blob: cc699d4500e012d02fdf555f2b0e828ac20ff324 [file] [log] [blame]
== ./
=========== ./cmp2.go
panic: runtime error: comparing uncomparable type []int
=========== ./cmp3.go
panic: runtime error: comparing uncomparable type []int
=========== ./cmp4.go
panic: runtime error: hash of unhashable type []int
=========== ./cmp5.go
panic: runtime error: hash of unhashable type []int
=========== ./deferprint.go
printing: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
42 true false true +1.500000e+000 world 0x0 [0/0]0x0 0x0 0x0 255
=========== ./helloworld.go
hello, world
=========== ./peano.go
0! = 1
1! = 1
2! = 2
3! = 6
4! = 24
5! = 120
6! = 720
7! = 5040
8! = 40320
9! = 362880
=========== ./printbig.go
=========== ./sigchld.go
survived SIGCHLD
=========== ./sinit.go
=========== ./turing.go
Hello World!
== ken/
=========== ken/cplx0.go
=========== ken/cplx3.go
=========== ken/cplx4.go
c = (-5.000000-6.000000i)
c = (5.000000+6.000000i)
c = (5.000000+6.000000i)
c = (5.000000+6.000000i)
c = (5+6i)
c = (13+7i)
=========== ken/cplx5.go
=========== ken/intervar.go
print 1 bio 2 file 3 -- abc
=========== ken/label.go
=========== ken/rob1.go
=========== ken/rob2.go
(defn foo (add 12 34))
=========== ken/simpprint.go
hello world
=========== ken/simpswitch.go
=========== ken/string.go
== chan/
=========== chan/doubleselect.go
=========== chan/nonblock.go
== interface/
=========== interface/fail.go
panic: interface conversion: *main.S is not main.I: missing method Foo
=========== interface/returntype.go
panic: interface conversion: *main.S is not main.I2: missing method Name
== nilptr/
== syntax/
== fixedbugs/
=========== fixedbugs/bug027.go
0 44444
1 3333
2 222
3 11
4 0
0 44444
1 3333
2 222
3 11
4 0
=========== fixedbugs/bug067.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug070.go
outer loop top k 0
inner loop top i 0
do break
=========== fixedbugs/bug093.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug113.go
panic: interface conversion: interface is int, not int32
=========== fixedbugs/bug148.go
2 3
panic: interface conversion: interface is main.T, not main.T
== bugs/
=========== bugs/bug322.go
bugs/bug322.dir/main.go:19: implicit assignment of unexported field 'x' of lib.T in method receiver
bugs/bug322.dir/main.go:22: implicit assignment of unexported field 'x' of lib.T in assignment
bugs/bug322.dir/main.go:31: implicit assignment of unexported field 'x' of lib.T in method receiver
BUG: fails incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug324.go
BUG: errchk: command succeeded unexpectedly