blob: 9278890b632ef6d55cf1c896ab2dc8eb3ff65274 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package pkginit
import (
// MakeTask makes an initialization record for the package, if necessary.
// See runtime/proc.go:initTask for its layout.
// The 3 tasks for initialization are:
// 1. Initialize all of the packages the current package depends on.
// 2. Initialize all the variables that have initializers.
// 3. Run any init functions.
func MakeTask() {
var deps []*obj.LSym // initTask records for packages the current package depends on
var fns []*obj.LSym // functions to call for package initialization
// Find imported packages with init tasks.
for _, pkg := range typecheck.Target.Imports {
n, ok := pkg.Lookup(".inittask").Def.(*ir.Name)
if !ok {
if n.Op() != ir.ONAME || n.Class != ir.PEXTERN {
base.Fatalf("bad inittask: %v", n)
deps = append(deps, n.Linksym())
if base.Flag.ASan {
// Make an initialization function to call runtime.asanregisterglobals to register an
// array of instrumented global variables when -asan is enabled. An instrumented global
// variable is described by a structure.
// See the _asan_global structure declared in src/runtime/asan/asan.go.
// func init {
// var globals []_asan_global {...}
// asanregisterglobals(&globals[0], len(globals))
// }
for _, n := range typecheck.Target.Externs {
if canInstrumentGlobal(n) {
name := n.Sym().Name
InstrumentGlobalsMap[name] = n
InstrumentGlobalsSlice = append(InstrumentGlobalsSlice, n)
ni := len(InstrumentGlobalsMap)
if ni != 0 {
// Make an init._ function.
pos := base.AutogeneratedPos
base.Pos = pos
sym := noder.Renameinit()
fnInit := ir.NewFunc(pos, pos, sym, types.NewSignature(nil, nil, nil))
// Get an array of instrumented global variables.
globals := instrumentGlobals(fnInit)
// Call runtime.asanregisterglobals function to poison redzones.
// runtime.asanregisterglobals(unsafe.Pointer(&globals[0]), ni)
asancall := ir.NewCallExpr(base.Pos, ir.OCALL, typecheck.LookupRuntime("asanregisterglobals"), nil)
ir.NewIndexExpr(base.Pos, globals, ir.NewInt(base.Pos, 0))), types.Types[types.TUNSAFEPTR]))
asancall.Args.Append(typecheck.DefaultLit(ir.NewInt(base.Pos, int64(ni)), types.Types[types.TUINTPTR]))
ir.CurFunc = fnInit
ir.CurFunc = nil
typecheck.Target.Inits = append(typecheck.Target.Inits, fnInit)
// Record user init functions.
for _, fn := range typecheck.Target.Inits {
if fn.Sym().Name == "init" {
// Synthetic init function for initialization of package-scope
// variables. We can use staticinit to optimize away static
// assignments.
s := staticinit.Schedule{
Plans: make(map[ir.Node]*staticinit.Plan),
Temps: make(map[ir.Node]*ir.Name),
for _, n := range fn.Body {
fn.Body = s.Out
ir.WithFunc(fn, func() {
if len(fn.Body) == 0 {
fn.Body = []ir.Node{ir.NewBlockStmt(src.NoXPos, nil)}
// Skip init functions with empty bodies.
if len(fn.Body) == 1 {
if stmt := fn.Body[0]; stmt.Op() == ir.OBLOCK && len(stmt.(*ir.BlockStmt).List) == 0 {
fns = append(fns, fn.Nname.Linksym())
if len(deps) == 0 && len(fns) == 0 && types.LocalPkg.Path != "main" && types.LocalPkg.Path != "runtime" {
return // nothing to initialize
// Make an .inittask structure.
sym := typecheck.Lookup(".inittask")
task := ir.NewNameAt(base.Pos, sym, types.Types[types.TUINT8]) // fake type
task.Class = ir.PEXTERN
sym.Def = task
lsym := task.Linksym()
ot := 0
ot = objw.Uint32(lsym, ot, 0) // state: not initialized yet
ot = objw.Uint32(lsym, ot, uint32(len(fns)))
for _, f := range fns {
ot = objw.SymPtr(lsym, ot, f, 0)
// Add relocations which tell the linker all of the packages
// that this package depends on (and thus, all of the packages
// that need to be initialized before this one).
for _, d := range deps {
r := obj.Addrel(lsym)
r.Type = objabi.R_INITORDER
r.Sym = d
// An initTask has pointers, but none into the Go heap.
// It's not quite read only, the state field must be modifiable.
objw.Global(lsym, int32(ot), obj.NOPTR)