blob: 2e43e9f320c6deda0ab3ff1cea74355a07663f4f [file] [log] [blame]
// skip
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package foo
import (
type gcMaxTreeNodeVal uint64
var work struct {
full uint64 // lock-free list of full blocks workbuf
empty uint64 // lock-free list of empty blocks workbuf
pad0 [64]uint8 // prevents false-sharing between full/empty and nproc/nwait
bytesMarked uint64
markrootNext uint32 // next markroot job
markrootJobs uint32 // number of markroot jobs
nproc uint32
tstart int64
nwait uint32
ndone uint32
type gcShardQueue1 struct {
partial *workbuf
full *workbuf
n uintptr
maxTree gcMaxTreeNodeVal
type gcShardQueue struct {
pad [64 - unsafe.Sizeof(gcShardQueue1{})]byte
const gcSortBufPointers = (64 << 10) / 8
type gcSortBuf struct {
buf *gcSortArray
tmp *gcSortArray
n uintptr
type gcSortArray [gcSortBufPointers]uintptr
const (
_DebugGC = 0
_ConcurrentSweep = true
_FinBlockSize = 4 * 1024
sweepMinHeapDistance = 1024 * 1024
gcShardShift = 2 + 20
gcShardBytes = 1 << gcShardShift
type mheap struct {
shardQueues []gcShardQueue
_ uint32 // align uint64 fields on 32-bit for atomics
pagesInUse uint64 // pages of spans in stats _MSpanInUse; R/W with mheap.lock
spanBytesAlloc uint64 // bytes of spans allocated this cycle; updated atomically
pagesSwept uint64 // pages swept this cycle; updated atomically
sweepPagesPerByte float64 // proportional sweep ratio; written with lock, read without
largefree uint64 // bytes freed for large objects (>maxsmallsize)
nlargefree uint64 // number of frees for large objects (>maxsmallsize)
nsmallfree [67]uint64 // number of frees for small objects (<=maxsmallsize)
bitmap uintptr // Points to one byte past the end of the bitmap
bitmap_mapped uintptr
arena_start uintptr
arena_used uintptr // always mHeap_Map{Bits,Spans} before updating
arena_end uintptr
arena_reserved bool
var mheap_ mheap
type lfnode struct {
next uint64
pushcnt uintptr
type workbufhdr struct {
node lfnode // must be first
next *workbuf
nobj int
type workbuf struct {
obj [(2048 - unsafe.Sizeof(workbufhdr{})) / 8]uintptr
func (b *workbuf) checkempty() {
if b.nobj != 0 {
b.nobj = 0
func putempty(b *workbuf) {
lfstackpush(&work.empty, &b.node)
func lfstackpush(head *uint64, node *lfnode) {
func (q *gcShardQueue) add(qidx uintptr, ptrs []uintptr, spare *workbuf) *workbuf {
return spare
func (b *gcSortBuf) flush() {
if b.n == 0 {
const sortDigitBits = 11
buf, tmp := b.buf[:b.n], b.tmp[:b.n]
moreBits := true
for shift := uint(gcShardShift); moreBits; shift += sortDigitBits {
const k = 1 << sortDigitBits
var pos [k]uint16
nshift := shift + sortDigitBits
nbits := buf[0] >> nshift
moreBits = false
for _, v := range buf {
moreBits = moreBits || v>>nshift != nbits
var sum uint16
for i, count := range &pos {
pos[i] = sum
sum += count
for _, v := range buf {
digit := (v >> shift) % k
tmp[pos[digit]] = v
buf, tmp = tmp, buf
start := mheap_.arena_start
i0 := 0
shard0 := (buf[0] - start) / gcShardBytes
var spare *workbuf
for i, p := range buf {
shard := (p - start) / gcShardBytes
if shard != shard0 {
spare = mheap_.shardQueues[shard0].add(shard0, buf[i0:i], spare)
i0, shard0 = i, shard
spare = mheap_.shardQueues[shard0].add(shard0, buf[i0:], spare)
b.n = 0
if spare != nil {