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  1. 46a3137 zip: set GIT_DIR in test when using bare repositories by Michael Matloob · 7 weeks ago master v0.21.0
  2. 3afcd4e go.mod: set go version to 1.22.0 by Michael Matloob · 7 weeks ago
  3. b1d336c go.mod: update required go version to go1.22 by Michael Matloob · 7 weeks ago
  4. bc151c4 README: fix link to x/tools by Mike Seplowitz · 10 weeks ago v0.20.0
  5. d1f873e modfile: fix Cleanup clobbering Line reference by James Hartig · 3 years, 7 months ago



This repository holds packages for writing tools that work directly with Go module mechanics. That is, it is for direct manipulation of Go modules themselves.

It is NOT about supporting general development tools that need to do things like load packages in module mode. That use case, where modules are incidental rather than the focus, should remain in x/tools, specifically x/tools/go/packages.

The specific case of loading packages should still be done by invoking the go command, which remains the single point of truth for package loading algorithms.