blob: 3ff191727b68e99a20fe00d03af58ae7f4e34db2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Reflection library.
// Types and parsing of type strings.
// This package implements data ``reflection''. A program can use it to analyze types
// and values it does not know at compile time, such as the values passed in a call
// to a function with a ... parameter. This is achieved by extracting the dynamic
// contents of an interface value.
package reflect
import (
type Type interface
func ExpandType(name string) Type
func typestrings() string // implemented in C; declared here
// These constants identify what kind of thing a Type represents: an int, struct, etc.
const (
MissingKind = iota;
// For sizes and alignments.
type allTypes struct {
xarray []byte;
xbool bool;
xchan chan byte;
xfloat float;
xfloat32 float32;
xfloat64 float64;
xfunc func();
xint int;
xint16 int16;
xint32 int32;
xint64 int64;
xint8 int8;
xinterface interface {};
xmap map[byte]byte;
xptr *byte;
xslice []byte;
xstring string;
xuint uint;
xuint16 uint16;
xuint32 uint32;
xuint64 uint64;
xuint8 uint8;
xuintptr uintptr;
var (
x allTypes;
minStruct struct { uint8 };
const (
minStructAlignMask = unsafe.Sizeof(minStruct) - 1;
ptrsize = unsafe.Sizeof(&x);
interfacesize = unsafe.Sizeof(x.xinterface);
const missingString = "$missing$" // syntactic name for undefined type names
const dotDotDotString = "..."
// Type is the generic interface to reflection types. Once its Kind is known,
// such as ArrayKind, the Type can be narrowed to the appropriate, more
// specific interface, such as ArrayType. Such narrowed types still implement
// the Type interface.
type Type interface {
// The kind of thing described: ArrayKind, BoolKind, etc.
Kind() int;
// The name declared for the type ("int", "BoolArray", etc.).
Name() string;
// For a named type, same as Name(); otherwise a representation of the type such as "[]int".
String() string;
// The number of bytes needed to store a value; analogous to unsafe.Sizeof().
Size() int;
// The alignment of a value of this type when used as a field in a struct.
FieldAlign() int;
// Fields and methods common to all types
type commonType struct {
kind int;
str string;
name string;
size int;
func (c *commonType) Kind() int {
return c.kind
func (c *commonType) Name() string {
func (c *commonType) String() string {
// If there is a name, show that instead of its expansion.
// This is important for reflection: a named type
// might have methods that the unnamed type does not.
if != "" {
return c.str
func (c *commonType) Size() int {
return c.size
// -- Basic
type basicType struct {
fieldAlign int;
func newBasicType(name string, kind int, size int, fieldAlign int) Type {
return &basicType{ commonType{kind, name, name, size}, fieldAlign }
func (t *basicType) FieldAlign() int {
return t.fieldAlign
// Prebuilt basic Type objects representing the predeclared basic types.
// Most are self-evident except:
// Missing represents types whose representation cannot be discovered; usually an error.
// DotDotDot represents the pseudo-type of a ... parameter.
var (
Missing = newBasicType(missingString, MissingKind, 1, 1);
DotDotDot = newBasicType(dotDotDotString, DotDotDotKind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xinterface), unsafe.Alignof(x.xinterface));
Bool = newBasicType("bool", BoolKind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xbool), unsafe.Alignof(x.xbool));
Int = newBasicType("int", IntKind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xint), unsafe.Alignof(x.xint));
Int8 = newBasicType("int8", Int8Kind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xint8), unsafe.Alignof(x.xint8));
Int16 = newBasicType("int16", Int16Kind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xint16), unsafe.Alignof(x.xint16));
Int32 = newBasicType("int32", Int32Kind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xint32), unsafe.Alignof(x.xint32));
Int64 = newBasicType("int64", Int64Kind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xint64), unsafe.Alignof(x.xint64));
Uint = newBasicType("uint", UintKind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xuint), unsafe.Alignof(x.xuint));
Uint8 = newBasicType("uint8", Uint8Kind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xuint8), unsafe.Alignof(x.xuint8));
Uint16 = newBasicType("uint16", Uint16Kind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xuint16), unsafe.Alignof(x.xuint16));
Uint32 = newBasicType("uint32", Uint32Kind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xuint32), unsafe.Alignof(x.xuint32));
Uint64 = newBasicType("uint64", Uint64Kind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xuint64), unsafe.Alignof(x.xuint64));
Uintptr = newBasicType("uintptr", UintptrKind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xuintptr), unsafe.Alignof(x.xuintptr));
Float = newBasicType("float", FloatKind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xfloat), unsafe.Alignof(x.xfloat));
Float32 = newBasicType("float32", Float32Kind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xfloat32), unsafe.Alignof(x.xfloat32));
Float64 = newBasicType("float64", Float64Kind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xfloat64), unsafe.Alignof(x.xfloat64));
String = newBasicType("string", StringKind, unsafe.Sizeof(x.xstring), unsafe.Alignof(x.xstring));
// Stub types allow us to defer evaluating type names until needed.
// If the name is empty, the type must be non-nil.
type stubType struct {
name string;
typ Type;
func newStubType(name string, typ Type) *stubType {
return &stubType{name, typ}
func (t *stubType) Get() Type {
if t.typ == nil {
t.typ = ExpandType(
return t.typ
// -- Pointer
// PtrType represents a pointer.
type PtrType interface {
Sub() Type // The type of the pointed-to item; for "*int", it will be "int".
type ptrTypeStruct struct {
sub *stubType;
func newPtrTypeStruct(name, typestring string, sub *stubType) *ptrTypeStruct {
return &ptrTypeStruct{ commonType{PtrKind, typestring, name, ptrsize}, sub}
func (t *ptrTypeStruct) FieldAlign() int {
return unsafe.Alignof(x.xptr);
func (t *ptrTypeStruct) Sub() Type {
return t.sub.Get()
// -- Array
// ArrayType represents an array or slice type.
type ArrayType interface {
IsSlice() bool; // True for slices, false for arrays.
Len() int; // 0 for slices, the length for array types.
Elem() Type; // The type of the elements.
type arrayTypeStruct struct {
elem *stubType;
isslice bool; // otherwise fixed array
len int;
func newArrayTypeStruct(name, typestring string, open bool, len int, elem *stubType) *arrayTypeStruct {
return &arrayTypeStruct{ commonType{ArrayKind, typestring, name, 0 }, elem, open, len}
func (t *arrayTypeStruct) Size() int {
if t.isslice {
return unsafe.Sizeof(x.xslice);
return t.len * t.elem.Get().Size();
func (t *arrayTypeStruct) FieldAlign() int {
if t.isslice {
return unsafe.Alignof(x.xslice);
return t.elem.Get().FieldAlign();
func (t *arrayTypeStruct) IsSlice() bool {
return t.isslice
func (t *arrayTypeStruct) Len() int {
if t.isslice {
return 0
return t.len
func (t *arrayTypeStruct) Elem() Type {
return t.elem.Get()
// -- Map
// MapType represents a map type.
type MapType interface {
Key() Type; // The type of the keys.
Elem() Type; // The type of the elements/values.
type mapTypeStruct struct {
key *stubType;
elem *stubType;
func newMapTypeStruct(name, typestring string, key, elem *stubType) *mapTypeStruct {
return &mapTypeStruct{ commonType{MapKind, typestring, name, ptrsize}, key, elem}
func (t *mapTypeStruct) FieldAlign() int {
return unsafe.Alignof(x.xmap);
func (t *mapTypeStruct) Key() Type {
return t.key.Get()
func (t *mapTypeStruct) Elem() Type {
return t.elem.Get()
// -- Chan
// ChanType represents a chan type.
type ChanType interface {
Dir() int; // The direction of the channel.
Elem() Type; // The type of the elements.
// Channel direction.
const (
SendDir = 1 << iota;
BothDir = SendDir | RecvDir;
type chanTypeStruct struct {
elem *stubType;
dir int;
func newChanTypeStruct(name, typestring string, dir int, elem *stubType) *chanTypeStruct {
return &chanTypeStruct{ commonType{ChanKind, typestring, name, ptrsize}, elem, dir}
func (t *chanTypeStruct) FieldAlign() int {
return unsafe.Alignof(x.xchan);
func (t *chanTypeStruct) Dir() int {
return t.dir
func (t *chanTypeStruct) Elem() Type {
return t.elem.Get()
// -- Struct
// StructType represents a struct type.
type StructType interface {
// Field returns, for field i, its name, Type, tag information, and byte offset.
// The indices are in declaration order starting at 0.
Field(i int) (name string, typ Type, tag string, offset int);
// Len is the number of fields.
Len() int;
type structField struct {
name string;
typ *stubType;
tag string;
offset int;
type structTypeStruct struct {
field []structField;
fieldAlign int;
func newStructTypeStruct(name, typestring string, field []structField) *structTypeStruct {
return &structTypeStruct{ commonType{StructKind, typestring, name, 0}, field, 0}
func (t *structTypeStruct) FieldAlign() int {
t.Size(); // Compute size and alignment.
return t.fieldAlign
func (t *structTypeStruct) Size() int {
if t.size > 0 {
return t.size
size := 0;
structAlignMask := 0;
for i := 0; i < len(t.field); i++ {
typ := t.field[i].typ.Get();
elemsize := typ.Size();
alignMask := typ.FieldAlign() - 1;
if alignMask > structAlignMask {
structAlignMask = alignMask
if alignMask > 0 {
size = (size + alignMask) &^ alignMask;
t.field[i].offset = size;
size += elemsize;
if structAlignMask > 0 {
// 6g etc. always aligns structs to a minimum size, typically int64
if structAlignMask < minStructAlignMask {
structAlignMask = minStructAlignMask
// TODO: In the PPC64 ELF ABI, floating point fields
// in a struct are aligned to a 4-byte boundary, but
// if the first field in the struct is a 64-bit float,
// the whole struct is aligned to an 8-byte boundary.
size = (size + structAlignMask) &^ structAlignMask;
t.fieldAlign = structAlignMask + 1;
t.size = size;
return size;
func (t *structTypeStruct) Field(i int) (name string, typ Type, tag string, offset int) {
if t.field[i].offset == 0 {
t.Size(); // will compute offsets
return t.field[i].name, t.field[i].typ.Get(), t.field[i].tag, t.field[i].offset
func (t *structTypeStruct) Len() int {
return len(t.field)
// -- Interface
// InterfaceType represents an interface type.
// It behaves much like a StructType, treating the methods as fields.
type InterfaceType interface {
// Field returns, for method i, its name, Type, the empty string, and 0.
// The indices are in declaration order starting at 0. TODO: is this true?
Field(int) (name string, typ Type, tag string, offset int);
Len() int;
type interfaceTypeStruct struct {
field []structField;
func newInterfaceTypeStruct(name, typestring string, field []structField) *interfaceTypeStruct {
return &interfaceTypeStruct{ commonType{InterfaceKind, typestring, name, interfacesize}, field }
func (t *interfaceTypeStruct) FieldAlign() int {
return unsafe.Alignof(x.xinterface);
func (t *interfaceTypeStruct) Field(i int) (name string, typ Type, tag string, offset int) {
return t.field[i].name, t.field[i].typ.Get(), "", 0
func (t *interfaceTypeStruct) Len() int {
return len(t.field)
var nilInterface = newInterfaceTypeStruct("nil", "", make([]structField, 0));
// -- Func
// FuncType represents a function type.
type FuncType interface {
In() StructType; // The parameters in the form of a StructType.
Out() StructType; // The results in the form of a StructType.
type funcTypeStruct struct {
in *structTypeStruct;
out *structTypeStruct;
func newFuncTypeStruct(name, typestring string, in, out *structTypeStruct) *funcTypeStruct {
return &funcTypeStruct{ commonType{FuncKind, typestring, name, ptrsize}, in, out }
func (t *funcTypeStruct) FieldAlign() int {
return unsafe.Alignof(x.xfunc);
func (t *funcTypeStruct) In() StructType {
func (t *funcTypeStruct) Out() StructType {
if t.out == nil { // nil.(StructType) != nil so make sure caller sees real nil
return nil
return t.out
// Cache of expanded types keyed by type name.
var types map[string] Type
// List of typename, typestring pairs
var typestring map[string] string
var initialized bool = false
// Map of basic types to prebuilt stubTypes
var basicstub map[string] *stubType
var missingStub *stubType;
var dotDotDotStub *stubType;
// The database stored in the maps is global; use locking to guarantee safety.
var typestringlock sync.Mutex
func lock() {
func unlock() {
func init() {
lock(); // not necessary because of init ordering but be safe.
types = make(map[string] Type);
typestring = make(map[string] string);
basicstub = make(map[string] *stubType);
// Basics go into types table
types[missingString] = Missing;
types[dotDotDotString] = DotDotDot;
types["int"] = Int;
types["int8"] = Int8;
types["int16"] = Int16;
types["int32"] = Int32;
types["int64"] = Int64;
types["uint"] = Uint;
types["uint8"] = Uint8;
types["uint16"] = Uint16;
types["uint32"] = Uint32;
types["uint64"] = Uint64;
types["uintptr"] = Uintptr;
types["float"] = Float;
types["float32"] = Float32;
types["float64"] = Float64;
types["string"] = String;
types["bool"] = Bool;
// Basics get prebuilt stubs
missingStub = newStubType(missingString, Missing);
dotDotDotStub = newStubType(dotDotDotString, DotDotDot);
basicstub[missingString] = missingStub;
basicstub[dotDotDotString] = dotDotDotStub;
basicstub["int"] = newStubType("int", Int);
basicstub["int8"] = newStubType("int8", Int8);
basicstub["int16"] = newStubType("int16", Int16);
basicstub["int32"] = newStubType("int32", Int32);
basicstub["int64"] = newStubType("int64", Int64);
basicstub["uint"] = newStubType("uint", Uint);
basicstub["uint8"] = newStubType("uint8", Uint8);
basicstub["uint16"] = newStubType("uint16", Uint16);
basicstub["uint32"] = newStubType("uint32", Uint32);
basicstub["uint64"] = newStubType("uint64", Uint64);
basicstub["uintptr"] = newStubType("uintptr", Uintptr);
basicstub["float"] = newStubType("float", Float);
basicstub["float32"] = newStubType("float32", Float32);
basicstub["float64"] = newStubType("float64", Float64);
basicstub["string"] = newStubType("string", String);
basicstub["bool"] = newStubType("bool", Bool);
Parsing of type strings. These strings are how the run-time recovers type
information dynamically.
stubtype = - represent as StubType when possible
identifier =
type =
basictypename - int8, string, etc.
typename =
name '.' name
doublequotedstring =
string in " "; escapes are \x00 (NUL) \n \t \" \\
fieldlist =
[ field { [ ',' | ';' ] field } ]
field =
identifier stubtype [ doublequotedstring ]
arraytype =
'[' [ number ] ']' stubtype
structtype =
'struct' '{' fieldlist '}'
interfacetype =
'interface' '{' fieldlist '}'
chantype =
'<-' 'chan' stubtype
'chan' '<-' stubtype
'chan' stubtype
maptype =
'map' '[' stubtype ']' stubtype
pointertype =
'*' stubtype
functiontype =
[ 'func' ] '(' fieldlist ')' [ '(' fieldlist ')' | stubtype ]
In functiontype 'func' is optional because it is omitted in
the reflection string for interface types.
// Helper functions for token scanning
func isdigit(c uint8) bool {
return '0' <= c && c <= '9'
func special(c uint8) bool {
s := "*[](){}<;,"; // Note: '.' is not in this list. "P.T" is an identifer, as is "?".
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
if c == s[i] {
return true
return false;
func hex00(s string, i int) bool {
return i + 2 < len(s) && s[i] == '0' && s[i+1] == '0'
// Process backslashes. String known to be well-formed.
// Initial double-quote is left in, as an indication this token is a string.
func unescape(s string, backslash bool) string {
if !backslash {
return s
out := "\"";
for i := 1; i < len(s); i++ {
c := s[i];
if c == '\\' {
c = s[i];
switch c {
case 'n':
c = '\n';
case 't':
c = '\t';
case 'x':
if hex00(s, i+1) {
i += 2;
c = 0;
// otherwise just put an 'x'; erroneous but safe.
// default is correct already; \\ is \; \" is "
out += string(c);
return out;
// Simple parser for type strings
type typeParser struct {
str string; // string being parsed
token string; // the token being parsed now
tokstart int; // starting position of token
prevend int; // (one after) ending position of previous token
index int; // next character position in str
// Return typestring starting at position i. It will finish at the
// end of the previous token (before trailing white space).
func (p *typeParser) TypeString(i int) string {
return p.str[i:p.prevend];
// Load next token into p.token
func (p *typeParser) Next() {
p.prevend = p.index;
token := "";
for ; p.index < len(p.str) && p.str[p.index] == ' '; p.index++ {
p.tokstart = p.index;
if p.index >= len(p.str) {
p.token = "";
start := p.index;
c, w := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(p.str[p.index:len(p.str)]);
p.index += w;
switch {
case c == '<':
if p.index < len(p.str) && p.str[p.index] == '-' {
p.token = "<-";
fallthrough; // shouldn't happen but let the parser figure it out
case c == '.':
if p.index < len(p.str)+2 && p.str[p.index-1:p.index+2] == dotDotDotString {
p.index += 2;
p.token = dotDotDotString;
fallthrough; // shouldn't happen but let the parser figure it out
case special(uint8(c)):
p.token = string(c);
case isdigit(uint8(c)):
for p.index < len(p.str) && isdigit(p.str[p.index]) {
p.token = p.str[start : p.index];
case c == '"': // double-quoted string for struct field annotation
backslash := false;
for p.index < len(p.str) && p.str[p.index] != '"' {
if p.str[p.index] == '\\' {
if p.index+1 == len(p.str) { // bad final backslash
p.index++; // skip (and accept) backslash
backslash = true;
p.token = unescape(p.str[start : p.index], backslash);
if p.index < len(p.str) { // properly terminated string
p.index++; // skip the terminating double-quote
for p.index < len(p.str) && p.str[p.index] != ' ' && !special(p.str[p.index]) {
p.token = p.str[start : p.index];
func (p *typeParser) Type(name string) *stubType
func (p *typeParser) Array(name string, tokstart int) *stubType {
size := 0;
open := true;
if p.token != "]" {
if len(p.token) == 0 || !isdigit(p.token[0]) {
return missingStub
// write our own (trivial and simpleminded) atoi to avoid dependency
size = 0;
for i := 0; i < len(p.token); i++ {
size = size * 10 + int(p.token[i]) - '0'
open = false;
if p.token != "]" {
return missingStub
elemtype := p.Type("");
return newStubType(name, newArrayTypeStruct(name, p.TypeString(tokstart), open, size, elemtype));
func (p *typeParser) Map(name string, tokstart int) *stubType {
if p.token != "[" {
return missingStub
keytype := p.Type("");
if p.token != "]" {
return missingStub
elemtype := p.Type("");
return newStubType(name, newMapTypeStruct(name, p.TypeString(tokstart), keytype, elemtype));
func (p *typeParser) Chan(name string, tokstart, dir int) *stubType {
if p.token == "<-" {
if dir != BothDir {
return missingStub
dir = SendDir;
elemtype := p.Type("");
return newStubType(name, newChanTypeStruct(name, p.TypeString(tokstart), dir, elemtype));
// Parse array of fields for struct, interface, and func arguments
func (p *typeParser) Fields(sep, term string) []structField {
a := make([]structField, 10);
nf := 0;
for p.token != "" && p.token != term {
if nf == len(a) {
a1 := make([]structField, 2*nf);
for i := 0; i < nf; i++ {
a1[i] = a[i];
a = a1;
name := p.token;
if name == "?" { // used to represent a missing name
name = ""
a[nf].name = name;
a[nf].typ = p.Type("");
if p.token != "" && p.token[0] == '"' {
a[nf].tag = p.token[1:len(p.token)];
if p.token != sep {
p.Next(); // skip separator
return a[0:nf];
// A single type packaged as a field for a function return
func (p *typeParser) OneField() []structField {
a := make([]structField, 1);
a[0].name = "";
a[0].typ = p.Type("");
return a;
func (p *typeParser) Struct(name string, tokstart int) *stubType {
f := p.Fields(";", "}");
if p.token != "}" {
return missingStub;
return newStubType(name, newStructTypeStruct(name, p.TypeString(tokstart), f));
func (p *typeParser) Interface(name string, tokstart int) *stubType {
f := p.Fields(";", "}");
if p.token != "}" {
return missingStub;
return newStubType(name, newInterfaceTypeStruct(name, p.TypeString(tokstart), f));
func (p *typeParser) Func(name string, tokstart int) *stubType {
// may be 1 or 2 parenthesized lists
f1 := newStructTypeStruct("", "", p.Fields(",", ")"));
if p.token != ")" {
return missingStub;
if p.token != "(" {
// 1 list: the in parameters are a list. Is there a single out parameter?
switch p.token {
case "", "}", ")", ",", ";":
return newStubType(name, newFuncTypeStruct(name, p.TypeString(tokstart), f1, nil));
// A single out parameter.
f2 := newStructTypeStruct("", "", p.OneField());
return newStubType(name, newFuncTypeStruct(name, p.TypeString(tokstart), f1, f2));
} else {
f2 := newStructTypeStruct("", "", p.Fields(",", ")"));
if p.token != ")" {
return missingStub;
// 2 lists: the in and out parameters are present
return newStubType(name, newFuncTypeStruct(name, p.TypeString(tokstart), f1, f2));
func (p *typeParser) Type(name string) *stubType {
dir := BothDir;
tokstart := p.tokstart;
switch {
case p.token == "":
return nil;
case p.token == "*":
sub := p.Type("");
return newStubType(name, newPtrTypeStruct(name, p.TypeString(tokstart), sub));
case p.token == "[":
return p.Array(name, tokstart);
case p.token == "map":
return p.Map(name, tokstart);
case p.token == "<-":
dir = RecvDir;
if p.token != "chan" {
return missingStub;
case p.token == "chan":
return p.Chan(name, tokstart, dir);
case p.token == "struct":
if p.token != "{" {
return missingStub
return p.Struct(name, tokstart);
case p.token == "interface":
if p.token != "{" {
return missingStub
return p.Interface(name, tokstart);
case p.token == "func":
if p.token != "(" {
return missingStub
return p.Func(name, tokstart);
case p.token == "(":
return p.Func(name, tokstart);
case isdigit(p.token[0]):
return missingStub;
case special(p.token[0]):
return missingStub;
// must be an identifier. is it basic? if so, we have a stub
if s, ok := basicstub[p.token]; ok {
if name != "" {
// Need to make a copy because we are renaming a basic type
b := s.Get();
s = newStubType(name, newBasicType(name, b.Kind(), b.Size(), b.FieldAlign()));
return s
// not a basic - must be of the form "P.T"
ndot := 0;
for i := 0; i < len(p.token); i++ {
if p.token[i] == '.' {
if ndot != 1 {
return missingStub;
s := newStubType(p.token, nil);
return s;
// ParseTypeString takes a type name and type string (such as "[]int") and
// returns the Type structure representing a type name specifying the corresponding
// type. An empty typestring represents (the type of) a nil interface value.
func ParseTypeString(name, typestring string) Type {
if typestring == "" {
// If the typestring is empty, it represents (the type of) a nil interface value
return nilInterface
p := new(typeParser);
p.str = typestring;
return p.Type(name).Get();
// Create typestring map from reflect.typestrings() data. Lock is held.
func initializeTypeStrings() {
if initialized {
initialized = true;
s := typestrings();
slen := len(s);
for i := 0; i < slen; {
// "reflect.PtrType interface { Sub () (? reflect.Type) }\n"
// find the identifier
idstart := i;
for ; i < slen && s[i] != ' '; i++ {
if i == slen {
print("reflect.InitializeTypeStrings: bad identifier\n");
idend := i;
// find the end of the line, terminating the type
typestart := i;
for ; i < slen && s[i] != '\n'; i++ {
if i == slen {
print("reflect.InitializeTypeStrings: bad type string\n");
typeend := i;
i++; //skip newline
typestring[s[idstart:idend]] = s[typestart:typeend];
// Look up type string associated with name. Lock is held.
func typeNameToTypeString(name string) string {
s, ok := typestring[name];
if !ok {
s, ok = typestring[name];
if !ok {
s = missingString;
typestring[name] = s;
return s
// ExpandType takes the name of a type and returns its Type structure,
// unpacking the associated type string if necessary.
func ExpandType(name string) Type {
t, ok := types[name];
if ok {
return t
types[name] = Missing; // prevent recursion; will overwrite
t1 := ParseTypeString(name, typeNameToTypeString(name));
types[name] = t1;
return t1;