blob: 79be5666ef093e2d876a5344cae7cf6617b8c499 [file] [log] [blame]
set -e
# This script creates Firestore databases for Oscar.
# It takes no arguments, but requires that the OSCAR_PROJECT
# environment variable is defined.
# It creates three databases:
# test for unit and integration tests
# devel for experimentation (not dev; DB names must be at least 4 chars)
# prod for production
if [[ $OSCAR_PROJECT = '' ]]; then
echo >&2 "set env var OSCAR_PROJECT to the ID of the GCP project"
exit 2
for env in test devel prod; do
(set -x;
# nam5 is a multi-region location in the central US.
# Delete protection prevents database deletion.
# PITR is point-in-time recovery:
gcloud firestore databases create \
--project $OSCAR_PROJECT \
--database $env \
--location nam5 \
--delete-protection \
# The test DB requires this index for the vector test (see internal/storage/vtest.go).
gcloud alpha firestore indexes composite create \
--project=$OSCAR_PROJECT --database=test --collection-group=vectors --query-scope=COLLECTION \
--field-config=vector-config='{"dimension":"16","flat": "{}"}',field-path=Embedding