all: deprecate NoContext

There is no good reason why we suggest NoContext rather than
context.Background(). When the oauth2 library first came around, the
community was not familiar with the x/net/context package. For
documentation reasons, we decided to add NoContext to the oauth2
package. It was not a good idea even back then. And given that context
package is fairly popular, there is no good reason why we are
depending on this.

Updating all the references of NoContext with context.Background
and documenting it as deprecated.

Change-Id: I18e390f1351023a29b567777a3f963dd550cf657
Reviewed-by: Chris Broadfoot <>
6 files changed
tree: f8ee332daad67853dee9054dbe74bca09e169934
  1. bitbucket/
  2. clientcredentials/
  3. facebook/
  4. fitbit/
  5. github/
  6. google/
  7. heroku/
  8. hipchat/
  9. internal/
  10. jws/
  11. jwt/
  12. linkedin/
  13. mediamath/
  14. microsoft/
  15. odnoklassniki/
  16. paypal/
  17. slack/
  18. uber/
  19. vk/
  20. .travis.yml
  22. client_appengine.go
  25. example_test.go
  27. oauth2.go
  28. oauth2_test.go
  30. token.go
  31. token_test.go
  32. transport.go
  33. transport_test.go

OAuth2 for Go

Build Status

oauth2 package contains a client implementation for OAuth 2.0 spec.


go get

See godoc for further documentation and examples.

App Engine

In change 96e89be (March 2015) we removed the oauth2.Context2 type in favor of the context.Context type from the package

This means its no longer possible to use the “Classic App Engine” appengine.Context type with the oauth2 package. (You're using Classic App Engine if you import the package "appengine".)

To work around this, you may use the new "" package. This package has almost the same API as the "appengine" package, but it can be fetched with go get and used on “Managed VMs” and well as Classic App Engine.

See the new appengine package's readme for information on updating your app.

If you don't want to update your entire app to use the new App Engine packages, you may use both sets of packages in parallel, using only the new packages with the oauth2 package.

import (
	newappengine ""
	newurlfetch ""


func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	var c appengine.Context = appengine.NewContext(r)
	c.Infof("Logging a message with the old package")

	var ctx context.Context = newappengine.NewContext(r)
	client := &http.Client{
		Transport: &oauth2.Transport{
			Source: google.AppEngineTokenSource(ctx, "scope"),
			Base:   &newurlfetch.Transport{Context: ctx},