blob: f07c3bf50c23baecd187a2e58fafe525fa338c1e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build s390x,!gccgo
package ecdsa
import (
// s390x accelerated signatures
func kdsaSig(fc uint64, block *[1720]byte) (errn uint64)
type signverify int
const (
signing signverify = iota
// bufferOffsets represents the offset of a particular parameter in
// the buffer passed to the KDSA instruction.
type bufferOffsets struct {
baseSize int
hashSize int
offsetHash int
offsetKey1 int
offsetRNorKey2 int
offsetR int
offsetS int
functionCode uint64
func canUseKDSA(sv signverify, c elliptic.Curve, bo *bufferOffsets) bool {
if !cpu.S390X.HasECDSA {
return false
switch c.Params().Name {
case "P-256":
bo.baseSize = 32
bo.hashSize = 32
bo.offsetHash = 64
bo.offsetKey1 = 96
bo.offsetRNorKey2 = 128
bo.offsetR = 0
bo.offsetS = 32
if sv == signing {
bo.functionCode = 137
} else {
bo.functionCode = 1
return true
case "P-384":
bo.baseSize = 48
bo.hashSize = 48
bo.offsetHash = 96
bo.offsetKey1 = 144
bo.offsetRNorKey2 = 192
bo.offsetR = 0
bo.offsetS = 48
if sv == signing {
bo.functionCode = 138
} else {
bo.functionCode = 2
return true
case "P-521":
bo.baseSize = 66
bo.hashSize = 80
bo.offsetHash = 160
bo.offsetKey1 = 254
bo.offsetRNorKey2 = 334
bo.offsetR = 14
bo.offsetS = 94
if sv == signing {
bo.functionCode = 139
} else {
bo.functionCode = 3
return true
return false
// zeroExtendAndCopy pads src with leading zeros until it has the size given.
// It then copies the padded src into the dst. Bytes beyond size in dst are
// not modified.
func zeroExtendAndCopy(dst, src []byte, size int) {
nz := size - len(src)
if nz < 0 {
panic("src is too long")
// the compiler should replace this loop with a memclr call
z := dst[:nz]
for i := range z {
z[i] = 0
copy(dst[nz:size], src[:size-nz])
func sign(priv *PrivateKey, csprng *cipher.StreamReader, c elliptic.Curve, e *big.Int) (r, s *big.Int, err error) {
var bo bufferOffsets
if canUseKDSA(signing, c, &bo) && e.Sign() != 0 {
var buffer [1720]byte
for {
var k *big.Int
k, err = randFieldElement(c, csprng)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
zeroExtendAndCopy(buffer[bo.offsetHash:], e.Bytes(), bo.hashSize)
zeroExtendAndCopy(buffer[bo.offsetKey1:], priv.D.Bytes(), bo.baseSize)
zeroExtendAndCopy(buffer[bo.offsetRNorKey2:], k.Bytes(), bo.baseSize)
errn := kdsaSig(bo.functionCode, &buffer)
if errn == 2 {
return nil, nil, errZeroParam
if errn == 0 { // success == 0 means successful signing
r = new(big.Int)
r.SetBytes(buffer[bo.offsetR : bo.offsetR+bo.baseSize])
s = new(big.Int)
s.SetBytes(buffer[bo.offsetS : bo.offsetS+bo.baseSize])
//at this point, it must be that errn == 1: retry
r, s, err = signGeneric(priv, csprng, c, e)
func verify(pub *PublicKey, c elliptic.Curve, e, r, s *big.Int) bool {
var bo bufferOffsets
if canUseKDSA(verifying, c, &bo) && e.Sign() != 0 {
var buffer [1720]byte
zeroExtendAndCopy(buffer[bo.offsetR:], r.Bytes(), bo.baseSize)
zeroExtendAndCopy(buffer[bo.offsetS:], s.Bytes(), bo.baseSize)
zeroExtendAndCopy(buffer[bo.offsetHash:], e.Bytes(), bo.hashSize)
zeroExtendAndCopy(buffer[bo.offsetKey1:], pub.X.Bytes(), bo.baseSize)
zeroExtendAndCopy(buffer[bo.offsetRNorKey2:], pub.Y.Bytes(), bo.baseSize)
errn := kdsaSig(bo.functionCode, &buffer)
return errn == 0
return verifyGeneric(pub, c, e, r, s)