blob: e7d21c2830e2dd714c3f4089abd643358690ae62 [file] [log] [blame]
// Java class go.error is a proxy for talking to a Go program.
// gobind -lang=java
// File is generated by gobind. Do not edit.
package go;
import go.Seq;
public interface error {
public String error();
// Java class go.Universe is a proxy for talking to a Go program.
// gobind -lang=java
// File is generated by gobind. Do not edit.
package go;
import go.Seq;
public abstract class Universe {
static {
Seq.touch(); // for loading the native library
private Universe() {} // uninstantiable
// touch is called from other bound packages to initialize this package
public static void touch() {}
private static native void _init();
private static final class proxyerror extends Exception implements Seq.Proxy, error {
private final int refnum;
@Override public final int incRefnum() {
Seq.incGoRef(refnum, this);
return refnum;
proxyerror(int refnum) { this.refnum = refnum; Seq.trackGoRef(refnum, this); }
@Override public String getMessage() { return error(); }
public native String error();