value int `json:"value,omitempty"`
// The VotingRangeInfo the user is authorized to vote on that
// label. If present, the user is permitted to vote on the
// label regarding the range values. If absent, the user is
// not permitted to vote on that label.
PermittedVotingRange VotingRangeInfo `json:"permitted_voting_range,omitempty"`
// The time and date describing when the approval was made.
Date TimeStamp `json:"date,omitempty"`
// Value of the tag field from ReviewInput set while posting
// the review. Votes/comments that contain tag with
// 'autogenerated:' prefix can be filtered out in the web UI.
Tag string `json:"tag,omitempty"`
// If true, this vote was made after the change was submitted.
PostSubmit bool `json:"post_submit,omitempty"`
// VotingRangeInfo describes the continuous voting range from min to
// max values.
// This describes Gerrit JSON data.
type VotingRangeInfo struct {
// The minimum voting value.
Min int `json:"min"`
// The maximum voting value.
Max int `json:"max"`
// ChangeMessageInfo holds information about a message attached to a change.
// This describes Gerrit JSON data.
type ChangeMessageInfo struct {
// The ID of the message.
ID string `json:"id"`
// Author of the message as an AccountInfo entity.
// Unset if written by the Gerrit system.
Author *AccountInfo `json:"author,omitempty"`
// Real author of the message as an AccountInfo entity.
// Only set if the message was posted on behalf of another user.
RealAuthor *AccountInfo `json:"real_author,omitempty"`
// The timestamp this message was posted.
Date TimeStamp `json:"date"`
// The text left by the user or Gerrit system. Accounts are
// served as account IDs inlined in the text as
// <GERRIT_ACCOUNT_18419>. All accounts, used in message, can
// be found in accounts_in_message field.
Message string `json:"message"`
// AccountInfo list, used in message.
AccountsInMessage []*AccountInfo `json:"accounts_in_message,omitempty"`
// Value of the tag field from ReviewInput set while posting
// the review. Votes/comments that contain tag with
// 'autogenerated:' prefix can be filtered out in the web UI.
Tag string `json:"tag,omitempty"`
// Which patchset (if any) generated this message.
RevisionNumber int `json:"_revision_number,omitempty"`
// RevisionInfo contains information about a patch set.
// This describes Gerrit JSON data.
type RevisionInfo struct {
// The change kind. Valid values are REWORK, TRIVIAL_REBASE,
Kind string `json:"kind"`
// The patch set number, or edit if the patch set is an edit.
Number int `json:"_number"`
// The timestamp of when the patch set was created.
Created TimeStamp `json:"created"`
// The uploader of the patch set as an AccountInfo entity.
Uploader *AccountInfo `json:"uploader"`
// The real uploader of the patch set as an AccountInfo entity.
// Only set if the upload was done on behalf of another user.
RealUploader *AccountInfo `json:"real_uploader,omitempty"`
// The Git reference for the patch set.
Ref string `json:"ref"`
// The commit of the patch set as a CommitInfo entity.
Commit *CommitInfo `json:"commit,omitempty"`
// The parent commits of this patch-set commit as a list of
// ParentInfo entities. In each parent, we include the target
// branch name if the parent is a merged commit in the target
// branch. Otherwise, we include the change and patch-set
// numbers of the parent change.
ParentsData []ParentInfo `json:"parents_data,omitempty"`
// The name of the target branch that this revision is set to
// be merged into. Note that if the change is moved with the
// Move Change endpoint, this field can be different for
// different patchsets. For example, if the change is moved
// and a new patchset is uploaded afterwards, the RevisionInfo
// of the previous patchset will contain the old branch, but
// the newer patchset will contain the new branch.
Branch string `json:"branch,omitempty"`
// The description of this patchset, as displayed in the
// patchset selector menu. May be empty if no description is set.
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
// The remaining fields are defined by Gerrit but we don't
// request their values.
// Fetch []FetchInfo `json:"fetch,omitempty"`
// Files map[string]FileInfo `json:"files,omitempty"`
// Actions map[string]ActionInfo `json:"actions,omitempty"`
// Reviewed bool `json:"reviewed,omitempty"`
// CommitWithFooters string `json:"commit_with_footers,omitempty"`
// PushCertificate PushCertificateInfo `json:"push_certificate,omitempty"`
// CommitInfo holds information about a commit.
// This describes Gerrit JSON data.
type CommitInfo struct {
// The commit ID. Not set if included in a RevisionInfo entity
// that is contained in a map which has the commit ID as key.
Commit string `json:"commit,omitempty"`
// The parent commits of this commit as a list of CommitInfo
// entities. In each parent only the commit and subject fields
// are populated.
Parents []CommitInfo `json:"parents,omitempty"`
// The author of the commit as a GitPersonInfo entity.
Author *GitPersonInfo `json:"author,omitempty"`
// The committer of the commit as a GitPersonInfo entity.
Committer *GitPersonInfo `json:"committer,omitempty"`
// The subject of the commit (header line of the commit message).
Subject string `json:"subject"`
// The commit message.
Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
// Links to the patch set in external sites as a list of
// WebLinkInfo entities.
WebLinks []WebLinkInfo `json:"web_links,omitempty"`
// Links to the commit in external sites for resolving
// conflicts as a list of WebLinkInfo entities.
ResolveConflictsWebLinks []WebLinkInfo `json:"resolve_conflicts_web_links,omitempty"`
// GitPersonInfo holds information about the author/committer of a commit.
// This describes Gerrit JSON data.
type GitPersonInfo struct {
// The name of the author/committer.
Name string `json:"name"`
// The email address of the author/committer.
Email string `json:"email"`
// The timestamp of when this identity was constructed.
Date TimeStamp `json:"date"`
// The timezone offset from UTC of when this identity was constructed.
TZ int `json:"tz"`
// WebLinkInfo describes a link to an external site.
// This describes Gerrit JSON data.
type WebLinkInfo struct {
// The text to be linkified.
Name string `json:"name"`
// Tooltip to show when hovering over the link.
Tooltip string `json:"tooltip,omitempty"`
// The link URL.
URL string `json:"url"`
// URL to the icon of the link.
ImageURL string `json:"image_url,omitempty"`
// ParentInfo holds information about the parent commit of a patch-set.
// This describes Gerrit JSON data.
type ParentInfo struct {
// Name of the target branch into which the parent commit is merged.
BranchName string `json:"branch_name,omitempty"`
// The commit SHA-1 of the parent commit, or empty if the
// current commit is root.
CommitID string `json:"commit_id,omitempty"`
// Set to true if the parent commit is merged into the target branch.
IsMergedInTargetBranch bool `json:"is_merged_in_target_branch,omitempty"`
// If the parent commit is a patch-set of another gerrit
// change, this field will hold the change ID of the parent
// change. Otherwise, will be empty.
ChangeID string `json:"change_id,omitempty"`
// If the parent commit is a patch-set of another gerrit
// change, this field will hold the change number of the
// parent change. Otherwise, will be zero.
ChangeNumber int `json:"change_number,omitempty"`
// If the parent commit is a patch-set of another gerrit
// change, this field will hold the patch-set number of the
// parent change. Otherwise, will be zero.
PatchSetNumber int `json:"patch_set_number,omitempty"`
// If the parent commit is a patch-set of another gerrit
// change, this field will hold the change status of the
// parent change. Otherwise, will be empty.
ChangeStatus string `json:"change_status,omitempty"`
// CommentInfo holds information about an inline comment.
// This describes Gerrit JSON data.
type CommentInfo struct {
// The patch set number for the comment; only set in contexts
// where comments may be returned for multiple patch sets.
PatchSet int `json:"patch_set,omitempty"`
// The URL encoded UUID of the comment.
ID string `json:"id"`
// The file path for which the inline comment was done.
// Not set if returned in a map where the key is the file path.
Path string `json:"path,omitempty"`
// The side on which the comment was added.
// Allowed values are REVISION and PARENT.
// If not set, the default is REVISION.
Side string `json:"side,omitempty"`
// The 1-based parent number. Used only for merge commits when
// side == PARENT. When not set the comment is for the
// auto-merge tree.
Parent int `json:"parent,omitempty"`
// The number of the line for which the comment was done.
// If range is set, this equals the end line of the range.
// If neither line nor range is set, it’s a file comment.
Line int `json:"line,omitempty"`
// The range of the comment as a CommentRange entity.
Range *CommentRange `json:"range,omitempty"`
// The URL encoded UUID of the comment to which this comment is a reply.
InReplyTo string `json:"in_reply_to,omitempty"`
// The comment message.
Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
// The timestamp of when this comment was written.
Updated TimeStamp `json:"updated"`
// The author of the message as an AccountInfo entity.
// Unset for draft comments, assumed to be the calling user.
Author *AccountInfo `json:"author,omitempty"`
// Value of the tag field from ReviewInput set while posting
// the review.
Tag string `json:"tag,omitempty"`
// Whether or not the comment must be addressed by the
// user. The state of resolution of a comment thread is stored
// in the last comment in that thread chronologically.
Unresolved bool `json:"unresolved,omitempty"`
// The id of the change message that this comment is linked to.
ChangeMessageID string `json:"change_message_id,omitempty"`
// Hex commit SHA-1 (40 characters string) of the commit of
// the patchset to which this comment applies.
CommitID string `json:"commit_id,omitempty"`
// Suggested fixes for this comment.
FixSuggestions []FixSuggestionInfo `json:"fix_suggestions,omitempty"`
// The remaining fields are defined by Gerrit but we don't
// request their values.
// ContextLines []ContextLine `json:"context_lines,omitempty"`
// SourceContextType string `json:"source_content_type,omitempty"`
// FixSuggestionInfo represents a suggested fix.
// This describes Gerrit JSON data.
type FixSuggestionInfo struct {
// The UUID of the suggested fix.
FixID string `json:"fix_id,omitempty"`
// A description of the suggested fix.
Description string `json:"description"`
// A list of FixReplacementInfo entities indicating how the
// content of one or several files should be modified. Within
// a file, they should refer to non-overlapping regions.
Replacements []FixReplacementInfo `json:"replacements"`
// FixReplacementInfo describes how the content of a file should be
// replaced by another content.
// This describes Gerrit JSON data.
type FixReplacementInfo struct {
// The path of the file which should be modified. Any file in
// the repository may be modified. The commit message can be
// modified via the magic file /COMMIT_MSG though only the
// part below the generated header of that magic file can be
// modified. References to the header lines will result in
// errors when the fix is applied.
Path string `json:"path"`
// A CommentRange indicating which content of the file should
// be replaced. Lines in the file are assumed to be separated
// by the line feed character.
Range CommentRange `json:"range"`
// The content which should be used instead of the current one.
Replacement string `json:"replacement"`
// CommentRange describes the range of an inline comments. The
// comment range is a range from the start position, specified by
// start_line and start_character, to the end position, specified by
// end_line and end_character. The start position is inclusive and the
// end position is exclusive.
// This describes Gerrit JSON data.
type CommentRange struct {
// The start line number of the range. (1-based)
StartLine int `json:"start_line"`
// The character position in the start line. (0-based)
StartCharacter int `json:"start_character"`
// The end line number of the range. (1-based)
EndLine int `json:"end_line"`
// The character position in the end line. (0-based)
EndCharacter int `json:"end_character"`