go.net/publicsuffix: tighten the encoding from 8 bytes per node to 4.
On the full list (running gen.go with -subset=false):
Before, there were 6086 nodes (at 8 bytes per node) before. After,
there were 6086 nodes (at 4 bytes per node) plus 354 children entries
(at 4 bytes per node). The difference is 22928 bytes.
In comparison, the (crushed) text is 21082 bytes, and for the curious,
the longest label is 36 bytes: "xn--correios-e-telecomunicaes-ghc29a".
All 32 bits in the nodes table are used, but there's wiggle room to
accomodate future changes to effective_tld_names.dat:
The largest children index is 353 (in 9 bits, so max is 511).
The largest node type is 2 (in 2 bits, so max is 3).
The largest text offset is 21080 (in 15 bits, so max is 32767).
The largest text length is 36 (in 6 bits, so max is 63).
benchmark old ns/op new ns/op delta
BenchmarkPublicSuffix 19948 19744 -1.02%
diff --git a/publicsuffix/gen.go b/publicsuffix/gen.go
index d718659..38dfe16 100644
--- a/publicsuffix/gen.go
+++ b/publicsuffix/gen.go
@@ -35,6 +35,17 @@
const (
+ nodesBitsChildren = 9
+ nodesBitsNodeType = 2
+ nodesBitsTextOffset = 15
+ nodesBitsTextLength = 6
+ childrenBitsWildcard = 1
+ childrenBitsHi = 14
+ childrenBitsLo = 14
+const (
nodeTypeNormal = 0
nodeTypeException = 1
nodeTypeParentOnly = 2
@@ -77,6 +88,12 @@
func main1() error {
+ if nodesBitsTextLength+nodesBitsTextOffset+nodesBitsNodeType+nodesBitsChildren > 32 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("not enough bits to encode the nodes table")
+ }
+ if childrenBitsLo+childrenBitsHi+childrenBitsWildcard > 32 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("not enough bits to encode the children table")
+ }
if *version == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("-version was not specified")
@@ -198,6 +215,17 @@
const version = %q
const (
+ nodesBitsChildren = %d
+ nodesBitsNodeType = %d
+ nodesBitsTextOffset = %d
+ nodesBitsTextLength = %d
+ childrenBitsWildcard = %d
+ childrenBitsHi = %d
+ childrenBitsLo = %d
+const (
nodeTypeNormal = %d
nodeTypeException = %d
nodeTypeParentOnly = %d
@@ -207,7 +235,10 @@
const numTLD = %d
- fmt.Fprintf(w, header, *version, nodeTypeNormal, nodeTypeException, nodeTypeParentOnly, len(n.children))
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, header, *version,
+ nodesBitsChildren, nodesBitsNodeType, nodesBitsTextOffset, nodesBitsTextLength,
+ childrenBitsWildcard, childrenBitsHi, childrenBitsLo,
+ nodeTypeNormal, nodeTypeException, nodeTypeParentOnly, len(n.children))
text := makeText()
if text == "" {
@@ -218,10 +249,10 @@
if offset < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("internal error: could not find %q in text %q", label, text)
- if offset >= 1<<24 || length >= 1<<8 {
+ if offset >= 1<<nodesBitsTextOffset || length >= 1<<nodesBitsTextLength {
return fmt.Errorf("text offset/length is too large: %d/%d", offset, length)
- labelEncoding[label] = uint32(offset)<<8 | uint32(length)
+ labelEncoding[label] = uint32(offset)<<nodesBitsTextLength | uint32(length)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "// Text is the combined text of all labels.\nconst text = ")
for len(text) > 0 {
@@ -233,34 +264,57 @@
text = text[n:]
- n.walk(w, assignNodeIndexes)
+ n.walk(w, assignIndexes)
fmt.Fprintf(w, `
-// Nodes is the list of nodes. Each node is encoded as two uint32 values.
+// nodes is the list of nodes. Each node is represented as a uint32, which
+// encodes the node's children (as an index into the children array), wildcard
+// bit, node type and text.
-// The first uint32 encodes the node's children, nodeType, and a wildcard bit.
-// In the //-comment after each node's data, the indexes of the children are
-// formatted as (0x1234-0x1256). The nodeType is printed as + for normal, ! for
-// exception, and o for parent-only nodes that have children but don't match a
-// domain in their own right. The * denotes the wildcard bit. The layout within
-// the uint32, from MSB to LSB, is:
-// [2] nodeType [1] wildcard [13] number of children [16] first child.
-// If a node has no children then the low 29 bits are zero.
+// In the //-comment after each node's data, the nodes indexes of the children
+// are formatted as (n0x1234-n0x1256), with * denoting the wildcard bit. The
+// nodeType is printed as + for normal, ! for exception, and o for parent-only
+// nodes that have children but don't match a domain label in their own right.
-// The second uint32 encodes the node's text. The layout is:
-// [24] text offset [8] text length.
-// TODO(nigeltao): this table has a lot of zeroes, for childless nodes. It
-// would be tight, but it should be possible to use only 32 bits per node
-// instead of 64, with an offset into a parent-child table. A back-of-the-
-// envelope calculation suggests that at 6000 rows (of which 90%% are leaves),
-// this could save an extra 20KiB of data.
-var nodes = [...][2]uint32{
+// The layout within the uint32, from MSB to LSB, is:
+// [%2d bits] unused
+// [%2d bits] children index
+// [%2d bits] nodeType
+// [%2d bits] text index
+// [%2d bits] text length
+var nodes = [...]uint32{
+ 32-nodesBitsChildren-nodesBitsNodeType-nodesBitsTextOffset-nodesBitsTextLength,
+ nodesBitsChildren, nodesBitsNodeType, nodesBitsTextOffset, nodesBitsTextLength)
if err := n.walk(w, printNode); err != nil {
return err
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, `}
+// children is the list of nodes' children, and the wildcard bit. If a node
+// has no children then their children index will be 0 or 1, depending on the
+// wildcard bit.
+// The layout within the uint32, from MSB to LSB, is:
+// [%2d bits] unused
+// [%2d bits] wildcard bit
+// [%2d bits] high nodes index (exclusive) of children
+// [%2d bits] low nodes index (inclusive) of children
+var children=[...]uint32{
+ 32-childrenBitsWildcard-childrenBitsHi-childrenBitsLo,
+ childrenBitsWildcard, childrenBitsHi, childrenBitsLo)
+ for i, c := range childrenEncoding {
+ s := "---------------"
+ lo := c & (1<<childrenBitsLo - 1)
+ hi := (c >> childrenBitsLo) & (1<<childrenBitsHi - 1)
+ if lo != hi {
+ s = fmt.Sprintf("n0x%04x-n0x%04x", lo, hi)
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "0x%08x, // c0x%04x (%s)%s\n",
+ c, i, s, wildcardStr(c>>(childrenBitsLo+childrenBitsHi) != 0))
+ }
fmt.Fprintf(w, "}\n")
return nil
@@ -269,8 +323,9 @@
label string
nodeType int
wildcard bool
- // index is the index of this node in the nodes array.
- index int
+ // nodesIndex and childrenIndex are the index of this node in the nodes
+ // and the index of its children offset/length in the children arrays.
+ nodesIndex, childrenIndex int
// firstChild is the index of this node's first child, or zero if this
// node has no children.
firstChild int
@@ -313,36 +368,63 @@
func (b byLabel) Swap(i, j int) { b[i], b[j] = b[j], b[i] }
func (b byLabel) Less(i, j int) bool { return b[i].label < b[j].label }
-var nextNodeIndex int
+var nextNodesIndex int
-func assignNodeIndexes(w io.Writer, n *node) error {
+var childrenEncoding = []uint32{
+ 0 << (childrenBitsLo + childrenBitsHi), // No children, without wildcard bit.
+ 1 << (childrenBitsLo + childrenBitsHi), // No children, with wildcard bit.
+var firstCallToAssignIndexes = true
+func assignIndexes(w io.Writer, n *node) error {
if len(n.children) != 0 {
- n.firstChild = nextNodeIndex
+ // Assign nodesIndex.
+ n.firstChild = nextNodesIndex
for _, c := range n.children {
- c.index = nextNodeIndex
- nextNodeIndex++
+ c.nodesIndex = nextNodesIndex
+ nextNodesIndex++
+ // The root node's children is implicit.
+ if firstCallToAssignIndexes {
+ firstCallToAssignIndexes = false
+ return nil
+ }
+ // Assign childrenIndex.
+ if len(childrenEncoding) >= 1<<nodesBitsChildren {
+ return fmt.Errorf("children table is too large")
+ }
+ n.childrenIndex = len(childrenEncoding)
+ lo := uint32(n.firstChild)
+ hi := lo + uint32(len(n.children))
+ if lo >= 1<<childrenBitsLo || hi >= 1<<childrenBitsHi {
+ return fmt.Errorf("children lo/hi is too large: %d/%d", lo, hi)
+ }
+ enc := hi<<childrenBitsLo | lo
+ if n.wildcard {
+ enc |= 1 << (childrenBitsLo + childrenBitsHi)
+ }
+ childrenEncoding = append(childrenEncoding, enc)
+ } else if n.wildcard {
+ n.childrenIndex = 1
return nil
func printNode(w io.Writer, n *node) error {
for _, c := range n.children {
- s := "-------------"
+ s := "---------------"
if len(c.children) != 0 {
- s = fmt.Sprintf("0x%04x-0x%04x", c.firstChild, c.firstChild+len(c.children))
+ s = fmt.Sprintf("n0x%04x-n0x%04x", c.firstChild, c.firstChild+len(c.children))
- wildcardBit, wildcardStr := uint32(0), ' '
- if c.wildcard {
- wildcardBit, wildcardStr = 1<<29, '*'
- }
- if c.firstChild >= 1<<16 || len(c.children) >= 1<<13 {
- return fmt.Errorf("nodes offset/length is too large: %d/%d", c.firstChild, len(c.children))
- }
- encoding := uint32(c.nodeType<<30) | wildcardBit | uint32(len(c.children)<<16) | uint32(c.firstChild)
- fmt.Fprintf(w, "{0x%08x, 0x%08x}, // 0x%04x (%s) %s%c %s\n",
- encoding, labelEncoding[c.label], c.index, s,
- nodeTypeString(c.nodeType), wildcardStr, c.label,
+ encoding := labelEncoding[c.label] |
+ uint32(c.nodeType)<<(nodesBitsTextLength+nodesBitsTextOffset) |
+ uint32(c.childrenIndex)<<(nodesBitsTextLength+nodesBitsTextOffset+nodesBitsNodeType)
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "0x%08x, // n0x%04x c0x%04x (%s)%s %s %s\n",
+ encoding, c.nodesIndex, c.childrenIndex, s, wildcardStr(c.wildcard),
+ nodeTypeString(c.nodeType), c.label,
return nil
@@ -355,6 +437,13 @@
return nil
+func wildcardStr(wildcard bool) string {
+ if wildcard {
+ return "*"
+ }
+ return " "
// makeText combines all the strings in labelsList to form one giant string.
// If the crush flag is true, then overlapping strings will be merged: "arpa"
// and "parliament" could yield "arparliament".
diff --git a/publicsuffix/list.go b/publicsuffix/list.go
index 7849087..1241e76 100644
--- a/publicsuffix/list.go
+++ b/publicsuffix/list.go
@@ -42,20 +42,22 @@
- u := nodes[f][0]
- lo = u & 0xffff
- u >>= 16
- hi = u&0x1fff + lo
- u >>= 13
- wildcard = u&0x01 != 0
- u >>= 1
- switch u {
+ u := nodes[f] >> (nodesBitsTextOffset + nodesBitsTextLength)
+ switch u & (1<<nodesBitsNodeType - 1) {
case nodeTypeNormal:
suffix = 1 + dot
case nodeTypeException:
suffix = 1 + len(s)
break loop
+ u >>= nodesBitsNodeType
+ u = children[u&(1<<nodesBitsChildren-1)]
+ lo = u & (1<<childrenBitsLo - 1)
+ u >>= childrenBitsLo
+ hi = u & (1<<childrenBitsHi - 1)
+ u >>= childrenBitsHi
+ wildcard = u&(1<<childrenBitsWildcard-1) != 0
if dot == -1 {
@@ -91,7 +93,9 @@
// nodeLabel returns the label for the i'th node.
func nodeLabel(i uint32) string {
- x := nodes[i][1]
- offset, length := x>>8, x&0xff
+ x := nodes[i]
+ length := x & (1<<nodesBitsTextLength - 1)
+ x >>= nodesBitsTextLength
+ offset := x & (1<<nodesBitsTextOffset - 1)
return text[offset : offset+length]
diff --git a/publicsuffix/list_test.go b/publicsuffix/list_test.go
index 11a0be9..2975fc3 100644
--- a/publicsuffix/list_test.go
+++ b/publicsuffix/list_test.go
@@ -211,6 +211,14 @@
{"bar.foo.nosuchtld", "nosuchtld"},
+func BenchmarkPublicSuffix(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ for _, tc := range publicSuffixTestCases {
+ List.PublicSuffix(tc.domain)
+ }
+ }
func TestPublicSuffix(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range publicSuffixTestCases {
got := List.PublicSuffix(tc.domain)
diff --git a/publicsuffix/table.go b/publicsuffix/table.go
index 3b1df08..edd2311 100644
--- a/publicsuffix/table.go
+++ b/publicsuffix/table.go
@@ -5,6 +5,17 @@
const version = "subset of publicsuffix.org's effective_tld_names.dat, hg revision 05b11a8d1ace (2012-11-09)"
const (
+ nodesBitsChildren = 9
+ nodesBitsNodeType = 2
+ nodesBitsTextOffset = 15
+ nodesBitsTextLength = 6
+ childrenBitsWildcard = 1
+ childrenBitsHi = 14
+ childrenBitsLo = 14
+const (
nodeTypeNormal = 0
nodeTypeException = 1
nodeTypeParentOnly = 2
@@ -22,115 +33,135 @@
"libraryawatarparliamentwazukayabe164xn--p1aidvxn--uc0atvxn--zf0a" +
-// Nodes is the list of nodes. Each node is encoded as two uint32 values.
+// nodes is the list of nodes. Each node is represented as a uint32, which
+// encodes the node's children (as an index into the children array), wildcard
+// bit, node type and text.
-// The first uint32 encodes the node's children, nodeType, and a wildcard bit.
-// In the //-comment after each node's data, the indexes of the children are
-// formatted as (0x1234-0x1256). The nodeType is printed as + for normal, ! for
-// exception, and o for parent-only nodes that have children but don't match a
-// domain in their own right. The * denotes the wildcard bit. The layout within
-// the uint32, from MSB to LSB, is:
-// [2] nodeType [1] wildcard [13] number of children [16] first child.
-// If a node has no children then the low 29 bits are zero.
+// In the //-comment after each node's data, the nodes indexes of the children
+// are formatted as (n0x1234-n0x1256), with * denoting the wildcard bit. The
+// nodeType is printed as + for normal, ! for exception, and o for parent-only
+// nodes that have children but don't match a domain label in their own right.
-// The second uint32 encodes the node's text. The layout is:
-// [24] text offset [8] text length.
+// The layout within the uint32, from MSB to LSB, is:
+// [ 0 bits] unused
+// [ 9 bits] children index
+// [ 2 bits] nodeType
+// [15 bits] text index
+// [ 6 bits] text length
+var nodes = [...]uint32{
+ 0x01001242, // n0x0000 c0x0002 (n0x0008-n0x000e) + ao
+ 0x01c03a02, // n0x0001 c0x0003 (n0x000e-n0x0018)* o ar
+ 0x02c052c4, // n0x0002 c0x0005 (n0x0019-n0x001f) o arpa
+ 0x03002042, // n0x0003 c0x0006 (n0x001f-n0x0021) + jp
+ 0x04805582, // n0x0004 c0x0009 (n0x0041-n0x004f) + tw
+ 0x05400182, // n0x0005 c0x000a (n0x004f-n0x005a)* o uk
+ 0x00005908, // n0x0006 c0x0000 (---------------) + xn--p1ai
+ 0x00c02542, // n0x0007 c0x0001 (---------------)* o zw
+ 0x00000902, // n0x0008 c0x0000 (---------------) + co
+ 0x00001a42, // n0x0009 c0x0000 (---------------) + ed
+ 0x00000e82, // n0x000a c0x0000 (---------------) + gv
+ 0x00001b42, // n0x000b c0x0000 (---------------) + it
+ 0x00002142, // n0x000c c0x0000 (---------------) + og
+ 0x00002082, // n0x000d c0x0000 (---------------) + pb
+ 0x02402d83, // n0x000e c0x0004 (n0x0018-n0x0019) o com
+ 0x00200913, // n0x000f c0x0000 (---------------) ! congresodelalengua3
+ 0x00201a44, // n0x0010 c0x0000 (---------------) ! educ
+ 0x00202953, // n0x0011 c0x0000 (---------------) ! gobiernoelectronico
+ 0x00200885, // n0x0012 c0x0000 (---------------) ! mecon
+ 0x002004c6, // n0x0013 c0x0000 (---------------) ! nacion
+ 0x00202d03, // n0x0014 c0x0000 (---------------) ! nic
+ 0x00204589, // n0x0015 c0x0000 (---------------) ! promocion
+ 0x00201086, // n0x0016 c0x0000 (---------------) ! retina
+ 0x00200083, // n0x0017 c0x0000 (---------------) ! uba
+ 0x000020c8, // n0x0018 c0x0000 (---------------) + blogspot
+ 0x00005804, // n0x0019 c0x0000 (---------------) + e164
+ 0x00000f07, // n0x001a c0x0000 (---------------) + in-addr
+ 0x00001643, // n0x001b c0x0000 (---------------) + ip6
+ 0x00001704, // n0x001c c0x0000 (---------------) + iris
+ 0x00002383, // n0x001d c0x0000 (---------------) + uri
+ 0x00003503, // n0x001e c0x0000 (---------------) + urn
+ 0x03c03d84, // n0x001f c0x0007 (n0x0021-n0x0022)* o kobe
+ 0x04002ec5, // n0x0020 c0x0008 (n0x0022-n0x0041) + kyoto
+ 0x00201b04, // n0x0021 c0x0000 (---------------) ! city
+ 0x00005705, // n0x0022 c0x0000 (---------------) + ayabe
+ 0x0000014b, // n0x0023 c0x0000 (---------------) + fukuchiyama
+ 0x00003f8b, // n0x0024 c0x0000 (---------------) + higashiyama
+ 0x00002403, // n0x0025 c0x0000 (---------------) + ide
+ 0x00001543, // n0x0026 c0x0000 (---------------) + ine
+ 0x00001cc4, // n0x0027 c0x0000 (---------------) + joyo
+ 0x00004907, // n0x0028 c0x0000 (---------------) + kameoka
+ 0x00004a44, // n0x0029 c0x0000 (---------------) + kamo
+ 0x00001f44, // n0x002a c0x0000 (---------------) + kita
+ 0x000022c4, // n0x002b c0x0000 (---------------) + kizu
+ 0x000025c8, // n0x002c c0x0000 (---------------) + kumiyama
+ 0x00001348, // n0x002d c0x0000 (---------------) + kyotamba
+ 0x00001849, // n0x002e c0x0000 (---------------) + kyotanabe
+ 0x000027c8, // n0x002f c0x0000 (---------------) + kyotango
+ 0x000041c7, // n0x0030 c0x0000 (---------------) + maizuru
+ 0x00003006, // n0x0031 c0x0000 (---------------) + minami
+ 0x0000300f, // n0x0032 c0x0000 (---------------) + minamiyamashiro
+ 0x000033c6, // n0x0033 c0x0000 (---------------) + miyazu
+ 0x00003d04, // n0x0034 c0x0000 (---------------) + muko
+ 0x0000118a, // n0x0035 c0x0000 (---------------) + nagaokakyo
+ 0x00000607, // n0x0036 c0x0000 (---------------) + nakagyo
+ 0x00003586, // n0x0037 c0x0000 (---------------) + nantan
+ 0x00001d89, // n0x0038 c0x0000 (---------------) + oyamazaki
+ 0x000017c5, // n0x0039 c0x0000 (---------------) + sakyo
+ 0x00004845, // n0x003a c0x0000 (---------------) + seika
+ 0x00001906, // n0x003b c0x0000 (---------------) + tanabe
+ 0x00004343, // n0x003c c0x0000 (---------------) + uji
+ 0x00004349, // n0x003d c0x0000 (---------------) + ujitawara
+ 0x000055c6, // n0x003e c0x0000 (---------------) + wazuka
+ 0x00000309, // n0x003f c0x0000 (---------------) + yamashina
+ 0x00005186, // n0x0040 c0x0000 (---------------) + yawata
+ 0x000020c8, // n0x0041 c0x0000 (---------------) + blogspot
+ 0x00000004, // n0x0042 c0x0000 (---------------) + club
+ 0x00002d83, // n0x0043 c0x0000 (---------------) + com
+ 0x00002484, // n0x0044 c0x0000 (---------------) + ebiz
+ 0x00001a43, // n0x0045 c0x0000 (---------------) + edu
+ 0x00000804, // n0x0046 c0x0000 (---------------) + game
+ 0x00000dc3, // n0x0047 c0x0000 (---------------) + gov
+ 0x00005ac3, // n0x0048 c0x0000 (---------------) + idv
+ 0x00002e03, // n0x0049 c0x0000 (---------------) + mil
+ 0x00004783, // n0x004a c0x0000 (---------------) + net
+ 0x00000783, // n0x004b c0x0000 (---------------) + org
+ 0x00004b8b, // n0x004c c0x0000 (---------------) + xn--czrw28b
+ 0x00005b8a, // n0x004d c0x0000 (---------------) + xn--uc0atv
+ 0x00005e0c, // n0x004e c0x0000 (---------------) + xn--zf0ao64a
+ 0x002020c2, // n0x004f c0x0000 (---------------) ! bl
+ 0x00204e0f, // n0x0050 c0x0000 (---------------) ! british-library
+ 0x05c00902, // n0x0051 c0x000b (n0x005a-n0x005b) o co
+ 0x00201c03, // n0x0052 c0x0000 (---------------) ! jet
+ 0x00204ac3, // n0x0053 c0x0000 (---------------) ! mod
+ 0x002036d9, // n0x0054 c0x0000 (---------------) ! national-library-scotland
+ 0x00201583, // n0x0055 c0x0000 (---------------) ! nel
+ 0x00202d03, // n0x0056 c0x0000 (---------------) ! nic
+ 0x00203e83, // n0x0057 c0x0000 (---------------) ! nls
+ 0x0020534a, // n0x0058 c0x0000 (---------------) ! parliament
+ 0x00c03f03, // n0x0059 c0x0001 (---------------)* o sch
+ 0x000020c8, // n0x005a c0x0000 (---------------) + blogspot
+// children is the list of nodes' children, and the wildcard bit. If a node
+// has no children then their children index will be 0 or 1, depending on the
+// wildcard bit.
-// TODO(nigeltao): this table has a lot of zeroes, for childless nodes. It
-// would be tight, but it should be possible to use only 32 bits per node
-// instead of 64, with an offset into a parent-child table. A back-of-the-
-// envelope calculation suggests that at 6000 rows (of which 90% are leaves),
-// this could save an extra 20KiB of data.
-var nodes = [...][2]uint32{
- {0x00060008, 0x00004902}, // 0x0000 (0x0008-0x000e) + ao
- {0xa00a000e, 0x0000e802}, // 0x0001 (0x000e-0x0018) o* ar
- {0x80060019, 0x00014b04}, // 0x0002 (0x0019-0x001f) o arpa
- {0x0002001f, 0x00008102}, // 0x0003 (0x001f-0x0021) + jp
- {0x000e0041, 0x00015602}, // 0x0004 (0x0041-0x004f) + tw
- {0xa00b004f, 0x00000602}, // 0x0005 (0x004f-0x005a) o* uk
- {0x00000000, 0x00016408}, // 0x0006 (-------------) + xn--p1ai
- {0xa0000000, 0x00009502}, // 0x0007 (-------------) o* zw
- {0x00000000, 0x00002402}, // 0x0008 (-------------) + co
- {0x00000000, 0x00006902}, // 0x0009 (-------------) + ed
- {0x00000000, 0x00003a02}, // 0x000a (-------------) + gv
- {0x00000000, 0x00006d02}, // 0x000b (-------------) + it
- {0x00000000, 0x00008502}, // 0x000c (-------------) + og
- {0x00000000, 0x00008202}, // 0x000d (-------------) + pb
- {0x80010018, 0x0000b603}, // 0x000e (0x0018-0x0019) o com
- {0x40000000, 0x00002413}, // 0x000f (-------------) ! congresodelalengua3
- {0x40000000, 0x00006904}, // 0x0010 (-------------) ! educ
- {0x40000000, 0x0000a513}, // 0x0011 (-------------) ! gobiernoelectronico
- {0x40000000, 0x00002205}, // 0x0012 (-------------) ! mecon
- {0x40000000, 0x00001306}, // 0x0013 (-------------) ! nacion
- {0x40000000, 0x0000b403}, // 0x0014 (-------------) ! nic
- {0x40000000, 0x00011609}, // 0x0015 (-------------) ! promocion
- {0x40000000, 0x00004206}, // 0x0016 (-------------) ! retina
- {0x40000000, 0x00000203}, // 0x0017 (-------------) ! uba
- {0x00000000, 0x00008308}, // 0x0018 (-------------) + blogspot
- {0x00000000, 0x00016004}, // 0x0019 (-------------) + e164
- {0x00000000, 0x00003c07}, // 0x001a (-------------) + in-addr
- {0x00000000, 0x00005903}, // 0x001b (-------------) + ip6
- {0x00000000, 0x00005c04}, // 0x001c (-------------) + iris
- {0x00000000, 0x00008e03}, // 0x001d (-------------) + uri
- {0x00000000, 0x0000d403}, // 0x001e (-------------) + urn
- {0xa0010021, 0x0000f604}, // 0x001f (0x0021-0x0022) o* kobe
- {0x001f0022, 0x0000bb05}, // 0x0020 (0x0022-0x0041) + kyoto
- {0x40000000, 0x00006c04}, // 0x0021 (-------------) ! city
- {0x00000000, 0x00015c05}, // 0x0022 (-------------) + ayabe
- {0x00000000, 0x0000050b}, // 0x0023 (-------------) + fukuchiyama
- {0x00000000, 0x0000fe0b}, // 0x0024 (-------------) + higashiyama
- {0x00000000, 0x00009003}, // 0x0025 (-------------) + ide
- {0x00000000, 0x00005503}, // 0x0026 (-------------) + ine
- {0x00000000, 0x00007304}, // 0x0027 (-------------) + joyo
- {0x00000000, 0x00012407}, // 0x0028 (-------------) + kameoka
- {0x00000000, 0x00012904}, // 0x0029 (-------------) + kamo
- {0x00000000, 0x00007d04}, // 0x002a (-------------) + kita
- {0x00000000, 0x00008b04}, // 0x002b (-------------) + kizu
- {0x00000000, 0x00009708}, // 0x002c (-------------) + kumiyama
- {0x00000000, 0x00004d08}, // 0x002d (-------------) + kyotamba
- {0x00000000, 0x00006109}, // 0x002e (-------------) + kyotanabe
- {0x00000000, 0x00009f08}, // 0x002f (-------------) + kyotango
- {0x00000000, 0x00010707}, // 0x0030 (-------------) + maizuru
- {0x00000000, 0x0000c006}, // 0x0031 (-------------) + minami
- {0x00000000, 0x0000c00f}, // 0x0032 (-------------) + minamiyamashiro
- {0x00000000, 0x0000cf06}, // 0x0033 (-------------) + miyazu
- {0x00000000, 0x0000f404}, // 0x0034 (-------------) + muko
- {0x00000000, 0x0000460a}, // 0x0035 (-------------) + nagaokakyo
- {0x00000000, 0x00001807}, // 0x0036 (-------------) + nakagyo
- {0x00000000, 0x0000d606}, // 0x0037 (-------------) + nantan
- {0x00000000, 0x00007609}, // 0x0038 (-------------) + oyamazaki
- {0x00000000, 0x00005f05}, // 0x0039 (-------------) + sakyo
- {0x00000000, 0x00012105}, // 0x003a (-------------) + seika
- {0x00000000, 0x00006406}, // 0x003b (-------------) + tanabe
- {0x00000000, 0x00010d03}, // 0x003c (-------------) + uji
- {0x00000000, 0x00010d09}, // 0x003d (-------------) + ujitawara
- {0x00000000, 0x00015706}, // 0x003e (-------------) + wazuka
- {0x00000000, 0x00000c09}, // 0x003f (-------------) + yamashina
- {0x00000000, 0x00014606}, // 0x0040 (-------------) + yawata
- {0x00000000, 0x00008308}, // 0x0041 (-------------) + blogspot
- {0x00000000, 0x00000004}, // 0x0042 (-------------) + club
- {0x00000000, 0x0000b603}, // 0x0043 (-------------) + com
- {0x00000000, 0x00009204}, // 0x0044 (-------------) + ebiz
- {0x00000000, 0x00006903}, // 0x0045 (-------------) + edu
- {0x00000000, 0x00002004}, // 0x0046 (-------------) + game
- {0x00000000, 0x00003703}, // 0x0047 (-------------) + gov
- {0x00000000, 0x00016b03}, // 0x0048 (-------------) + idv
- {0x00000000, 0x0000b803}, // 0x0049 (-------------) + mil
- {0x00000000, 0x00011e03}, // 0x004a (-------------) + net
- {0x00000000, 0x00001e03}, // 0x004b (-------------) + org
- {0x00000000, 0x00012e0b}, // 0x004c (-------------) + xn--czrw28b
- {0x00000000, 0x00016e0a}, // 0x004d (-------------) + xn--uc0atv
- {0x00000000, 0x0001780c}, // 0x004e (-------------) + xn--zf0ao64a
- {0x40000000, 0x00008302}, // 0x004f (-------------) ! bl
- {0x40000000, 0x0001380f}, // 0x0050 (-------------) ! british-library
- {0x8001005a, 0x00002402}, // 0x0051 (0x005a-0x005b) o co
- {0x40000000, 0x00007003}, // 0x0052 (-------------) ! jet
- {0x40000000, 0x00012b03}, // 0x0053 (-------------) ! mod
- {0x40000000, 0x0000db19}, // 0x0054 (-------------) ! national-library-scotland
- {0x40000000, 0x00005603}, // 0x0055 (-------------) ! nel
- {0x40000000, 0x0000b403}, // 0x0056 (-------------) ! nic
- {0x40000000, 0x0000fa03}, // 0x0057 (-------------) ! nls
- {0x40000000, 0x00014d0a}, // 0x0058 (-------------) ! parliament
- {0xa0000000, 0x0000fc03}, // 0x0059 (-------------) o* sch
- {0x00000000, 0x00008308}, // 0x005a (-------------) + blogspot
+// The layout within the uint32, from MSB to LSB, is:
+// [ 3 bits] unused
+// [ 1 bits] wildcard bit
+// [14 bits] high nodes index (exclusive) of children
+// [14 bits] low nodes index (inclusive) of children
+var children = [...]uint32{
+ 0x00000000, // c0x0000 (---------------)
+ 0x10000000, // c0x0001 (---------------)*
+ 0x00038008, // c0x0002 (n0x0008-n0x000e)
+ 0x1006000e, // c0x0003 (n0x000e-n0x0018)*
+ 0x00064018, // c0x0004 (n0x0018-n0x0019)
+ 0x0007c019, // c0x0005 (n0x0019-n0x001f)
+ 0x0008401f, // c0x0006 (n0x001f-n0x0021)
+ 0x10088021, // c0x0007 (n0x0021-n0x0022)*
+ 0x00104022, // c0x0008 (n0x0022-n0x0041)
+ 0x0013c041, // c0x0009 (n0x0041-n0x004f)
+ 0x1016804f, // c0x000a (n0x004f-n0x005a)*
+ 0x0016c05a, // c0x000b (n0x005a-n0x005b)