blob: 6e2104a5150da8fead95d91dc7cdad447fc59f8d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package p
type List[E any] []E
var _ List[List[List[int]]]
var _ List[List[List[int]]] = []List[List[int]]{}
type (
T1[P1 any] struct {
f1 T2[P1, float32]
T2[P2, P3 any] struct {
f2 P2
f3 P3
func _() {
var x1 T1[int]
var x2 T2[int, float32]
x1.f1.f2 = 0
x1.f1 = x2
type T3[P any] T1[T2[P, P]]
func _() {
var x1 T3[int]
var x2 T2[int, int]
x1.f1.f2 = x2
func f[P any] (x P) List[P] {
return List[P]{x}
var (
_ []int = f(0)
_ []float32 = f[float32](10)
_ List[complex128] = f(1i)
_ []List[int] = f(List[int]{})
_ List[List[int]] = []List[int]{}
_ = []List[int]{}
// Parameterized types with methods
func (l List[E]) Head() (_ E, _ bool) {
if len(l) > 0 {
return l[0], true
// A test case for instantiating types with other types (extracted from map.go2)
type Pair[K any] struct {
key K
type Receiver[T any] struct {
values T
type Iterator[K any] struct {
r Receiver[Pair[K]]
func Values [T any] (r Receiver[T]) T {
return r.values
func (it Iterator[K]) Next() K {
return Values[Pair[K]](it.r).key
// A more complex test case testing type bounds (extracted from linalg.go2 and reduced to essence)
type NumericAbs[T any] interface {
Abs() T
func AbsDifference[T NumericAbs[T]](x T)
type OrderedAbs[T any] T
func (a OrderedAbs[T]) Abs() OrderedAbs[T]
func OrderedAbsDifference[T any](x T) {
// same code, reduced to essence
func g[P interface{ m() P }](x P)
type T4[P any] P
func (_ T4[P]) m() T4[P]
func _[Q any](x Q) {
// Another test case that caused problems in the past
type T5[_ interface { a() }, _ interface{}] struct{}
type A[P any] struct{ x P }
func (_ A[P]) a() {}
var _ T5[A[int], int]
// Invoking methods with parameterized receiver types uses
// type inference to determine the actual type arguments matching
// the receiver type parameters from the actual receiver argument.
// Go does implicit address-taking and dereferenciation depending
// on the actual receiver and the method's receiver type. To make
// type inference work, the type-checker matches "pointer-ness"
// of the actual receiver and the method's receiver type.
// The following code tests this mechanism.
type R1[A any] struct{}
func (_ R1[A]) vm()
func (_ *R1[A]) pm()
func _[T any](r R1[T], p *R1[T]) {
type R2[A, B any] struct{}
func (_ R2[A, B]) vm()
func (_ *R2[A, B]) pm()
func _[T any](r R2[T, int], p *R2[string, T]) {
// An interface can (explicitly) declare at most one type list.
type _ interface {
type int, string, bool
type /* ERROR multiple type lists */ float32, float64
type /* ERROR multiple type lists */ complex64, complex128
type /* ERROR multiple type lists */ rune
// Interface type lists may contain each type at most once.
// (If there are multiple lists, we assume the author intended
// for them to be all in a single list, and we report the error
// as well.)
type _ interface {
type int, int /* ERROR duplicate type int */
type /* ERROR multiple type lists */ int /* ERROR duplicate type int */
type _ interface {
type struct{f int}, struct{g int}, struct /* ERROR duplicate type */ {f int}
// Interface type lists can contain any type, incl. *Named types.
// Verify that we use the underlying type to compute the operational type.
type MyInt int
func add1[T interface{type MyInt}](x T) T {
return x + 1
type MyString string
func double[T interface{type MyInt, MyString}](x T) T {
return x + x
// Embedding of interfaces with type lists leads to interfaces
// with type lists that are the intersection of the embedded
// type lists.
type E0 interface {
type int, bool, string
type E1 interface {
type int, float64, string
type E2 interface {
type float64
type I0 interface {
func f0[T I0]()
var _ = f0[int]
var _ = f0[bool]
var _ = f0[string]
var _ = f0[float64 /* ERROR does not satisfy I0 */ ]
type I01 interface {
func f01[T I01]()
var _ = f01[int]
var _ = f01[bool /* ERROR does not satisfy I0 */ ]
var _ = f01[string]
var _ = f01[float64 /* ERROR does not satisfy I0 */ ]
type I012 interface {
func f012[T I012]()
var _ = f012[int /* ERROR does not satisfy I012 */ ]
var _ = f012[bool /* ERROR does not satisfy I012 */ ]
var _ = f012[string /* ERROR does not satisfy I012 */ ]
var _ = f012[float64 /* ERROR does not satisfy I012 */ ]
type I12 interface {
func f12[T I12]()
var _ = f12[int /* ERROR does not satisfy I12 */ ]
var _ = f12[bool /* ERROR does not satisfy I12 */ ]
var _ = f12[string /* ERROR does not satisfy I12 */ ]
var _ = f12[float64]
type I0_ interface {
type int
func f0_[T I0_]()
var _ = f0_[int]
var _ = f0_[bool /* ERROR does not satisfy I0_ */ ]
var _ = f0_[string /* ERROR does not satisfy I0_ */ ]
var _ = f0_[float64 /* ERROR does not satisfy I0_ */ ]