blob: 9752ede2e372830eabca429fdbc1ae67fa16d0d9 [file] [log] [blame]
env GO111MODULE=off
# go help shows overview.
go help
stdout 'Go is a tool'
stdout 'bug.*start a bug report'
# go help bug shows usage for bug
go help bug
stdout 'usage: go bug'
stdout 'bug report'
# go bug help is an error (bug takes no arguments)
! go bug help
stderr 'bug takes no arguments'
# go help mod shows mod subcommands
go help mod
stdout 'go mod <command>'
stdout tidy
# go help mod tidy explains tidy
go help mod tidy
stdout 'usage: go mod tidy'
# go mod help tidy does too
go mod help tidy
stdout 'usage: go mod tidy'
# go mod --help doesn't print help but at least suggests it.
! go mod --help
stderr 'Run ''go help mod'' for usage.'
# Earlier versions of Go printed the same as 'go -h' here.
# Also make sure we print the short help line.
! go vet -h
stderr 'usage: go vet'
stderr 'Run ''go help vet'' for details'
stderr 'Run ''go tool vet -help'' for the vet tool''s flags'
# Earlier versions of Go printed a large document here, instead of these two
# lines.
! go test -h
stderr 'usage: go test'
stderr 'Run ''go help test'' and ''go help testflag'' for details.'
# go help get shows usage for get
go help get
stdout 'usage: go get'
stdout 'get when using GOPATH'