| // generated by go run gen.go; DO NOT EDIT |
| |
| package publicsuffix |
| |
| const version = "publicsuffix.org's public_suffix_list.dat, git revision 41cb01612341c7ce3bcdd0cc4e696ae9f6416600 (2019-11-08T08:48:39Z)" |
| |
| const ( |
| nodesBitsChildren = 10 |
| nodesBitsICANN = 1 |
| nodesBitsTextOffset = 15 |
| nodesBitsTextLength = 6 |
| |
| childrenBitsWildcard = 1 |
| childrenBitsNodeType = 2 |
| childrenBitsHi = 14 |
| childrenBitsLo = 14 |
| ) |
| |
| const ( |
| nodeTypeNormal = 0 |
| nodeTypeException = 1 |
| nodeTypeParentOnly = 2 |
| ) |
| |
| // numTLD is the number of top level domains. |
| const numTLD = 1538 |
| |
| // Text is the combined text of all labels. |
| const text = "9guacuiababia-goracleaningroks-theatree12hpalermomahachijoinvill" + |
| "eksvik12ix4432-balsfjordd-dnsiskinkyotobetsulikes-piedmonticello" + |
| "dingenaturhistorisches3-ap-south-16-b-dataikikonaikawachinaganoh" + |
| "aramcoachampionshiphoptobishimadridvagsoyereportatarantours3-ap-" + |
| "northeast-2038bloombergbauerninomiyakonojorpelandiyusuharabloxcm" + |
| "s3-website-us-west-2bluedancebmoattachments5yusuisservehumourbms" + |
| "akyotanabellunord-aurdalvdalaskanittedallasalleangaviikaascolipi" + |
| "cenodumetlifeinsurancebmwedeployuu2-localhostoregontrailroadnpar" + |
| "isor-fronirasakindigenaklodzkochikushinonsenergyuzawabnrwegrowei" + |
| "bolognagasakimobetsuitainaioirasebastopologyeongnamegawakayamaga" + |
| "zineat-urlimitedrangedalimoliseoullensvanguardray-dnsupdaternopi" + |
| "lawatchesalangenishiazaindustriabomloabathsbcatholicaxiashorokan" + |
| "aiebondrayddnsfreebox-osascoli-picenordre-landraydnsalondonetska" + |
| "rlsoybonnishigobookinghostfoldnavyboomlahppiacenzachpomorskienis" + |
| "hiharaboschaefflerdalinkyard-cloudnsaltdalivornobostikarmoybosto" + |
| "nakijinsekikogentingloboavistanbulsan-sudtirolombardynaliaskimit" + |
| "subatamibugattiffanynysadoes-itvedestrandrivefsnillfjordrobaknol" + |
| "uoktachikawakembuchikumagayagawakkanaibetsubamericanfamilydsclou" + |
| "deitychyattorneyagawafflecellclaimsaludrudupontariodejaneirodoyb" + |
| "otanicalgardenishiizunazukindustriesteamfamberkeleybotanicgarden" + |
| "ishikatakazakinfinitintuitjxfinitybotanybouncemerckmsdnipropetro" + |
| "vskjervoyagebounty-fullensakerrypropertiesalvadordalibabalestran" + |
| "dabergamo-siemensncfdurbanamexnethnologyboutiquebecheltenham-rad" + |
| "io-openairbusantiquest-a-la-maisondre-landroidurhamburglogoweirb" + |
| "ozen-sudtirolomzaporizhzhegurinuyamashinatsukigatakasakitchenish" + |
| "ikatsuragit-reposalzburgloppenzaolbia-tempio-olbiatempioolbialys" + |
| "tokkepnogatagajobojinvestmentsamegawabozen-suedtirolondrinamssko" + |
| "ganeinzais-a-candidatebplacedogawarabikomaezakirunorddalorenskog" + |
| "lugmbhartipscbgminakamichiharabrandywinevalleybrasiliabrindisibe" + |
| "nikinderoybristoloseyouriparliamentkmaxxjavald-aostarostwodzisla" + |
| "wellbeingzonebritishcolumbialowiezaganquanpachigasakievennodesab" + |
| "aerobaticketsamnangerbroadcastleclerchernihivgubsampalacebroadwa" + |
| "ybroke-itksatxn--0trq7p7nnishikawazukamisunagawabrokerbronnoysun" + |
| "dweberbrothermesaverdealstahaugesunderseaportsinfolldalotenkawab" + |
| "rowsersafetymarketsamsclubartowfarmsteadynathomebuiltmparmattele" + |
| "fonicarbonia-iglesias-carboniaiglesiascarboniabrumunddalottebrun" + |
| "elasticbeanstalkarpaczeladzparochernigovernmentoyosatoyokawabrus" + |
| "selsamsungmodellingmxn--11b4c3dyndns-at-homedepotenzamamidsundyn" + |
| "dns-at-workisboringrimstadyndns-blogdnsandnessjoenishimerabruxel" + |
| "lesandoybryansklepparsandvikcoromantovalle-d-aostaticsanfrancisc" + |
| "ofreakunemurorangeiseiyoichippubetsubetsugarugbydgoszczecinemage" + |
| "ntositecnologiabrynewhollandyndns-freeboxosloftranakanojoetsuwan" + |
| "ouchikujogaszkolajollamericanexpressexybuskerudinewmexicoalottok" + |
| "onamegatakatsukis-a-catererbuzentsujiiebuzzwhalingripebwhoswhokk" + |
| "sundyndns-homednsangobzhitomirumalatvuopmicrolightingriwataraidy" + |
| "ndns-ipartis-a-celticsfanishinomiyashironobzzcolognexus-2colonia" + |
| "lwilliamsburgrongausdalukowiiheyakumoldeloittemp-dnsaogoncartier" + |
| "coloradoplateaudiocolumbusheycommunecommunitycomoarekecomparemar" + |
| "kerryhotelsaotomeloyalistoragecompute-1computerhistoryofscience-" + |
| "fictioncomsecuritytacticsapporocondoshichinohealth-carereformina" + |
| "miechizenconferenceconstructionconsuladonnakaiwamizawassamukawat" + |
| "aricoharuovatranoyconsultanthropologyconsultingrossetouchihayaak" + |
| "asakawaharacontactransportecontagematsubaracontemporaryarteducat" + |
| "ionalchikugodontexistmein-iservebeercontractorskenconventureshin" + |
| "odebalancertificationcookingchannelsdvrdnsfor-better-thanawatcha" + |
| "ndclockashiwaracooluroycooperativano-frankivskolegallocus-3copen" + |
| "hagencyclopedichiryukyuragifuchungbukharanzanishinoomotegocorsic" + |
| "afederationcorvettemasekashiwazakiyosatokamachintaifun-dnsdojols" + |
| "tercosenzakopanecosidnshome-webserverdalutskasukabedzin-berlinda" + |
| "sdaburcostumedicinakamagayahabaghdadyndns-workshopitsitevadsobet" + |
| "sumidatlantichitachinakagawashtenawdev-myqnapcloudcontrolledekag" + |
| "aminogiftsanjotoyotapartsannanishinoshimatsuuracouchpotatofriesa" + |
| "rdegnaroycounciluxurycouponsardiniacq-acranbrookuwanalyticsarluz" + |
| "erncrdyndns1creditcardynnsarpsborgroundhandlingroznycreditunionc" + |
| "remonashgabadaddjaguarqhachirogatakanezawacrewildlifedorainfracl" + |
| "ouderacricketrzyncrimeast-kazakhstanangercrotonecrownipasadenara" + |
| "shinocrsvpassagensarufutsunomiyawakasaikaitakoelncruisesasayamac" + |
| "ryptonomichigangwoncuisinellair-traffic-controlleyculturalcenter" + |
| "tainmentransurlvivanovoldacuneocupcakecuritibahcavuotnagaivuotna" + |
| "gaokakyotambabyeniwaizumiotsukumiyamazonawsagaeroclubmedecincinn" + |
| "ationwidealercxn--12c1fe0bradescorporationcymrussiacyonabarumina" + |
| "mifuranocyoutheworkpccwilliamhillferrerotikagoshimalvikasumigaur" + |
| "awa-mazowszextraspace-to-rentalstomakomaibarafetsundynuconnectra" + |
| "paniizafgruefhvalerfidoomdnstracefieldynv6figueresinstaginguideg" + |
| "reefilateliafilegear-audnedalnfilegear-deatnufcfanfilegear-gbizf" + |
| "ilegear-iefilegear-jpmorganfilegear-sguitarsavannahgafilminamiiz" + |
| "ukamiokameokameyamatotakadafinalfinancefineartsaves-the-whalessa" + |
| "ndria-trani-barletta-andriatranibarlettaandriafinlandynvpnplus-4" + |
| "finnoyfirebaseapplinzis-a-financialadvisor-aurdalfirenzefireston" + |
| "efirmdalegoldpoint2thisamitsukefishingolffansavonarusawafitjarvo" + |
| "dkafjordyroyrvikingrpassenger-associationfitnessettlementraveler" + |
| "sinsurancefjalerflesbergujohanamakinoharaflickragerogersaxofligh" + |
| "tschoenbrunnflirfloginlinefloraflorencefloridattorelayfloripader" + |
| "bornfloristanohatakaharulminamimakis-a-geekasuyanagawaflorokunoh" + |
| "ealthcareerschokokekschokoladenflowerscholarshipschoolschulefltr" + |
| "dflynnhosting-clusterflynnhubanzaicloudcontrolappleborkdalpha-my" + |
| "qnapcloud66fndfor-ourfor-somedizinhistorischeschwarzgwangjuniper" + |
| "for-theaterforexrothadanorthwesternmutualforgotdnschweizforli-ce" + |
| "sena-forlicesenaforlikescandyn53forsaleikangerforsandasuologoipa" + |
| "triafortalfortmissoulancashirecreationfortworthadselectrentin-su" + |
| "d-tirolforumzfosnesciencecentersciencehistoryfotaris-a-greenfoxf" + |
| "ordebianfozorafredrikstadtvscientistordalfreeddnsgeekgalaxyfreed" + |
| "esktopocznore-og-uvdalfreemasonryfreesitexaskoyabearalvahkihokum" + |
| "akogengerdalcesurancechirealmpmnfreetlscjohnsonfreiburgulenfreig" + |
| "htrentin-sudtirolfreseniuscountryestateofdelawareggio-calabriafr" + |
| "ibourgunmaoris-a-gurulvikaszubyfriuli-v-giuliafriuli-ve-giuliafr" + |
| "iuli-vegiuliafriuli-venezia-giuliafriuli-veneziagiuliafriuli-vgi" + |
| "uliafriuliv-giuliafriulive-giuliafriulivegiuliafriulivenezia-giu" + |
| "liafriuliveneziagiuliafriulivgiuliafrlfroganscotlandfrognfroland" + |
| "from-akrehamnfrom-alfrom-arfrom-azimuthdfcbankatowicefrom-capebr" + |
| "etonamicrosoftbankatsushikabeeldengeluidfrom-codyn-vpndnscrapper" + |
| "-sitefrom-ctrentin-sued-tirolfrom-dchitosetogakushimotoganewspap" + |
| "erfrom-dedyn-berlincolnfrom-flanderscrappinguovdageaidnunusualpe" + |
| "rsonfrom-gaulardalfrom-hichisochildrensgardenfrom-iafrom-idfrom-" + |
| "ilfrom-in-brbarcelonagareyamaizuruhrhcloudiscoveryombolzano-alto" + |
| "adigeu-3from-kscrysechocolatelemarkaruizawafrom-kyowariasahikawa" + |
| "winbarclaycards3-fips-us-gov-west-1from-lancasterfrom-mamurogawa" + |
| "from-mdfrom-meeresistancefrom-mifunefrom-mnfrom-modalenfrom-mser" + |
| "veirchofunatoriginstitutelevisionishiokoppegardyndns-mailouvreit" + |
| "oyotomiyazakis-a-chefarsundyndns-office-on-the-webhareidsbergeni" + |
| "shitosashimizunaminamibosogndalowiczest-le-patronishiwakis-a-con" + |
| "servativegarsheis-a-cpadualstackhero-networkinggroupartyfrom-mtn" + |
| "from-nctulanciafrom-ndfrom-nefrom-nh-serveblogsiteleafamilycompa" + |
| "nyminamiminowafrom-njaworznoticiasnesoddenmarkhangelskjakdneprop" + |
| "etrovskiervaapsteiermarkatsuyamarylandfrom-nminamioguni5from-nva" + |
| "lled-aostamayufuettertdasnetzfrom-nyfrom-ohkurafrom-oketogurafro" + |
| "m-orfrom-padovaksdalfrom-pratohmangonohejis-a-hard-workerservemi" + |
| "necraftrentin-suedtirolfrom-ris-a-hunterfrom-schmidtre-gauldalfr" + |
| "om-sdfrom-tnfrom-txn--12co0c3b4evalleaostavernfrom-utazuerichard" + |
| "lillehammerfeste-ipaviancarrdfrom-val-daostavalleyfrom-vtrentino" + |
| "-a-adigefrom-wafrom-wielunnerfrom-wvalledaostaobaomoriguchiharag" + |
| "usartservemp3from-wyfrosinonefrostalowa-wolawafroyahooguyfstcgro" + |
| "upfizerfujiiderafujikawaguchikonefujiminokamoenairlinedre-eikerf" + |
| "ujinomiyadavvenjargap-northeast-3fujiokayamangyshlakasamatsudovr" + |
| "e-eikerfujisatoshonairportland-4-salernoboribetsuckservep2pgfogg" + |
| "iafujisawafujishiroishidakabiratoridefenseljordfujitsurugashiman" + |
| "iwakuratextileirfjordfujixeroxn--1ck2e1barclays3-sa-east-1fujiyo" + |
| "shidavvesiidatsunanjoburgushikamifuranorth-kazakhstanfukayabeats" + |
| "ervepicservequakefukuchiyamadazaifudaigojomedio-campidano-medioc" + |
| "ampidanomediofukudominichonanbulsan-suedtirolpusercontentoyotsuk" + |
| "aidofukuis-a-knightpointtohobby-sitefukumitsubishigakisarazureco" + |
| "ntainerdpolicefukuokazakishiwadafukuroishikarikaturindalfukusaki" + |
| "sofukushimannorfolkebibleirvikaufenfukuyamagatakahatakaishimogos" + |
| "enfunabashiriuchinadafunagatakamatsukawafunahashikamiamakusatsum" + |
| "asendaisennangooglecodespotaruis-a-landscaperfundaciofuoiskujuku" + |
| "riyamansionservesarcasmatartanddesignfuosskoczowindmillfurniture" + |
| "ggio-emilia-romagnakatombetsumitakagiizefurubirafurudonostiaafur" + |
| "ukawairtelebitballooningwiddleitungsenfusodegaurafussaikisosakit" + |
| "agawafutabayamaguchinomigawafutboldlygoingnowhere-for-morenakats" + |
| "ugawafuttsurugimperiafuturecmservicesevastopolefuturehostingxn--" + |
| "1ctwolominamatargivestbytemarkautokeinotteroyfuturemailingfvgfyl" + |
| "kesbiblackbaudcdn77-securebungoonord-odalwaysdatabaseballangenka" + |
| "inanaejrietisalatinabenonichoseiroumuenchenissandiegofyresdalhan" + |
| "gglidinghangoutsystemscloudyclusterhannanmokuizumodenakayamarbur" + |
| "ghannosegawahanyuzenhapmirharstadharvestcelebrationhasamarcheapi" + |
| "geelvinckazoologyhasaminami-alpsewindowsharis-a-libertarianhashb" + |
| "anghasudahasura-appharmaciensharpharmacyshawaiijimarnardalhasvik" + |
| "azunow-dnshellaspeziahatogayaizuwakamatsubushikusakadogawahatoya" + |
| "mazakitakamiizumisanofidelityhatsukaichikaiseis-a-linux-useranis" + |
| "hiaritabashijonawatehattfjelldalhayashimamotobungotakadapliernew" + |
| "jerseyhazuminobusells-for-unzenhelsinkitakatakaokalmykiahembygds" + |
| "forbundhemneshimojis-a-llamarriottrentino-aadigehemsedalhepforge" + |
| "herokussldheroyhgtvallee-aosteroyhigashiagatsumagoianiahigashich" + |
| "ichibunkyonanaoshimageandsoundandvisionhigashihiroshimanehigashi" + |
| "izumozakitakyushuaiahigashikagawahigashikagurasoedahigashikawaki" + |
| "taaikitamihamadahigashikurumeetnedalhigashimatsushimaritimodernh" + |
| "igashimatsuyamakitaakitadaitoigawahigashimurayamamotorcycleshimo" + |
| "kawahigashinarusells-itrentino-alto-adigehigashinehigashiomihach" + |
| "imanaustdalhigashiosakasayamanakakogawahigashishirakawamatakaraz" + |
| "ukaluganskypehigashisumiyoshikawaminamiaikitamotosumy-gatewayhig" + |
| "ashitsunoshiroomurahigashiurausukitanakagusukumoduminamisanrikub" + |
| "etsurfastly-terrariuminamiiserniahigashiyamatokoriyamanashiftedi" + |
| "tchyouriphdhigashiyodogawahigashiyoshinogaris-a-musicianhiraizum" + |
| "isatohnoshoooshikamaishimodatehirakatashinagawahiranairtrafficpl" + |
| "exus-1hirarahiratsukagawahirayakagehistorichouseshimokitayamahit" + |
| "achiomiyagildeskaliszhitachiotagoppdalhitraeumtgeradelmenhorstal" + |
| "banshimonitayanagithubusercontentrentino-altoadigehjartdalhjelme" + |
| "landholeckobierzyceholidayhomeiphiladelphiaareadmyblogspotrentin" + |
| "o-s-tirolhomelinkitoolsztynsettlershimonosekikawahomelinuxn--1lq" + |
| "s03nhomeofficehomesecuritymacaparecidahomesecuritypchoshibuyacht" + |
| "sannohelplfinancialubindalublindesnesanokarumaifashionissayokkai" + |
| "chiropractichernivtsiciliahomesensellsyourhomegoodshimosuwalkis-" + |
| "a-nascarfanhomeunixn--1lqs71dhondahongotembaixadahonjyoitakasago" + |
| "tpantheonsitehornindalhorsembokukitashiobarahorteneis-a-nursemin" + |
| "ehospitalhoteleshimotsukehotmailhoyangerhoylandetroitskddielddan" + |
| "uorrikuzentakatajimidorissagamiharahumanitieshimotsumahurdalhuru" + |
| "majis-a-painteractivegaskvollhyllestadhyogoris-a-patsfanhyugawar" + |
| "ahyundaiwafuneis-very-sweetpepperis-with-thebandoisleofmancheste" + |
| "rjewelryjewishartgalleryjfkhakassiajgorajlljmphoenixn--1qqw23ajn" + |
| "jcphilipsyno-dshintokushimajoyentrentino-sued-tiroljoyokaichibal" + |
| "atinoipirangamvikharkivalleeaosteinkjerusalembroideryjpnjprshiny" + |
| "oshitomiokamitondabayashiogamagoriziajurkoseis-a-playerkosherbro" + |
| "okegawakoshimizumakiyosunndalkoshunantankhersonkosugekotohiradom" + |
| "ainsurehabmerkotourakouhokutamakizunokunimimatakatoris-a-republi" + |
| "cancerresearchaeologicaliforniakounosupplieshirahamatonbetsurnad" + |
| "alkouyamashikekouzushimashikis-a-rockstarachowicekozagawakozakis" + |
| "-a-socialistdlibestadkozowinnershirakofuefukihaboromskogkpnkppsp" + |
| "dnshiranukamitsuekrasnikahokutokashikis-a-soxfankrasnodarkredsto" + |
| "nekristiansandcatshiraois-a-studentalkristiansundkrodsheradkroks" + |
| "tadelvaldaostathelleluxembourgkryminamitanekumatorinokumejimasoy" + |
| "kumenantokigawakunisakis-a-teacherkassyncloudkunitachiarailwayku" + |
| "nitomigusukumamotoyamashikokuchuokunneppubtlshiraokamogawakunsts" + |
| "ammlungkunstunddesignkuokgroupictetrentino-suedtirolkureisenkurg" + |
| "ankurobelaudibleasingleshiratakahagitlaborkurogiminamiashigaraku" + |
| "roisoftwarendalenugkuromatsunais-a-techietis-a-personaltrainerku" + |
| "rotakikawasakis-a-therapistoiakushirogawakustanais-an-accountant" + |
| "shinichinankusupplykutchanelkutnokuzumakis-an-actorkvafjordkvals" + |
| "undkvamlidlugolekadenagahamaroygardenebakkeshibechambagriculture" + |
| "nnebudejjuedischesapeakebayernutwentekvanangenkvinesdalkvinnhera" + |
| "dkviteseidskogkvitsoykwpspectruminamiuonumassa-carrara-massacarr" + |
| "aramassabusinessebyklecznagasukekzmisugitokorozawamitourismolang" + |
| "evagrigentomologyeonggiehtavuoatnadexetermitoyoakemiuramiyazurew" + |
| "ebsiteshikagamiishibukawamiyotamanomjondalenmlbfanmonstermontrea" + |
| "lestatefarmequipmentrentinoaadigemonza-brianzapposhishikuis-an-a" + |
| "rtistgorymonza-e-della-brianzaptokuyamatsumotofukemonzabrianzara" + |
| "monzaebrianzamonzaedellabrianzamoonscalewismillermoparachutingmo" + |
| "rdoviamoriyamatsunomoriyoshiminamiawajikis-an-engineeringmormonm" + |
| "outhagakhanamigawamoroyamatsusakahoginankokubunjis-an-entertaine" + |
| "rmortgagemoscowioshisognemoseushistorymosjoenmoskeneshisuifuelve" + |
| "ruminamiyamashirokawanabelembetsukubankhmelnitskiyamarylhurstjor" + |
| "dalshalsenmosshitaramamosvikhmelnytskyivanylvenicemoteginowaniih" + |
| "amatamakawajimanxn--2scrj9christiansburgroks-thisayamanobeokakud" + |
| "amatsuemoviemovimientokyotangovtrentinoalto-adigemovistargardmoz" + |
| "illa-iotrentinoaltoadigemtranbymuenstermuginozawaonsenmuikamisat" + |
| "okaizukamikitayamatsuris-bytomaritimekeepingmukodairamulhouserve" + |
| "game-servermunakatanemuncienciamuosattemupictureshizukuishimofus" + |
| "aitamatsukuris-certifieducatorahimeshimamateramobaramurmanskhpla" + |
| "ystationmurotorcraftrentinos-tirolmusashimurayamatsushigemusashi" + |
| "noharamuseetrentinostirolmuseumverenigingmusicargodaddyn-o-saurl" + |
| "andeshizuokanagawamutsuzawamy-vigorgemy-wanggouvichristmasakindl" + |
| "efrakkestadyndns-picsantacruzsantafedjejuifminamidaitomandalucan" + |
| "iamyactivedirectorymyasustor-elvdalmycdn77-sslattuminanomydattol" + |
| "ocalhistorymyddnskingmydissentrentinosud-tirolmydobisshikis-foun" + |
| "dationmydroboehringerikemydshoppingmyeffectrentinosudtirolmyfire" + |
| "wallonieruchomoscienceandindustrynmyfritzmyftpaccesshoujis-gonem" + |
| "yhome-servermyjinomykolaivaomymailermymediapchromedicaltanissett" + |
| "airavennagatorockartuzymyokohamamatsudamypepiemontemypetshowamyp" + |
| "hotoshibalena-deviceshowtimembershriramsterdamnserverbaniamypiag" + |
| "etmyiphostrodawaramypsxn--30rr7ymysecuritycamerakermyshopblocksi" + |
| "enarutolgamytis-a-bookkeeperugiamytuleapilotsigdalmyvnchryslermy" + |
| "wirepaircraftingvollombardiamondsilklabudhabikinokawabarthaebaru" + |
| "ericssonyoursidell-ogliastraderpiwatepixolinopizzapknx-serversai" + |
| "lleshiojirishirifujiedaplantationplantsimple-urlplatformshangril" + |
| "ansirdalplazaplcube-serversicherungplumbingoplurinacionalpodhale" + |
| "zajskolobrzegersundpodlasiellaktyubinskiptveterinaireadthedocsca" + |
| "ppgafannefrankfurtrentinosuedtirolpodzonepohlpoivronpokerpokrovs" + |
| "komaganepoliticarrierpolitiendapolkowicepoltavalle-aostatic-acce" + |
| "ssjcbnpparibaselburgpomorzeszowitdkomakiyosemiteponpesaro-urbino" + |
| "-pesarourbinopesaromasvuotnaritakurashikis-into-animeguroroshinj" + |
| "ukumanowtvallee-d-aosteigenponypordenonepornporsangerporsangugep" + |
| "orsgrunnanyokoshibahikariwanumatakinouepoznanpraxis-a-bruinsfanp" + |
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| "oste-ebbturystykanmakiwienxn--valle-d-aoste-ehbodollstuttgartrev" + |
| "isohughesooxn--valleaoste-e7axn--valledaoste-ebbvacationsusakis-" + |
| "into-gamessinazawaxn--vard-jraxn--vegrshei-c0axn--vermgensberate" + |
| "r-ctbirkenesoddtangenovaraholtalenikonanporomutashinaindianmarke" + |
| "tinglobalashovhachinohedmarkariyameiwamarumorimachidaxn--vermgen" + |
| "sberatung-pwbirthplacexn--vestvgy-ixa6oxn--vg-yiabkhaziaxn--vgan" + |
| "-qoaxn--vgsy-qoa0jevnakershuscultureggioemiliaromagnamsosnowiech" + |
| "oyodobashichikashukujitawaraumalborkasaokamiminersantabarbaraxn-" + |
| "-vgu402coguchikuzenxn--vhquvaroyxn--vler-qoaxn--vre-eiker-k8axn-" + |
| "-vrggt-xqadxn--vry-yla5gxn--vuq861bjarkoyukuhashimoichinosekigah" + |
| "araxn--w4r85el8fhu5dnraxn--w4rs40lxn--wcvs22dxn--wgbh1collection" + |
| "xn--wgbl6axn--xhq521bjerkreimbamblebesbyglandroverhallaakesvuemi" + |
| "elecceu-2xn--xkc2al3hye2axn--xkc2dl3a5ee0handsonxn--y9a3aquarium" + |
| "issilevangerxn--yer-znaturbruksgymnxn--yfro4i67oxn--ygarden-p1ax" + |
| "n--ygbi2ammxn--3e0b707exn--ystre-slidre-ujbjugnieznord-frontierx" + |
| "n--zbx025dxn--zf0ao64axn--zf0avxn--3hcrj9cistrondheimmobilieniss" + |
| "hingucciprianiigataishinomakinkobayashikaoirmitakeharaxn--zfr164" + |
| "blackfridayurihonjournalistjohninohekinannestadivttasvuotnakanii" + |
| "kawatanaguraxnbayxz" |
| |
| // nodes is the list of nodes. Each node is represented as a uint32, which |
| // encodes the node's children, wildcard bit and node type (as an index into |
| // the children array), ICANN bit and text. |
| // |
| // If the table was generated with the -comments flag, there is a //-comment |
| // after each node's data. In it is the nodes-array indexes of the children, |
| // formatted as (n0x1234-n0x1256), with * denoting the wildcard bit. The |
| // nodeType is printed as + for normal, ! for exception, and o for parent-only |
| // nodes that have children but don't match a domain label in their own right. |
| // An I denotes an ICANN domain. |
| // |
| // The layout within the uint32, from MSB to LSB, is: |
| // [ 0 bits] unused |
| // [10 bits] children index |
| // [ 1 bits] ICANN bit |
| // [15 bits] text index |
| // [ 6 bits] text length |
| var nodes = [...]uint32{ |
| 0x324003, |
| 0x3ac784, |
| 0x2e6d06, |
| 0x2f86c3, |
| 0x2f86c6, |
| 0x38e946, |
| 0x3b2f83, |
| 0x316b04, |
| 0x3280c7, |
| 0x2e6948, |
| 0x1a000c2, |
| 0x1f3f4c7, |
| 0x378d49, |
| 0x2c3d8a, |
| 0x2c3d8b, |
| 0x234283, |
| 0x235a45, |
| 0x2203782, |
| 0x3c3f44, |
| 0x23be43, |
| 0x327905, |
| 0x260e2c2, |
| 0x3425c3, |
| 0x2a1f004, |
| 0x331f05, |
| 0x2e12502, |
| 0x270d0e, |
| 0x251a03, |
| 0x3a7ac6, |
| 0x3202e82, |
| 0x2cf107, |
| 0x238046, |
| 0x3602a42, |
| 0x223743, |
| 0x280904, |
| 0x2171c6, |
| 0x3381c8, |
| 0x289106, |
| 0x271dc4, |
| 0x3a00ac2, |
| 0x34c289, |
| 0x215c87, |
| 0x331a86, |
| 0x2fb689, |
| 0x36dc08, |
| 0x34a384, |
| 0x36a106, |
| 0x248746, |
| 0x3e03082, |
| 0x22a54f, |
| 0x211b0e, |
| 0x216684, |
| 0x213985, |
| 0x323f05, |
| 0x2e3949, |
| 0x23ec89, |
| 0x2179c7, |
| 0x21e906, |
| 0x238a03, |
| 0x42197c2, |
| 0x2197c3, |
| 0x30d24a, |
| 0x4631643, |
| 0x255b85, |
| 0x2fae02, |
| 0x38f789, |
| 0x4e03002, |
| 0x204dc4, |
| 0x203006, |
| 0x32cec5, |
| 0x36f104, |
| 0x5624404, |
| 0x21c183, |
| 0x234dc4, |
| 0x5a04182, |
| 0x23afc4, |
| 0x5f8d7c4, |
| 0x37bc4a, |
| 0x6200882, |
| 0x3ba4c7, |
| 0x212208, |
| 0x7204602, |
| 0x3bda07, |
| 0x22f344, |
| 0x2c1247, |
| 0x22f345, |
| 0x361307, |
| 0x326546, |
| 0x28c784, |
| 0x342345, |
| 0x2774c7, |
| 0x8a02cc2, |
| 0x245a03, |
| 0x20bd02, |
| 0x36af43, |
| 0x8e09fc2, |
| 0x282e45, |
| 0x9200202, |
| 0x2452c4, |
| 0x3a9905, |
| 0x2165c7, |
| 0x366b8e, |
| 0x2b1b04, |
| 0x263a84, |
| 0x20fc03, |
| 0x268309, |
| 0x26a0cb, |
| 0x27e9c8, |
| 0x2fb448, |
| 0x353748, |
| 0x28dc48, |
| 0x34a1ca, |
| 0x361207, |
| 0x2c6606, |
| 0x9682702, |
| 0x375fc3, |
| 0x3cb183, |
| 0x3ccb84, |
| 0x376003, |
| 0x363c03, |
| 0x173b542, |
| 0x9a019c2, |
| 0x27fec5, |
| 0x339e46, |
| 0x235804, |
| 0x37ab87, |
| 0x23ae06, |
| 0x2ba3c4, |
| 0x394487, |
| 0x2019c3, |
| 0x9ecab82, |
| 0xa21c342, |
| 0xa61c102, |
| 0x21c106, |
| 0xaa00282, |
| 0x284505, |
| 0x33ca83, |
| 0x3c2804, |
| 0x2e99c4, |
| 0x2e99c5, |
| 0x3c6083, |
| 0xae4af03, |
| 0xb33d3c2, |
| 0x28d145, |
| 0x3dc00b, |
| 0x3c65cb, |
| 0x226804, |
| 0x204389, |
| 0x205504, |
| 0xb605742, |
| 0x205f43, |
| 0x207583, |
| 0xba08d42, |
| 0x2ed10a, |
| 0xbe09002, |
| 0x3c41c5, |
| 0x2df2ca, |
| 0x390144, |
| 0x20b803, |
| 0x20c0c4, |
| 0x20d3c3, |
| 0x20d3c4, |
| 0x20d3c7, |
| 0x20e185, |
| 0x20ec06, |
| 0x20eec6, |
| 0x212fc3, |
| 0x216a08, |
| 0x20c483, |
| 0xc21c782, |
| 0x246648, |
| 0x38764b, |
| 0x21fe48, |
| 0x220c06, |
| 0x221187, |
| 0x224f08, |
| 0xd205142, |
| 0xd6bfa42, |
| 0x332048, |
| 0x210207, |
| 0x309b05, |
| 0x309b08, |
| 0xdac8208, |
| 0x2a9e43, |
| 0x22b9c4, |
| 0x38e9c2, |
| 0xde2bd82, |
| 0xe228b82, |
| 0xea2c542, |
| 0x22c543, |
| 0xee07982, |
| 0x305b43, |
| 0x238fc4, |
| 0x207983, |
| 0x31f8c4, |
| 0x332c0b, |
| 0x280c03, |
| 0x2e4a86, |
| 0x280c04, |
| 0x2b800e, |
| 0x384a45, |
| 0x3a7bc8, |
| 0x2fa347, |
| 0x2fa34a, |
| 0x223103, |
| 0x3ac587, |
| 0x26a285, |
| 0x231cc4, |
| 0x254146, |
| 0x254147, |
| 0x2f6e04, |
| 0x22ee47, |
| 0xf309544, |
| 0x37b904, |
| 0x37b906, |
| 0x2595c4, |
| 0x3a8c46, |
| 0x20bb03, |
| 0x3b9a08, |
| 0x20bb08, |
| 0x263a43, |
| 0x2ed0c3, |
| 0x3453c4, |
| 0x356ac3, |
| 0xfa47502, |
| 0xfe8d382, |
| 0x2056c3, |
| 0x243e86, |
| 0x342883, |
| 0x380c04, |
| 0x10216482, |
| 0x24ab83, |
| 0x216483, |
| 0x213e42, |
| 0x10600d42, |
| 0x2c4586, |
| 0x236707, |
| 0x3be887, |
| 0x3c6a85, |
| 0x39ad84, |
| 0x290e85, |
| 0x239b07, |
| 0x2dbc49, |
| 0x2e1b06, |
| 0x2e5d88, |
| 0x2fd486, |
| 0x10a27f02, |
| 0x3db188, |
| 0x2fe246, |
| 0x227f05, |
| 0x3184c7, |
| 0x318b04, |
| 0x318b05, |
| 0x10f27544, |
| 0x327548, |
| 0x11214c42, |
| 0x11600482, |
| 0x212746, |
| 0x200488, |
| 0x358ec5, |
| 0x359946, |
| 0x35b9c8, |
| 0x3804c8, |
| 0x11a0e745, |
| 0x11e22584, |
| 0x245c47, |
| 0x12204f82, |
| 0x126291c2, |
| 0x13a03102, |
| 0x203105, |
| 0x2864c5, |
| 0x386c06, |
| 0x34f647, |
| 0x22db47, |
| 0x1422f743, |
| 0x30f807, |
| 0x37af08, |
| 0x1e22f909, |
| 0x270ec7, |
| 0x22fd87, |
| 0x2309c8, |
| 0x2311c6, |
| 0x2317c6, |
| 0x2324cc, |
| 0x23394a, |
| 0x2342c7, |
| 0x23590b, |
| 0x236547, |
| 0x23654e, |
| 0x1e6373c4, |
| 0x2375c4, |
| 0x238e87, |
| 0x25e687, |
| 0x23e546, |
| 0x23e547, |
| 0x344b07, |
| 0x26f503, |
| 0x1ea2ca82, |
| 0x23f306, |
| 0x23f30a, |
| 0x23fd0b, |
| 0x241187, |
| 0x241c05, |
| 0x242143, |
| 0x242c46, |
| 0x242c47, |
| 0x2eaf03, |
| 0x1ee00102, |
| 0x2434ca, |
| 0x1f37a202, |
| 0x1f647542, |
| 0x1fa46342, |
| 0x1fe38142, |
| 0x246a85, |
| 0x247204, |
| 0x20624502, |
| 0x23b045, |
| 0x23b843, |
| 0x205605, |
| 0x202984, |
| 0x20adc4, |
| 0x3671c6, |
| 0x27f2c6, |
| 0x2a75c3, |
| 0x3c0544, |
| 0x3beb83, |
| 0x21607682, |
| 0x221504, |
| 0x2461c6, |
| 0x221505, |
| 0x249f46, |
| 0x3185c8, |
| 0x225304, |
| 0x22e988, |
| 0x337f85, |
| 0x33aa08, |
| 0x2bc7c6, |
| 0x359d87, |
| 0x2877c4, |
| 0x22a877c6, |
| 0x22e3c8c3, |
| 0x3a03c3, |
| 0x2e6648, |
| 0x329044, |
| 0x23360887, |
| 0x23add286, |
| 0x2dd289, |
| 0x32d3c8, |
| 0x268a48, |
| 0x329bc4, |
| 0x204c03, |
| 0x2403c2, |
| 0x23e50002, |
| 0x24201d42, |
| 0x207ec3, |
| 0x2460ce02, |
| 0x2eae84, |
| 0x372c86, |
| 0x328205, |
| 0x21b703, |
| 0x2b6f47, |
| 0x3301c3, |
| 0x336588, |
| 0x210a05, |
| 0x25b603, |
| 0x3a9885, |
| 0x3a99c4, |
| 0x3006c6, |
| 0x212a46, |
| 0x216506, |
| 0x203884, |
| 0x236903, |
| 0x24a08682, |
| 0x24f39905, |
| 0x200843, |
| 0x25612602, |
| 0x22f8c3, |
| 0x23ce85, |
| 0x25a34e83, |
| 0x26234e89, |
| 0x26600942, |
| 0x26e07bc2, |
| 0x28cc85, |
| 0x214b46, |
| 0x208a86, |
| 0x2ceb88, |
| 0x2ceb8b, |
| 0x3293cb, |
| 0x2fe6c5, |
| 0x2cb2c9, |
| 0x1600b42, |
| 0x2e7008, |
| 0x204684, |
| 0x27601bc2, |
| 0x34bf03, |
| 0x27e5e846, |
| 0x25d348, |
| 0x28201a02, |
| 0x28e248, |
| 0x28669102, |
| 0x340aca, |
| 0x28ad0703, |
| 0x29379386, |
| 0x37c3c8, |
| 0x30ad48, |
| 0x3c2d46, |
| 0x38acc7, |
| 0x22a747, |
| 0x2482ca, |
| 0x3901c4, |
| 0x35e684, |
| 0x3786c9, |
| 0x297ac185, |
| 0x211d06, |
| 0x210403, |
| 0x24fa44, |
| 0x29a227c4, |
| 0x331247, |
| 0x29eaabc7, |
| 0x2a1144, |
| 0x387c05, |
| 0x386cc8, |
| 0x3a47c7, |
| 0x247847, |
| 0x2a2143c2, |
| 0x3c51c4, |
| 0x294548, |
| 0x2494c4, |
| 0x24bd44, |
| 0x24c6c5, |
| 0x24c807, |
| 0x2a64e689, |
| 0x24e184, |
| 0x24ee09, |
| 0x24f048, |
| 0x24f7c4, |
| 0x24f7c7, |
| 0x2aa4fe03, |
| 0x250a47, |
| 0x16014c2, |
| 0x16b2642, |
| 0x251a46, |
| 0x251ec7, |
| 0x252304, |
| 0x253107, |
| 0x2547c7, |
| 0x255043, |
| 0x2b1d82, |
| 0x20d682, |
| 0x2fb543, |
| 0x3c0fc4, |
| 0x3c0fcb, |
| 0x2aefb548, |
| 0x25afc4, |
| 0x2572c5, |
| 0x258807, |
| 0x25a1c5, |
| 0x2def0a, |
| 0x25af03, |
| 0x2b208142, |
| 0x20c384, |
| 0x25e449, |
| 0x2628c3, |
| 0x262987, |
| 0x353b89, |
| 0x3d9dc8, |
| 0x229b43, |
| 0x27dbc7, |
| 0x27e549, |
| 0x239cc3, |
| 0x286b44, |
| 0x287dc9, |
| 0x28a706, |
| 0x339283, |
| 0x202ec2, |
| 0x237c43, |
| 0x2b2447, |
| 0x237c45, |
| 0x3bd6c6, |
| 0x2d7004, |
| 0x3cd145, |
| 0x27b483, |
| 0x213206, |
| 0x211603, |
| 0x204582, |
| 0x24aec4, |
| 0x2b6268c2, |
| 0x2ba268c3, |
| 0x2be020c2, |
| 0x24a403, |
| 0x20f344, |
| 0x20f347, |
| 0x390246, |
| 0x27cec2, |
| 0x2c25ec42, |
| 0x3187c4, |
| 0x2c60d542, |
| 0x2ca19202, |
| 0x23d144, |
| 0x23d145, |
| 0x28c405, |
| 0x366186, |
| 0x2ce0f4c2, |
| 0x32a305, |
| 0x354585, |
| 0x223383, |
| 0x3cf0c6, |
| 0x20f4c5, |
| 0x21c082, |
| 0x359585, |
| 0x21c084, |
| 0x225243, |
| 0x225483, |
| 0x2d209102, |
| 0x2dac07, |
| 0x24f244, |
| 0x24f249, |
| 0x24f944, |
| 0x286343, |
| 0x39f748, |
| 0x2d686344, |
| 0x286346, |
| 0x2a57c3, |
| 0x257b03, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x2dae9882, |
| 0x2faf82, |
| 0x2de00642, |
| 0x33e548, |
| 0x342a88, |
| 0x3b3706, |
| 0x25adc5, |
| 0x22bc45, |
| 0x3306c7, |
| 0x2e26fbc5, |
| 0x203942, |
| 0x2e698402, |
| 0x2ea00042, |
| 0x315e88, |
| 0x3db0c5, |
| 0x2efec4, |
| 0x249e85, |
| 0x24b947, |
| 0x25f444, |
| 0x2433c2, |
| 0x2ee08b82, |
| 0x350584, |
| 0x217c07, |
| 0x28f207, |
| 0x3612c4, |
| 0x3cbb43, |
| 0x263984, |
| 0x263988, |
| 0x231b06, |
| 0x253fca, |
| 0x2aa144, |
| 0x2967c8, |
| 0x28ab44, |
| 0x221286, |
| 0x2983c4, |
| 0x203406, |
| 0x24f509, |
| 0x23c347, |
| 0x21fa83, |
| 0x2f25ce02, |
| 0x387f43, |
| 0x205942, |
| 0x2f616842, |
| 0x2f5d86, |
| 0x3836c8, |
| 0x2a74c7, |
| 0x225a09, |
| 0x2aba89, |
| 0x2a9385, |
| 0x2ab689, |
| 0x2ac745, |
| 0x2ad585, |
| 0x2ae048, |
| 0x2fa07a44, |
| 0x2fe55187, |
| 0x230143, |
| 0x2ae247, |
| 0x230146, |
| 0x2ae647, |
| 0x2a4ac5, |
| 0x2b9ac3, |
| 0x30233702, |
| 0x20ba44, |
| 0x3062cc02, |
| 0x30a05dc2, |
| 0x3cc0c6, |
| 0x212185, |
| 0x2b1047, |
| 0x326fc3, |
| 0x363b84, |
| 0x201e83, |
| 0x2c5e03, |
| 0x30e03842, |
| 0x31601cc2, |
| 0x38ea44, |
| 0x2dca43, |
| 0x2f6a45, |
| 0x31a00f42, |
| 0x32203702, |
| 0x2d8946, |
| 0x329184, |
| 0x3dacc4, |
| 0x3dacca, |
| 0x32a005c2, |
| 0x245e83, |
| 0x21368a, |
| 0x214348, |
| 0x32e21b84, |
| 0x2005c3, |
| 0x33201803, |
| 0x26c409, |
| 0x207349, |
| 0x2b7046, |
| 0x33614503, |
| 0x315405, |
| 0x3b478d, |
| 0x214506, |
| 0x21a4cb, |
| 0x33a03302, |
| 0x2b4148, |
| 0x36a16b02, |
| 0x36e08242, |
| 0x2e8205, |
| 0x37201742, |
| 0x371347, |
| 0x2022c3, |
| 0x20f688, |
| 0x376051c2, |
| 0x32e244, |
| 0x210743, |
| 0x32aa45, |
| 0x240406, |
| 0x21da04, |
| 0x2ed083, |
| 0x2b3003, |
| 0x37a150c2, |
| 0x2fe644, |
| 0x3bc6c5, |
| 0x2b2047, |
| 0x27b8c3, |
| 0x2b2a03, |
| 0x16b2ac2, |
| 0x2b2ac3, |
| 0x2b2f83, |
| 0x37e00e02, |
| 0x3bac04, |
| 0x27f4c6, |
| 0x23d303, |
| 0x2b36c3, |
| 0x3824b4c2, |
| 0x24b4c8, |
| 0x2b4e04, |
| 0x369ac6, |
| 0x256e47, |
| 0x284746, |
| 0x2aed84, |
| 0x46601b82, |
| 0x23000b, |
| 0x2f378e, |
| 0x2156cf, |
| 0x366703, |
| 0x46e5bd02, |
| 0x1638902, |
| 0x472017c2, |
| 0x296d43, |
| 0x2092c3, |
| 0x21d086, |
| 0x2dbec6, |
| 0x218d87, |
| 0x3cb504, |
| 0x47614c82, |
| 0x47a10f02, |
| 0x242b05, |
| 0x2f1d87, |
| 0x2b5dc6, |
| 0x47e47482, |
| 0x32a244, |
| 0x2bae03, |
| 0x48251b42, |
| 0x48774343, |
| 0x2bbe44, |
| 0x2c0549, |
| 0x48ac7542, |
| 0x48e01882, |
| 0x201885, |
| 0x492c8802, |
| 0x49604b42, |
| 0x35d987, |
| 0x3b6a09, |
| 0x378fcb, |
| 0x22a505, |
| 0x26aa09, |
| 0x270246, |
| 0x393bc7, |
| 0x49a04b44, |
| 0x3d6a49, |
| 0x37ed07, |
| 0x206a07, |
| 0x22c843, |
| 0x2b3fc6, |
| 0x322ec7, |
| 0x20b003, |
| 0x371f06, |
| 0x4a219842, |
| 0x4a612702, |
| 0x329a83, |
| 0x38f945, |
| 0x21f787, |
| 0x2dbfc6, |
| 0x237bc5, |
| 0x24f1c4, |
| 0x2a3fc5, |
| 0x390c84, |
| 0x4aa01b02, |
| 0x3be187, |
| 0x2c51c4, |
| 0x207244, |
| 0x20724d, |
| 0x34ca49, |
| 0x22cb48, |
| 0x201b04, |
| 0x31f985, |
| 0x20a247, |
| 0x20a5c4, |
| 0x266407, |
| 0x2aa705, |
| 0x4ae0e504, |
| 0x2b3145, |
| 0x261584, |
| 0x310fc6, |
| 0x35e105, |
| 0x4b224382, |
| 0x2126c3, |
| 0x3a2a83, |
| 0x346984, |
| 0x346985, |
| 0x361d86, |
| 0x237d05, |
| 0x229ac4, |
| 0x34dfc3, |
| 0x4b60cd46, |
| 0x223dc5, |
| 0x22ae85, |
| 0x34f544, |
| 0x2aa1c3, |
| 0x2aa1cc, |
| 0x4ba07dc2, |
| 0x4be01442, |
| 0x4c20e942, |
| 0x20e943, |
| 0x20e944, |
| 0x4c605542, |
| 0x353408, |
| 0x3bd785, |
| 0x2bd504, |
| 0x23e3c6, |
| 0x4ca065c2, |
| 0x4ce11e02, |
| 0x4d200c42, |
| 0x292905, |
| 0x203746, |
| 0x2aab04, |
| 0x217706, |
| 0x34b306, |
| 0x227803, |
| 0x4d737c4a, |
| 0x2747c5, |
| 0x30d203, |
| 0x222306, |
| 0x3ceec9, |
| 0x222307, |
| 0x297688, |
| 0x36dac9, |
| 0x326e08, |
| 0x222e46, |
| 0x20fbc3, |
| 0x4da030c2, |
| 0x3a17c8, |
| 0x4de49602, |
| 0x4e205982, |
| 0x225a83, |
| 0x2e1985, |
| 0x29b6c4, |
| 0x393d09, |
| 0x3a93c4, |
| 0x376588, |
| 0x4ea05983, |
| 0x4ef33084, |
| 0x214b88, |
| 0x207187, |
| 0x4f32a2c2, |
| 0x247702, |
| 0x323e85, |
| 0x264149, |
| 0x211d83, |
| 0x2814c4, |
| 0x3153c4, |
| 0x20a2c3, |
| 0x282a0a, |
| 0x4f727e02, |
| 0x4fa0b882, |
| 0x2cab03, |
| 0x3928c3, |
| 0x162f7c2, |
| 0x3757c3, |
| 0x4fe1f382, |
| 0x50200bc2, |
| 0x50746484, |
| 0x388586, |
| 0x26bc04, |
| 0x27aac3, |
| 0x3d4c43, |
| 0x50a00bc3, |
| 0x240086, |
| 0x3a5005, |
| 0x2cac87, |
| 0x2cdc45, |
| 0x2cee46, |
| 0x2d0048, |
| 0x2d0246, |
| 0x265cc4, |
| 0x29cc4b, |
| 0x2d41c3, |
| 0x2d41c5, |
| 0x2d4c48, |
| 0x203282, |
| 0x35dc82, |
| 0x50e46b02, |
| 0x51204fc2, |
| 0x214cc3, |
| 0x5166ff42, |
| 0x26ff43, |
| 0x2d5603, |
| 0x51e23c42, |
| 0x522da646, |
| 0x2578c6, |
| 0x526b4342, |
| 0x52a075c2, |
| 0x52e254c2, |
| 0x5323c9c2, |
| 0x53618382, |
| 0x53a02142, |
| 0x206183, |
| 0x2c9805, |
| 0x326406, |
| 0x53e09c04, |
| 0x245fca, |
| 0x3aa986, |
| 0x20d784, |
| 0x26a083, |
| 0x54a05682, |
| 0x208ac2, |
| 0x22f883, |
| 0x54e0ce83, |
| 0x3bd1c7, |
| 0x35e007, |
| 0x56e6f947, |
| 0x321a47, |
| 0x229483, |
| 0x22948a, |
| 0x265e44, |
| 0x3125c4, |
| 0x3125ca, |
| 0x22dc85, |
| 0x57211cc2, |
| 0x2522c3, |
| 0x57600602, |
| 0x22c483, |
| 0x387f03, |
| 0x57e00582, |
| 0x37ae84, |
| 0x3308c4, |
| 0x3ce845, |
| 0x319b45, |
| 0x28ea86, |
| 0x2aad46, |
| 0x5824dc02, |
| 0x58602f42, |
| 0x312a85, |
| 0x2575d2, |
| 0x351086, |
| 0x271283, |
| 0x301046, |
| 0x2ef145, |
| 0x1607f02, |
| 0x60a08d82, |
| 0x378043, |
| 0x208d83, |
| 0x282583, |
| 0x60e18782, |
| 0x23fc83, |
| 0x6160dbc2, |
| 0x2035c3, |
| 0x3bac48, |
| 0x26d843, |
| 0x26d846, |
| 0x32b747, |
| 0x31bb46, |
| 0x31bb4b, |
| 0x20d6c7, |
| 0x2e6444, |
| 0x61e00c02, |
| 0x3bd605, |
| 0x6220ce43, |
| 0x209b43, |
| 0x32c2c5, |
| 0x335703, |
| 0x62b35706, |
| 0x2e718a, |
| 0x2a3283, |
| 0x2170c4, |
| 0x2003c6, |
| 0x228306, |
| 0x62e3f7c3, |
| 0x363a47, |
| 0x26c307, |
| 0x29e485, |
| 0x281ec6, |
| 0x223e03, |
| 0x65bcf303, |
| 0x65e00a82, |
| 0x663406c4, |
| 0x3b9809, |
| 0x207f45, |
| 0x227484, |
| 0x3531c8, |
| 0x23d505, |
| 0x6666fcc5, |
| 0x242249, |
| 0x331b43, |
| 0x2474c4, |
| 0x66a04ac2, |
| 0x214ec3, |
| 0x66e7a042, |
| 0x27a046, |
| 0x167ce82, |
| 0x67203482, |
| 0x292808, |
| 0x2a2203, |
| 0x2b3087, |
| 0x31bdc5, |
| 0x2e2fc5, |
| 0x34e14b, |
| 0x2e2fc6, |
| 0x34e346, |
| 0x2e3f06, |
| 0x280104, |
| 0x2c0746, |
| 0x676d7a48, |
| 0x280cc3, |
| 0x266a03, |
| 0x266a04, |
| 0x2fb244, |
| 0x30a607, |
| 0x2e7b45, |
| 0x67ae7c82, |
| 0x67e07702, |
| 0x6861b5c5, |
| 0x2b5c44, |
| 0x2d8f4b, |
| 0x2e98c8, |
| 0x24de84, |
| 0x68a2c9c2, |
| 0x68e1a142, |
| 0x3a8bc3, |
| 0x2eba44, |
| 0x2ebd05, |
| 0x2ec547, |
| 0x2efa04, |
| 0x3613c4, |
| 0x69214e02, |
| 0x37e589, |
| 0x2f0b45, |
| 0x22a7c5, |
| 0x2f16c5, |
| 0x69614e03, |
| 0x2f2d04, |
| 0x2f2d0b, |
| 0x2f3044, |
| 0x2f330b, |
| 0x2f4345, |
| 0x21580a, |
| 0x2f4b08, |
| 0x2f4d0a, |
| 0x2f5543, |
| 0x2f554a, |
| 0x69e1c282, |
| 0x6a203542, |
| 0x6a628743, |
| 0x6aaf93c2, |
| 0x2f93c3, |
| 0x6af56bc2, |
| 0x6b33d202, |
| 0x2fab44, |
| 0x216b46, |
| 0x217445, |
| 0x2fe1c3, |
| 0x3245c6, |
| 0x216f45, |
| 0x22cec4, |
| 0x6b600902, |
| 0x2a7b04, |
| 0x2caf4a, |
| 0x32d147, |
| 0x335a86, |
| 0x3ac3c7, |
| 0x23f343, |
| 0x2bbe88, |
| 0x3bdbcb, |
| 0x2b7145, |
| 0x2c0d85, |
| 0x2c0d86, |
| 0x26cf04, |
| 0x3c0688, |
| 0x21be43, |
| 0x248644, |
| 0x248647, |
| 0x2e6086, |
| 0x203a86, |
| 0x2b7e4a, |
| 0x24ee84, |
| 0x314eca, |
| 0x6bb48d46, |
| 0x348d47, |
| 0x257347, |
| 0x276e44, |
| 0x276e49, |
| 0x233045, |
| 0x326a0b, |
| 0x2e8f43, |
| 0x212c03, |
| 0x6be1d5c3, |
| 0x2c9a04, |
| 0x6c200682, |
| 0x224746, |
| 0x6c6b9845, |
| 0x301285, |
| 0x251c86, |
| 0x2a0304, |
| 0x6ca03e42, |
| 0x242184, |
| 0x6ce129c2, |
| 0x228ac5, |
| 0x268804, |
| 0x6da1bbc3, |
| 0x6de08dc2, |
| 0x208dc3, |
| 0x238446, |
| 0x6e205fc2, |
| 0x395a48, |
| 0x222184, |
| 0x222186, |
| 0x393146, |
| 0x6e6588c4, |
| 0x20ccc5, |
| 0x222488, |
| 0x2250c7, |
| 0x227547, |
| 0x22754f, |
| 0x294446, |
| 0x231603, |
| 0x23ee84, |
| 0x20c5c3, |
| 0x2213c4, |
| 0x251dc4, |
| 0x6ea0ba82, |
| 0x28d083, |
| 0x337243, |
| 0x6ee02442, |
| 0x223943, |
| 0x21c2c3, |
| 0x20e20a, |
| 0x275b47, |
| 0x25494c, |
| 0x6f254c06, |
| 0x254d86, |
| 0x256b47, |
| 0x6f630e07, |
| 0x25d989, |
| 0x246784, |
| 0x262b04, |
| 0x6fa14d02, |
| 0x6fe05c82, |
| 0x2b8206, |
| 0x363844, |
| 0x28d506, |
| 0x231288, |
| 0x38fa04, |
| 0x259c46, |
| 0x208a45, |
| 0x7028b748, |
| 0x242d43, |
| 0x30d485, |
| 0x2917c3, |
| 0x22a8c3, |
| 0x22a8c4, |
| 0x20c343, |
| 0x7064b902, |
| 0x70a033c2, |
| 0x2e8e09, |
| 0x292705, |
| 0x292a04, |
| 0x293245, |
| 0x20b444, |
| 0x3a2007, |
| 0x35fbc5, |
| 0x70e3bb84, |
| 0x2df6c8, |
| 0x2e0cc6, |
| 0x2e2e04, |
| 0x2e3508, |
| 0x2e3807, |
| 0x71201702, |
| 0x2e6804, |
| 0x30a484, |
| 0x2c1447, |
| 0x71605184, |
| 0x226b42, |
| 0x71a01782, |
| 0x201783, |
| 0x201784, |
| 0x29f203, |
| 0x29f205, |
| 0x71e1df42, |
| 0x2fae85, |
| 0x287542, |
| 0x303a85, |
| 0x3b9145, |
| 0x72210b82, |
| 0x216404, |
| 0x726026c2, |
| 0x36b586, |
| 0x2ba0c6, |
| 0x264288, |
| 0x2c20c8, |
| 0x3cc044, |
| 0x3b2ac5, |
| 0x383b49, |
| 0x2fe744, |
| 0x2e7144, |
| 0x203983, |
| 0x248403, |
| 0x72a48405, |
| 0x234545, |
| 0x2865c4, |
| 0x35550d, |
| 0x354282, |
| 0x357a43, |
| 0x35ef43, |
| 0x72e05c42, |
| 0x73202302, |
| 0x395505, |
| 0x368687, |
| 0x21dc44, |
| 0x36dcc9, |
| 0x2cb089, |
| 0x279e83, |
| 0x279e88, |
| 0x2f3f49, |
| 0x2305c7, |
| 0x207ac5, |
| 0x383886, |
| 0x3a2c06, |
| 0x3a6305, |
| 0x34cb45, |
| 0x73601a82, |
| 0x27cbc5, |
| 0x2b8908, |
| 0x2c4346, |
| 0x73b2ec87, |
| 0x2a1084, |
| 0x309247, |
| 0x2ffe86, |
| 0x73e01082, |
| 0x361a86, |
| 0x30310a, |
| 0x303985, |
| 0x742e4542, |
| 0x7468f3c2, |
| 0x340fc6, |
| 0x318e08, |
| 0x74a8f3c7, |
| 0x74e28cc2, |
| 0x28a1c3, |
| 0x3a8546, |
| 0x224304, |
| 0x278b06, |
| 0x313646, |
| 0x376d4a, |
| 0x203bc5, |
| 0x331cc6, |
| 0x32ee03, |
| 0x32ee04, |
| 0x20b102, |
| 0x329103, |
| 0x7520e982, |
| 0x2ed803, |
| 0x213904, |
| 0x2c28c4, |
| 0x75718f4a, |
| 0x222f03, |
| 0x222f0a, |
| 0x239447, |
| 0x307186, |
| 0x23bd84, |
| 0x20d642, |
| 0x2a5b82, |
| 0x75a007c2, |
| 0x263943, |
| 0x257107, |
| 0x2007c7, |
| 0x288e44, |
| 0x21f187, |
| 0x2ec646, |
| 0x210347, |
| 0x21c204, |
| 0x3ae645, |
| 0x20fa45, |
| 0x75e14642, |
| 0x387fc6, |
| 0x214643, |
| 0x21d882, |
| 0x21d886, |
| 0x76207202, |
| 0x7661a602, |
| 0x3c5285, |
| 0x76a44d02, |
| 0x76e01942, |
| 0x323485, |
| 0x2d4505, |
| 0x2a8485, |
| 0x77609903, |
| 0x372d45, |
| 0x2e3087, |
| 0x2f7405, |
| 0x203d85, |
| 0x322804, |
| 0x23d386, |
| 0x2fdc84, |
| 0x77a008c2, |
| 0x786e7645, |
| 0x3858c7, |
| 0x3543c8, |
| 0x250e06, |
| 0x38f0cd, |
| 0x250e09, |
| 0x250e12, |
| 0x349b05, |
| 0x34c683, |
| 0x78a05842, |
| 0x313244, |
| 0x214583, |
| 0x382b45, |
| 0x304945, |
| 0x78e10782, |
| 0x25b643, |
| 0x7921ddc2, |
| 0x79a736c2, |
| 0x79e00082, |
| 0x2d1885, |
| 0x21fb83, |
| 0x248d88, |
| 0x7a210242, |
| 0x7a613602, |
| 0x37ae46, |
| 0x31650a, |
| 0x206303, |
| 0x258dc3, |
| 0x2f1cc3, |
| 0x7ba04cc2, |
| 0x89e187c2, |
| 0x8a608c02, |
| 0x2038c2, |
| 0x3ccc09, |
| 0x2c6984, |
| 0x20a988, |
| 0x8aaf6602, |
| 0x8b205d42, |
| 0x2b04c5, |
| 0x235d48, |
| 0x2f9f08, |
| 0x2e95cc, |
| 0x239383, |
| 0x8b61fb02, |
| 0x8ba00f02, |
| 0x367b06, |
| 0x308005, |
| 0x2db783, |
| 0x250346, |
| 0x308146, |
| 0x291103, |
| 0x30a3c3, |
| 0x30a7c6, |
| 0x30c044, |
| 0x26c6c6, |
| 0x3b45ca, |
| 0x2443c4, |
| 0x30c704, |
| 0x30d84a, |
| 0x8bee5d02, |
| 0x24ff85, |
| 0x30f38a, |
| 0x30f2c5, |
| 0x3115c4, |
| 0x3116c6, |
| 0x311844, |
| 0x215186, |
| 0x8c22c902, |
| 0x2f8346, |
| 0x32b1c5, |
| 0x329847, |
| 0x3b4446, |
| 0x256d44, |
| 0x2dba07, |
| 0x337b86, |
| 0x20b085, |
| 0x20b087, |
| 0x3bc047, |
| 0x3bc04e, |
| 0x38cb86, |
| 0x221045, |
| 0x2050c7, |
| 0x207603, |
| 0x349047, |
| 0x208f45, |
| 0x217ec4, |
| 0x222782, |
| 0x22bdc7, |
| 0x3cb584, |
| 0x2ff104, |
| 0x24758b, |
| 0x21c903, |
| 0x291847, |
| 0x21c904, |
| 0x2ba647, |
| 0x22ac83, |
| 0x34e84d, |
| 0x3a4e08, |
| 0x8c6261c4, |
| 0x23ba85, |
| 0x312bc5, |
| 0x313003, |
| 0x8ca22082, |
| 0x315303, |
| 0x315703, |
| 0x388144, |
| 0x27e645, |
| 0x2146c7, |
| 0x32ee86, |
| 0x390b03, |
| 0x22550b, |
| 0x27e74b, |
| 0x2b2ccb, |
| 0x2d340b, |
| 0x2e458a, |
| 0x3709cb, |
| 0x396c8b, |
| 0x3d92cc, |
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| 0x317351, |
| 0x31778a, |
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| 0x3222ca, |
| 0x32384c, |
| 0x8cf23b4a, |
| 0x324748, |
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| 0x3a018b, |
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| 0x3d88cd, |
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| 0x3dbd8b, |
| 0x3880c3, |
| 0x8db86943, |
| 0x2a9ec6, |
| 0x279c45, |
| 0x3911c7, |
| 0x334b06, |
| 0x1603a02, |
| 0x3d2049, |
| 0x3243c4, |
| 0x2e2608, |
| 0x21d503, |
| 0x313187, |
| 0x231442, |
| 0x2b1083, |
| 0x8de08c42, |
| 0x2cbb06, |
| 0x2ccf04, |
| 0x346604, |
| 0x36d203, |
| 0x8e6c8842, |
| 0x8ea1e244, |
| 0x276d87, |
| 0x8ee2ba82, |
| 0x22f743, |
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| 0x1acac8, |
| 0x204783, |
| 0x2000c2, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x203102, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x211d83, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x4783, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x202443, |
| 0x33fed6, |
| 0x362e53, |
| 0x21f009, |
| 0x245b48, |
| 0x3bd489, |
| 0x30f506, |
| 0x3505d0, |
| 0x243713, |
| 0x2e6148, |
| 0x27abc7, |
| 0x27c4c7, |
| 0x2a3d0a, |
| 0x3426c9, |
| 0x3a2809, |
| 0x25078b, |
| 0x326546, |
| 0x28938a, |
| 0x220c06, |
| 0x323fc3, |
| 0x2dab45, |
| 0x3b9a08, |
| 0x23620d, |
| 0x2031cc, |
| 0x2fd587, |
| 0x31a40d, |
| 0x222584, |
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| 0x23348a, |
| 0x23394a, |
| 0x23cc87, |
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| 0x2877c6, |
| 0x32b384, |
| 0x2d8588, |
| 0x3a9409, |
| 0x2ceb86, |
| 0x2ceb88, |
| 0x243ecd, |
| 0x2cb2c9, |
| 0x30ad48, |
| 0x22a747, |
| 0x23904a, |
| 0x251ec6, |
| 0x25dec7, |
| 0x2d0e84, |
| 0x28f047, |
| 0x22494a, |
| 0x23f84e, |
| 0x26fbc5, |
| 0x28ef4b, |
| 0x222b09, |
| 0x207349, |
| 0x371187, |
| 0x3dc44a, |
| 0x2c1387, |
| 0x2f38c9, |
| 0x209f08, |
| 0x32c60b, |
| 0x2e1985, |
| 0x22ca0a, |
| 0x225289, |
| 0x36beca, |
| 0x2cdccb, |
| 0x3c6c8b, |
| 0x250515, |
| 0x2e59c5, |
| 0x22a7c5, |
| 0x2f2d0a, |
| 0x25970a, |
| 0x313b87, |
| 0x22a803, |
| 0x2b8188, |
| 0x2d928a, |
| 0x222186, |
| 0x25b6c9, |
| 0x28b748, |
| 0x2e2e04, |
| 0x38b189, |
| 0x2c20c8, |
| 0x2bc707, |
| 0x2e7646, |
| 0x3858c7, |
| 0x2c2dc7, |
| 0x23fe85, |
| 0x26fa0c, |
| 0x23ba85, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
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| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x4783, |
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| 0x203102, |
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| 0x204783, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x4783, |
| 0x26d843, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x1ca8c3, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x211d83, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x4783, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x203102, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x22f747, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x203102, |
| 0x201d02, |
| 0x2e63c2, |
| 0x2051c2, |
| 0x2090c2, |
| 0x2e4e02, |
| 0x92246, |
| 0x52449, |
| 0x481bbc3, |
| 0x891c7, |
| 0x50c3, |
| 0x112585, |
| 0xc1, |
| 0x522f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x20d343, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x214503, |
| 0x211d83, |
| 0x2daa46, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x2021c3, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x3314c4, |
| 0x332e47, |
| 0x36d243, |
| 0x2e8204, |
| 0x2186c3, |
| 0x287e03, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0xe747, |
| 0x9c4, |
| 0x11c3, |
| 0x1273c5, |
| 0x2000c2, |
| 0x4af03, |
| 0x6603102, |
| 0x688b549, |
| 0x8bbcd, |
| 0x8cb4d, |
| 0x2e63c2, |
| 0x21b84, |
| 0x127409, |
| 0x2003c2, |
| 0x6e21a88, |
| 0xf2484, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x1416702, |
| 0x14005c2, |
| 0x1416702, |
| 0x150c906, |
| 0x2314c3, |
| 0x271803, |
| 0x762f743, |
| 0x232244, |
| 0x7a34e83, |
| 0x8624943, |
| 0x203842, |
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| 0x301e03, |
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| 0x218002, |
| 0x2faa83, |
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| 0x2a3903, |
| 0x28b803, |
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| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x2314c3, |
| 0x20bb08, |
| 0x2802c2, |
| 0x7f01e03, |
| 0x201e02, |
| 0x2faa83, |
| 0x205fc2, |
| 0x82a3903, |
| 0x28b803, |
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| 0x254c07, |
| 0x234e89, |
| 0x2faa83, |
| 0x205fc2, |
| 0x2a3903, |
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| 0x20da42, |
| 0x214e03, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x211d83, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x24af03, |
| 0x203102, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x221b84, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x207ac5, |
| 0x210782, |
| 0x2000c2, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x14441c8, |
| 0x13258a, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x2042c1, |
| 0x2009c1, |
| 0x200a01, |
| 0x201301, |
| 0x201281, |
| 0x205ac1, |
| 0x202881, |
| 0x220541, |
| 0x204341, |
| 0x200001, |
| 0x2000c1, |
| 0x200201, |
| 0x129245, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x200101, |
| 0x2015c1, |
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| 0x200041, |
| 0x200801, |
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| 0x200701, |
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| 0x200581, |
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| 0x216b41, |
| 0x200401, |
| 0x200741, |
| 0x2007c1, |
| 0x200081, |
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| 0x201241, |
| 0x2018c1, |
| 0x2086c1, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x20ce83, |
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| 0x203102, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x2003c2, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x1b583, |
| 0xe747, |
| 0x11e87, |
| 0x25786, |
| 0x36a8a, |
| 0x8ac88, |
| 0x56548, |
| 0x57007, |
| 0x1757c6, |
| 0xe0a45, |
| 0x1339c5, |
| 0x11d483, |
| 0x1c6b46, |
| 0xfd986, |
| 0x250784, |
| 0x3bd8c7, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x2dbb04, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x3102, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x323d48, |
| 0x330684, |
| 0x234dc4, |
| 0x226804, |
| 0x367a07, |
| 0x2d7607, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x2375cb, |
| 0x316cca, |
| 0x326807, |
| 0x302288, |
| 0x32aac8, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x32d787, |
| 0x20d343, |
| 0x2083c8, |
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| 0x221b84, |
| 0x214503, |
| 0x23b2c8, |
| 0x211d83, |
| 0x2d430a, |
| 0x2daa46, |
| 0x3aa987, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x398446, |
| 0x271688, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x258f86, |
| 0x2e9b0d, |
| 0x2ec208, |
| 0x2f304b, |
| 0x3c6506, |
| 0x368587, |
| 0x212885, |
| 0x22914a, |
| 0x220205, |
| 0x23444a, |
| 0x210782, |
| 0x2050c3, |
| 0x2ff104, |
| 0x200006, |
| 0x3b2f83, |
| 0x2a7b83, |
| 0x24e8c3, |
| 0x2c5d43, |
| 0x2b5903, |
| 0x203082, |
| 0x2fcf85, |
| 0x2a9749, |
| 0x240503, |
| 0x21c183, |
| 0x224cc3, |
| 0x200201, |
| 0x2e6f07, |
| 0x2d15c5, |
| 0x3a8343, |
| 0x3c6083, |
| 0x226804, |
| 0x327003, |
| 0x20f588, |
| 0x368d83, |
| 0x3097cd, |
| 0x38cc48, |
| 0x20bcc6, |
| 0x329143, |
| 0x391783, |
| 0x3acf43, |
| 0xc62f743, |
| 0x2346c8, |
| 0x2375c4, |
| 0x241183, |
| 0x200106, |
| 0x244988, |
| 0x27d8c3, |
| 0x229183, |
| 0x22f8c3, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x2199c3, |
| 0x250603, |
| 0x286583, |
| 0x3290c3, |
| 0x28e243, |
| 0x2227c3, |
| 0x38f685, |
| 0x252404, |
| 0x252d87, |
| 0x2b1d82, |
| 0x2562c3, |
| 0x259106, |
| 0x25ab43, |
| 0x25b203, |
| 0x279e43, |
| 0x376083, |
| 0x3311c3, |
| 0x298c07, |
| 0xca24943, |
| 0x249203, |
| 0x3d66c3, |
| 0x2083c3, |
| 0x214343, |
| 0x2f8683, |
| 0x3b9485, |
| 0x374ec3, |
| 0x200e09, |
| 0x201503, |
| 0x304c43, |
| 0xce37bc3, |
| 0x2bd483, |
| 0x21acc8, |
| 0x2a9686, |
| 0x375e46, |
| 0x29e046, |
| 0x38c287, |
| 0x222e43, |
| 0x225a83, |
| 0x211d83, |
| 0x28ad86, |
| 0x203282, |
| 0x2a2c03, |
| 0x33e985, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x3104c7, |
| 0x1604783, |
| 0x271683, |
| 0x207c83, |
| 0x212ec3, |
| 0x209b43, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x20c586, |
| 0x326d46, |
| 0x37da83, |
| 0x2eb003, |
| 0x214e03, |
| 0x21c283, |
| 0x30a443, |
| 0x2f8c83, |
| 0x2fae43, |
| 0x216f45, |
| 0x259703, |
| 0x387b06, |
| 0x32b588, |
| 0x212c03, |
| 0x3be389, |
| 0x363348, |
| 0x215a48, |
| 0x21fc05, |
| 0x2ff34a, |
| 0x35fcca, |
| 0x3a128b, |
| 0x22ecc8, |
| 0x2ed043, |
| 0x390c43, |
| 0x2f2f83, |
| 0x305a48, |
| 0x3788c3, |
| 0x32ee04, |
| 0x20b102, |
| 0x25e943, |
| 0x2007c3, |
| 0x222d03, |
| 0x254f83, |
| 0x2021c3, |
| 0x210782, |
| 0x22ab43, |
| 0x239383, |
| 0x30ca83, |
| 0x30e284, |
| 0x2ff104, |
| 0x3c6903, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x2000c2, |
| 0x200ac2, |
| 0x203082, |
| 0x202602, |
| 0x200202, |
| 0x201ec2, |
| 0x255002, |
| 0x201bc2, |
| 0x200382, |
| 0x200c42, |
| 0x32a2c2, |
| 0x204fc2, |
| 0x26ff42, |
| 0x200a82, |
| 0x2e4e02, |
| 0x204ac2, |
| 0x201c82, |
| 0x214e02, |
| 0x2b2002, |
| 0x2046c2, |
| 0x200682, |
| 0x215742, |
| 0x203e42, |
| 0x202442, |
| 0x205c82, |
| 0x234542, |
| 0x201942, |
| 0xc2, |
| 0xac2, |
| 0x3082, |
| 0x2602, |
| 0x202, |
| 0x1ec2, |
| 0x55002, |
| 0x1bc2, |
| 0x382, |
| 0xc42, |
| 0x12a2c2, |
| 0x4fc2, |
| 0x6ff42, |
| 0xa82, |
| 0xe4e02, |
| 0x4ac2, |
| 0x1c82, |
| 0x14e02, |
| 0xb2002, |
| 0x46c2, |
| 0x682, |
| 0x15742, |
| 0x3e42, |
| 0x2442, |
| 0x5c82, |
| 0x34542, |
| 0x1942, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x50c2, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x3102, |
| 0x203102, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0xe62f743, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x211d83, |
| 0x71003, |
| 0x228002, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x71003, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x8c42, |
| 0x2001c2, |
| 0x143c845, |
| 0x129245, |
| 0x20bac2, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x3102, |
| 0x2366c2, |
| 0x204482, |
| 0x20f782, |
| 0x211cc2, |
| 0x24dc02, |
| 0x1339c5, |
| 0x2016c2, |
| 0x201e02, |
| 0x218782, |
| 0x201dc2, |
| 0x204ac2, |
| 0x3a1642, |
| 0x201782, |
| 0x296d02, |
| 0xf731fc4, |
| 0x142, |
| 0xe747, |
| 0x14f80d, |
| 0xe0ac9, |
| 0xd700b, |
| 0xe2f48, |
| 0x668c9, |
| 0x105546, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x9c4, |
| 0x11c3, |
| 0x1273c5, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0xde387, |
| 0x57b06, |
| 0x127409, |
| 0xe50e, |
| 0x14bf47, |
| 0x2000c2, |
| 0x250784, |
| 0x203102, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x201d02, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x143c3, |
| 0x200382, |
| 0x2dbb04, |
| 0x214503, |
| 0x249602, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x2003c2, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x22a7c6, |
| 0x3347cf, |
| 0x602, |
| 0x776243, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x203102, |
| 0x20d343, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x211d83, |
| 0x4783, |
| 0xe508, |
| 0x1428f0b, |
| 0x1540cca, |
| 0x152bd0a, |
| 0x1427bc7, |
| 0xa3dcb, |
| 0x178945, |
| 0x110209, |
| 0x129245, |
| 0xe747, |
| 0xef6c4, |
| 0x203102, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x2000c2, |
| 0x200c82, |
| 0x33d3c2, |
| 0x12a2f743, |
| 0x23e8c2, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x2014c2, |
| 0x2268c2, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x203942, |
| 0x28bec2, |
| 0x21e202, |
| 0x200cc2, |
| 0x291f82, |
| 0x200802, |
| 0x200d82, |
| 0x25ce02, |
| 0x27bc02, |
| 0x216842, |
| 0x15388c, |
| 0x2b2a02, |
| 0x2ea082, |
| 0x214682, |
| 0x242bc2, |
| 0x211d83, |
| 0x200bc2, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x224a82, |
| 0x2d33c2, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x240582, |
| 0x202442, |
| 0x214d02, |
| 0x2033c2, |
| 0x210b82, |
| 0x2e4542, |
| 0x214642, |
| 0x21ddc2, |
| 0x21d9c2, |
| 0x31ac4a, |
| 0x36630a, |
| 0x39c18a, |
| 0x3dd442, |
| 0x20fd02, |
| 0x3b9442, |
| 0x12e45889, |
| 0x13363c4a, |
| 0x1430787, |
| 0x13605102, |
| 0x14ed383, |
| 0x2542, |
| 0x163c4a, |
| 0x18b84e, |
| 0x23d544, |
| 0x77605, |
| 0x13e2f743, |
| 0x3f0c3, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x24f044, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x221b84, |
| 0x214503, |
| 0x1405c9, |
| 0x1a2ac6, |
| 0x211d83, |
| 0xe3e84, |
| 0x176943, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x7085, |
| 0x204783, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x143d444, |
| 0x259703, |
| 0x1069c4, |
| 0x2050c3, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x176186, |
| 0x1575744, |
| 0x16d005, |
| 0x14bd0a, |
| 0x1237c2, |
| 0x1a7ac6, |
| 0x55e11, |
| 0x14645889, |
| 0x16d088, |
| 0x4e388, |
| 0x1c7bc7, |
| 0x3002, |
| 0xe31ce, |
| 0x12924b, |
| 0x1355cb, |
| 0x19c68a, |
| 0x892ca, |
| 0x26807, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x114748, |
| 0x4e87, |
| 0x1b01530b, |
| 0x1b587, |
| 0x1c782, |
| 0x5d4c7, |
| 0x27f0a, |
| 0x5588f, |
| 0x3cb4f, |
| 0x291c2, |
| 0x3102, |
| 0x864c8, |
| 0xe3aca, |
| 0xdde8a, |
| 0x52b0a, |
| 0x18ca48, |
| 0xc288, |
| 0x5bb48, |
| 0xde348, |
| 0x16c848, |
| 0x7682, |
| 0x3c8cf, |
| 0xa1f8b, |
| 0x18d648, |
| 0x39dc7, |
| 0x168a, |
| 0x13a0cb, |
| 0x35309, |
| 0x49547, |
| 0xc188, |
| 0x15fe8c, |
| 0x1385c7, |
| 0xdad4a, |
| 0xfcc8, |
| 0x2578e, |
| 0x25f4e, |
| 0x2664b, |
| 0x296cb, |
| 0x2c0cb, |
| 0x2cf89, |
| 0x6cb8b, |
| 0x6d68d, |
| 0xdc28b, |
| 0xf990d, |
| 0xf9c8d, |
| 0xfd7ca, |
| 0xfef4b, |
| 0x3b8cb, |
| 0x3f545, |
| 0x1b424010, |
| 0x174cf, |
| 0x13218f, |
| 0x6e90d, |
| 0x140790, |
| 0x69102, |
| 0x1ba1ed48, |
| 0x11d08, |
| 0xa1150, |
| 0x11578e, |
| 0x1bf68d45, |
| 0x4e18b, |
| 0x13f6d0, |
| 0x55548, |
| 0xc38a, |
| 0x29889, |
| 0x63007, |
| 0x63347, |
| 0x63507, |
| 0x63d47, |
| 0x65147, |
| 0x65747, |
| 0x66087, |
| 0x665c7, |
| 0x67107, |
| 0x67487, |
| 0x67b47, |
| 0x67d07, |
| 0x67ec7, |
| 0x68087, |
| 0x69207, |
| 0x69ac7, |
| 0x6ac47, |
| 0x6b007, |
| 0x6b647, |
| 0x6b907, |
| 0x6bac7, |
| 0x6bdc7, |
| 0x6fe07, |
| 0x70007, |
| 0x703c7, |
| 0x70587, |
| 0x70747, |
| 0x71387, |
| 0x72987, |
| 0x72e07, |
| 0x73907, |
| 0x73bc7, |
| 0x73f47, |
| 0x74107, |
| 0x74507, |
| 0x755c7, |
| 0x75a07, |
| 0x75f87, |
| 0x76147, |
| 0x76307, |
| 0x76b87, |
| 0x77747, |
| 0x77c87, |
| 0x78207, |
| 0x783c7, |
| 0x78747, |
| 0x79347, |
| 0x4582, |
| 0x5bc4a, |
| 0xe3fc7, |
| 0x888c5, |
| 0xa6411, |
| 0x1b9e06, |
| 0xf5a8a, |
| 0x8634a, |
| 0x57b06, |
| 0xacf8b, |
| 0x642, |
| 0x31b11, |
| 0x1522c9, |
| 0x98009, |
| 0x5ce02, |
| 0x8268a, |
| 0xa8c49, |
| 0xa938f, |
| 0xa998e, |
| 0xac2c8, |
| 0x5dc2, |
| 0x175c89, |
| 0x19b74e, |
| 0x1c1f4c, |
| 0xe534f, |
| 0x1b380e, |
| 0x2b3cc, |
| 0x6d309, |
| 0x6ee11, |
| 0x6f3c8, |
| 0x139312, |
| 0x13a8cd, |
| 0x16028d, |
| 0x172b4b, |
| 0x4e555, |
| 0x53889, |
| 0x5ac8a, |
| 0x5f309, |
| 0x74a50, |
| 0x7574b, |
| 0x8678f, |
| 0x171dcb, |
| 0x1c998c, |
| 0x91ad0, |
| 0x9748a, |
| 0xa2acd, |
| 0xabf4e, |
| 0xadcca, |
| 0xb00cc, |
| 0xc2a94, |
| 0x151f51, |
| 0xb5b0b, |
| 0xb7d0f, |
| 0xb970d, |
| 0xb9f8e, |
| 0xbc5cc, |
| 0xbe58c, |
| 0xc278b, |
| 0xc334e, |
| 0xc3c10, |
| 0xc4a0b, |
| 0x170d8d, |
| 0x14388f, |
| 0xcbe4c, |
| 0xcea0e, |
| 0xcfc11, |
| 0xd830c, |
| 0xe0e07, |
| 0xeea0d, |
| 0xf6c0c, |
| 0x108c10, |
| 0x1ccf4d, |
| 0xfffc7, |
| 0x145d10, |
| 0x166548, |
| 0x1730cb, |
| 0xb184f, |
| 0x120648, |
| 0xf5c8d, |
| 0x103a10, |
| 0x17ef89, |
| 0x1c2b36c6, |
| 0xb4d43, |
| 0xba545, |
| 0x51b42, |
| 0x1b09, |
| 0x584ca, |
| 0x1c7397c6, |
| 0x1ca5d6c4, |
| 0x58e46, |
| 0x1d40a, |
| 0x81b0d, |
| 0x1cd68009, |
| 0x166c3, |
| 0x106cca, |
| 0xdd091, |
| 0xdd4c9, |
| 0xdde07, |
| 0xdeb88, |
| 0xdf187, |
| 0xe4088, |
| 0x3c9cb, |
| 0x125b89, |
| 0xe4810, |
| 0xe4ccc, |
| 0xe5808, |
| 0xe5c85, |
| 0xa088, |
| 0x10630a, |
| 0x139147, |
| 0x129f47, |
| 0x2f42, |
| 0x1403ca, |
| 0x14aac8, |
| 0x1c5009, |
| 0x79d05, |
| 0x11034a, |
| 0x8f30f, |
| 0x12284b, |
| 0x1b954c, |
| 0x146252, |
| 0x7ce85, |
| 0xe7948, |
| 0x4f34a, |
| 0x1d2f1585, |
| 0x1866cc, |
| 0x13d203, |
| 0x1a1642, |
| 0xfafcb, |
| 0xfc88a, |
| 0x14fcc0c, |
| 0x138948, |
| 0xf9ac8, |
| 0x1d74ab46, |
| 0x688c7, |
| 0x129c2, |
| 0x5fc2, |
| 0x4cb90, |
| 0x69387, |
| 0x3128f, |
| 0x1c6b46, |
| 0x15b10e, |
| 0x9640b, |
| 0x18fe88, |
| 0x356c9, |
| 0x17bf92, |
| 0x10ac0d, |
| 0x10b488, |
| 0xd6ec9, |
| 0x14c80d, |
| 0x19a249, |
| 0x5c8b, |
| 0x6bf48, |
| 0x79148, |
| 0x7ccc8, |
| 0x7ffc9, |
| 0x801ca, |
| 0x872cc, |
| 0x3bb8a, |
| 0xe898a, |
| 0x10a487, |
| 0x4840d, |
| 0x6f6d1, |
| 0x1daba286, |
| 0x1b1c4b, |
| 0x1241cc, |
| 0x2eb08, |
| 0x47309, |
| 0x18058d, |
| 0x1a7cd0, |
| 0x17dbcd, |
| 0x13602, |
| 0x66dcd, |
| 0x4cc2, |
| 0x187c2, |
| 0x10a3ca, |
| 0x124ca, |
| 0xf598a, |
| 0x11308b, |
| 0x261cc, |
| 0x11424a, |
| 0x1144ce, |
| 0x18820d, |
| 0x1dddd305, |
| 0x12d5c8, |
| 0x8c42, |
| 0x14b7704e, |
| 0x15203f4e, |
| 0x15a0260a, |
| 0x1636ccce, |
| 0x16b21f4e, |
| 0x172fbe8c, |
| 0x1430787, |
| 0x1430789, |
| 0x14ed383, |
| 0x17bbeccc, |
| 0x18342d09, |
| 0x18b44d49, |
| 0x1934bb09, |
| 0x2542, |
| 0x176f91, |
| 0x3e91, |
| 0x254d, |
| 0x16cc11, |
| 0x121e91, |
| 0xfbdcf, |
| 0x1bec0f, |
| 0x142c4c, |
| 0x144c8c, |
| 0x14ba4c, |
| 0x16880d, |
| 0x6a395, |
| 0x7eb8c, |
| 0x135ccc, |
| 0x17ca50, |
| 0x1947cc, |
| 0x1a9b4c, |
| 0x1ae759, |
| 0x1b4c99, |
| 0x1b6c19, |
| 0x1bb6d4, |
| 0x1c3194, |
| 0x1c42d4, |
| 0x1c5614, |
| 0x5014, |
| 0x19a7ec49, |
| 0x1a1c4589, |
| 0x1ab35d89, |
| 0x14e6f5c9, |
| 0x2542, |
| 0x1566f5c9, |
| 0x2542, |
| 0x500a, |
| 0x2542, |
| 0x15e6f5c9, |
| 0x2542, |
| 0x500a, |
| 0x2542, |
| 0x1666f5c9, |
| 0x2542, |
| 0x16e6f5c9, |
| 0x2542, |
| 0x1766f5c9, |
| 0x2542, |
| 0x500a, |
| 0x2542, |
| 0x17e6f5c9, |
| 0x2542, |
| 0x500a, |
| 0x2542, |
| 0x1866f5c9, |
| 0x2542, |
| 0x18e6f5c9, |
| 0x2542, |
| 0x500a, |
| 0x2542, |
| 0x1966f5c9, |
| 0x2542, |
| 0x500a, |
| 0x2542, |
| 0x19e6f5c9, |
| 0x2542, |
| 0x1a66f5c9, |
| 0x2542, |
| 0x1ae6f5c9, |
| 0x2542, |
| 0x500a, |
| 0x2542, |
| 0x55e05, |
| 0x19c684, |
| 0x17704e, |
| 0x3f4e, |
| 0x7b4ce, |
| 0x260a, |
| 0x16ccce, |
| 0x121f4e, |
| 0xfbe8c, |
| 0x1beccc, |
| 0x142d09, |
| 0x144d49, |
| 0x14bb09, |
| 0x7ec49, |
| 0x1c4589, |
| 0x135d89, |
| 0x6a58d, |
| 0x194889, |
| 0x52c9, |
| 0x1497c4, |
| 0x1d7144, |
| 0x69104, |
| 0x154b84, |
| 0xa4084, |
| 0x2dd44, |
| 0x37dc4, |
| 0x4df04, |
| 0xfe484, |
| 0x15a1203, |
| 0xe3687, |
| 0x35fcc, |
| 0x31643, |
| 0x69102, |
| 0x188203, |
| 0x31643, |
| 0x90f43, |
| 0x7842, |
| 0x7848, |
| 0x125c07, |
| 0x7682, |
| 0x2000c2, |
| 0x203102, |
| 0x201d02, |
| 0x2143c2, |
| 0x200382, |
| 0x2003c2, |
| 0x205fc2, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x214343, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0xb9c3, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x21b84, |
| 0x2000c2, |
| 0x24af03, |
| 0x2022f743, |
| 0x38fa87, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x20e943, |
| 0x209c04, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x21d64a, |
| 0x22a7c5, |
| 0x214e03, |
| 0x21a602, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x3102, |
| 0x1379c2, |
| 0x20b67d8b, |
| 0x20e2f9c4, |
| 0x5d605, |
| 0xe745, |
| 0x100a86, |
| 0x2120e745, |
| 0x54f03, |
| 0x1668c3, |
| 0x9c4, |
| 0x11c3, |
| 0x1273c5, |
| 0x129245, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x1b587, |
| 0x2f743, |
| 0x21a3a407, |
| 0x15c6, |
| 0x21d6cb05, |
| 0x3a507, |
| 0xac8a, |
| 0xab48, |
| 0xcb47, |
| 0x6624a, |
| 0x18e448, |
| 0x64bc7, |
| 0x1a63cf, |
| 0x3f147, |
| 0x4dd06, |
| 0x13f6d0, |
| 0x7338f, |
| 0x19209, |
| 0x58ec4, |
| 0x2203a5ce, |
| 0x3ad49, |
| 0x681c6, |
| 0x102ec9, |
| 0x190b46, |
| 0x1a8ac6, |
| 0x18d40c, |
| 0x13a2ca, |
| 0x35487, |
| 0x12184a, |
| 0x176749, |
| 0xe938c, |
| 0x1b920a, |
| 0x8970a, |
| 0x127409, |
| 0x58e46, |
| 0x3554a, |
| 0x10bb0a, |
| 0x9fcca, |
| 0x112349, |
| 0xdb6c8, |
| 0xdb946, |
| 0xe0fcd, |
| 0xbaf85, |
| 0x2275308c, |
| 0x14bf47, |
| 0x1015c9, |
| 0xb3207, |
| 0x103e14, |
| 0x10430b, |
| 0x39c0a, |
| 0x17be0a, |
| 0xa5a0d, |
| 0x1513289, |
| 0x10a9cc, |
| 0x10b28b, |
| 0xfcc3, |
| 0xfcc3, |
| 0x25786, |
| 0xfcc3, |
| 0x100a88, |
| 0x156b03, |
| 0x35685, |
| 0x1412703, |
| 0x52449, |
| 0x14cc0c3, |
| 0x146dbc7, |
| 0x74cc7, |
| 0x235c7a89, |
| 0xcd46, |
| 0x174f49, |
| 0x4af03, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x3102, |
| 0x4f044, |
| 0x7b83, |
| 0x7ac5, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x21c183, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x20d343, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x211d83, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x2981c3, |
| 0x2050c3, |
| 0x21c183, |
| 0x250784, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x209983, |
| 0x251c7b85, |
| 0x142da83, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x2143c3, |
| 0x20d343, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x221b84, |
| 0x201143, |
| 0x225a83, |
| 0x211d83, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x71003, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x214e03, |
| 0x25e1e383, |
| 0x146149, |
| 0x3102, |
| 0x3a8583, |
| 0x26a2f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x249843, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x215cc3, |
| 0x225a83, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x2f16c3, |
| 0x39cb04, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x2722f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x2ac383, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x211d83, |
| 0x209c04, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x230e03, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x27a2f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x20d343, |
| 0x204783, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x1430787, |
| 0x24af03, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x221b84, |
| 0x209c04, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x129245, |
| 0xe747, |
| 0x10404b, |
| 0xdd8c4, |
| 0xbaf85, |
| 0x14441c8, |
| 0x1e00d, |
| 0x28e6fcc5, |
| 0x81b84, |
| 0x3102, |
| 0xd103, |
| 0x17ee85, |
| 0x28002, |
| 0x1dc2, |
| 0x326705, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0xfcc2, |
| 0x2a83, |
| 0x16264f, |
| 0x3102, |
| 0xf7806, |
| 0x28002, |
| 0x3248c8, |
| 0x250784, |
| 0x348806, |
| 0x34b906, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x31a3c3, |
| 0x2c5c09, |
| 0x359a95, |
| 0x159a9f, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x3c2d52, |
| 0x172886, |
| 0x1825c5, |
| 0xc38a, |
| 0x29889, |
| 0x3c2b0f, |
| 0x2dbb04, |
| 0x36b785, |
| 0x304a10, |
| 0x245d47, |
| 0x204783, |
| 0x314d88, |
| 0x1324c6, |
| 0x29248a, |
| 0x203b04, |
| 0x2f0fc3, |
| 0x21a602, |
| 0x2eaa8b, |
| 0x4783, |
| 0x19fbc4, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x211d83, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x4783, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x2f8f83, |
| 0x203102, |
| 0x1a95c3, |
| 0x6d84, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x211d83, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x20e943, |
| 0x225283, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x4af03, |
| 0x203102, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x4783, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x2000c2, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0xe745, |
| 0x250784, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x346484, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x71003, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x144a49, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x20d343, |
| 0x2083c3, |
| 0x211d83, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x4783, |
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| 0x342644, |
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| 0x203102, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x71003, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x203843, |
| 0x45e83, |
| 0xe943, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x71003, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x31ac4a, |
| 0x346cc9, |
| 0x35db4b, |
| 0x35e24a, |
| 0x36630a, |
| 0x37a0cb, |
| 0x39090a, |
| 0x395f8a, |
| 0x39c18a, |
| 0x39c40b, |
| 0x3bcf09, |
| 0x3c8bca, |
| 0x3c910b, |
| 0x3d588b, |
| 0x3da58a, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x20d343, |
| 0x211d83, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x4783, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x1872cb, |
| 0x5c848, |
| 0x14c944, |
| 0x3cb06, |
| 0xfda89, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0xc384, |
| 0x263004, |
| 0x213482, |
| 0x209c04, |
| 0x327905, |
| 0x21c183, |
| 0x250784, |
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| 0x234e83, |
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| 0x221b84, |
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| 0x266f85, |
| 0x209983, |
| 0x214e03, |
| 0x252c43, |
| 0x23bb84, |
| 0x376104, |
| 0x375205, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x331c04, |
| 0x3a8c46, |
| 0x327544, |
| 0x203102, |
| 0x346647, |
| 0x247947, |
| 0x24bd44, |
| 0x25a1c5, |
| 0x3cd145, |
| 0x230145, |
| 0x221b84, |
| 0x38c348, |
| 0x22a1c6, |
| 0x34de48, |
| 0x27bc45, |
| 0x2e1985, |
| 0x265e44, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x2f2484, |
| 0x378f06, |
| 0x22a8c3, |
| 0x23bb84, |
| 0x234545, |
| 0x201a84, |
| 0x248244, |
| 0x21a602, |
| 0x337e86, |
| 0x3b01c6, |
| 0x308005, |
| 0x2000c2, |
| 0x24af03, |
| 0x31203102, |
| 0x21eec4, |
| 0x200382, |
| 0x211d83, |
| 0x23c9c2, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x2003c2, |
| 0x2edc06, |
| 0x202443, |
| 0x2050c3, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x71003, |
| 0x2000c2, |
| 0x31e03102, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x264983, |
| 0x201143, |
| 0x22f9c4, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x2000c2, |
| 0x32603102, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x4783, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x682, |
| 0x205842, |
| 0x210782, |
| 0x20e943, |
| 0x2e9343, |
| 0x2000c2, |
| 0x129245, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0xe747, |
| 0x203102, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x24f044, |
| 0x2020c3, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x2083c3, |
| 0x211d83, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x2130c3, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x22a803, |
| 0x11f293, |
| 0x125d94, |
| 0x129245, |
| 0xe747, |
| 0x109706, |
| 0x113ccb, |
| 0x25786, |
| 0x56387, |
| 0x5a1c6, |
| 0x649, |
| 0xd39ca, |
| 0x8ab4d, |
| 0x14f50c, |
| 0x10c48a, |
| 0xf3dc8, |
| 0x1339c5, |
| 0xacc8, |
| 0x1c6b46, |
| 0x1c0ec6, |
| 0xfd986, |
| 0x602, |
| 0x269102, |
| 0x4284, |
| 0x90f46, |
| 0x187010, |
| 0x82e4e, |
| 0x2906, |
| 0x186dcc, |
| 0x33e5570b, |
| 0x129245, |
| 0x14420b, |
| 0x343c0e04, |
| 0x19c847, |
| 0x21fd1, |
| 0xfe30a, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x661c5, |
| 0x12a3c8, |
| 0x12984, |
| 0x586c5, |
| 0x3448e546, |
| 0xa6406, |
| 0xc1886, |
| 0x9224a, |
| 0x1a8383, |
| 0x34a436c4, |
| 0x52449, |
| 0x14dfc7, |
| 0x161ca, |
| 0x14cd7c9, |
| 0x605, |
| 0xfd743, |
| 0x34f39847, |
| 0x7085, |
| 0x1563286, |
| 0xad04c, |
| 0xf4f88, |
| 0xeaccb, |
| 0x10f9cb, |
| 0x35249bcc, |
| 0x1405a83, |
| 0xbc288, |
| 0xeaf45, |
| 0xa1e09, |
| 0x113388, |
| 0x141d346, |
| 0x891c7, |
| 0x35780589, |
| 0xc6787, |
| 0x17894a, |
| 0x10af4d, |
| 0x7608, |
| 0x31643, |
| 0x1756c3, |
| 0x100a88, |
| 0xfe484, |
| 0x120b85, |
| 0xe3387, |
| 0x35a3c8c3, |
| 0x35f54206, |
| 0x362f2d04, |
| 0x366fca47, |
| 0x100a84, |
| 0x100a84, |
| 0x100a84, |
| 0x100a84, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x211d83, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x2000c2, |
| 0x203102, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x203842, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x202443, |
| 0x382e0f, |
| 0x3831ce, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x22f743, |
| 0x447c7, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x214503, |
| 0x20ce83, |
| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x2844, |
| 0x1304, |
| 0x131544, |
| 0x21c743, |
| 0x332907, |
| 0x202e82, |
| 0x2c9089, |
| 0x200ac2, |
| 0x24ce8b, |
| 0x29d7ca, |
| 0x268f09, |
| 0x200542, |
| 0x3be4c6, |
| 0x33ad55, |
| 0x24cfd5, |
| 0x3ad113, |
| 0x24d553, |
| 0x2197c2, |
| 0x21dbc5, |
| 0x32f1cc, |
| 0x2779cb, |
| 0x298645, |
| 0x202602, |
| 0x2fae02, |
| 0x393ac6, |
| 0x203002, |
| 0x37de46, |
| 0x20c60d, |
| 0x206e0c, |
| 0x224084, |
| 0x200882, |
| 0x206c82, |
| 0x3396c8, |
| 0x200202, |
| 0x305bc6, |
| 0x305bcf, |
| 0x397e50, |
| 0x3a3c04, |
| 0x33af15, |
| 0x3ad293, |
| 0x209843, |
| 0x34850a, |
| 0x206207, |
| 0x36a889, |
| 0x216087, |
| 0x21c342, |
| 0x200282, |
| 0x3b6906, |
| 0x204382, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x208d42, |
| 0x209002, |
| 0x209007, |
| 0x268d07, |
| 0x268d11, |
| 0x217fc5, |
| 0x217fce, |
| 0x21a94f, |
| 0x21c782, |
| 0x398507, |
| 0x21cd88, |
| 0x205142, |
| 0x2bfa42, |
| 0x20f7c6, |
| 0x20f7cf, |
| 0x281750, |
| 0x22c542, |
| 0x207982, |
| 0x32b408, |
| 0x207983, |
| 0x25ed88, |
| 0x2e1d0d, |
| 0x280c03, |
| 0x34b748, |
| 0x280c0f, |
| 0x280fce, |
| 0x37baca, |
| 0x223111, |
| 0x223590, |
| 0x2c7bcd, |
| 0x2c7f0c, |
| 0x3a8407, |
| 0x348687, |
| 0x3488c9, |
| 0x21c302, |
| 0x201ec2, |
| 0x257f8c, |
| 0x25828b, |
| 0x200d42, |
| 0x2c2946, |
| 0x227f02, |
| 0x200482, |
| 0x2291c2, |
| 0x203102, |
| 0x22fb44, |
| 0x23a0c7, |
| 0x22ca82, |
| 0x23ffc7, |
| 0x241a47, |
| 0x227d02, |
| 0x231082, |
| 0x244685, |
| 0x224502, |
| 0x2e738e, |
| 0x38564d, |
| 0x234e83, |
| 0x28814e, |
| 0x3d1a0d, |
| 0x348cc3, |
| 0x202102, |
| 0x286204, |
| 0x24ab42, |
| 0x2072c2, |
| 0x39ee05, |
| 0x3a0887, |
| 0x2491c2, |
| 0x2143c2, |
| 0x24ec47, |
| 0x2527c8, |
| 0x2b1d82, |
| 0x27cf06, |
| 0x257e0c, |
| 0x25814b, |
| 0x208142, |
| 0x25f7cf, |
| 0x25fb90, |
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| 0x260355, |
| 0x260894, |
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| 0x26110e, |
| 0x26148f, |
| 0x26184e, |
| 0x261bd4, |
| 0x2620d3, |
| 0x26258d, |
| 0x279509, |
| 0x28ce83, |
| 0x2020c2, |
| 0x35ac05, |
| 0x3ce486, |
| 0x200382, |
| 0x2b5787, |
| 0x224943, |
| 0x200642, |
| 0x233b88, |
| 0x223351, |
| 0x223790, |
| 0x203702, |
| 0x28b387, |
| 0x201742, |
| 0x2a1687, |
| 0x251b42, |
| 0x3bde09, |
| 0x393a87, |
| 0x293348, |
| 0x28e386, |
| 0x2e9243, |
| 0x349345, |
| 0x212702, |
| 0x2004c2, |
| 0x3d7045, |
| 0x386b45, |
| 0x201b02, |
| 0x22cb43, |
| 0x344587, |
| 0x20ea47, |
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| 0x20fb43, |
| 0x2e64c9, |
| 0x20fb48, |
| 0x20e942, |
| 0x205542, |
| 0x2dcec7, |
| 0x2fa285, |
| 0x3635c8, |
| 0x227807, |
| 0x222303, |
| 0x290dc6, |
| 0x2c7a4d, |
| 0x2c7dcc, |
| 0x2d8a06, |
| 0x204482, |
| 0x2030c2, |
| 0x205982, |
| 0x280a8f, |
| 0x280e8e, |
| 0x3cd1c7, |
| 0x204802, |
| 0x31c445, |
| 0x31c446, |
| 0x21f382, |
| 0x200bc2, |
| 0x28fc06, |
| 0x20a643, |
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| 0x2cb845, |
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| 0x2cc255, |
| 0x2ccc8c, |
| 0x2cd00d, |
| 0x2cd352, |
| 0x204fc2, |
| 0x26ff42, |
| 0x202142, |
| 0x2fbc86, |
| 0x3c1e06, |
| 0x202f42, |
| 0x3ce506, |
| 0x218782, |
| 0x333105, |
| 0x2090c2, |
| 0x2e74c9, |
| 0x21980c, |
| 0x219b4b, |
| 0x2003c2, |
| 0x253188, |
| 0x201902, |
| 0x200a82, |
| 0x274246, |
| 0x26f545, |
| 0x200a87, |
| 0x222d85, |
| 0x277485, |
| 0x23cb02, |
| 0x20ad82, |
| 0x204ac2, |
| 0x2e5647, |
| 0x2edccd, |
| 0x2ee04c, |
| 0x3ac4c7, |
| 0x27ce82, |
| 0x201c82, |
| 0x20da88, |
| 0x201c88, |
| 0x2e2ac8, |
| 0x2f5c44, |
| 0x2c35c7, |
| 0x25d743, |
| 0x21a142, |
| 0x203b02, |
| 0x2ef7c9, |
| 0x225b87, |
| 0x214e02, |
| 0x274645, |
| 0x203542, |
| 0x228742, |
| 0x30b703, |
| 0x30b706, |
| 0x2f8c82, |
| 0x2faa02, |
| 0x200402, |
| 0x278f46, |
| 0x2e2087, |
| 0x214c02, |
| 0x200902, |
| 0x25ebcf, |
| 0x287f8d, |
| 0x39bb4e, |
| 0x3d188c, |
| 0x204542, |
| 0x2023c2, |
| 0x28e1c5, |
| 0x319386, |
| 0x200b82, |
| 0x2046c2, |
| 0x200682, |
| 0x227784, |
| 0x2e1b84, |
| 0x3580c6, |
| 0x205fc2, |
| 0x27c847, |
| 0x23df83, |
| 0x23df88, |
| 0x23e6c8, |
| 0x3729c7, |
| 0x24fb06, |
| 0x201702, |
| 0x238f43, |
| 0x2ab4c7, |
| 0x30d6c6, |
| 0x2e4f85, |
| 0x2f5fc8, |
| 0x2026c2, |
| 0x3be287, |
| 0x234542, |
| 0x354282, |
| 0x205c42, |
| 0x21aac9, |
| 0x201082, |
| 0xbe948, |
| 0x202a02, |
| 0x24d983, |
| 0x203c47, |
| 0x205202, |
| 0x21998c, |
| 0x219c8b, |
| 0x2d8a86, |
| 0x2fd685, |
| 0x244d02, |
| 0x201942, |
| 0x2bdbc6, |
| 0x229043, |
| 0x3423c7, |
| 0x282482, |
| 0x2008c2, |
| 0x33abd5, |
| 0x24d195, |
| 0x3acfd3, |
| 0x24d6d3, |
| 0x248f47, |
| 0x259d91, |
| 0x25e050, |
| 0x2652d2, |
| 0x275191, |
| 0x277e08, |
| 0x277e10, |
| 0x29784f, |
| 0x29d593, |
| 0x2a6812, |
| 0x2a7e50, |
| 0x30014f, |
| 0x373352, |
| 0x3bc7d1, |
| 0x2b3813, |
| 0x2c0892, |
| 0x3a22cf, |
| 0x2cb4ce, |
| 0x2d47d2, |
| 0x2d51d1, |
| 0x2d94cf, |
| 0x2da2ce, |
| 0x2de751, |
| 0x2dfa90, |
| 0x2f8812, |
| 0x2eb451, |
| 0x2f5150, |
| 0x2f900f, |
| 0x2fc451, |
| 0x3018d0, |
| 0x35efc6, |
| 0x3cbf07, |
| 0x2137c7, |
| 0x201a42, |
| 0x283c05, |
| 0x304787, |
| 0x210782, |
| 0x20e802, |
| 0x22ab45, |
| 0x21e5c3, |
| 0x375b86, |
| 0x2ede8d, |
| 0x2ee1cc, |
| 0x2038c2, |
| 0x32f04b, |
| 0x27788a, |
| 0x21da8a, |
| 0x2bd149, |
| 0x2ecb4b, |
| 0x22794d, |
| 0x304e8c, |
| 0x27680a, |
| 0x272f8c, |
| 0x2788cb, |
| 0x29848c, |
| 0x2ef24e, |
| 0x2b458b, |
| 0x36e20c, |
| 0x2e1643, |
| 0x34c706, |
| 0x3c0dc2, |
| 0x2f6602, |
| 0x206603, |
| 0x205d42, |
| 0x21ed83, |
| 0x323386, |
| 0x260507, |
| 0x2d2b06, |
| 0x2e3c88, |
| 0x344408, |
| 0x315a46, |
| 0x200f02, |
| 0x3079cd, |
| 0x307d0c, |
| 0x30fb87, |
| 0x30c2c7, |
| 0x236942, |
| 0x215002, |
| 0x277dc2, |
| 0x27b2c2, |
| 0x336d56, |
| 0x33ead5, |
| 0x341c16, |
| 0x344f93, |
| 0x345652, |
| 0x356693, |
| 0x356dd2, |
| 0x3af0cf, |
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| 0x3c2258, |
| 0x3c3698, |
| 0x3c47d7, |
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| 0x3cad53, |
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| 0x3cc753, |
| 0x203102, |
| 0x20ce83, |
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| 0x224943, |
| 0x211d83, |
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| 0x23f7c3, |
| 0x202443, |
| 0x2000c2, |
| 0x203782, |
| 0x386948c5, |
| 0x38a89f05, |
| 0x38e78c06, |
| 0xa7c88, |
| 0x392b3e85, |
| 0x203102, |
| 0x201d02, |
| 0x3972c885, |
| 0x39a82105, |
| 0x39e83387, |
| 0x3a284089, |
| 0x3a638644, |
| 0x200382, |
| 0x200642, |
| 0x3aa5f145, |
| 0x3ae99b89, |
| 0x3b336408, |
| 0x3b6b0985, |
| 0x3bb0ce07, |
| 0x3be20688, |
| 0x3c2e7805, |
| 0x3c63c586, |
| 0x3ca47a89, |
| 0x3cedb288, |
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| 0x3d69a1ca, |
| 0x3dba9704, |
| 0x3de08705, |
| 0x3e2bf288, |
| 0x3e601885, |
| 0x2131c2, |
| 0x3ea32003, |
| 0x3eea5146, |
| 0x3f26d148, |
| 0x3f602e46, |
| 0x3fa09148, |
| 0x3ff26406, |
| 0x40241f04, |
| 0x40608ac2, |
| 0x40fdb307, |
| 0x412acd84, |
| 0x4167b947, |
| 0x41b2b747, |
| 0x2003c2, |
| 0x41e9e485, |
| 0x42245a84, |
| 0x426d7fc7, |
| 0x42a31607, |
| 0x42e86046, |
| 0x43282bc5, |
| 0x43699c87, |
| 0x43adb108, |
| 0x43f2bac7, |
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| 0x446d4505, |
| 0x44b08a87, |
| 0x44e93f06, |
| 0x81b8b, |
| 0x45209d88, |
| 0x22034d, |
| 0x28bf09, |
| 0x2a8e4b, |
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