| # dev.boringcrypto branch |
| |
| We have been working inside Google on a fork of Go that uses |
| BoringCrypto (the core of [BoringSSL](https://boringssl.googlesource.com/boringssl/)) for various crypto primitives, in |
| furtherance of some [work related to FIPS 140-2](http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/STM/cmvp/documents/140-1/140sp/140sp2964.pdf). We have heard that |
| some external users of Go would be interested in this code as well, so |
| I intend to create a new branch dev.boringcrypto that will hold |
| patches to make Go use BoringCrypto. |
| |
| Unlike typical dev branches, we do not intend any eventual merge of |
| this code into the master branch. Instead we intend to maintain in |
| that branch the latest release plus BoringCrypto patches. In this |
| sense it is a bit like dev.typealias holding go1.8+type alias patches. |
| |
| To be clear, we are not making any statements or representations about |
| the suitability of this code in relation to the FIPS 140-2 standard. |
| Interested users will have to evaluate for themselves whether the code |
| is useful for their own purposes. |