blob: 88263060a0b1dadcb71456801185a1c5a0ca356e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package trace
import (
// mud is an updatable mutator utilization distribution.
// This is a continuous distribution of duration over mutator
// utilization. For example, the integral from mutator utilization a
// to b is the total duration during which the mutator utilization was
// in the range [a, b].
// This distribution is *not* normalized (it is not a probability
// distribution). This makes it easier to work with as it's being
// updated.
// It is represented as the sum of scaled uniform distribution
// functions and Dirac delta functions (which are treated as
// degenerate uniform distributions).
type mud struct {
sorted, unsorted []edge
// trackMass is the inverse cumulative sum to track as the
// distribution is updated.
trackMass float64
// trackBucket is the bucket in which trackMass falls. If the
// total mass of the distribution is < trackMass, this is
// len(hist).
trackBucket int
// trackSum is the cumulative sum of hist[:trackBucket]. Once
// trackSum >= trackMass, trackBucket must be recomputed.
trackSum float64
// hist is a hierarchical histogram of distribution mass.
hist [mudDegree]float64
const (
// mudDegree is the number of buckets in the MUD summary
// histogram.
mudDegree = 1024
type edge struct {
// At x, the function increases by y.
x, delta float64
// Additionally at x is a Dirac delta function with area dirac.
dirac float64
// add adds a uniform function over [l, r] scaled so the total weight
// of the uniform is area. If l==r, this adds a Dirac delta function.
func (d *mud) add(l, r, area float64) {
if area == 0 {
if r < l {
l, r = r, l
// Add the edges.
if l == r {
d.unsorted = append(d.unsorted, edge{l, 0, area})
} else {
delta := area / (r - l)
d.unsorted = append(d.unsorted, edge{l, delta, 0}, edge{r, -delta, 0})
// Update the histogram.
h := &d.hist
lbFloat, lf := math.Modf(l * mudDegree)
lb := int(lbFloat)
if lb >= mudDegree {
lb, lf = mudDegree-1, 1
if l == r {
h[lb] += area
} else {
rbFloat, rf := math.Modf(r * mudDegree)
rb := int(rbFloat)
if rb >= mudDegree {
rb, rf = mudDegree-1, 1
if lb == rb {
h[lb] += area
} else {
perBucket := area / (r - l) / mudDegree
h[lb] += perBucket * (1 - lf)
h[rb] += perBucket * rf
for i := lb + 1; i < rb; i++ {
h[i] += perBucket
// Update mass tracking.
if thresh := float64(d.trackBucket) / mudDegree; l < thresh {
if r < thresh {
d.trackSum += area
} else {
d.trackSum += area * (thresh - l) / (r - l)
if d.trackSum >= d.trackMass {
// The tracked mass now falls in a different
// bucket. Recompute the inverse cumulative sum.
// setTrackMass sets the mass to track the inverse cumulative sum for.
// Specifically, mass is a cumulative duration, and the mutator
// utilization bounds for this duration can be queried using
// approxInvCumulativeSum.
func (d *mud) setTrackMass(mass float64) {
d.trackMass = mass
// Find the bucket currently containing trackMass by computing
// the cumulative sum.
sum := 0.0
for i, val := range d.hist[:] {
newSum := sum + val
if newSum > mass {
// mass falls in bucket i.
d.trackBucket = i
d.trackSum = sum
sum = newSum
d.trackBucket = len(d.hist)
d.trackSum = sum
// approxInvCumulativeSum is like invCumulativeSum, but specifically
// operates on the tracked mass and returns an upper and lower bound
// approximation of the inverse cumulative sum.
// The true inverse cumulative sum will be in the range [lower, upper).
func (d *mud) approxInvCumulativeSum() (float64, float64, bool) {
if d.trackBucket == len(d.hist) {
return math.NaN(), math.NaN(), false
return float64(d.trackBucket) / mudDegree, float64(d.trackBucket+1) / mudDegree, true
// invCumulativeSum returns x such that the integral of d from -∞ to x
// is y. If the total weight of d is less than y, it returns the
// maximum of the distribution and false.
// Specifically, y is a cumulative duration, and invCumulativeSum
// returns the mutator utilization x such that at least y time has
// been spent with mutator utilization <= x.
func (d *mud) invCumulativeSum(y float64) (float64, bool) {
if len(d.sorted) == 0 && len(d.unsorted) == 0 {
return math.NaN(), false
// Sort edges.
edges := d.unsorted
sort.Slice(edges, func(i, j int) bool {
return edges[i].x < edges[j].x
// Merge with sorted edges.
d.unsorted = nil
if d.sorted == nil {
d.sorted = edges
} else {
oldSorted := d.sorted
newSorted := make([]edge, len(oldSorted)+len(edges))
i, j := 0, 0
for o := range newSorted {
if i >= len(oldSorted) {
copy(newSorted[o:], edges[j:])
} else if j >= len(edges) {
copy(newSorted[o:], oldSorted[i:])
} else if oldSorted[i].x < edges[j].x {
newSorted[o] = oldSorted[i]
} else {
newSorted[o] = edges[j]
d.sorted = newSorted
// Traverse edges in order computing a cumulative sum.
csum, rate, prevX := 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
for _, e := range d.sorted {
newCsum := csum + (e.x-prevX)*rate
if newCsum >= y {
// y was exceeded between the previous edge
// and this one.
if rate == 0 {
// Anywhere between prevX and
// e.x will do. We return e.x
// because that takes care of
// the y==0 case naturally.
return e.x, true
return (y-csum)/rate + prevX, true
newCsum += e.dirac
if newCsum >= y {
// y was exceeded by the Dirac delta at e.x.
return e.x, true
csum, prevX = newCsum, e.x
rate +=
return prevX, false