blob: 17e314795eff257c60b8501239b1c4aaa9f96813 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package image
import (
func cmp(t *testing.T, cm ColorModel, c0, c1 Color) bool {
r0, g0, b0, a0 := cm.Convert(c0).RGBA()
r1, g1, b1, a1 := cm.Convert(c1).RGBA()
return r0 == r1 && g0 == g1 && b0 == b1 && a0 == a1
func TestImage(t *testing.T) {
type buffered interface {
Set(int, int, Color)
SubImage(Rectangle) Image
testImage := []Image{
NewRGBA(10, 10),
NewRGBA64(10, 10),
NewNRGBA(10, 10),
NewNRGBA64(10, 10),
NewAlpha(10, 10),
NewAlpha16(10, 10),
NewGray(10, 10),
NewGray16(10, 10),
NewPaletted(10, 10, PalettedColorModel{
for _, m := range testImage {
b := m.(buffered)
if !Rect(0, 0, 10, 10).Eq(b.Bounds()) {
t.Errorf("%T: want bounds %v, got %v", b, Rect(0, 0, 10, 10), b.Bounds())
if !cmp(t, b.ColorModel(), Transparent, b.At(6, 3)) {
t.Errorf("%T: at (6, 3), want a zero color, got %v", b, b.At(6, 3))
b.Set(6, 3, Opaque)
if !cmp(t, b.ColorModel(), Opaque, b.At(6, 3)) {
t.Errorf("%T: at (6, 3), want a non-zero color, got %v", b, b.At(6, 3))
b = b.SubImage(Rect(3, 2, 9, 8)).(buffered)
if !Rect(3, 2, 9, 8).Eq(b.Bounds()) {
t.Errorf("%T: sub-image want bounds %v, got %v", b, Rect(3, 2, 9, 8), b.Bounds())
if !cmp(t, b.ColorModel(), Opaque, b.At(6, 3)) {
t.Errorf("%T: sub-image at (6, 3), want a non-zero color, got %v", b, b.At(6, 3))
if !cmp(t, b.ColorModel(), Transparent, b.At(3, 3)) {
t.Errorf("%T: sub-image at (3, 3), want a zero color, got %v", b, b.At(3, 3))
b.Set(3, 3, Opaque)
if !cmp(t, b.ColorModel(), Opaque, b.At(3, 3)) {
t.Errorf("%T: sub-image at (3, 3), want a non-zero color, got %v", b, b.At(3, 3))