blob: f17ac13fe8d5b4b18f65238a39697f775738f64b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package escape
import (
// Escape analysis.
// Here we analyze functions to determine which Go variables
// (including implicit allocations such as calls to "new" or "make",
// composite literals, etc.) can be allocated on the stack. The two
// key invariants we have to ensure are: (1) pointers to stack objects
// cannot be stored in the heap, and (2) pointers to a stack object
// cannot outlive that object (e.g., because the declaring function
// returned and destroyed the object's stack frame, or its space is
// reused across loop iterations for logically distinct variables).
// We implement this with a static data-flow analysis of the AST.
// First, we construct a directed weighted graph where vertices
// (termed "locations") represent variables allocated by statements
// and expressions, and edges represent assignments between variables
// (with weights representing addressing/dereference counts).
// Next we walk the graph looking for assignment paths that might
// violate the invariants stated above. If a variable v's address is
// stored in the heap or elsewhere that may outlive it, then v is
// marked as requiring heap allocation.
// To support interprocedural analysis, we also record data-flow from
// each function's parameters to the heap and to its result
// parameters. This information is summarized as "parameter tags",
// which are used at static call sites to improve escape analysis of
// function arguments.
// Constructing the location graph.
// Every allocating statement (e.g., variable declaration) or
// expression (e.g., "new" or "make") is first mapped to a unique
// "location."
// We also model every Go assignment as a directed edges between
// locations. The number of dereference operations minus the number of
// addressing operations is recorded as the edge's weight (termed
// "derefs"). For example:
// p = &q // -1
// p = q // 0
// p = *q // 1
// p = **q // 2
// p = **&**&q // 2
// Note that the & operator can only be applied to addressable
// expressions, and the expression &x itself is not addressable, so
// derefs cannot go below -1.
// Every Go language construct is lowered into this representation,
// generally without sensitivity to flow, path, or context; and
// without distinguishing elements within a compound variable. For
// example:
// var x struct { f, g *int }
// var u []*int
// x.f = u[0]
// is modeled simply as
// x = *u
// That is, we don't distinguish x.f from x.g, or u[0] from u[1],
// u[2], etc. However, we do record the implicit dereference involved
// in indexing a slice.
// A batch holds escape analysis state that's shared across an entire
// batch of functions being analyzed at once.
type batch struct {
allLocs []*location
closures []closure
heapLoc location
blankLoc location
// A closure holds a closure expression and its spill hole (i.e.,
// where the hole representing storing into its closure record).
type closure struct {
k hole
clo *ir.ClosureExpr
// An escape holds state specific to a single function being analyzed
// within a batch.
type escape struct {
curfn *ir.Func // function being analyzed
labels map[*types.Sym]labelState // known labels
// loopDepth counts the current loop nesting depth within
// curfn. It increments within each "for" loop and at each
// label with a corresponding backwards "goto" (i.e.,
// unstructured loop).
loopDepth int
func Funcs(all []ir.Node) {
ir.VisitFuncsBottomUp(all, Batch)
// Batch performs escape analysis on a minimal batch of
// functions.
func Batch(fns []*ir.Func, recursive bool) {
for _, fn := range fns {
if fn.Op() != ir.ODCLFUNC {
base.Fatalf("unexpected node: %v", fn)
var b batch
b.heapLoc.escapes = true
// Construct data-flow graph from syntax trees.
for _, fn := range fns {
if base.Flag.W > 1 {
s := fmt.Sprintf("\nbefore escape %v", fn)
ir.Dump(s, fn)
for _, fn := range fns {
if !fn.IsHiddenClosure() {
// We've walked the function bodies, so we've seen everywhere a
// variable might be reassigned or have it's address taken. Now we
// can decide whether closures should capture their free variables
// by value or reference.
for _, closure := range b.closures {
b.flowClosure(closure.k, closure.clo)
b.closures = nil
for _, loc := range b.allLocs {
if why := HeapAllocReason(loc.n); why != "" {
b.flow(b.heapHole().addr(loc.n, why), loc)
func (b *batch) with(fn *ir.Func) *escape {
return &escape{
batch: b,
curfn: fn,
loopDepth: 1,
func (b *batch) initFunc(fn *ir.Func) {
e := b.with(fn)
if fn.Esc() != escFuncUnknown {
base.Fatalf("unexpected node: %v", fn)
if base.Flag.LowerM > 3 {
ir.Dump("escAnalyze", fn)
// Allocate locations for local variables.
for _, n := range fn.Dcl {
e.newLoc(n, false)
// Also for hidden parameters (e.g., the ".this" parameter to a
// method value wrapper).
if fn.OClosure == nil {
for _, n := range fn.ClosureVars {
e.newLoc(n.Canonical(), false)
// Initialize resultIndex for result parameters.
for i, f := range fn.Type().Results().FieldSlice() {
e.oldLoc(f.Nname.(*ir.Name)).resultIndex = 1 + i
func (b *batch) walkFunc(fn *ir.Func) {
e := b.with(fn)
// Identify labels that mark the head of an unstructured loop.
ir.Visit(fn, func(n ir.Node) {
switch n.Op() {
case ir.OLABEL:
n := n.(*ir.LabelStmt)
if n.Label.IsBlank() {
if e.labels == nil {
e.labels = make(map[*types.Sym]labelState)
e.labels[n.Label] = nonlooping
case ir.OGOTO:
// If we visited the label before the goto,
// then this is a looping label.
n := n.(*ir.BranchStmt)
if e.labels[n.Label] == nonlooping {
e.labels[n.Label] = looping
if len(e.labels) != 0 {
base.FatalfAt(fn.Pos(), "leftover labels after walkFunc")
func (b *batch) flowClosure(k hole, clo *ir.ClosureExpr) {
for _, cv := range clo.Func.ClosureVars {
n := cv.Canonical()
loc := b.oldLoc(cv)
if !loc.captured {
base.FatalfAt(cv.Pos(), "closure variable never captured: %v", cv)
// Capture by value for variables <= 128 bytes that are never reassigned.
n.SetByval(!loc.addrtaken && !loc.reassigned && n.Type().Size() <= 128)
if !n.Byval() {
if n.Sym().Name == typecheck.LocalDictName {
base.FatalfAt(n.Pos(), "dictionary variable not captured by value")
if base.Flag.LowerM > 1 {
how := "ref"
if n.Byval() {
how = "value"
base.WarnfAt(n.Pos(), "%v capturing by %s: %v (addr=%v assign=%v width=%d)", n.Curfn, how, n, loc.addrtaken, loc.reassigned, n.Type().Size())
// Flow captured variables to closure.
k := k
if !cv.Byval() {
k = k.addr(cv, "reference")
b.flow(k.note(cv, "captured by a closure"), loc)
func (b *batch) finish(fns []*ir.Func) {
// Record parameter tags for package export data.
for _, fn := range fns {
narg := 0
for _, fs := range &types.RecvsParams {
for _, f := range fs(fn.Type()).Fields().Slice() {
f.Note = b.paramTag(fn, narg, f)
for _, loc := range b.allLocs {
n := loc.n
if n == nil {
if n.Op() == ir.ONAME {
n := n.(*ir.Name)
n.Opt = nil
// Update n.Esc based on escape analysis results.
// Omit escape diagnostics for go/defer wrappers, at least for now.
// Historically, we haven't printed them, and test cases don't expect them.
// TODO(mdempsky): Update tests to expect this.
goDeferWrapper := n.Op() == ir.OCLOSURE && n.(*ir.ClosureExpr).Func.Wrapper()
if loc.escapes {
if n.Op() == ir.ONAME {
if base.Flag.CompilingRuntime {
base.ErrorfAt(n.Pos(), 0, "%v escapes to heap, not allowed in runtime", n)
if base.Flag.LowerM != 0 {
base.WarnfAt(n.Pos(), "moved to heap: %v", n)
} else {
if base.Flag.LowerM != 0 && !goDeferWrapper {
base.WarnfAt(n.Pos(), "%v escapes to heap", n)
if logopt.Enabled() {
var e_curfn *ir.Func // TODO(mdempsky): Fix.
logopt.LogOpt(n.Pos(), "escape", "escape", ir.FuncName(e_curfn))
} else {
if base.Flag.LowerM != 0 && n.Op() != ir.ONAME && !goDeferWrapper {
base.WarnfAt(n.Pos(), "%v does not escape", n)
if loc.transient {
switch n.Op() {
case ir.OCLOSURE:
n := n.(*ir.ClosureExpr)
n := n.(*ir.SelectorExpr)
case ir.OSLICELIT:
n := n.(*ir.CompLitExpr)
// inMutualBatch reports whether function fn is in the batch of
// mutually recursive functions being analyzed. When this is true,
// fn has not yet been analyzed, so its parameters and results
// should be incorporated directly into the flow graph instead of
// relying on its escape analysis tagging.
func (e *escape) inMutualBatch(fn *ir.Name) bool {
if fn.Defn != nil && fn.Defn.Esc() < escFuncTagged {
if fn.Defn.Esc() == escFuncUnknown {
base.Fatalf("graph inconsistency: %v", fn)
return true
return false
const (
escFuncUnknown = 0 + iota
// Mark labels that have no backjumps to them as not increasing e.loopdepth.
type labelState int
const (
looping labelState = 1 + iota
func (b *batch) paramTag(fn *ir.Func, narg int, f *types.Field) string {
name := func() string {
if f.Sym != nil {
return f.Sym.Name
return fmt.Sprintf("arg#%d", narg)
// Only report diagnostics for user code;
// not for wrappers generated around them.
// TODO(mdempsky): Generalize this.
diagnose := base.Flag.LowerM != 0 && !(fn.Wrapper() || fn.Dupok())
if len(fn.Body) == 0 {
// Assume that uintptr arguments must be held live across the call.
// This is most important for syscall.Syscall.
// See
// This really doesn't have much to do with escape analysis per se,
// but we are reusing the ability to annotate an individual function
// argument and pass those annotations along to importing code.
fn.Pragma |= ir.UintptrKeepAlive
if f.Type.IsUintptr() {
if diagnose {
base.WarnfAt(f.Pos, "assuming %v is unsafe uintptr", name())
return ""
if !f.Type.HasPointers() { // don't bother tagging for scalars
return ""
var esc leaks
// External functions are assumed unsafe, unless
// //go:noescape is given before the declaration.
if fn.Pragma&ir.Noescape != 0 {
if diagnose && f.Sym != nil {
base.WarnfAt(f.Pos, "%v does not escape", name())
} else {
if diagnose && f.Sym != nil {
base.WarnfAt(f.Pos, "leaking param: %v", name())
return esc.Encode()
if fn.Pragma&ir.UintptrEscapes != 0 {
if f.Type.IsUintptr() {
if diagnose {
base.WarnfAt(f.Pos, "marking %v as escaping uintptr", name())
return ""
if f.IsDDD() && f.Type.Elem().IsUintptr() {
// final argument is ...uintptr.
if diagnose {
base.WarnfAt(f.Pos, "marking %v as escaping ...uintptr", name())
return ""
if !f.Type.HasPointers() { // don't bother tagging for scalars
return ""
// Unnamed parameters are unused and therefore do not escape.
if f.Sym == nil || f.Sym.IsBlank() {
var esc leaks
return esc.Encode()
n := f.Nname.(*ir.Name)
loc := b.oldLoc(n)
esc := loc.paramEsc
if diagnose && !loc.escapes {
if esc.Empty() {
base.WarnfAt(f.Pos, "%v does not escape", name())
if x := esc.Heap(); x >= 0 {
if x == 0 {
base.WarnfAt(f.Pos, "leaking param: %v", name())
} else {
// TODO(mdempsky): Mention level=x like below?
base.WarnfAt(f.Pos, "leaking param content: %v", name())
for i := 0; i < numEscResults; i++ {
if x := esc.Result(i); x >= 0 {
res := fn.Type().Results().Field(i).Sym
base.WarnfAt(f.Pos, "leaking param: %v to result %v level=%d", name(), res, x)
return esc.Encode()