blob: 36ff99c456b93bd816ec83f8d538337c69950a21 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- llvm/tools/gollvm/unittests/BackendCore/BackendFcnTests.cpp ------===//
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "TestUtils.h"
#include "go-llvm-backend.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
using namespace llvm;
using namespace goBackendUnitTests;
namespace {
TEST(BackendStmtTests, TestInitStmt) {
FcnTestHarness h("foo");
Llvm_backend *be =;
Bfunction *func = h.func();
Btype *bi64t = be->integer_type(false, 64);
Location loc;
// local variable with init
Bvariable *loc1 = be->local_variable(func, "loc1", bi64t, nullptr, true, loc);
Bstatement *is = be->init_statement(func, loc1, mkInt64Const(be, 10));
ASSERT_TRUE(is != nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(repr(is), "store i64 10, i64* %loc1");
// error handling
Bvariable *loc2 = be->local_variable(func, "loc2", bi64t, nullptr, true, loc);
Bstatement *bad = be->init_statement(func, loc2, be->error_expression());
ASSERT_TRUE(bad != nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(bad, be->error_statement());
Bstatement *notsobad = be->init_statement(func, loc2, nullptr);
bool broken = h.finish(PreserveDebugInfo);
EXPECT_FALSE(broken && "Module failed to verify.");
TEST(BackendStmtTests, TestAssignmentStmt) {
FcnTestHarness h("foo");
Llvm_backend *be =;
Bfunction *func = h.func();
Btype *bi64t = be->integer_type(false, 64);
Location loc;
// assign a constant to a variable
Bvariable *loc1 = h.mkLocal("loc1", bi64t);
Bexpression *ve1 = be->var_expression(loc1, loc);
Bstatement *as =
be->assignment_statement(func, ve1, mkInt64Const(be, 123), loc);
ASSERT_TRUE(as != nullptr);
// assign a variable to a variable
Bvariable *loc2 = h.mkLocal("loc2", bi64t);
Bexpression *ve2 = be->var_expression(loc2, loc);
Bexpression *ve3 = be->var_expression(loc1, loc);
Bstatement *as2 = be->assignment_statement(func, ve2, ve3, loc);
ASSERT_TRUE(as2 != nullptr);
const char *exp = R"RAW_RESULT(
store i64 0, i64* %loc1
store i64 123, i64* %loc1
store i64 0, i64* %loc2
%loc1.ld.0 = load i64, i64* %loc1
store i64 %loc1.ld.0, i64* %loc2
bool isOK = h.expectBlock(exp);
EXPECT_TRUE(isOK && "Block does not have expected contents");
// error handling
Bvariable *loc3 = h.mkLocal("loc3", bi64t);
Bexpression *ve4 = be->var_expression(loc3, loc);
Bstatement *badas =
be->assignment_statement(func, ve4, be->error_expression(), loc);
ASSERT_TRUE(badas != nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(badas, be->error_statement());
bool broken = h.finish(PreserveDebugInfo);
EXPECT_FALSE(broken && "Module failed to verify.");
TEST(BackendStmtTests, TestReturnStmt) {
FcnTestHarness h("foo");
Llvm_backend *be =;
Bfunction *func = h.func();
Btype *bi64t = be->integer_type(false, 64);
Bvariable *loc1 = h.mkLocal("loc1", bi64t, mkInt64Const(be, 10));
// return loc1
Location loc;
Bexpression *ve1 = be->var_expression(loc1, loc);
Bstatement *ret = h.mkReturn(ve1);
const char *exp = R"RAW_RESULT(
%loc1.ld.0 = load i64, i64* %loc1
ret i64 %loc1.ld.0
std::string reason;
bool equal = difftokens(exp, repr(ret), reason);
EXPECT_EQ("pass", equal ? "pass" : reason);
// error handling
std::vector<Bexpression *> bvals;
Bstatement *bret = be->return_statement(func, bvals, loc);
EXPECT_EQ(bret, be->error_statement());
bool broken = h.finish(PreserveDebugInfo);
EXPECT_FALSE(broken && "Module failed to verify.");
TEST(BackendStmtTests, TestReturnStmt2) {
// Test that dead code after the return statement is handled
// correctly.
FcnTestHarness h("foo");
Llvm_backend *be =;
Bfunction *func = h.func();
Location loc;
// var x int64 = 10
Btype *bi64t = be->integer_type(false, 64);
Bvariable *x = h.mkLocal("x", bi64t, mkInt64Const(be, 10));
// return x
Bexpression *ve1 = be->var_expression(x, loc);
// some dead code
// return x+20
Bexpression *ve2 = be->var_expression(x, loc);
Bexpression *addexpr = be->binary_expression(OPERATOR_PLUS, ve2, mkInt64Const(be, 20), loc);
const char *exp = R"RAW_RESULT(
define i64 @foo(i8* nest %nest.0, i32 %param1, i32 %param2, i64* %param3) #0 {
%param1.addr = alloca i32
%param2.addr = alloca i32
%param3.addr = alloca i64*
%x = alloca i64
store i32 %param1, i32* %param1.addr
store i32 %param2, i32* %param2.addr
store i64* %param3, i64** %param3.addr
store i64 10, i64* %x
%x.ld.0 = load i64, i64* %x
ret i64 %x.ld.0
bool broken = h.finish(StripDebugInfo);
EXPECT_FALSE(broken && "Module failed to verify.");
bool isOK = h.expectValue(func->function(), exp);
EXPECT_TRUE(isOK && "Function does not have expected contents");
TEST(BackendStmtTests, TestLabelGotoStmts) {
FcnTestHarness h("foo");
Llvm_backend *be =;
Bfunction *func = h.func();
// loc1 = 10
Location loc;
Btype *bi64t = be->integer_type(false, 64);
Bvariable *loc1 = h.mkLocal("loc1", bi64t, mkInt64Const(be, 10));
// goto labeln
Blabel *lab1 = be->label(func, "foolab", loc);
Bstatement *gots = be->goto_statement(lab1, loc);
// dead stmt: loc1 = 11
h.mkAssign(be->var_expression(loc1, loc),
mkInt64Const(be, 11));
// labeldef
Bstatement *ldef = be->label_definition_statement(lab1);
bool broken = h.finish(PreserveDebugInfo);
EXPECT_FALSE(broken && "Module failed to verify.");
TEST(BackendStmtTests, TestLabelAddressExpression) {
FcnTestHarness h;
Llvm_backend *be =;
BFunctionType *befty = mkFuncTyp(be, L_END);
Bfunction *func = h.mkFunction("foo", befty);
Btype *bu8t = be->integer_type(true, 8);
Bvariable *loc1 = h.mkLocal("loc1", bu8t);
Btype *bpvt = be->pointer_type(be->void_type());
BFunctionType *befty2 = mkFuncTyp(be, L_PARM, bpvt, L_END);
Bfunction *f2 = mkFuncFromType(be, "bar", befty2);
// Create a label and take it's address, then pass the
// value in question in a call to the function "bar".
Blabel *lab1 = be->label(func, "retaddr", h.newloc());
Bexpression *labadex = be->label_address(lab1, h.newloc());
Bexpression *fn2ex = be->function_code_expression(f2, h.loc());
std::vector<Bexpression *> args;
Bexpression *call = be->call_expression(func, fn2ex, args, nullptr, h.loc());
// Now define the label, throw a statement in it.
Bstatement *ldef = be->label_definition_statement(lab1);
h.mkAssign(be->var_expression(loc1, h.loc()),
bool broken = h.finish(StripDebugInfo);
EXPECT_FALSE(broken && "Module failed to verify.");
const char *exp = R"RAW_RESULT(
define void @foo(i8* nest %nest.0) #0 {
%loc1 = alloca i8
store i8 0, i8* %loc1
call void @bar(i8* nest undef, i8* blockaddress(@foo, %label.0))
br label %label.0
label.0: ; preds = %entry
store i8 0, i8* %loc1
ret void
bool isOK = h.expectValue(func->function(), exp);
EXPECT_TRUE(isOK && "Function does not have expected contents");
static Bstatement *CreateIfStmt(FcnTestHarness &h)
Location loc;
Llvm_backend *be =;
Bfunction *func = h.func();
Btype *bi64t = be->integer_type(false, 64);
Bvariable *loc1 = h.mkLocal("loc1", bi64t);
// loc1 = 123
Bexpression *ve1 = be->var_expression(loc1, loc);
Bexpression *c123 = mkInt64Const(be, 123);
Bstatement *as1 = be->assignment_statement(func, ve1, c123, loc);
// loc1 = 987
Bexpression *ve2 = be->var_expression(loc1, loc);
Bexpression *c987 = mkInt64Const(be, 987);
Bstatement *as2 = be->assignment_statement(func, ve2, c987, loc);
// if true b1 else b2
Bexpression *trueval = be->boolean_constant_expression(true);
Bstatement *ifst = h.mkIf(trueval, as1, as2, FcnTestHarness::NoAppend);
return ifst;
TEST(BackendStmtTests, TestIfStmt) {
FcnTestHarness h("foo");
Llvm_backend *be =;
Bfunction *func = h.func();
Location loc;
Bstatement *ifst = CreateIfStmt(h);
// if true if
Bexpression *tv2 = be->boolean_constant_expression(true);
// loc2 = 456
Btype *bi64t = be->integer_type(false, 64);
Bvariable *loc2 = h.mkLocal("loc2", bi64t);
Bexpression *ve3 = be->var_expression(loc2, loc);
Bexpression *c456 = mkInt64Const(be, 456);
Bstatement *as3 = be->assignment_statement(func, ve3, c456, loc);
h.mkIf(tv2, ifst, as3);
// return 10101
h.mkReturn(mkInt64Const(be, 10101));
bool broken = h.finish(StripDebugInfo);
EXPECT_FALSE(broken && "Module failed to verify.");
// verify
const char *exp = R"RAW_RESULT(
define i64 @foo(i8* nest %nest.0, i32 %param1, i32 %param2, i64* %param3) #0 {
%param1.addr = alloca i32
%param2.addr = alloca i32
%param3.addr = alloca i64*
%loc1 = alloca i64
%loc2 = alloca i64
store i32 %param1, i32* %param1.addr
store i32 %param2, i32* %param2.addr
store i64* %param3, i64** %param3.addr
store i64 0, i64* %loc1
store i64 0, i64* %loc2
br i1 true, label %then.0, label %else.0
then.0: ; preds = %entry
br i1 true, label %then.1, label %else.1
fallthrough.0: ; preds = %else.0, %fallthrough.1
ret i64 10101
else.0: ; preds = %entry
store i64 456, i64* %loc2
br label %fallthrough.0
then.1: ; preds = %then.0
store i64 123, i64* %loc1
br label %fallthrough.1
fallthrough.1: ; preds = %else.1, %then.1
br label %fallthrough.0
else.1: ; preds = %then.0
store i64 987, i64* %loc1
br label %fallthrough.1
bool isOK = h.expectValue(func->function(), exp);
EXPECT_TRUE(isOK && "Function does not have expected contents");
// Create a switch statement and append to the test harness current block.
static void CreateSwitchStmt(FcnTestHarness &h)
Llvm_backend *be =;
Bfunction *func = h.func();
Location loc;
Btype *bi64t = be->integer_type(false, 64);
Bvariable *loc1 = h.mkLocal("loc1", bi64t);
// label for break
Blabel *brklab = be->label(func, "break", loc);
// first case
// loc1 = loc1 / 123
Bexpression *ve1 = be->var_expression(loc1, loc);
Bexpression *ve1r = be->var_expression(loc1, loc);
Bexpression *c123 = mkInt64Const(be, 123);
Bexpression *div = be->binary_expression(OPERATOR_DIV, ve1r, c123, loc);
Bstatement *as1 = be->assignment_statement(func, ve1, div, loc);
Bstatement *goto1 = be->goto_statement(brklab, loc);
Bstatement *cs1 = be->compound_statement(as1, goto1);
// second case
// loc1 = loc1 < 987 ? loc1 : 987 * loc1
Bexpression *ve2 = be->var_expression(loc1, loc);
Bexpression *ve2r = be->var_expression(loc1, loc);
Bexpression *ve2r2 = be->var_expression(loc1, loc);
Bexpression *ve2r3 = be->var_expression(loc1, loc);
Bexpression *c987 = mkInt64Const(be, 987);
Bexpression *mul = be->binary_expression(OPERATOR_MULT, c987, ve2r, loc);
Bexpression *cmp = be->binary_expression(OPERATOR_LE, ve2r2, c987, loc);
Bexpression *condex =
be->conditional_expression(func, bi64t, cmp, ve2r3, mul, loc);
Bstatement *as2 = be->assignment_statement(func, ve2, condex, loc);
// implicit fallthrough
// third case
Bstatement *st3 = nullptr; // case has only a fallthough statement
// fourth case
// loc1 = 456
Bexpression *ve4 = be->var_expression(loc1, loc);
Bexpression *c456 = mkInt64Const(be, 456);
Bstatement *as4 = be->assignment_statement(func, ve4, c456, loc);
Bstatement *goto4 = be->goto_statement(brklab, loc);
Bstatement *cs4 = be->compound_statement(as4, goto4);
// Set up switch statements
std::vector<Bstatement*> statements = {cs1, as2, st3, cs4};
std::vector<std::vector<Bexpression*> > cases = {
{ mkInt64Const(be, 1), mkInt64Const(be, 2) },
{ mkInt64Const(be, 3), mkInt64Const(be, 4) },
{ mkInt64Const(be, 5)},
cases.push_back(std::vector<Bexpression*>()); // default
// switch
Bexpression *vesw = be->var_expression(loc1, loc);
h.mkSwitch(vesw, cases, statements);
// label definition
Bstatement *labdef = be->label_definition_statement(brklab);
TEST(BackendStmtTests, TestSwitchStmt) {
FcnTestHarness h("foo");
Llvm_backend *be =;
Bfunction *func = h.func();
// return 10101
h.mkReturn(mkInt64Const(be, 10101));
bool broken = h.finish(StripDebugInfo);
EXPECT_FALSE(broken && "Module failed to verify.");
// verify
const char *exp = R"RAW_RESULT(
define i64 @foo(i8* nest %nest.0, i32 %param1, i32 %param2, i64* %param3) #0 {
%param1.addr = alloca i32
%param2.addr = alloca i32
%param3.addr = alloca i64*
%loc1 = alloca i64
%tmpv.0 = alloca i64
store i32 %param1, i32* %param1.addr
store i32 %param2, i32* %param2.addr
store i64* %param3, i64** %param3.addr
store i64 0, i64* %loc1
%loc1.ld.4 = load i64, i64* %loc1
switch i64 %loc1.ld.4, label %default.0 [
i64 1, label %case.0
i64 2, label %case.0
i64 3, label %case.1
i64 4, label %case.1
i64 5, label %case.2
case.0: ; preds = %entry, %entry
%loc1.ld.0 = load i64, i64* %loc1
%div.0 = sdiv i64 %loc1.ld.0, 123
store i64 %div.0, i64* %loc1
br label %label.0
case.1: ; preds = %entry, %entry
%loc1.ld.1 = load i64, i64* %loc1
%icmp.0 = icmp sle i64 %loc1.ld.1, 987
%zext.0 = zext i1 %icmp.0 to i8
%trunc.0 = trunc i8 %zext.0 to i1
br i1 %trunc.0, label %then.0, label %else.0
case.2: ; preds = %entry, %fallthrough.0
br label %default.0
default.0: ; preds = %entry, %case.2
store i64 456, i64* %loc1
br label %label.0
label.0: ; preds = %default.0, %case.0
ret i64 10101
then.0: ; preds = %case.1
%loc1.ld.3 = load i64, i64* %loc1
store i64 %loc1.ld.3, i64* %tmpv.0
br label %fallthrough.0
fallthrough.0: ; preds = %else.0, %then.0
%tmpv.0.ld.0 = load i64, i64* %tmpv.0
store i64 %tmpv.0.ld.0, i64* %loc1
br label %case.2
else.0: ; preds = %case.1
%loc1.ld.2 = load i64, i64* %loc1
%mul.0 = mul i64 987, %loc1.ld.2
store i64 %mul.0, i64* %tmpv.0
br label %fallthrough.0
bool isOK = h.expectValue(func->function(), exp);
EXPECT_TRUE(isOK && "Function does not have expected contents");
TEST(BackendStmtTests, TestStaticallyUnreachableStmts) {
FcnTestHarness h("foo");
Llvm_backend *be =;
// This test is designed to insure that there are no crashes,
// errors, or memory leaks when the function being compiled
// contains statically unreachable control flow.
// Create a return, which will make what comes next unreachable.
h.mkReturn(mkInt64Const(be, 10101));
// Statically unreachable if and switch stmts.
Bstatement *ifst = CreateIfStmt(h);
// Don't check for orphan blocks; we're only interested in making
// sure the compilation goes through.
bool broken = h.finish(PreserveDebugInfo);
EXPECT_FALSE(broken && "Module failed to verify.");
static Bstatement *CreateDeferStmt(Llvm_backend *be,
FcnTestHarness &h,
Bfunction *func,
Bvariable *loc1)
Location loc;
Btype *bi8t = be->integer_type(false, 8);
// Declare checkdefer, deferreturn
Btype *befty = mkFuncTyp(be, L_PARM, be->pointer_type(bi8t), L_END);
unsigned fflags = (Backend::function_is_visible |
Bfunction *bchkfcn = be->function(befty, "checkdefer", "checkdefer",
fflags, h.newloc());
Bfunction *bdefretfcn = be->function(befty, "deferreturn", "deferreturn",
fflags, h.newloc());
// Materialize call to deferreturn
Bexpression *retfn = be->function_code_expression(bdefretfcn, h.newloc());
std::vector<Bexpression *> args1;
Bexpression *ve1 = be->var_expression(loc1, h.newloc());
Bexpression *adve1 = be->address_expression(ve1, h.newloc());
Bexpression *undcall = be->call_expression(func, retfn, args1,
nullptr, h.newloc());
// Materialize call to checkdefer
Bexpression *ckfn = be->function_code_expression(bchkfcn, h.newloc());
std::vector<Bexpression *> args2;
Bexpression *ve2 = be->var_expression(loc1, h.loc());
Bexpression *adve2 = be->address_expression(ve2, h.loc());
Bexpression *ckdefcall = be->call_expression(func, ckfn, args2,
nullptr, h.loc());
// Defer statement based on the calls above.
Bstatement *defer = be->function_defer_statement(func,
return defer;
TEST(BackendStmtTests, TestDeferStmt) {
FcnTestHarness h;
Llvm_backend *be =;
BFunctionType *befty = mkFuncTyp(be, L_END);
Bfunction *func = h.mkFunction("foo", befty);
Btype *bi8t = be->integer_type(false, 8);
Bvariable *loc1 = h.mkLocal("x", bi8t);
Bstatement *defer = CreateDeferStmt(be, h, func, loc1);
bool broken = h.finish(StripDebugInfo);
EXPECT_FALSE(broken && "Module failed to verify.");
const char *exp = R"RAW_RESULT(
define void @foo(i8* nest %nest.0) #0 personality i32 (i32, i32, i64, i8*, i8*)* @__gccgo_personality_v0 {
%x = alloca i8
store i8 0, i8* %x
br label %finish.0
pad.0: ; preds = %finish.0
%ex.0 = landingpad { i8*, i32 }
catch i8* null
br label %catch.0
catch.0: ; preds = %pad.0
call void @checkdefer(i8* nest undef, i8* %x)
br label %finish.0
finish.0: ; preds = %catch.0, %entry
invoke void @deferreturn(i8* nest undef, i8* %x)
to label %cont.0 unwind label %pad.0
cont.0: ; preds = %finish.0
ret void
bool isOK = h.expectValue(func->function(), exp);
EXPECT_TRUE(isOK && "Function does not have expected contents");
TEST(BackendStmtTests, TestExceptionHandlingStmt) {
FcnTestHarness h;
Llvm_backend *be =;
BFunctionType *befty = mkFuncTyp(be, L_END);
Bfunction *func = h.mkFunction("baz", befty);
Btype *bi64t = be->integer_type(false, 64);
Bvariable *loc1 = h.mkLocal("x", bi64t);
Btype *bi8t = be->integer_type(false, 8);
Bvariable *loc2 = h.mkLocal("y", bi8t);
Btype *s2t = mkBackendStruct(be, bi8t, "f1", bi8t, "f2", nullptr);
BFunctionType *beftynr = mkFuncTyp(be, L_RES, s2t, L_END);
BFunctionType *befty2 = mkFuncTyp(be,
L_PARM, bi64t,
L_RES, bi64t,
unsigned fflags = (Backend::function_is_visible |
const char *fnames[] = { "plark", "plix" };
Bfunction *fcns[4];
Bexpression *calls[5];
for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < 2; ++ii) {
fcns[ii] = be->function(befty, fnames[ii], fnames[ii], fflags, h.newloc());
Bexpression *pfn = be->function_code_expression(fcns[ii], h.newloc());
std::vector<Bexpression *> args;
calls[ii] = be->call_expression(func, pfn, args,
nullptr, h.newloc());
fcns[2] = be->function(befty2, "id", "id", fflags, h.newloc());
Bexpression *idfn = be->function_code_expression(fcns[2], h.newloc());
std::vector<Bexpression *> iargs;
iargs.push_back(mkInt64Const(be, 99));
calls[2] = be->call_expression(func, idfn, iargs,
nullptr, h.newloc());
unsigned fflags2 = (Backend::function_is_visible |
Backend::function_does_not_return |
fcns[3] = be->function(beftynr, "noret", "noret", fflags2, h.newloc());
for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < 2; ++ii) {
Bexpression *nrfn = be->function_code_expression(fcns[3], h.newloc());
std::vector<Bexpression *> noargs;
calls[3+ii] = be->call_expression(func, nrfn, noargs,
nullptr, h.newloc());
// body:
// x = id(99)
// plark()
// if false { y = noret(); y = noret() }
// x = 123
Bexpression *ve1 = be->var_expression(loc1, h.newloc());
Bstatement *as1 =
be->assignment_statement(func, ve1, calls[2], h.newloc());
Bblock *bb1 = mkBlockFromStmt(be, func, as1);
addStmtToBlock(be, bb1, h.mkExprStmt(calls[0], FcnTestHarness::NoAppend));
Bstatement *nrcs = h.mkExprStmt(calls[3], FcnTestHarness::NoAppend);
Bstatement *nrcs2 = h.mkExprStmt(calls[4], FcnTestHarness::NoAppend);
Bblock *bbnr = mkBlockFromStmt(be, func, nrcs);
addStmtToBlock(be, bbnr, nrcs2);
Bexpression *cond = be->boolean_constant_expression(false);
Bstatement *ifst = h.mkIf(cond, bbnr, nullptr, FcnTestHarness::NoAppend);
addStmtToBlock(be, bb1, ifst);
Bexpression *ve2 = be->var_expression(loc1, h.newloc());
Bstatement *as2 =
be->assignment_statement(func, ve2, mkInt64Const(be, 123), h.newloc());
addStmtToBlock(be, bb1, as2);
Bstatement *body = be->block_statement(bb1);
// catch:
// plix()
Bstatement *catchst = h.mkExprStmt(calls[1], FcnTestHarness::NoAppend);
// finally:
// defer statement like above
Bstatement *finally = CreateDeferStmt(be, h, func, loc2);
// Now exception statement
Bstatement *est =
be->exception_handler_statement(body, catchst, finally, h.newloc());
bool broken = h.finish(StripDebugInfo);
EXPECT_FALSE(broken && "Module failed to verify.");
const char *exp = R"RAW_RESULT(
define void @baz(i8* nest %nest.0) #0 personality i32 (i32, i32, i64, i8*, i8*)* @__gccgo_personality_v0 {
%ehtmp.0 = alloca { i8*, i32 }
%x = alloca i64
%y = alloca i8
%sret.actual.0 = alloca { i8, i8 }
%sret.actual.1 = alloca { i8, i8 }
%finvar.0 = alloca i8
store i64 0, i64* %x
store i8 0, i8* %y
%call.0 = invoke i64 @id(i8* nest undef, i64 99)
to label %cont.1 unwind label %pad.1
finok.0: ; preds = %cont.4
store i8 1, i8* %finvar.0
br label %finally.0
finally.0: ; preds = %catchpad.0, %finok.0
br label %finish.0
pad.0: ; preds = %fallthrough.0, %finish.0
%ex.0 = landingpad { i8*, i32 }
catch i8* null
br label %catch.0
catch.0: ; preds = %pad.0
call void @checkdefer(i8* nest undef, i8* %y)
br label %finish.0
finish.0: ; preds = %catch.0, %finally.0
invoke void @deferreturn(i8* nest undef, i8* %y)
to label %cont.0 unwind label %pad.0
cont.0: ; preds = %fallthrough.0, %finish.0
%fload.0 = load i8, i8* %finvar.0
%icmp.0 = icmp eq i8 %fload.0, 1
br i1 %icmp.0, label %finret.0, label %finres.0
pad.1: ; preds = %then.0, %cont.1, %entry
%ex.1 = landingpad { i8*, i32 }
catch i8* null
br label %catch.1
catch.1: ; preds = %pad.1
invoke void @plix(i8* nest undef)
to label %cont.4 unwind label %catchpad.0
catchpad.0: ; preds = %catch.1
%ex2.0 = landingpad { i8*, i32 }
store { i8*, i32 } %ex2.0, { i8*, i32 }* %ehtmp.0
store i8 0, i8* %finvar.0
br label %finally.0
cont.1: ; preds = %entry
store i64 %call.0, i64* %x
invoke void @plark(i8* nest undef)
to label %cont.2 unwind label %pad.1
cont.2: ; preds = %cont.1
br i1 false, label %then.0, label %else.0
then.0: ; preds = %cont.2
%call.1 = invoke i16 @noret(i8* nest undef)
to label %cont.3 unwind label %pad.1
fallthrough.0: ; preds = %else.0
store i64 123, i64* %x
store i8 1, i8* %finvar.0
invoke void @deferreturn(i8* nest undef, i8* %y)
to label %cont.0 unwind label %pad.0
else.0: ; preds = %cont.2
br label %fallthrough.0
cont.3: ; preds = %then.0
cont.4: ; preds = %catch.1
br label %finok.0
finres.0: ; preds = %cont.0
%excv.0 = load { i8*, i32 }, { i8*, i32 }* %ehtmp.0
resume { i8*, i32 } %excv.0
finret.0: ; preds = %cont.0
ret void
bool isOK = h.expectValue(func->function(), exp);
EXPECT_TRUE(isOK && "Function does not have expected contents");
static Bstatement *mkMemReturn(Llvm_backend *be,
Bfunction *func,
Bvariable *rtmp,
Bexpression *val)
// Store value to tmp
Location loc;
Bexpression *ve = be->var_expression(rtmp, loc);
Bstatement *as = be->assignment_statement(func, ve, val, loc);
Bblock *block = mkBlockFromStmt(be, func, as);
// Load from temp and return
Bexpression *ve2 = be->var_expression(rtmp, loc);
std::vector<Bexpression *> vals;
Bstatement *rst = be->return_statement(func, vals, loc);
addStmtToBlock(be, block, rst);
return be->block_statement(block);
TEST(BackendStmtTests, TestExceptionHandlingStmtWithReturns) {
FcnTestHarness h;
Llvm_backend *be =;
Btype *bi64t = be->integer_type(false, 64);
BFunctionType *befty = mkFuncTyp(be,
L_PARM, bi64t,
L_RES, bi64t,
Bfunction *func = h.mkFunction("baz", befty);
Bvariable *rtmp = h.mkLocal("ret", bi64t);
unsigned fflags = (Backend::function_is_visible |
Bfunction *sfn = be->function(befty, "splat", "splat", fflags, h.newloc());
Bexpression *splfn = be->function_code_expression(sfn, h.newloc());
Btype *bi8t = be->integer_type(false, 8);
Bvariable *loc1 = h.mkLocal("x", bi8t);
// body:
// if splat(99) == 88 {
// return 22
// } else {
// return parm
// return 33 // add some dead code
// }
Bstatement *body = nullptr;
// call to splat
std::vector<Bexpression *> iargs;
iargs.push_back(mkInt64Const(be, 99));
Bexpression *splcall = be->call_expression(func, splfn, iargs,
nullptr, h.newloc());
Bexpression *eq = be->binary_expression(OPERATOR_EQEQ,
mkInt64Const(be, 88),
Bvariable *p0 = func->getNthParamVar(0);
Bexpression *ve1 = be->var_expression(p0, h.newloc());
Bstatement *retparm = mkMemReturn(be, func, rtmp, ve1);
Bstatement *ret22 = mkMemReturn(be, func, rtmp, mkInt64Const(be, 22));
Bstatement *ret33 = mkMemReturn(be, func, rtmp, mkInt64Const(be, 33));
Bblock *thenblock = mkBlockFromStmt(be, func, ret22);
Bblock *elseblock = mkBlockFromStmt(be, func, retparm);
addStmtToBlock(be, elseblock, ret33);
Bstatement *ifst = be->if_statement(func, eq,
thenblock, elseblock, h.newloc());
body = ifst;
// catch:
// splat(13)
Bstatement *catchst = nullptr;
std::vector<Bexpression *> args;
args.push_back(mkInt64Const(be, 13));
Bexpression *splcall = be->call_expression(func, splfn, args,
nullptr, h.newloc());
catchst = h.mkExprStmt(splcall, FcnTestHarness::NoAppend);
// finally:
// defer statement like above
Bstatement *finally = CreateDeferStmt(be, h, func, loc1);
// Now exception statement
Bstatement *est =
be->exception_handler_statement(body, catchst, finally, h.newloc());
bool broken = h.finish(StripDebugInfo);
EXPECT_FALSE(broken && "Module failed to verify.");
const char *exp = R"RAW_RESULT(
define i64 @baz(i8* nest %nest.0, i64 %p0) #0 personality i32 (i32, i32, i64, i8*, i8*)* @__gccgo_personality_v0 {
%ehtmp.0 = alloca { i8*, i32 }
%p0.addr = alloca i64
%ret = alloca i64
%x = alloca i8
%finvar.0 = alloca i8
store i64 %p0, i64* %p0.addr
store i64 0, i64* %ret
store i8 0, i8* %x
%call.0 = invoke i64 @splat(i8* nest undef, i64 99)
to label %cont.1 unwind label %pad.1
finok.0: ; preds = %cont.2
store i8 1, i8* %finvar.0
br label %finally.0
finally.0: ; preds = %catchpad.0, %finok.0
br label %finish.0
pad.0: ; preds = %else.0, %then.0, %finish.0
%ex.0 = landingpad { i8*, i32 }
catch i8* null
br label %catch.0
catch.0: ; preds = %pad.0
call void @checkdefer(i8* nest undef, i8* %x)
br label %finish.0
finish.0: ; preds = %catch.0, %finally.0
invoke void @deferreturn(i8* nest undef, i8* %x)
to label %cont.0 unwind label %pad.0
cont.0: ; preds = %else.0, %then.0, %finish.0
%fload.0 = load i8, i8* %finvar.0
%icmp.1 = icmp eq i8 %fload.0, 1
br i1 %icmp.1, label %finret.0, label %finres.0
pad.1: ; preds = %entry
%ex.1 = landingpad { i8*, i32 }
catch i8* null
br label %catch.1
catch.1: ; preds = %pad.1
%call.1 = invoke i64 @splat(i8* nest undef, i64 13)
to label %cont.2 unwind label %catchpad.0
catchpad.0: ; preds = %catch.1
%ex2.0 = landingpad { i8*, i32 }
store { i8*, i32 } %ex2.0, { i8*, i32 }* %ehtmp.0
store i8 0, i8* %finvar.0
br label %finally.0
cont.1: ; preds = %entry
%icmp.0 = icmp eq i64 %call.0, 88
%zext.0 = zext i1 %icmp.0 to i8
%trunc.0 = trunc i8 %zext.0 to i1
br i1 %trunc.0, label %then.0, label %else.0
then.0: ; preds = %cont.1
store i64 22, i64* %ret
store i8 1, i8* %finvar.0
invoke void @deferreturn(i8* nest undef, i8* %x)
to label %cont.0 unwind label %pad.0
else.0: ; preds = %cont.1
%p0.ld.0 = load i64, i64* %p0.addr
store i64 %p0.ld.0, i64* %ret
store i8 1, i8* %finvar.0
invoke void @deferreturn(i8* nest undef, i8* %x)
to label %cont.0 unwind label %pad.0
cont.2: ; preds = %catch.1
br label %finok.0
finres.0: ; preds = %cont.0
%excv.0 = load { i8*, i32 }, { i8*, i32 }* %ehtmp.0
resume { i8*, i32 } %excv.0
finret.0: ; preds = %cont.0
%ret.ld.1 = load i64, i64* %ret
ret i64 %ret.ld.1
bool isOK = h.expectValue(func->function(), exp);
EXPECT_TRUE(isOK && "Function does not have expected contents");