blob: 9279a10aa2356a98384272f34c11402ce8c7c3cc [file] [log] [blame]
// Objective-C API for talking to doc Go package.
// gobind -lang=objc doc
// File is generated by gobind. Do not edit.
#ifndef __Doc_H__
#define __Doc_H__
@import Foundation;
#include "ref.h"
#include "Universe.objc.h"
@class DocNoDoc;
@class DocS;
@class DocS2;
@protocol DocI;
@class DocI;
@protocol DocI <NSObject>
- (void)im;
* A generic comment with <HTML>.
@interface DocNoDoc : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
- (nonnull instancetype)init;
* S is a struct.
@interface DocS : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
* NewS is a constructor.
- (nullable instancetype)init;
* SF is a field.
@property (nonatomic) NSString* _Nonnull sf;
* Anonymous field.
@property (nonatomic) DocS2* _Nullable s2;
* Multiple fields.
@property (nonatomic) NSString* _Nonnull f1;
* Multiple fields.
@property (nonatomic) NSString* _Nonnull f2;
* After is another method.
- (void)after;
- (void)before;
* S2 is a struct.
@interface DocS2 : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface> {
@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
- (nonnull instancetype)init;
* C is a constant.
@interface Doc : NSObject
* A group of vars.
+ (double) noDocVar;
+ (void) setNoDocVar:(double)v;
* A specific var.
+ (NSString* _Nonnull) specific;
+ (void) setSpecific:(NSString* _Nonnull)v;
* V is a var.
+ (NSString* _Nonnull) v;
+ (void) setV:(NSString* _Nonnull)v;
* F is a function.
* NewS is a constructor.
FOUNDATION_EXPORT DocS* _Nullable DocNewS(void);
@class DocI;
* I is an interface.
@interface DocI : NSObject <goSeqRefInterface, DocI> {
@property(strong, readonly) _Nonnull id _ref;
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithRef:(_Nonnull id)ref;
* IM is a method.
- (void)im;