blob: 570ae40167d57cde0bf76ac0dba7ee41c14fae89 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
{.section PAst}
<pre>{@ FSet|html}</pre>
{.section PDoc}
<!-- PackageName is printed as title by the top-level template -->
{.section IsPkg}
{# ImportPath is a string - no need for FSet}
<p><code>import "{ImportPath|html-esc}"</code></p>
{.section IsPkg}
{.section Filenames}
{# Filenames are strings - no need for FSet}
<h4>Package files</h4>
<span style="font-size:90%">
{.repeated section @}
<a href="/{@|url-src}">{@|localname}</a>
{.section Consts}
<h2 id="Constants">Constants</h2>
{.repeated section @}
<pre>{Decl FSet|html}</pre>
{.section Vars}
<h2 id="Variables">Variables</h2>
{.repeated section @}
<pre>{Decl FSet|html}</pre>
{.section Funcs}
{.repeated section @}
{# Name is a string - no need for FSet}
<h2 id="{Name|html-esc}">func <a href="/{Decl FSet|url-pos}">{Name|html-esc}</a></h2>
<p><code>{Decl FSet|html}</code></p>
{.section Types}
{.repeated section @}
{# Type.Name is a string - no need for FSet}
<h2 id="{Type.Name FSet|html-esc}">type <a href="/{Decl FSet|url-pos}">{Type.Name FSet|html-esc}</a></h2>
<p><pre>{Decl FSet|html}</pre></p>
{.repeated section Consts}
<pre>{Decl FSet|html}</pre>
{.repeated section Vars}
<pre>{Decl FSet|html}</pre>
{.repeated section Factories}
<h3 id="{Type.Name FSet|html-esc}.{Name|html-esc}">func <a href="/{Decl FSet|url-pos}">{Name|html-esc}</a></h3>
<p><code>{Decl FSet|html}</code></p>
{.repeated section Methods}
<h3 id="{Type.Name FSet|html-esc}.{Name|html-esc}">func ({Recv FSet|html}) <a href="/{Decl FSet|url-pos}">{Name|html-esc}</a></h3>
<p><code>{Decl FSet|html}</code></p>
{.section Bugs}
<h2 id="Bugs">Bugs</h2>
{.repeated section @}
{.section PList}
<h2>Other packages</h2>
{# PLIst entries are strings - no need for FSet}
{.repeated section @}
<a href="?p={@|html-esc}">{@|html-esc}</a><br />
{.section Dirs}
{# DirList entries are numbers and strings - no need for FSet}
<h2 id="Subdirectories">Subdirectories</h2>
<table class="layout">
<th align="left" colspan="{MaxHeight|html-esc}">Name</th>
<td width="25">&nbsp;</td>
<th align="left">Synopsis</th>
<th align="left"><a href="..">..</a></th>
{.repeated section List}
<td align="left" colspan="{Height|html-esc}"><a href="{Path|html-esc}">{Name|html-esc}</a></td>
<td align="left">{Synopsis|html-esc}</td>