blob: ad3ab31c01c2c66ed57deccdc6ef08d3fd5cb361 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris
package runtime
import "unsafe"
//go:linkname os_sigpipe os.sigpipe
func os_sigpipe() {
// Determines if the signal should be handled by Go and if not, forwards the
// signal to the handler that was installed before Go's. Returns whether the
// signal was forwarded.
func sigfwdgo(sig uint32, info *siginfo, ctx unsafe.Pointer) bool {
g := getg()
c := &sigctxt{info, ctx}
if sig >= uint32(len(sigtable)) {
return false
fwdFn := fwdSig[sig]
flags := sigtable[sig].flags
// If there is no handler to forward to, no need to forward.
if fwdFn == _SIG_DFL {
return false
// Only forward synchronous signals.
if c.sigcode() == _SI_USER || flags&_SigPanic == 0 {
return false
// Determine if the signal occurred inside Go code. We test that:
// (1) we were in a goroutine (i.e., m.curg != nil), and
// (2) we weren't in CGO (i.e., m.curg.syscallsp == 0).
if g != nil && g.m != nil && g.m.curg != nil && g.m.curg.syscallsp == 0 {
return false
// Signal not handled by Go, forward it.
if fwdFn != _SIG_IGN {
sigfwd(fwdFn, sig, info, ctx)
return true