blob: b08f699582fb6595fcd6046e31ee857f3766e808 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package syntax
type Token uint
type token = Token
//go:generate stringer -type token -linecomment tokens.go
const (
_ token = iota
// names and literals
_Name // name
_Literal // literal
// operators and operations
// _Operator is excluding '*' (_Star)
_Operator // op
_AssignOp // op=
_IncOp // opop
_Assign // =
_Define // :=
_Arrow // <-
_Star // *
// delimiters
_Lparen // (
_Lbrack // [
_Lbrace // {
_Rparen // )
_Rbrack // ]
_Rbrace // }
_Comma // ,
_Semi // ;
_Colon // :
_Dot // .
_DotDotDot // ...
// keywords
_Break // break
_Case // case
_Chan // chan
_Const // const
_Continue // continue
_Default // default
_Defer // defer
_Else // else
_Fallthrough // fallthrough
_For // for
_Func // func
_Go // go
_Goto // goto
_If // if
_Import // import
_Interface // interface
_Map // map
_Package // package
_Range // range
_Return // return
_Select // select
_Struct // struct
_Switch // switch
_Type // type
_Var // var
// empty line comment to exclude it from .String
tokenCount //
const (
// for BranchStmt
Break = _Break
Continue = _Continue
Fallthrough = _Fallthrough
Goto = _Goto
// for CallStmt
Go = _Go
Defer = _Defer
// Make sure we have at most 64 tokens so we can use them in a set.
const _ uint64 = 1 << (tokenCount - 1)
// contains reports whether tok is in tokset.
func contains(tokset uint64, tok token) bool {
return tokset&(1<<tok) != 0
type LitKind uint8
// TODO(gri) With the 'i' (imaginary) suffix now permitted on integer
// and floating-point numbers, having a single ImagLit does
// not represent the literal kind well anymore. Remove it?
const (
IntLit LitKind = iota
type Operator uint
//go:generate stringer -type Operator -linecomment tokens.go
const (
_ Operator = iota
// Def is the : in :=
Def // :
Not // !
Recv // <-
Tilde // ~
// precOrOr
OrOr // ||
// precAndAnd
AndAnd // &&
// precCmp
Eql // ==
Neq // !=
Lss // <
Leq // <=
Gtr // >
Geq // >=
// precAdd
Add // +
Sub // -
Or // |
Xor // ^
// precMul
Mul // *
Div // /
Rem // %
And // &
AndNot // &^
Shl // <<
Shr // >>
// Operator precedences
const (
_ = iota