blob: 38656b9dbaab2af01adcd6c8a45d326aed611483 [file] [log] [blame]
// Objective-C API for talking to ignore Go package.
// gobind -lang=objc ignore
// File is generated by gobind. Do not edit.
#ifndef __Ignore_H__
#define __Ignore_H__
@import Foundation;
#include "Universe.objc.h"
@class IgnoreS;
@protocol IgnoreI;
@class IgnoreI;
@protocol IgnoreI <NSObject>
// skipped method I.Argument with unsupported parameter or return types
// skipped method I.Result with unsupported parameter or return types
@interface IgnoreS : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, IgnoreI> {
@property(strong, readonly) id _ref;
- (instancetype)initWithRef:(id)ref;
- (instancetype)init;
// skipped field S.F with unsupported type: *types.Interface
// skipped method S.Argument with unsupported parameter or return types
// skipped method S.Result with unsupported parameter or return types
// skipped const NamedConst with unsupported type: *types.Const
@interface Ignore : NSObject
// skipped variable V with unsupported type: *types.Interface
// skipped variable Var with unsupported type: *types.Interface
// skipped function Argument with unsupported parameter or return types
// skipped function Result with unsupported parameter or return types
@class IgnoreI;
@interface IgnoreI : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, IgnoreI> {
@property(strong, readonly) id _ref;
- (instancetype)initWithRef:(id)ref;
// skipped method I.Argument with unsupported parameter or return types
// skipped method I.Result with unsupported parameter or return types