cmd/go, cmd/vet: make vet work with gccgo

Backport and

cmd/go: don't pass -compiler flag to vet

Without this running go vet -compiler=gccgo causes vet to fail.
The vet tool does need to know the compiler, but it is passed in

cmd/go, cmd/vet, go/internal/gccgoimport: make vet work with gccgo

When using gccgo/GoLLVM, there is no package file for a standard
library package. Since it is impossible for the go tool to rebuild the
package, and since the package file exists only in the form of a .gox
file, this seems like the best choice. Unfortunately it was confusing
vet, which wanted to see a real file. This caused vet to report errors
about missing package files for standard library packages. The
gccgoimporter knows how to correctly handle this case. Fix this by

1) telling vet which packages are standard;
2) letting vet skip those packages;
3) letting the gccgoimporter handle this case.

As a separate required fix, gccgo/GoLLVM has no runtime/cgo package,
so don't try to depend on it (as it happens, this fixes golang/go#25324).

The result is that the cmd/go vet tests pass when using -compiler=gccgo.

Change-Id: I3d3ffbfc7196144c75430aa6a6a1013e472b121f
Reviewed-by: Than McIntosh <>
5 files changed