blob: 684cc07a279e00f2e24966cd370fc13fc728d2ab [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This program generates a .s file using a pseudorandom
// value stream for the runtime function data.
// The pclntab test checks that the linked copy
// still has the same pseudorandom value stream.
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Printf("// generated by genpcln.go; do not edit\n\n")
for f := 0; f < 3; f++ {
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(int64(f)))
file := "input"
line := 1
args := r.Intn(100) * 8
frame := 32 + r.Intn(32)/8*8
fmt.Printf("#line %d %q\n", line, file)
fmt.Printf("TEXT func%d(SB),7,$%d-%d\n", f, frame, args)
fmt.Printf("\tFUNCDATA $1, funcdata%d(SB)\n", f)
fmt.Printf("#line %d %q\n", line, file)
size := 200 + r.Intn(100)*8
spadj := 0
flushed := 0
firstpc := 4
flush := func(i int) {
for i-flushed >= 10 {
fmt.Printf("#line %d %q\n", line, file)
fmt.Printf("/*%#04x*/\tMOVQ $0x123456789, AX\n", firstpc+flushed)
flushed += 10
for i-flushed >= 5 {
fmt.Printf("#line %d %q\n", line, file)
fmt.Printf("/*%#04x*/\tMOVL $0x1234567, AX\n", firstpc+flushed)
flushed += 5
for i-flushed > 0 {
fmt.Printf("#line %d %q\n", line, file)
fmt.Printf("/*%#04x*/\tBYTE $0\n", firstpc+flushed)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
// Possible SP adjustment.
if r.Intn(100) == 0 {
fmt.Printf("#line %d %q\n", line, file)
if spadj <= -32 || spadj < 32 && r.Intn(2) == 0 {
spadj += 8
fmt.Printf("/*%#04x*/\tPUSHQ AX\n", firstpc+i)
} else {
spadj -= 8
fmt.Printf("/*%#04x*/\tPOPQ AX\n", firstpc+i)
i += 1
flushed = i
// Possible PCFile change.
if r.Intn(100) == 0 {
file = fmt.Sprintf("file%d.s", r.Intn(10))
line = r.Intn(100) + 1
// Possible PCLine change.
if r.Intn(10) == 0 {
line = r.Intn(1000) + 1
// Possible PCData $1 change.
if r.Intn(100) == 0 {
fmt.Printf("/*%6s*/\tPCDATA $1, $%d\n", "", r.Intn(1000))
// Possible PCData $2 change.
if r.Intn(100) == 0 {
fmt.Printf("/*%6s*/\tPCDATA $2, $%d\n", "", r.Intn(1000))
for spadj < 0 {
fmt.Printf("\tPUSHQ AX\n")
spadj += 8
for spadj > 0 {
fmt.Printf("\tPOPQ AX\n")
spadj -= 8
fmt.Printf("GLOBL funcdata%d(SB), $16\n", f)
fmt.Printf("\nTEXT start(SB),7,$0\n")
for f := 0; f < 3; f++ {
fmt.Printf("\tCALL func%d(SB)\n", f)
fmt.Printf("\tMOVQ $pclntab(SB), AX\n")