blob: 2a47a1ecab0254a8afaf70c0c18698f2463b0807 [file] [log] [blame]
// Code generated by gobind. DO NOT EDIT.
package Float
import "Java"
const _ = Java.Dummy
const (
MAX_VALUE = 3.4028235E38
MIN_NORMAL = 1.17549435E-38
MIN_VALUE = 1.4E-45
SIZE = 32
var (
// Cast takes a proxy for a Java object and converts it to a java.lang.Float proxy.
// Cast panics if the argument is not a proxy or if the underlying object does
// not extend or implement java.lang.Float.
Cast func(v interface{}) Java.Java_lang_Float
// Code generated by gobind. DO NOT EDIT.
package lang
import "Java"
const _ = Java.Dummy
type Float Java.Java_lang_Float
type Long Java.Java_lang_Long
type Object Java.Java_lang_Object
type Runnable Java.Java_lang_Runnable
// Code generated by gobind. DO NOT EDIT.
package Long
import "Java"
const _ = Java.Dummy
const (
MIN_VALUE = -9223372036854775808
MAX_VALUE = 9223372036854775807
SIZE = 64
var (
// Cast takes a proxy for a Java object and converts it to a java.lang.Long proxy.
// Cast panics if the argument is not a proxy or if the underlying object does
// not extend or implement java.lang.Long.
Cast func(v interface{}) Java.Java_lang_Long
// Code generated by gobind. DO NOT EDIT.
package Object
import "Java"
const _ = Java.Dummy
const ()
var (
// Cast takes a proxy for a Java object and converts it to a java.lang.Object proxy.
// Cast panics if the argument is not a proxy or if the underlying object does
// not extend or implement java.lang.Object.
Cast func(v interface{}) Java.Java_lang_Object
// Code generated by gobind. DO NOT EDIT.
package Runnable
import "Java"
const _ = Java.Dummy
const ()
var (
// Cast takes a proxy for a Java object and converts it to a java.lang.Runnable proxy.
// Cast panics if the argument is not a proxy or if the underlying object does
// not extend or implement java.lang.Runnable.
Cast func(v interface{}) Java.Java_lang_Runnable
// Code generated by gobind. DO NOT EDIT.
package Java
// Used to silence this package not used errors
const Dummy = 0
type Java_lang_Float interface {
ToString() string
type Java_lang_Long interface {
ToString() string
type Java_lang_Object interface {
ToString() string
type Java_lang_Runnable interface {
// Code generated by gobind. DO NOT EDIT.
package main
#include <stdlib.h> // for free()
#include <jni.h>
#include "seq.h"
#include "classes.h"
import "C"
import (
_seq ""
import "Java/java/lang/Float"
import "Java/java/lang/Long"
import "Java/java/lang/Object"
import "Java/java/lang/Runnable"
import "unsafe"
import "reflect"
import "fmt"
type proxy interface{ Bind_proxy_refnum__() int32 }
// Suppress unused package error
var _ = _seq.FromRefNum
const _ = Java.Dummy
//export initClasses
func initClasses() {
var class_java_lang_Float C.jclass
func init_java_lang_Float() {
cls := C.CString("java/lang/Float")
clazz := C.go_seq_find_class(cls)
if uintptr(clazz) == 0 {
class_java_lang_Float = clazz
Float.Cast = func(v interface{}) Java.Java_lang_Float {
t := reflect.TypeOf((*proxy_class_java_lang_Float)(nil))
cv := reflect.ValueOf(v).Convert(t).Interface().(*proxy_class_java_lang_Float)
ref := C.jint(_seq.ToRefNum(cv))
if C.go_seq_isinstanceof(ref, class_java_lang_Float) != 1 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%T is not an instance of %s", v, "java.lang.Float"))
return cv
type proxy_class_java_lang_Float _seq.Ref
func (p *proxy_class_java_lang_Float) Bind_proxy_refnum__() int32 {
return (*_seq.Ref)(p).Bind_IncNum()
func (p *proxy_class_java_lang_Float) ToString() string {
res := C.cproxy_java_lang_Float_toString(C.jint(p.Bind_proxy_refnum__()))
_res := decodeString(res.res)
var _exc error
_exc_ref := _seq.FromRefNum(int32(res.exc))
if _exc_ref != nil {
if res.exc < 0 { // go object
_exc = _exc_ref.Get().(error)
} else { // foreign object
_exc = (*proxy_error)(_exc_ref)
if _exc != nil {
return _res
var class_java_lang_Long C.jclass
func init_java_lang_Long() {
cls := C.CString("java/lang/Long")
clazz := C.go_seq_find_class(cls)
if uintptr(clazz) == 0 {
class_java_lang_Long = clazz
Long.Cast = func(v interface{}) Java.Java_lang_Long {
t := reflect.TypeOf((*proxy_class_java_lang_Long)(nil))
cv := reflect.ValueOf(v).Convert(t).Interface().(*proxy_class_java_lang_Long)
ref := C.jint(_seq.ToRefNum(cv))
if C.go_seq_isinstanceof(ref, class_java_lang_Long) != 1 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%T is not an instance of %s", v, "java.lang.Long"))
return cv
type proxy_class_java_lang_Long _seq.Ref
func (p *proxy_class_java_lang_Long) Bind_proxy_refnum__() int32 {
return (*_seq.Ref)(p).Bind_IncNum()
func (p *proxy_class_java_lang_Long) ToString() string {
res := C.cproxy_java_lang_Long_toString(C.jint(p.Bind_proxy_refnum__()))
_res := decodeString(res.res)
var _exc error
_exc_ref := _seq.FromRefNum(int32(res.exc))
if _exc_ref != nil {
if res.exc < 0 { // go object
_exc = _exc_ref.Get().(error)
} else { // foreign object
_exc = (*proxy_error)(_exc_ref)
if _exc != nil {
return _res
var class_java_lang_Object C.jclass
func init_java_lang_Object() {
cls := C.CString("java/lang/Object")
clazz := C.go_seq_find_class(cls)
if uintptr(clazz) == 0 {
class_java_lang_Object = clazz
Object.Cast = func(v interface{}) Java.Java_lang_Object {
t := reflect.TypeOf((*proxy_class_java_lang_Object)(nil))
cv := reflect.ValueOf(v).Convert(t).Interface().(*proxy_class_java_lang_Object)
ref := C.jint(_seq.ToRefNum(cv))
if C.go_seq_isinstanceof(ref, class_java_lang_Object) != 1 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%T is not an instance of %s", v, "java.lang.Object"))
return cv
type proxy_class_java_lang_Object _seq.Ref
func (p *proxy_class_java_lang_Object) Bind_proxy_refnum__() int32 {
return (*_seq.Ref)(p).Bind_IncNum()
func (p *proxy_class_java_lang_Object) ToString() string {
res := C.cproxy_java_lang_Object_toString(C.jint(p.Bind_proxy_refnum__()))
_res := decodeString(res.res)
var _exc error
_exc_ref := _seq.FromRefNum(int32(res.exc))
if _exc_ref != nil {
if res.exc < 0 { // go object
_exc = _exc_ref.Get().(error)
} else { // foreign object
_exc = (*proxy_error)(_exc_ref)
if _exc != nil {
return _res
var class_java_lang_Runnable C.jclass
func init_java_lang_Runnable() {
cls := C.CString("java/lang/Runnable")
clazz := C.go_seq_find_class(cls)
if uintptr(clazz) == 0 {
class_java_lang_Runnable = clazz
Runnable.Cast = func(v interface{}) Java.Java_lang_Runnable {
t := reflect.TypeOf((*proxy_class_java_lang_Runnable)(nil))
cv := reflect.ValueOf(v).Convert(t).Interface().(*proxy_class_java_lang_Runnable)
ref := C.jint(_seq.ToRefNum(cv))
if C.go_seq_isinstanceof(ref, class_java_lang_Runnable) != 1 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%T is not an instance of %s", v, "java.lang.Runnable"))
return cv
type proxy_class_java_lang_Runnable _seq.Ref
func (p *proxy_class_java_lang_Runnable) Bind_proxy_refnum__() int32 {
return (*_seq.Ref)(p).Bind_IncNum()
// Code generated by gobind. DO NOT EDIT.
// Package main is an autogenerated binder stub for package java.
// autogenerated by gobind -lang=go java
package main
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "seq.h"
#include "java.h"
import "C"
import (
_seq ""
// suppress the error if seq ends up unused
var _ = _seq.FromRefNum
//export proxyjava_F_ToString
func proxyjava_F_ToString(refnum C.int32_t) C.nstring {
ref := _seq.FromRefNum(int32(refnum))
v := ref.Get().(java.F)
res_0 := v.ToString()
_res_0 := encodeString(res_0)
return _res_0
type proxyjava_F _seq.Ref
func (p *proxyjava_F) Bind_proxy_refnum__() int32 {
return (*_seq.Ref)(p).Bind_IncNum()
func (p *proxyjava_F) ToString() string {
res := C.cproxyjava_F_ToString(C.int32_t(p.Bind_proxy_refnum__()))
_res := decodeString(res)
return _res
//export proxyjava_L_ToString
func proxyjava_L_ToString(refnum C.int32_t) C.nstring {
ref := _seq.FromRefNum(int32(refnum))
v := ref.Get().(java.L)
res_0 := v.ToString()
_res_0 := encodeString(res_0)
return _res_0
type proxyjava_L _seq.Ref
func (p *proxyjava_L) Bind_proxy_refnum__() int32 {
return (*_seq.Ref)(p).Bind_IncNum()
func (p *proxyjava_L) ToString() string {
res := C.cproxyjava_L_ToString(C.int32_t(p.Bind_proxy_refnum__()))
_res := decodeString(res)
return _res
//export proxyjava_O_ToString
func proxyjava_O_ToString(refnum C.int32_t) C.nstring {
ref := _seq.FromRefNum(int32(refnum))
v := ref.Get().(java.O)
res_0 := v.ToString()
_res_0 := encodeString(res_0)
return _res_0
type proxyjava_O _seq.Ref
func (p *proxyjava_O) Bind_proxy_refnum__() int32 {
return (*_seq.Ref)(p).Bind_IncNum()
func (p *proxyjava_O) ToString() string {
res := C.cproxyjava_O_ToString(C.int32_t(p.Bind_proxy_refnum__()))
_res := decodeString(res)
return _res
type proxyjava_R _seq.Ref
func (p *proxyjava_R) Bind_proxy_refnum__() int32 {
return (*_seq.Ref)(p).Bind_IncNum()