blob: 154e68338b6b3e2f2bdfd63e3d789c7f664dd1e9 [file] [log] [blame]
env GO111MODULE=on
# download with version should print nothing.
# It should not load retractions from the .mod file from the latest version.
go mod download
! stdout .
! stderr .
exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
! exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
! exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
# download of an invalid path should report the error
[short] skip
! go mod download
stderr ''
! go mod download -json
stdout '"Error": ".**"'
# download -json with version should print JSON
go mod download -json '<=v1.5.0'
stdout '^\t"Path": ""'
stdout '^\t"Version": "v1.5.0"'
stdout '^\t"Info": ".*(\\\\|/)pkg(\\\\|/)mod(\\\\|/)cache(\\\\|/)download(\\\\|/)\\\\|/)quote(\\\\|/)@v(\\\\|/)"'
stdout '^\t"GoMod": ".*(\\\\|/)pkg(\\\\|/)mod(\\\\|/)cache(\\\\|/)download(\\\\|/)\\\\|/)quote(\\\\|/)@v(\\\\|/)v1.5.0.mod"'
stdout '^\t"Zip": ".*(\\\\|/)pkg(\\\\|/)mod(\\\\|/)cache(\\\\|/)download(\\\\|/)\\\\|/)quote(\\\\|/)@v(\\\\|/)"'
stdout '^\t"Sum": "h1:6fJa6E\+wGadANKkUMlZ0DhXFpoKlslOQDCo259XtdIE="' # hash of testdata/mod version, not real version!
stdout '^\t"GoModSum": "h1:LzX7hefJvL54yjefDEDHNONDjII0t9xZLPXsUe\+TKr0="'
! stdout '"Error"'
# download queries above should not have added to go.mod.
go list -m all
! stdout
# download query should have downloaded go.mod for the highest release version
# in order to find retractions when resolving the query '@<=v1.5.0'.
exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
! exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
# add to go.mod so we can test non-query downloads
go mod edit -require
! exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
! exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
! exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
# module loading will page in the info and mod files
go list -m -mod=mod all
exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
! exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
# download will fetch and unpack the zip file
go mod download
exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/
# download repopulates deleted files and directories independently.
rm $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
go mod download
exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
rm $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
go mod download
exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
rm $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
go mod download
exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
rm -r $GOPATH/pkg/mod/
go mod download
exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/
# download reports the locations of downloaded files
go mod download -json
stdout '^\t"Path": ""'
stdout '^\t"Version": "v1.5.3-pre1"'
stdout '^\t"Info": ".*(\\\\|/)pkg(\\\\|/)mod(\\\\|/)cache(\\\\|/)download(\\\\|/)\\\\|/)quote(\\\\|/)@v(\\\\|/)"'
stdout '^\t"GoMod": ".*(\\\\|/)pkg(\\\\|/)mod(\\\\|/)cache(\\\\|/)download(\\\\|/)\\\\|/)quote(\\\\|/)@v(\\\\|/)v1.5.3-pre1.mod"'
stdout '^\t"Zip": ".*(\\\\|/)pkg(\\\\|/)mod(\\\\|/)cache(\\\\|/)download(\\\\|/)\\\\|/)quote(\\\\|/)@v(\\\\|/)"'
stdout '^\t"Dir": ".*(\\\\|/)pkg(\\\\|/)mod(\\\\|/)\\\\|/)quote@v1.5.3-pre1"'
# download will follow replacements
go mod edit -require -replace
go mod download
! exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
# download will not follow replacements for explicit module queries
go mod download -json
exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
# download reports errors encountered when locating modules
! go mod download bad/path
stderr '^go: module bad/path: not a known dependency$'
! go mod download bad/path@latest
stderr '^go: bad/path@latest: malformed module path "bad/path": missing dot in first path element$'
! go mod download
stderr '^go: reading .*/ 404 Not Found$'
! go mod download -json bad/path
stdout '^\t"Error": "module bad/path: not a known dependency"'
# download main module produces a warning or error
go mod download m
stderr '^go: skipping download of m that resolves to the main module\n'
! go mod download m@latest
stderr '^go: m@latest: malformed module path "m": missing dot in first path element$'
# download without arguments updates go.mod and go.sum after loading the
# build list, but does not save sums for downloaded zips.
cd update
cp go.mod.orig go.mod
! exists go.sum
go mod download
cmp go.mod.update go.mod
cmp go.sum.update go.sum
cp go.mod.orig go.mod
rm go.sum
# download with arguments (even "all") does update go.mod and go.sum.
go mod download
cmp go.mod.update go.mod
grep '^ v1.3.0 ' go.sum
cp go.mod.orig go.mod
rm go.sum
go mod download all
cmp go.mod.update go.mod
grep '^ v1.3.0 ' go.sum
# At go 1.17 or higher, 'go mod download'
# (without arguments) should only download the modules explicitly required in
# the go.mod file, not (presumed-irrelevant) transitive dependencies.
# (If the go.mod file is inconsistent, the version downloaded should be the
# selected version from the broader graph, but the go.mod file will also be
# updated to list the correct versions. If at some point we change 'go mod
# download' to stop updating for consistency, then it should fail if the
# requirements are inconsistent.)
rm go.sum
cp go.mod.orig go.mod
go mod edit -go=1.17
cp go.mod.update go.mod.go117
go mod edit -go=1.17 go.mod.go117
go clean -modcache
go mod download
cmp go.mod go.mod.go117
go list -e -m all
stdout '^ v1.5.2$'
exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
stdout '^ v1.3.0$'
! exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
stdout '^golang\.org/x/text v0.0.0-20170915032832-14c0d48ead0c$'
! exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
cmp go.mod go.mod.go117
# However, 'go mod download all' continues to download the selected version
# of every module reported by 'go list -m all'.
cp go.mod.orig go.mod
go mod edit -go=1.17
go clean -modcache
go mod download all
exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
! exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
cmp go.mod go.mod.go117
cd ..
# allow go mod download without go.mod
env GO111MODULE=auto
rm go.mod
rm $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
go mod download
exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache/download/
# download -x with version should print
# the underlying commands such as contacting GOPROXY.
go mod download -x
! stdout .
stderr 'get '$GOPROXY
-- go.mod --
module m
-- update/go.mod.orig --
module m
go 1.16
require ( v1.5.2 v1.2.1 // older version than in build list
-- update/go.mod.update --
module m
go 1.16
require ( v1.5.2 v1.3.0 // older version than in build list
-- update/go.sum.update -- v0.0.0-20170915032832-14c0d48ead0c/go.mod h1:NqM8EUOU14njkJ3fqMW+pc6Ldnwhi/IjpwHt7yyuwOQ= v1.5.2/go.mod h1:LzX7hefJvL54yjefDEDHNONDjII0t9xZLPXsUe+TKr0= v1.3.0/go.mod h1:T1hPZKmBbMNahiBKFy5HrXp6adAjACjK9JXDnKaTXpA=