blob: 8eca95efc7a34a02c00cf465ec00d1aace1c54c5 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- go-llvm-typemanager.h - decls for 'TypeManager' class -------------===//
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Defines TypeManager class.
#include "go-linemap.h"
#include "go-location.h"
#include "go-llvm-btype.h"
#include "namegen.h"
#include "backend.h"
#include "llvm/IR/CallingConv.h"
namespace llvm {
class DataLayout;
class DIType;
class Instruction;
class LLVMContext;
class Module;
class Value;
class raw_ostream;
class FunctionType;
class StructType;
class DIBuildHelper;
using Btyped_identifier = Backend::Btyped_identifier;
enum PTDisp { Concrete, Placeholder };
class TypeManager {
TypeManager(llvm::LLVMContext &context,
llvm::CallingConv::ID cconv,
unsigned addrspace);
// These methods are intended to match up with the similarly
// named Backend methods, e.g. errorType() corresponds to
// Backend::error_type(), and so on.
Btype *errorType();
Btype *voidType();
Btype *boolType();
Btype *integerType(bool, int);
Btype *floatType(int);
Btype *complexType(int);
Btype *pointerType(Btype *);
Btype *functionType(const Btyped_identifier &,
const std::vector<Btyped_identifier> &,
const std::vector<Btyped_identifier> &,
Btype *, bool, const Location);
Btype *structType(const std::vector<Btyped_identifier> &);
Btype *arrayType(Btype *, Bexpression *);
Btype *placeholderPointerType(const std::string &, Location, bool);
bool setPlaceholderPointerType(Btype *, Btype *);
bool setPlaceholderFunctionType(Btype *, Btype *);
Btype *placeholderStructType(const std::string &, Location);
bool setPlaceholderStructType(Btype *placeholder,
const std::vector<Btyped_identifier> &);
Btype *placeholderArrayType(const std::string &, Location);
bool setPlaceholderArrayType(Btype *, Btype *, Bexpression *);
Btype *namedType(const std::string &, Btype *, Location);
Btype *circularPointerType(Btype *, bool);
bool isCircularPointerType(Btype *);
bool isCircularPointerType(llvm::Type *);
bool isCircularFunctionType(Btype *);
bool isCircularFunctionType(llvm::Type *);
int64_t typeSize(Btype *);
int64_t typeAlignment(Btype *);
int64_t typeFieldAlignment(Btype *);
int64_t typeFieldOffset(Btype *, size_t index);
// Create a new anonymous Btype based on LLVM type 'lt'. This is used
// for types where there is a direct corresponding between the LLVM type
// and the frontend type (ex: float32), and where we don't need to
// do any later post-processing or checking.
Btype *makeAuxType(llvm::Type *lt);
// Create a new anonymous BFunctionType based on a corresponding
// LLVM function type. This is slightly different from the routine
// above in that it replicates information about parameter types and
// results and creates a BFunctionType based on them (whereas
// everything created by makeAuxTpe is an AuxT container). Not for
// general use (should be used only for things like builtins), since
// there is no way to express things like signed/unsigned param types.
BFunctionType *makeAuxFcnType(llvm::FunctionType *eft);
// Is this a placeholder type?
bool isPlaceholderType(Btype *t);
// Is this a Go boolean type
bool isBooleanType(Btype *);
// Replace the underlying type for a given placeholder type once
// we've determined what the final type will be.
void updatePlaceholderUnderlyingType(Btype *plt, Btype *totype);
// Create an opaque type for use as part of a placeholder type.
// Type will be named according to the tag passed in (name is relevant
// only for debugging).
llvm::Type *makeOpaqueLlvmType(const char *tag);
// Precomputed LLVM types of various sorts.
llvm::Type *llvmVoidType() const { return llvmVoidType_; }
llvm::Type *llvmBoolType() const { return llvmBoolType_; }
llvm::Type *llvmPtrType() const { return llvmPtrType_; }
llvm::Type *llvmPtr0Type() const { return llvmPtr0Type_; } // pointer in address space 0
llvm::Type *llvmInt8Type() const { return llvmInt8Type_; }
llvm::Type *llvmInt32Type() const { return llvmInt32Type_; }
llvm::Type *llvmInt64Type() const { return llvmInt64Type_; }
llvm::Type *llvmIntegerType() const { return llvmIntegerType_; }
llvm::Type *llvmSizeType() const { return llvmSizeType_; }
llvm::Type *llvmFloatType() const { return llvmFloatType_; }
llvm::Type *llvmDoubleType() const { return llvmDoubleType_; }
llvm::Type *llvmLongDoubleType() const { return llvmLongDoubleType_; }
llvm::Type *llvmTwoFloatVecType() const { return llvmTwoFloatVecType_; }
llvm::Type *llvmArbitraryIntegerType(unsigned bytes);
llvm::Type *landingPadExceptionType();
llvm::FunctionType *personalityFunctionType();
// Size calculation methods for LLVM types.
// Returns the offset in bytes between successive objects of a
// given type as stored in memory (for example, in an array). This
// includes alignment padding. For example, llvmTypeAllocSize() of
// "struct { float x; char c; }" will be 8 bytes.
uint64_t llvmTypeAllocSize(llvm::Type *t);
// Returns number of bytes needed to hold the data in an object of
// this type. For example, llvmTypeSize() of "struct { float x; char c; }"
// will be 5 bytes.
uint64_t llvmTypeSize(llvm::Type *t);
// Return byte offset of field FIDX in llvm struct type LLST
int64_t llvmTypeFieldOffset(llvm::StructType *llst, size_t fidx);
// Context + address space.
llvm::LLVMContext &context() const { return context_; }
unsigned addressSpace() const { return addressSpace_; }
// Same as pointerType, but explicitly specify address space.
Btype *addrSpacePointerType(Btype *toType, unsigned addressSpace);
// Go string type
Btype *stringType() const { return stringType_; }
// Go uintptr type. The FE manufactures this on its own, but there
// are places where we need to materialize it in the bridge as well.
Btype *uintPtrType() const { return uintPtrType_; }
// LLVM type creation helpers
llvm::Type *makeLLVMFloatType(int bits);
llvm::Type *makeLLVMTwoElementStructType(llvm::Type *f1, llvm::Type *f2);
llvm::Type *makeLLVMPointerType(llvm::Type *toTy);
llvm::Type *makeLLVMStructType(const std::vector<Btyped_identifier> &fields);
llvm::Type *makeLLVMFunctionType(const std::vector<Btype *> &paramTypes,
Btype *rbtype, bool followsCabi);
// Returns field type from composite (struct/array) type and index.
Btype *elementTypeByIndex(Btype *type, unsigned element_index);
// Returns function type from pointer-to-function type or
// pointer-to-function-descriptor type.
BFunctionType *unpackFunctionType(Btype *fcnExprType);
// When making a change to a Btype (for example,modifying its underlying
// type or setting/resetting its placeholder flag) we need to
// remove it from anonTypes and then reinstall it after we're
// done making changes. These routines help with that process.
// 'removeAnonType' returns true if the type in question was in
// the anonTypes set.
bool removeAnonType(Btype *typ);
void reinstallAnonType(Btype *typ);
// The specified placeholder 'btype' has been resolved to a
// concrete type -- visit all of the types that refer to it
// and see if we can completely resolve them.
void postProcessResolvedPlaceholder(Btype *btype);
// Helpers for the routine above
void postProcessResolvedPointerPlaceholder(BPointerType *bpt, Btype *btype);
void postProcessResolvedStructPlaceholder(BStructType *bst, Btype *btype);
void postProcessResolvedArrayPlaceholder(BArrayType *bat, Btype *btype);
void postProcessResolvedFunctionPlaceholder(BFunctionType *bft, Btype *btype);
// For a newly create type, adds entries to the placeholderRefs
// table for any contained types. Returns true if any placeholders
// found.
bool addPlaceholderRefs(Btype *type);
// Helpers
bool isFuncDescriptorType(llvm::Type *typ);
bool isPtrToFuncDescriptorType(llvm::Type *typ);
bool isPtrToIfaceStructType(llvm::Type *typ);
bool isPtrToFuncType(llvm::Type *typ);
bool isPtrToVoidType(llvm::Type *typ);
bool isPtrToArrayOf(llvm::Type *ptyp, llvm::Type *arrayElmTyp);
// This helper looks at two LLVM types and does a structural
// comparison to determine if 'left' is equivalent to 'right' modulo
// discrepancies between raw function pointers and "void *" (or
// equivalent). This is to allow for cases where the front end will
// store a function pointer in a table or struct somewhere as "void
// *" instead of the precise function type.
bool fcnPointerCompatible(llvm::Type *left,
llvm::Type *right,
std::set<llvm::Type *> &visited);
// If specified type is a pointer flagged as being a circular
// type, return conversion needed on load from that type, or NULL
// if the type is not circular.
Btype *circularTypeLoadConversion(Btype *typ);
// Similar to the helper above, but for address operator.
Btype *circularTypeAddrConversion(Btype *typ);
// Create a dummy type to stand in for a zero-sized type, so as
// to avoid creating variables that trigger linker bugs.
Btype *synthesizeNonZeroSizeType(Btype *zeroSizeType, Bexpression *one);
// Initialization helper. This passes in a few bits of
// info from the parent backend that are might not immediately
// available at the start of the containing constructor.
void initializeTypeManager(Bexpression *errorExpression,
const llvm::DataLayout *datalayout,
NameGen *nt);
// May be NULL prior to init call above
const llvm::DataLayout *datalayout() const { return datalayout_; }
// Calling convention
llvm::CallingConv::ID callingConv() const { return cconv_; }
// For named types, this returns the declared type name. If a type
// is unnamed, then it returns a stringified representation of the
// type (e.g, "[10]uint64").
std::string typToString(Btype *typ);
// Debug meta-data generation
llvm::DIType *buildDIType(Btype *typ, DIBuildHelper &helper);
// For debugging
unsigned traceLevel() const { return traceLevel_; }
void setTypeManagerTraceLevel(unsigned level) { traceLevel_ = level; }
// for type name generation
std::string tnamegen(const std::string &tag,
unsigned expl = NameGen::ChooseVer) {
return nametags_->namegen(tag, expl);
std::string typToStringRec(Btype *typ, std::map<Btype *, std::string> &tab);
llvm::DIType *buildStructDIType(BStructType *bst, DIBuildHelper &helper);
sanitizeFields(const std::vector<Btyped_identifier> &fields);
// For computing size-equivalent types for unresolved placeholders
typedef std::unordered_map<Btype *, llvm::Type *> pproxymap;
llvm::Type *placeholderProxyType(Btype *typ, pproxymap *pmap);
// Checks for placeholder and invokes routine above if needed,
// otherwise returns the LLVM type for the specified Btype.
llvm::Type *getPlaceholderProxyIfNeeded(Btype *btype);
// Context information needed for the LLVM backend.
llvm::LLVMContext &context_;
const llvm::DataLayout *datalayout_;
llvm::CallingConv::ID cconv_;
unsigned addressSpace_;
unsigned traceLevel_;
class btype_hash {
unsigned int operator()(const Btype *t) const {
return t->hash();
class btype_equal {
bool operator()(const Btype *t1, const Btype *t2) const {
return t1->equal(*t2);
typedef std::unordered_set<Btype *, btype_hash, btype_equal> anonTypeSetType;
// Anonymous typed are hashed/commoned via this set.
anonTypeSetType anonTypes_;
// This map stores oddball types that get created internally by the
// back end (ex: void type, or predefined complex). Key is LLVM
// type, value is Btype.
std::unordered_map<llvm::Type *, Btype *> auxTypeMap_;
// Repository for named types (those specifically created by the
// ::named_type method).
std::unordered_set<Btype *> namedTypes_;
// This maps a btype to the named type that was created from it.
std::unordered_map<Btype *, Btype *> revNames_;
// Records all placeholder types explicitly created via
// Backend::placeholder_<XYZ>_type() method calls.
std::unordered_set<Btype *> placeholders_;
// These types became redundant/duplicate after one or more
// of their placeholder children were updated.
std::unordered_set<Btype *> duplicates_;
// For managing placeholder types. An entry [X, {A,B,C}] indicates
// that placeholder type X is referred to by the other placeholder
// types A, B, and C.
std::unordered_map<Btype *, std::set<Btype *> > placeholderRefs_;
// Set of circular pointer types. These are pointers to opaque types that
// are returned by the ::circular_pointer_type() method.
std::unordered_set<llvm::Type *> circularPointerTypes_;
// Map from placeholder type to circular pointer type. Key is placeholder
// pointer type, value is circular pointer type marker.
std::unordered_map<Btype *, Btype *> circularPointerTypeMap_;
// Maps for inserting conversions involving circular pointers.
std::unordered_map<llvm::Type *, Btype *> circularConversionLoadMap_;
std::unordered_map<llvm::Type *, Btype *> circularConversionAddrMap_;
// Set of top-level circular function types.
std::unordered_set<Btype *> circularFunctionPlaceholderTypes_;
// This set holds the marker types returned for the self-referential
// elements within a circular function type, also any resolved LLVM
// function types created from placeholders.
std::unordered_set<llvm::Type *> circularFunctionTypes_;
// Name generation helper
NameGen *nametags_;
// Error expression
Bexpression *errorExpression_;
// Various predefined or pre-computed types that we cache away
Btype *errorType_;
Btype *stringType_;
Btype *uintPtrType_;
llvm::Type *llvmVoidType_;
llvm::Type *llvmBoolType_;
llvm::Type *llvmPtrType_;
llvm::Type *llvmPtr0Type_;
llvm::Type *llvmSizeType_;
llvm::Type *llvmIntegerType_;
llvm::Type *llvmInt8Type_;
llvm::Type *llvmInt32Type_;
llvm::Type *llvmInt64Type_;
llvm::Type *llvmFloatType_;
llvm::Type *llvmDoubleType_;
llvm::Type *llvmLongDoubleType_;
llvm::Type *llvmTwoFloatVecType_;