blob: baad544557af8861bed6a0ab30d4126678a2bd8c [file] [log] [blame]
[!net] skip
[!exec:fossil] skip
# Regression test for 'go get' to ensure repositories
# provided by fossil v2.12 and up are able to be fetched
# and parsed correctly.
# Verifies
env GO111MODULE=on
env GOPROXY=direct
env GOSUMDB=off
# 'go get' for the fossil repo will fail if fossil
# is unable to determine your fossil user. Easiest
# way to set it for use by 'go get' is specifying
# a any non-empty $USER; the value doesn't otherwise matter.
env USER=fossiluser
# Attempting to get the latest version of a fossil repo.
go get
! stderr 'unexpected response from fossil info'
grep '' go.mod
exists $GOPATH/bin/hello.fossil$GOEXE
-- go.mod --
module x
-- $WORK/home/.fossil --