blob: f2d06490920151e090821eae5ca8e267ba834ccb [file] [log] [blame]
env GO111MODULE=on
# If the current version is not latest, 'go list -u' should include its upgrade.
go list -m -u all
stdout ' v1.2.0 \[v1\.5\.2\]'
# If the current version is latest, 'go list -u' should omit the upgrade.
go get -d
go list -m -u all
stdout ' v1.5.2$'
# If the current version is newer than latest, 'go list -u' should
# omit the upgrade.
go get -d
go list -m -u all
stdout ' v1.5.3-pre1$'
# If the current build list has a higher version and the user asks about
# a lower one, -u should report the upgrade for the lower one
# but leave the build list unchanged.
go list -m -u
stdout ' v1.5.1 \[v1.5.2\]$'
go list -m -u
stdout ' v1.5.3-pre1$'
-- go.mod --
module x
require v1.2.0