blob: 5ff81361c9609aaf3e72cf4fe142a1fe95bc499a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main_test
import (
var (
proxyAddr = flag.String("proxy", "", "run proxy on this network address instead of running any tests")
proxyURL string
var proxyOnce sync.Once
// StartProxy starts the Go module proxy running on *proxyAddr (like "localhost:1234")
// and sets proxyURL to the GOPROXY setting to use to access the proxy.
// Subsequent calls are no-ops.
// The proxy serves from testdata/mod. See testdata/mod/README.
func StartProxy() {
proxyOnce.Do(func() {
addr := *proxyAddr
if addr == "" {
addr = "localhost:0"
l, err := net.Listen("tcp", addr)
if err != nil {
*proxyAddr = l.Addr().String()
proxyURL = "http://" + *proxyAddr + "/mod"
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "go test proxy running at GOPROXY=%s\n", proxyURL)
go func() {
log.Fatalf("go proxy: http.Serve: %v", http.Serve(l, http.HandlerFunc(proxyHandler)))
// Prepopulate main sumdb.
for _, mod := range modList {
sumdbOps.Lookup(nil, mod)
var modList []module.Version
func readModList() {
files, err := os.ReadDir("testdata/mod")
if err != nil {
for _, f := range files {
name := f.Name()
if !strings.HasSuffix(name, ".txt") {
name = strings.TrimSuffix(name, ".txt")
i := strings.LastIndex(name, "_v")
if i < 0 {
encPath := strings.ReplaceAll(name[:i], "_", "/")
path, err := module.UnescapePath(encPath)
if err != nil {
if testing.Verbose() && encPath != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "go proxy_test: %v\n", err)
encVers := name[i+1:]
vers, err := module.UnescapeVersion(encVers)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "go proxy_test: %v\n", err)
modList = append(modList, module.Version{Path: path, Version: vers})
var zipCache par.ErrCache[*txtar.Archive, []byte]
const (
testSumDBName = "localhost.localdev/sumdb"
testSumDBVerifierKey = "localhost.localdev/sumdb+00000c67+AcTrnkbUA+TU4heY3hkjiSES/DSQniBqIeQ/YppAUtK6"
testSumDBSignerKey = "PRIVATE+KEY+localhost.localdev/sumdb+00000c67+AXu6+oaVaOYuQOFrf1V59JK1owcFlJcHwwXHDfDGxSPk"
var (
sumdbOps = sumdb.NewTestServer(testSumDBSignerKey, proxyGoSum)
sumdbServer = sumdb.NewServer(sumdbOps)
sumdbWrongOps = sumdb.NewTestServer(testSumDBSignerKey, proxyGoSumWrong)
sumdbWrongServer = sumdb.NewServer(sumdbWrongOps)
// proxyHandler serves the Go module proxy protocol.
// See the proxy section of
func proxyHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/mod/") {
http.NotFound(w, r)
path := r.URL.Path[len("/mod/"):]
// /mod/invalid returns faulty responses.
if strings.HasPrefix(path, "invalid/") {
// Next element may opt into special behavior.
if j := strings.Index(path, "/"); j >= 0 {
n, err := strconv.Atoi(path[:j])
if err == nil && n >= 200 {
if strings.HasPrefix(path, "sumdb-") {
n, err := strconv.Atoi(path[len("sumdb-"):j])
if err == nil && n >= 200 {
if strings.HasPrefix(path[j:], "/sumdb/") {
path = path[j+1:]
// Request for $GOPROXY/sumdb-direct is direct sumdb access.
// (Client thinks it is talking directly to a sumdb.)
if strings.HasPrefix(path, "sumdb-direct/") {
r.URL.Path = path[len("sumdb-direct"):]
sumdbServer.ServeHTTP(w, r)
// Request for $GOPROXY/sumdb-wrong is direct sumdb access
// but all the hashes are wrong.
// (Client thinks it is talking directly to a sumdb.)
if strings.HasPrefix(path, "sumdb-wrong/") {
r.URL.Path = path[len("sumdb-wrong"):]
sumdbWrongServer.ServeHTTP(w, r)
// Request for $GOPROXY/redirect/<count>/... goes to redirects.
if strings.HasPrefix(path, "redirect/") {
path = path[len("redirect/"):]
if j := strings.Index(path, "/"); j >= 0 {
count, err := strconv.Atoi(path[:j])
if err != nil {
// The last redirect.
if count <= 1 {
http.Redirect(w, r, fmt.Sprintf("/mod/%s", path[j+1:]), 302)
http.Redirect(w, r, fmt.Sprintf("/mod/redirect/%d/%s", count-1, path[j+1:]), 302)
// Request for $GOPROXY/sumdb/<name>/supported
// is checking whether it's OK to access sumdb via the proxy.
if path == "sumdb/"+testSumDBName+"/supported" {
// Request for $GOPROXY/sumdb/<name>/... goes to sumdb.
if sumdbPrefix := "sumdb/" + testSumDBName + "/"; strings.HasPrefix(path, sumdbPrefix) {
r.URL.Path = path[len(sumdbPrefix)-1:]
sumdbServer.ServeHTTP(w, r)
// Module proxy request: /mod/path/@latest
// Rewrite to /mod/path/@v/<latest>.info where <latest> is the semantically
// latest version, including pseudo-versions.
if i := strings.LastIndex(path, "/@latest"); i >= 0 {
enc := path[:i]
modPath, err := module.UnescapePath(enc)
if err != nil {
if testing.Verbose() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "go proxy_test: %v\n", err)
http.NotFound(w, r)
// Imitate what "latest" does in direct mode and what does.
// Use the latest released version.
// If there is no released version, use the latest prereleased version.
// Otherwise, use the latest pseudoversion.
var latestRelease, latestPrerelease, latestPseudo string
for _, m := range modList {
if m.Path != modPath {
if module.IsPseudoVersion(m.Version) && (latestPseudo == "" || semver.Compare(latestPseudo, m.Version) > 0) {
latestPseudo = m.Version
} else if semver.Prerelease(m.Version) != "" && (latestPrerelease == "" || semver.Compare(latestPrerelease, m.Version) > 0) {
latestPrerelease = m.Version
} else if latestRelease == "" || semver.Compare(latestRelease, m.Version) > 0 {
latestRelease = m.Version
var latest string
if latestRelease != "" {
latest = latestRelease
} else if latestPrerelease != "" {
latest = latestPrerelease
} else if latestPseudo != "" {
latest = latestPseudo
} else {
http.NotFound(w, r)
encVers, err := module.EscapeVersion(latest)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
path = fmt.Sprintf("%s/@v/", enc, encVers)
// Module proxy request: /mod/path/@v/version[.suffix]
i := strings.Index(path, "/@v/")
if i < 0 {
http.NotFound(w, r)
enc, file := path[:i], path[i+len("/@v/"):]
path, err := module.UnescapePath(enc)
if err != nil {
if testing.Verbose() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "go proxy_test: %v\n", err)
http.NotFound(w, r)
if file == "list" {
// list returns a list of versions, not including pseudo-versions.
// If the module has no tagged versions, we should serve an empty 200.
// If the module doesn't exist, we should serve 404 or 410.
found := false
for _, m := range modList {
if m.Path != path {
found = true
if !module.IsPseudoVersion(m.Version) {
if err := module.Check(m.Path, m.Version); err == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", m.Version)
if !found {
http.NotFound(w, r)
i = strings.LastIndex(file, ".")
if i < 0 {
http.NotFound(w, r)
encVers, ext := file[:i], file[i+1:]
vers, err := module.UnescapeVersion(encVers)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "go proxy_test: %v\n", err)
http.NotFound(w, r)
if codehost.AllHex(vers) {
var best string
// Convert commit hash (only) to known version.
// Use latest version in semver priority, to match similar logic
// in the repo-based module server (see modfetch.(*codeRepo).convert).
for _, m := range modList {
if m.Path == path && semver.Compare(best, m.Version) < 0 {
var hash string
if module.IsPseudoVersion(m.Version) {
hash = m.Version[strings.LastIndex(m.Version, "-")+1:]
} else {
hash = findHash(m)
if strings.HasPrefix(hash, vers) || strings.HasPrefix(vers, hash) {
best = m.Version
if best != "" {
vers = best
a, err := readArchive(path, vers)
if err != nil {
if testing.Verbose() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "go proxy: no archive %s %s: %v\n", path, vers, err)
if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
http.NotFound(w, r)
} else {
http.Error(w, "cannot load archive", 500)
switch ext {
case "info", "mod":
want := "." + ext
for _, f := range a.Files {
if f.Name == want {
case "zip":
zipBytes, err := zipCache.Do(a, func() ([]byte, error) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
z := zip.NewWriter(&buf)
for _, f := range a.Files {
if f.Name == ".info" || f.Name == ".mod" || f.Name == ".zip" {
var zipName string
if strings.HasPrefix(f.Name, "/") {
zipName = f.Name[1:]
} else {
zipName = path + "@" + vers + "/" + f.Name
zf, err := z.Create(zipName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, err := zf.Write(f.Data); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := z.Close(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return buf.Bytes(), nil
if err != nil {
if testing.Verbose() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "go proxy: %v\n", err)
http.Error(w, err.Error(), 500)
http.NotFound(w, r)
func findHash(m module.Version) string {
a, err := readArchive(m.Path, m.Version)
if err != nil {
return ""
var data []byte
for _, f := range a.Files {
if f.Name == ".info" {
data = f.Data
var info struct{ Short string }
json.Unmarshal(data, &info)
return info.Short
var archiveCache par.Cache[string, *txtar.Archive]
var cmdGoDir, _ = os.Getwd()
func readArchive(path, vers string) (*txtar.Archive, error) {
enc, err := module.EscapePath(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
encVers, err := module.EscapeVersion(vers)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
prefix := strings.ReplaceAll(enc, "/", "_")
name := filepath.Join(cmdGoDir, "testdata/mod", prefix+"_"+encVers+".txt")
a := archiveCache.Do(name, func() *txtar.Archive {
a, err := txtar.ParseFile(name)
if err != nil {
if testing.Verbose() || !os.IsNotExist(err) {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "go proxy: %v\n", err)
a = nil
return a
if a == nil {
return nil, fs.ErrNotExist
return a, nil
// proxyGoSum returns the two go.sum lines for path@vers.
func proxyGoSum(path, vers string) ([]byte, error) {
a, err := readArchive(path, vers)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var names []string
files := make(map[string][]byte)
var gomod []byte
for _, f := range a.Files {
if strings.HasPrefix(f.Name, ".") {
if f.Name == ".mod" {
gomod = f.Data
name := path + "@" + vers + "/" + f.Name
names = append(names, name)
files[name] = f.Data
h1, err := dirhash.Hash1(names, func(name string) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
data := files[name]
return io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(data)), nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
h1mod, err := dirhash.Hash1([]string{"go.mod"}, func(string) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
return io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(gomod)), nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
data := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s\n%s %s/go.mod %s\n", path, vers, h1, path, vers, h1mod))
return data, nil
// proxyGoSumWrong returns the wrong lines.
func proxyGoSumWrong(path, vers string) ([]byte, error) {
data := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s\n%s %s/go.mod %s\n", path, vers, "h1:wrong", path, vers, "h1:wrong"))
return data, nil