http2: add ClientConnState, ClientConn.State accessor

So ClientConnPool can be implemented with the same functionality
as the built-in one. And for observability.

Change-Id: I855fbac3d9e4c02ab213a3e6a80b00f857648264
Run-TryBot: Brad Fitzpatrick <>
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
Trust: Brad Fitzpatrick <>
diff --git a/http2/transport.go b/http2/transport.go
index 653a1a0..c88d227 100644
--- a/http2/transport.go
+++ b/http2/transport.go
@@ -759,6 +759,61 @@
 	return true
+// ClientConnState describes the state of a ClientConn.
+type ClientConnState struct {
+	// Closed is whether the connection is closed.
+	Closed bool
+	// Closing is whether the connection is in the process of
+	// closing. It may be closing due to shutdown, being a
+	// single-use connection, being marked as DoNotReuse, or
+	// having received a GOAWAY frame.
+	Closing bool
+	// StreamsActive is how many streams are active.
+	StreamsActive int
+	// StreamsReserved is how many streams have been reserved via
+	// ClientConn.ReserveNewRequest.
+	StreamsReserved int
+	// StreamsPending is how many requests have been sent in excess
+	// of the peer's advertised MaxConcurrentStreams setting and
+	// are waiting for other streams to complete.
+	StreamsPending int
+	// MaxConcurrentStreams is how many concurrent streams the
+	// peer advertised as acceptable. Zero means no SETTINGS
+	// frame has been received yet.
+	MaxConcurrentStreams uint32
+	// LastIdle, if non-zero, is when the connection last
+	// transitioned to idle state.
+	LastIdle time.Time
+// State returns a snapshot of cc's state.
+func (cc *ClientConn) State() ClientConnState {
+	cc.wmu.Lock()
+	maxConcurrent := cc.maxConcurrentStreams
+	if !cc.seenSettings {
+		maxConcurrent = 0
+	}
+	cc.wmu.Unlock()
+	defer
+	return ClientConnState{
+		Closed:               cc.closed,
+		Closing:              cc.closing || cc.singleUse || cc.doNotReuse || cc.goAway != nil,
+		StreamsActive:        len(cc.streams),
+		StreamsReserved:      cc.streamsReserved,
+		StreamsPending:       cc.pendingRequests,
+		LastIdle:             cc.lastIdle,
+		MaxConcurrentStreams: maxConcurrent,
+	}
 // clientConnIdleState describes the suitability of a client
 // connection to initiate a new RoundTrip request.
 type clientConnIdleState struct {