all: merge master into release-branch.go1.10, for go1.10rc2

* b2d3d6e6 cmd/link/internal/loadelf: fix logic for computing ELF flags on ARM
* c07095cd cmd/cgo: revert CL 49490 "fix for function taking pointer typedef"
* 23e8e197 cmd/compile: use unsigned loads for multi-element comparisons
* 85bdd05c cmd/go: rebuild as needed for tests of packages that add methods
* fd7331a8 text/template: revert CL 66410 "add break, continue actions in ranges"
* f54f780d cmd/vet: unexported interface{} fields on %s are ok
* a0222ec5 cmd/internal/obj/arm64: fix assemble add/adds/sub/subs/cmp/cmn(extended register) bug
* 59523176 cmd/go: only run -race test if -race works
* 4558321e doc/editors: remove feature matrix for various editors/IDEs
* e6756ec1 cmd/go: ignore coverpkg match on sync/atomic in atomic coverage mode
* 10d096fe cmd/go: fix import config debugging flag
* f598ad58 go/internal/gccgoimporter: remove old and exp gccgo packages in test
* 2a8229d9 misc/cgo/test: get uintptr, not pointer, from dlopen
* 851e98f0 spec: remove need for separate Function production (cleanup)
* cbe1a61e net: fix the kernel state name for TCP listen queue on FreeBSD
* 6f37fee3 cmd/go: fix TestNoCache on Plan 9
* e5186895 runtime: restore RSB for sigpanic call on mips64x
* 3ff41cdf runtime: suppress "unexpected return pc" any time we're in cgo
* d929e40e syscall: use SYS_GETDENTS64 on linux/mips64{,le}
* 43288467 test: add test for gccgo bug 23545
* 19150303 cmd/go: if unable to initialize cache, just disable it
* ebe38b86 runtime: fail silently if we unwind over sigpanic into C code
* 5c2be42a runtime: don't unwind past asmcgocall
* 03e10bd9 os/signal: skip TestTerminalSignal if posix_openpt fails with EACCES
* d30591c1 cmd/vendor/ cherry-pick fix to cope with $HOME not being writable
* bcc86d5f doc: add GOMIPS to source installation docs
* 926f2787 cmd/fix: cleanup directories created during typecheck
* 32a08d09 bootstrap.bash: only fetch git revision if we need it
* 14f8027a cmd/vet: extra args if any formats are indexed are ok
* 4072608b cmd/vet: %s is valid for an array of stringer
* 1f85917f cmd/vet: **T is not Stringer if *T has a String method
* 8c1f21d9 cmd/vet: disable complaint about 0 flag in print
* d529aa93 doc: fix the closing tag in contribute.html
* f8610bbd doc: fix two small mistakes in 1.10 release notes
* 5af1e7d7 cmd/go: skip external tests on plan9/arm
* 00587e89 doc: fix spelling mistake
* 3ee8c3cc os: document inheritance of thread state over exec
* b5b35be2 cmd/compile: don't inline functions that call recover
* 651ddbdb database/sql: buffers provided to Rows.Next should not be modified by drivers
* 7350297e doc: remove Sarah Adams from conduct working group contacts

Change-Id: I3c04d83706cd4322252ddf732688afe5d938c1f5
tree: 5e7827145e2d2c6e5024361921a76ccc0b1c293b
  1. .github/
  2. api/
  3. doc/
  4. lib/
  5. misc/
  6. src/
  7. test/
  8. .gitattributes
  9. .gitignore
  13. favicon.ico
  17. robots.txt

The Go Programming Language

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