blob: 2d22843fc70d1b531230a007fa66f94574c430d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This is a simple demo of Go running under Native Client.
// It is a tetris clone built on top of the exp/nacl/av and exp/draw
// packages.
package main
import (
var sndc chan []uint16
func main() {
// Native Client requires that some calls are issued
// consistently by the same OS thread.
if srpc.Enabled() {
go srpc.ServeRuntime()
args := os.Args;
p := pieces4;
if len(args) > 1 && args[1] == "-5" {
p = pieces5
dx, dy := 500, 500;
w, err := av.Init(av.SubsystemVideo|av.SubsystemAudio, dx, dy);
if err != nil {
sndc = make(chan []uint16, 10);
go audioServer();
Play(p, w);
func audioServer() {
// Native Client requires that all audio calls
// original from a single OS thread.
n, err := av.AudioStream(nil);
if err != nil {
for {
b := <-sndc;
for len(b)*2 >= n {
var a []uint16;
a, b = b[0:n/2], b[n/2:len(b)];
n, err = av.AudioStream(a);
if err != nil {
println(n, len(b)*2);
a := make([]uint16, n/2);
for i := range b {
a[i] = b[i]
n, err = av.AudioStream(a);
func PlaySound(b []uint16) { sndc <- b }
var whoosh = []uint16{
// Insert your favorite sound samples here.