blob: f3297c033856a8bdc9e1fce24117936b74605d7f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package os
import (
// A fileStat is the implementation of FileInfo returned by Stat and Lstat.
type fileStat struct {
name string
// from ByHandleFileInformation, Win32FileAttributeData and Win32finddata
FileAttributes uint32
CreationTime syscall.Filetime
LastAccessTime syscall.Filetime
LastWriteTime syscall.Filetime
FileSizeHigh uint32
FileSizeLow uint32
// from Win32finddata
Reserved0 uint32
// what syscall.GetFileType returns
filetype uint32
// used to implement SameFile
path string
vol uint32
idxhi uint32
idxlo uint32
appendNameToPath bool
// newFileStatFromGetFileInformationByHandle calls GetFileInformationByHandle
// to gather all required information about the file handle h.
func newFileStatFromGetFileInformationByHandle(path string, h syscall.Handle) (fs *fileStat, err error) {
var d syscall.ByHandleFileInformation
err = syscall.GetFileInformationByHandle(h, &d)
if err != nil {
return nil, &PathError{"GetFileInformationByHandle", path, err}
return &fileStat{
name: basename(path),
FileAttributes: d.FileAttributes,
CreationTime: d.CreationTime,
LastAccessTime: d.LastAccessTime,
LastWriteTime: d.LastWriteTime,
FileSizeHigh: d.FileSizeHigh,
FileSizeLow: d.FileSizeLow,
vol: d.VolumeSerialNumber,
idxhi: d.FileIndexHigh,
idxlo: d.FileIndexLow,
// fileStat.path is used by os.SameFile to decide if it needs
// to fetch vol, idxhi and idxlo. But these are already set,
// so set fileStat.path to "" to prevent os.SameFile doing it again.
}, nil
// newFileStatFromWin32finddata copies all required information
// from syscall.Win32finddata d into the newly created fileStat.
func newFileStatFromWin32finddata(d *syscall.Win32finddata) *fileStat {
return &fileStat{
FileAttributes: d.FileAttributes,
CreationTime: d.CreationTime,
LastAccessTime: d.LastAccessTime,
LastWriteTime: d.LastWriteTime,
FileSizeHigh: d.FileSizeHigh,
FileSizeLow: d.FileSizeLow,
Reserved0: d.Reserved0,
// newFileStatFromGetFileAttributesExOrFindFirstFile calls GetFileAttributesEx
// and FindFirstFile to gather all required information about the provided file path pathp.
func newFileStatFromGetFileAttributesExOrFindFirstFile(path string, pathp *uint16) (*fileStat, error) {
// As suggested by Microsoft, use GetFileAttributes() to acquire the file information,
// and if it's a reparse point use FindFirstFile() to get the tag:
// Notice that always calling FindFirstFile can create performance problems
// (
var fa syscall.Win32FileAttributeData
err := syscall.GetFileAttributesEx(pathp, syscall.GetFileExInfoStandard, (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&fa)))
if err == nil && fa.FileAttributes&syscall.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT == 0 {
// Not a symlink.
return &fileStat{
FileAttributes: fa.FileAttributes,
CreationTime: fa.CreationTime,
LastAccessTime: fa.LastAccessTime,
LastWriteTime: fa.LastWriteTime,
FileSizeHigh: fa.FileSizeHigh,
FileSizeLow: fa.FileSizeLow,
}, nil
// GetFileAttributesEx returns ERROR_INVALID_NAME if called
// for invalid file name like "*.txt". Do not attempt to call
// FindFirstFile with "*.txt", because FindFirstFile will
// succeed. So just return ERROR_INVALID_NAME instead.
// see for details.
if errno, _ := err.(syscall.Errno); errno == windows.ERROR_INVALID_NAME {
return nil, &PathError{"GetFileAttributesEx", path, err}
// We might have symlink here. But some directories also have
// FileAttributes FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT bit set.
// For example, OneDrive directory is like that
// (see for details).
// So use FindFirstFile instead to distinguish directories like
// OneDrive from real symlinks (see instructions described at
// and in particular bits about using both FileAttributes and
// Reserved0 fields).
var fd syscall.Win32finddata
sh, err := syscall.FindFirstFile(pathp, &fd)
if err != nil {
return nil, &PathError{"FindFirstFile", path, err}
return newFileStatFromWin32finddata(&fd), nil
func (fs *fileStat) updatePathAndName(name string) error {
fs.path = name
if !isAbs(fs.path) {
var err error
fs.path, err = syscall.FullPath(fs.path)
if err != nil {
return &PathError{"FullPath", name, err}
} = basename(name)
return nil
func (fs *fileStat) isSymlink() bool {
// Use instructions described at
// to recognize whether it's a symlink.
if fs.FileAttributes&syscall.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT == 0 {
return false
return fs.Reserved0 == syscall.IO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK ||
fs.Reserved0 == windows.IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT
func (fs *fileStat) Size() int64 {
return int64(fs.FileSizeHigh)<<32 + int64(fs.FileSizeLow)
func (fs *fileStat) Mode() (m FileMode) {
if fs == &devNullStat {
return ModeDevice | ModeCharDevice | 0666
if fs.FileAttributes&syscall.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY != 0 {
m |= 0444
} else {
m |= 0666
if fs.isSymlink() {
return m | ModeSymlink
if fs.FileAttributes&syscall.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY != 0 {
m |= ModeDir | 0111
switch fs.filetype {
case syscall.FILE_TYPE_PIPE:
m |= ModeNamedPipe
case syscall.FILE_TYPE_CHAR:
m |= ModeDevice | ModeCharDevice
return m
func (fs *fileStat) ModTime() time.Time {
return time.Unix(0, fs.LastWriteTime.Nanoseconds())
// Sys returns syscall.Win32FileAttributeData for file fs.
func (fs *fileStat) Sys() interface{} {
return &syscall.Win32FileAttributeData{
FileAttributes: fs.FileAttributes,
CreationTime: fs.CreationTime,
LastAccessTime: fs.LastAccessTime,
LastWriteTime: fs.LastWriteTime,
FileSizeHigh: fs.FileSizeHigh,
FileSizeLow: fs.FileSizeLow,
func (fs *fileStat) loadFileId() error {
defer fs.Unlock()
if fs.path == "" {
// already done
return nil
var path string
if fs.appendNameToPath {
path = fs.path + `\` +
} else {
path = fs.path
pathp, err := syscall.UTF16PtrFromString(path)
if err != nil {
return err
h, err := syscall.CreateFile(pathp, 0, 0, nil, syscall.OPEN_EXISTING, syscall.FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
defer syscall.CloseHandle(h)
var i syscall.ByHandleFileInformation
err = syscall.GetFileInformationByHandle(h, &i)
if err != nil {
return err
fs.path = ""
fs.vol = i.VolumeSerialNumber
fs.idxhi = i.FileIndexHigh
fs.idxlo = i.FileIndexLow
return nil
// devNullStat is fileStat structure describing DevNull file ("NUL").
var devNullStat = fileStat{
name: DevNull,
// hopefully this will work for SameFile
vol: 0,
idxhi: 0,
idxlo: 0,
func sameFile(fs1, fs2 *fileStat) bool {
e := fs1.loadFileId()
if e != nil {
return false
e = fs2.loadFileId()
if e != nil {
return false
return fs1.vol == fs2.vol && fs1.idxhi == fs2.idxhi && fs1.idxlo == fs2.idxlo
// For testing.
func atime(fi FileInfo) time.Time {
return time.Unix(0, fi.Sys().(*syscall.Win32FileAttributeData).LastAccessTime.Nanoseconds())