blob: 520e8b2a6a9d13f50e50961a7ddda4fc7efe7f17 [file] [log] [blame]
// Test for returning errors.
// Package foo ...
package foo
// Returns nothing
func f() { // ok
// Check for a single error return
func g() error { // ok
return nil
// Check for a single other return type
func h() int { // ok
return 0
// Check for multiple return but error at end.
func i() (int, error) { // ok
return 0, nil
// Check for multiple return but error at end with named variables.
func j() (x int, err error) { // ok
return 0, nil
// Check for error in the wrong location on 2 types
func k() (error, int) { // MATCH /error should be the last type/
return nil, 0
// Check for error in the wrong location for > 2 types
func l() (int, error, int) { // MATCH /error should be the last type/
return 0, nil, 0
// Check for error in the wrong location with named variables.
func m() (x int, err error, y int) { // MATCH /error should be the last type/
return 0, nil, 0
// Check for multiple error returns but with errors at the end.
func n() (int, error, error) { // OK
return 0, nil, nil
// Check for multiple error returns mixed in order, but keeping one error at last position.
func o() (int, error, int, error) { // OK
return 0, nil, 0, nil