blob: a098979797acf361877da40531023f7b05d37f22 [file] [log] [blame]
[short] skip
[compiler:gccgo] skip # gccgo has no cover tool
[!GOEXPERIMENT:coverageredesign] skip
go test -short -cover -covermode=atomic -coverpkg=coverdep/p1 coverdep
# In addition to the above, test to make sure there is no funny
# business if we try "go test -cover" in atomic mode targeting
# sync/atomic itself (see #57445). Just a short test run is needed
# since we're mainly interested in making sure the test builds and can
# execute at least one test.
go test -short -covermode=atomic -run=TestStoreInt64 sync/atomic
go test -short -covermode=atomic -run=TestAnd8 internal/runtime/atomic
# Skip remainder if no race detector support.
[!race] skip
go test -short -cover -race -run=TestStoreInt64 sync/atomic
go test -short -cover -race -run=TestAnd8 internal/runtime/atomic
-- go.mod --
module coverdep
go 1.16
-- p.go --
package p
import _ "coverdep/p1"
func F() {
-- p1/p1.go --
package p1
import _ "errors"
-- p_test.go --
package p
import "testing"
func Test(t *testing.T) {