blob: 48f900dd3466af59d632e5a713c129ca407051d4 [file] [log] [blame]
# files reported as invalid by go/build should
# be listed in InvalidGoFiles.
go list -e -f '{{.Incomplete}}{{"\n"}}{{.Error}}{{"\n"}}{{.InvalidGoFiles}}{{"\n"}}' .
stdout '^true\nfound packages m \(m\.go\) and main \(main\.go\) in '$PWD'\n\[main.go\]\n'
# 'go run .' should report the same package
# errors as 'go build' and 'go list'.
! go build
stderr '^found packages m \(m\.go\) and main \(main\.go\) in '$PWD'$'
! go list .
stderr '^found packages m \(m\.go\) and main \(main\.go\) in '$PWD'$'
! go run .
! stderr 'no packages loaded'
stderr '^found packages m \(m\.go\) and main \(main\.go\) in '$PWD'$'
! go run ./...
! stderr 'no packages loaded'
stderr '^found packages m \(m\.go\) and main \(main\.go\) in '$PWD'$'
-- go.mod --
module m
go 1.17
-- m.go --
package m
-- main.go --
package main