cmd/gc: allocate buffers for non-escaped strings on stack

Currently we always allocate string buffers in heap.
For example, in the following code we allocate a temp string
just for comparison:

	if string(byteSlice) == "abc" { ... }

This change extends escape analysis to cover []byte->string
conversions and string concatenation. If the result of operations
does not escape, compiler allocates a small buffer
on stack and passes it to slicebytetostring and concatstrings.
Then runtime uses the buffer if the result fits into it.

Size of the buffer is 32 bytes. There is no fundamental theory
behind this number. Just an observation that on std lib
tests/benchmarks frequency of string allocation is inversely
proportional to string length; and there is significant number
of allocations up to length 32.

benchmark                                    old allocs     new allocs     delta
BenchmarkFprintfBytes                        2              1              -50.00%
BenchmarkDecodeComplex128Slice               318            316            -0.63%
BenchmarkDecodeFloat64Slice                  318            316            -0.63%
BenchmarkDecodeInt32Slice                    318            316            -0.63%
BenchmarkDecodeStringSlice                   2318           2316           -0.09%
BenchmarkStripTags                           11             5              -54.55%
BenchmarkDecodeGray                          111            102            -8.11%
BenchmarkDecodeNRGBAGradient                 200            188            -6.00%
BenchmarkDecodeNRGBAOpaque                   165            152            -7.88%
BenchmarkDecodePaletted                      319            309            -3.13%
BenchmarkDecodeRGB                           166            157            -5.42%
BenchmarkDecodeInterlacing                   279            268            -3.94%
BenchmarkGoLookupIP                          153            135            -11.76%
BenchmarkGoLookupIPNoSuchHost                508            466            -8.27%
BenchmarkGoLookupIPWithBrokenNameServer      245            226            -7.76%
BenchmarkClientServerParallel4               62             61             -1.61%
BenchmarkClientServerParallel64              62             61             -1.61%
BenchmarkClientServerParallelTLS4            79             78             -1.27%
BenchmarkClientServerParallelTLS64           112            111            -0.89%

benchmark                                    old ns/op      new ns/op      delta
BenchmarkFprintfBytes                        381            311            -18.37%
BenchmarkStripTags                           2615           2351           -10.10%
BenchmarkDecodeNRGBAGradient                 3715887        3635096        -2.17%
BenchmarkDecodeNRGBAOpaque                   3047645        2928644        -3.90%
BenchmarkGoLookupIP                          153            135            -11.76%
BenchmarkGoLookupIPNoSuchHost                508            466            -8.27%

Change-Id: I9ec01da816945c3329d7be3c7794b520418c3f99
Reviewed-by: Keith Randall <>
Reviewed-by: Russ Cox <>
9 files changed
tree: 65760c0480aae6cfdbd00e2013fc39a51acd6354
  1. api/
  2. doc/
  3. include/
  4. lib/
  5. misc/
  6. src/
  7. test/
  8. .gitattributes
  9. .gitignore
  13. favicon.ico
  17. robots.txt

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