blob: f6cd17b6b01772f32b3fd4c87fabcda87ba4833d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build android
package javapkg
import (
gopkg "Java/javapkg"
xnet "Java/javax/net"
const (
ToStringPrefix = "Go toString: "
IOExceptionMessage = "GoInputStream IOException"
type GoRunnable struct {
this lang.Runnable
Field string
func (r *GoRunnable) ToString(this gopkg.GoRunnable) string {
return ToStringPrefix
func (r *GoRunnable) Run(this gopkg.GoRunnable) {
func (r *GoRunnable) GetThis(this gopkg.GoRunnable) lang.Runnable {
return this
type GoInputStream struct {
func (_ *GoInputStream) Read() (int32, error) {
return 0, IOException.New(IOExceptionMessage)
func NewGoInputStream() *GoInputStream {
return new(GoInputStream)
type GoFuture struct {
func (_ *GoFuture) Cancel(_ bool) bool {
return false
func (_ *GoFuture) Get() (lang.Object, error) {
return nil, nil
// Use a trailing underscore to override multiple overloaded methods.
func (_ *GoFuture) Get_(_ int64, _ concurrent.TimeUnit) (lang.Object, error) {
return nil, nil
func (_ *GoFuture) IsCancelled() bool {
return false
func (_ *GoFuture) IsDone() bool {
return false
type GoObject struct {
this lang.Object
func (o *GoObject) ToString(this gopkg.GoObject) string {
o.this = this
return ToStringPrefix + this.Super().ToString()
func (_ *GoObject) HashCode() int32 {
return 42
func RunRunnable(r lang.Runnable) {
func RunnableRoundtrip(r lang.Runnable) lang.Runnable {
return r
// Test constructing and returning Go instances of GoObject and GoRunnable
// outside a constructor
func ConstructGoRunnable() *GoRunnable {
return new(GoRunnable)
func ConstructGoObject() *GoObject {
return new(GoObject)
// java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent is a class a with no default constructors.
type GoPCE struct {
func NewGoPCE(_ lang.Object, _ string, _ lang.Object, _ lang.Object) *GoPCE {
return new(GoPCE)
// java.util.ArrayList is a class with multiple constructors
type GoArrayList struct {
func NewGoArrayList() *GoArrayList {
return new(GoArrayList)
func NewGoArrayListWithCap(_ int32) *GoArrayList {
return new(GoArrayList)
func CallSubset(s Character.Subset) {
type GoSubset struct {
func NewGoSubset(_ string) *GoSubset {
return new(GoSubset)
func NewJavaObject() lang.Object {
return Object.New()
func NewJavaInteger() lang.Integer {
i, _ := Integer.New(int32(42))
return i
type NoargConstructor struct {
util.BitSet // An otherwise unused class with a no-arg constructor
type GoRand struct {
func (_ *GoRand) Next(this gopkg.GoRand, i int32) int32 {
return this.Super().Next(i)
type I interface{}
func CastInterface(intf I) lang.Runnable {
var r lang.Runnable = Runnable.Cast(intf)
return r
func CastRunnable(o lang.Object) lang.Runnable {
defer func() {
recover() // swallow the panic
var r lang.Runnable = Runnable.Cast(o)
return r
// Test that extending classes from Java packages
// with the same last component (in this case "net")
// works.
func NameClashingPackages(_ net.Socket, _ xnet.SocketFactory) {
func testReferenceToUnsupportedParameters() {
var ib nio.IntBuffer