blob: 7e84f3e1c2153224b449deb8624a64f0621f0a6d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build (aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || plan9 || solaris || windows) && goexperiment.spinbitmutex
package runtime
import (
// This implementation depends on OS-specific implementations of
// func semacreate(mp *m)
// Create a semaphore for mp, if it does not already have one.
// func semasleep(ns int64) int32
// If ns < 0, acquire m's semaphore and return 0.
// If ns >= 0, try to acquire m's semaphore for at most ns nanoseconds.
// Return 0 if the semaphore was acquired, -1 if interrupted or timed out.
// func semawakeup(mp *m)
// Wake up mp, which is or will soon be sleeping on its semaphore.
// The mutex state consists of four flags and a pointer. The flag at bit 0,
// mutexLocked, represents the lock itself. Bit 1, mutexSleeping, is a hint that
// the pointer is non-nil. The fast paths for locking and unlocking the mutex
// are based on atomic 8-bit swap operations on the low byte; bits 2 through 7
// are unused.
// Bit 8, mutexSpinning, is a try-lock that grants a waiting M permission to
// spin on the state word. Most other Ms must attempt to spend their time
// sleeping to reduce traffic on the cache line. This is the "spin bit" for
// which the implementation is named. (The anti-starvation mechanism also grants
// temporary permission for an M to spin.)
// Bit 9, mutexStackLocked, is a try-lock that grants an unlocking M permission
// to inspect the list of waiting Ms and to pop an M off of that stack.
// The upper bits hold a (partial) pointer to the M that most recently went to
// sleep. The sleeping Ms form a stack linked by their fields.
// Because the fast paths use an 8-bit swap on the low byte of the state word,
// we'll need to reconstruct the full M pointer from the bits we have. Most Ms
// are allocated on the heap, and have a known alignment and base offset. (The
// offset is due to mallocgc's allocation headers.) The main program thread uses
// a static M value, m0. We check for m0 specifically and add a known offset
// otherwise.
const (
active_spin = 4 // referenced in proc.go for sync.Mutex implementation
active_spin_cnt = 30 // referenced in proc.go for sync.Mutex implementation
const (
mutexLocked = 0x001
mutexSleeping = 0x002
mutexSpinning = 0x100
mutexStackLocked = 0x200
mutexMMask = 0x3FF
mutexMOffset = mallocHeaderSize // alignment of heap-allocated Ms (those other than m0)
mutexActiveSpinCount = 4
mutexActiveSpinSize = 30
mutexPassiveSpinCount = 1
mutexTailWakePeriod = 16
func key8(p *uintptr) *uint8 {
if goarch.BigEndian {
return &(*[8]uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(p))[goarch.PtrSize/1-1]
return &(*[8]uint8)(unsafe.Pointer(p))[0]
// mWaitList is part of the M struct, and holds the list of Ms that are waiting
// for a particular runtime.mutex.
// When an M is unable to immediately obtain a lock, it adds itself to the list
// of Ms waiting for the lock. It does that via this struct's next field,
// forming a singly-linked list with the mutex's key field pointing to the head
// of the list.
type mWaitList struct {
next muintptr // next m waiting for lock
// lockVerifyMSize confirms that we can recreate the low bits of the M pointer.
func lockVerifyMSize() {
size := roundupsize(unsafe.Sizeof(m{}), false) + mallocHeaderSize
if size&mutexMMask != 0 {
print("M structure uses sizeclass ", size, "/", hex(size), " bytes; ",
"incompatible with mutex flag mask ", hex(mutexMMask), "\n")
throw("runtime.m memory alignment too small for spinbit mutex")
// mutexWaitListHead recovers a full muintptr that was missing its low bits.
// With the exception of the static m0 value, it requires allocating runtime.m
// values in a size class with a particular minimum alignment. The 2048-byte
// size class allows recovering the full muintptr value even after overwriting
// the low 11 bits with flags. We can use those 11 bits as 3 flags and an
// atomically-swapped byte.
func mutexWaitListHead(v uintptr) muintptr {
if highBits := v &^ mutexMMask; highBits == 0 {
return 0
} else if m0bits := muintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&m0)); highBits == uintptr(m0bits)&^mutexMMask {
return m0bits
} else {
return muintptr(highBits + mutexMOffset)
// mutexPreferLowLatency reports if this mutex prefers low latency at the risk
// of performance collapse. If so, we can allow all waiting threads to spin on
// the state word rather than go to sleep.
// TODO: We could have the waiting Ms each spin on their own private cache line,
// especially if we can put a bound on the on-CPU time that would consume.
// TODO: If there's a small set of mutex values with special requirements, they
// could make use of a more specialized lock2/unlock2 implementation. Otherwise,
// we're constrained to what we can fit within a single uintptr with no
// additional storage on the M for each lock held.
func mutexPreferLowLatency(l *mutex) bool {
switch l {
return false
case &sched.lock:
// We often expect sched.lock to pass quickly between Ms in a way that
// each M has unique work to do: for instance when we stop-the-world
// (bringing each P to idle) or add new netpoller-triggered work to the
// global run queue.
return true
func mutexContended(l *mutex) bool {
return atomic.Loaduintptr(&l.key) > mutexLocked
func lock(l *mutex) {
lockWithRank(l, getLockRank(l))
func lock2(l *mutex) {
gp := getg()
if gp.m.locks < 0 {
throw("runtime·lock: lock count")
k8 := key8(&l.key)
// Speculative grab for lock.
v8 := atomic.Xchg8(k8, mutexLocked)
if v8&mutexLocked == 0 {
if v8&mutexSleeping != 0 {
atomic.Or8(k8, mutexSleeping)
timer := &lockTimer{lock: l}
// On uniprocessors, no point spinning.
// On multiprocessors, spin for mutexActiveSpinCount attempts.
spin := 0
if ncpu > 1 {
spin = mutexActiveSpinCount
var weSpin, atTail bool
v := atomic.Loaduintptr(&l.key)
for i := 0; ; i++ {
if v&mutexLocked == 0 {
if weSpin {
next := (v &^ mutexSpinning) | mutexSleeping | mutexLocked
if next&^mutexMMask == 0 {
// The fast-path Xchg8 may have cleared mutexSleeping. Fix
// the hint so unlock2 knows when to use its slow path.
next = next &^ mutexSleeping
if atomic.Casuintptr(&l.key, v, next) {
} else {
prev8 := atomic.Xchg8(k8, mutexLocked|mutexSleeping)
if prev8&mutexLocked == 0 {
v = atomic.Loaduintptr(&l.key)
continue tryAcquire
if !weSpin && v&mutexSpinning == 0 && atomic.Casuintptr(&l.key, v, v|mutexSpinning) {
v |= mutexSpinning
weSpin = true
if weSpin || atTail || mutexPreferLowLatency(l) {
if i < spin {
v = atomic.Loaduintptr(&l.key)
continue tryAcquire
} else if i < spin+mutexPassiveSpinCount {
osyield() // TODO: Consider removing this step. See
v = atomic.Loaduintptr(&l.key)
continue tryAcquire
// Go to sleep
if v&mutexLocked == 0 {
throw("runtime·lock: sleeping while lock is available")
// Store the current head of the list of sleeping Ms in our field = mutexWaitListHead(v)
// Pack a (partial) pointer to this M with the current lock state bits
next := (uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(gp.m)) &^ mutexMMask) | v&mutexMMask | mutexSleeping
if weSpin { // If we were spinning, prepare to retire
next = next &^ mutexSpinning
if atomic.Casuintptr(&l.key, v, next) {
weSpin = false
// We've pushed ourselves onto the stack of waiters. Wait.
atTail = == 0 // we were at risk of starving
i = 0
} = 0
v = atomic.Loaduintptr(&l.key)
func unlock(l *mutex) {
// We might not be holding a p in this code.
func unlock2(l *mutex) {
gp := getg()
prev8 := atomic.Xchg8(key8(&l.key), 0)
if prev8&mutexLocked == 0 {
throw("unlock of unlocked lock")
if prev8&mutexSleeping != 0 {
if gp.m.locks < 0 {
throw("runtime·unlock: lock count")
if gp.m.locks == 0 && gp.preempt { // restore the preemption request in case we've cleared it in newstack
gp.stackguard0 = stackPreempt
// unlock2Wake updates the list of Ms waiting on l, waking an M if necessary.
func unlock2Wake(l *mutex) {
v := atomic.Loaduintptr(&l.key)
// On occasion, seek out and wake the M at the bottom of the stack so it
// doesn't starve.
antiStarve := cheaprandn(mutexTailWakePeriod) == 0
if !(antiStarve || // avoiding starvation may require a wake
v&mutexSpinning == 0 || // no spinners means we must wake
mutexPreferLowLatency(l)) { // prefer waiters be awake as much as possible
for {
if v&^mutexMMask == 0 || v&mutexStackLocked != 0 {
// No waiting Ms means nothing to do.
// If the stack lock is unavailable, its owner would make the same
// wake decisions that we would, so there's nothing for us to do.
// Although: This thread may have a different call stack, which
// would result in a different entry in the mutex contention profile
// (upon completion of That could lead to weird
// results if a slow critical section ends but another thread
// quickly takes the lock, finishes its own critical section,
// releases the lock, and then grabs the stack lock. That quick
// thread would then take credit (blame) for the delay that this
// slow thread caused. The alternative is to have more expensive
// atomic operations (a CAS) on the critical path of unlock2.
// Other M's are waiting for the lock.
// Obtain the stack lock, and pop off an M.
next := v | mutexStackLocked
if atomic.Casuintptr(&l.key, v, next) {
v = atomic.Loaduintptr(&l.key)
// We own the mutexStackLocked flag. New Ms may push themselves onto the
// stack concurrently, but we're now the only thread that can remove or
// modify the Ms that are sleeping in the list.
var committed *m // If we choose an M within the stack, we've made a promise to wake it
for {
headM := v &^ mutexMMask
flags := v & (mutexMMask &^ mutexStackLocked) // preserve low bits, but release stack lock
mp := mutexWaitListHead(v).ptr()
wakem := committed
if committed == nil {
if v&mutexSpinning == 0 || mutexPreferLowLatency(l) {
wakem = mp
if antiStarve {
// Wake the M at the bottom of the stack of waiters. (This is
// O(N) with the number of waiters.)
wakem = mp
prev := mp
for {
next :=
if next == nil {
prev, wakem = wakem, next
if wakem != mp { =
committed = wakem
if wakem == mp {
headM = uintptr( &^ mutexMMask
next := headM | flags
if atomic.Casuintptr(&l.key, v, next) {
if wakem != nil {
// Claimed an M. Wake it.
v = atomic.Loaduintptr(&l.key)