cmd/5l etc: restore comments lost during C -> Go conversion
It appears that c2go dropped comments inside struct { ... } and enum { ... }.
Restore them.
Identified missing comments by checking for comments present
in the C code but not the Go code, made a list, and then reapplied
with some mechanical help.
Missing comment finder:
Change-Id: I323ab45c7ef9d51e28eab3b699eb14bee1eef66b
Reviewed-by: Rob Pike <>
diff --git a/src/cmd/internal/gc/go.go b/src/cmd/internal/gc/go.go
index 95c3c7c..f05ba27 100644
--- a/src/cmd/internal/gc/go.go
+++ b/src/cmd/internal/gc/go.go
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
const (
+ // These values are known by runtime.
+ // The MEMx and NOEQx values must run in parallel. See algtype.
AMEM = iota
@@ -58,9 +60,9 @@
const (
- Mpscale = 29
- Mpprec = 16
- Mpnorm = Mpprec - 1
+ Mpscale = 29 // safely smaller than bits in a long
+ Mpprec = 16 // Mpscale*Mpprec is max number of bits
+ Mpnorm = Mpprec - 1 // significant words in a normalized float
Mpbase = 1 << Mpscale
Mpsign = Mpbase >> 1
Mpmask = Mpbase - 1
@@ -86,42 +88,44 @@
type Val struct {
Ctype int16
U struct {
- Reg int16
- Bval int16
- Xval *Mpint
- Fval *Mpflt
- Cval *Mpcplx
- Sval string
+ Reg int16 // OREGISTER
+ Bval int16 // bool value CTBOOL
+ Xval *Mpint // int CTINT, rune CTRUNE
+ Fval *Mpflt // float CTFLT
+ Cval *Mpcplx // float CTCPLX
+ Sval string // string CTSTR
type Pkg struct {
- Name string
- Path string
+ Name string // package name
+ Path string // string literal used in import statement
Pathsym *Sym
- Prefix string
- Imported uint8
- Exported int8
- Direct int8
- Safe bool
+ Prefix string // escaped path for use in symbol table
+ Imported uint8 // export data of this package was parsed
+ Exported int8 // import line written in export data
+ Direct int8 // imported directly
+ Safe bool // whether the package is marked as safe
Syms map[string]*Sym
type Sym struct {
- Lexical uint16
- Flags uint8
- Sym uint8
- Link *Sym
- Uniqgen uint32
- Importdef *Pkg
- Linkname string
+ Lexical uint16
+ Flags uint8
+ Sym uint8 // huffman encoding in object file
+ Link *Sym
+ Uniqgen uint32
+ Importdef *Pkg // where imported definition was found
+ Linkname string // link name
+ // saved and restored by dcopy
Pkg *Pkg
- Name string
- Def *Node
- Label *Label
- Block int32
- Lastlineno int32
- Origpkg *Pkg
+ Name string // variable name
+ Def *Node // definition: ONAME OTYPE OPACK or OLITERAL
+ Label *Label // corresponding label (ephemeral)
+ Block int32 // blocknumber to catch redeclaration
+ Lastlineno int32 // last declaration for diagnostic
+ Origpkg *Pkg // original package for . import
Lsym *obj.LSym
@@ -130,63 +134,83 @@
Nointerface bool
Noalg uint8
Chan uint8
- Trecur uint8
+ Trecur uint8 // to detect loops
Printed uint8
- Embedded uint8
+ Embedded uint8 // TFIELD embedded type
Siggen uint8
- Funarg uint8
+ Funarg uint8 // on TSTRUCT and TFIELD
Copyany uint8
- Local uint8
+ Local uint8 // created in this file
Deferwidth uint8
- Broke uint8
- Isddd uint8
+ Broke uint8 // broken type definition.
+ Isddd uint8 // TFIELD is ... argument
Align uint8
- Haspointers uint8
- Nod *Node
- Orig *Type
- Lineno int
- Thistuple int
- Outtuple int
- Intuple int
- Outnamed uint8
- Method *Type
- Xmethod *Type
- Sym *Sym
- Vargen int32
- Nname *Node
- Argwid int64
- Type *Type
- Width int64
- Down *Type
- Outer *Type
- Note *string
- Bound int64
- Bucket *Type
- Hmap *Type
- Hiter *Type
- Map *Type
- Maplineno int32
- Embedlineno int32
- Copyto *NodeList
- Lastfn *Node
+ Haspointers uint8 // 0 unknown, 1 no, 2 yes
+ Nod *Node // canonical OTYPE node
+ Orig *Type // original type (type literal or predefined type)
+ Lineno int
+ // TFUNC
+ Thistuple int
+ Outtuple int
+ Intuple int
+ Outnamed uint8
+ Method *Type
+ Xmethod *Type
+ Sym *Sym
+ Vargen int32 // unique name for OTYPE/ONAME
+ Nname *Node
+ Argwid int64
+ // most nodes
+ Type *Type // actual type for TFIELD, element type for TARRAY, TCHAN, TMAP, TPTRxx
+ Width int64 // offset in TFIELD, width in all others
+ Down *Type // next struct field, also key type in TMAP
+ Outer *Type // outer struct
+ Note *string // literal string annotation
+ Bound int64 // negative is dynamic array
+ // TMAP
+ Bucket *Type // internal type representing a hash bucket
+ Hmap *Type // internal type representing a Hmap (map header object)
+ Hiter *Type // internal type representing hash iterator state
+ Map *Type // link from the above 3 internal types back to the map type.
+ Maplineno int32 // first use of TFORW as map key
+ Embedlineno int32 // first use of TFORW as embedded type
+ // for TFORW, where to copy the eventual value to
+ Copyto *NodeList
+ Lastfn *Node // for usefield
type Label struct {
- Used uint8
- Sym *Sym
- Def *Node
- Use *NodeList
- Link *Label
- Gotopc *obj.Prog
- Labelpc *obj.Prog
- Breakpc *obj.Prog
- Continpc *obj.Prog
+ Used uint8
+ Sym *Sym
+ Def *Node
+ Use *NodeList
+ Link *Label
+ // for use during gen
+ Gotopc *obj.Prog // pointer to unresolved gotos
+ Labelpc *obj.Prog // pointer to code
+ Breakpc *obj.Prog // pointer to code
+ Continpc *obj.Prog // pointer to code
type InitEntry struct {
- Xoffset int64
- Key *Node
- Expr *Node
+ Xoffset int64 // struct, array only
+ Key *Node // map only
+ Expr *Node // bytes of run-time computed expressions
type InitPlan struct {
@@ -205,14 +229,14 @@
EscBits = 3
EscMask = (1 << EscBits) - 1
- EscContentEscapes = 1 << EscBits
+ EscContentEscapes = 1 << EscBits // value obtained by indirect of parameter escapes to some returned result
EscReturnBits = EscBits + 1
const (
- SymExport = 1 << 0
+ SymExport = 1 << 0 // to be exported
SymPackage = 1 << 1
- SymExported = 1 << 2
+ SymExported = 1 << 2 // already written out by export
SymUniq = 1 << 3
SymSiggen = 1 << 4
SymAsm = 1 << 5
@@ -231,6 +255,7 @@
const (
Txxx = iota
@@ -242,13 +267,18 @@
@@ -261,17 +291,23 @@
+ // pseudo-types for literals
+ // pseudo-type for frame layout
const (
CTxxx = iota
@@ -282,6 +318,8 @@
const (
+ /* types of channel */
+ /* must match ../../pkg/nreflect/type.go:/Chandir */
Cxxx = 0
Crecv = 1 << 0
Csend = 1 << 1
@@ -290,29 +328,31 @@
// declaration context
const (
- Pxxx = iota
- PHEAP = 1 << 7
+ Pxxx = iota
+ PEXTERN // global variable
+ PAUTO // local variables
+ PPARAM // input arguments
+ PPARAMOUT // output results
+ PPARAMREF // closure variable reference
+ PFUNC // global function
+ PDISCARD // discard during parse of duplicate import
+ PHEAP = 1 << 7 // an extra bit to identify an escaped variable
const (
- Etop = 1 << 1
- Erv = 1 << 2
+ Etop = 1 << 1 // evaluated at statement level
+ Erv = 1 << 2 // evaluated in value context
Etype = 1 << 3
- Ecall = 1 << 4
- Efnstruct = 1 << 5
- Eiota = 1 << 6
- Easgn = 1 << 7
- Eindir = 1 << 8
- Eaddr = 1 << 9
- Eproc = 1 << 10
- Ecomplit = 1 << 11
+ Ecall = 1 << 4 // call-only expressions are ok
+ Efnstruct = 1 << 5 // multivalue function returns are ok
+ Eiota = 1 << 6 // iota is ok
+ Easgn = 1 << 7 // assigning to expression
+ Eindir = 1 << 8 // indirecting through expression
+ Eaddr = 1 << 9 // taking address of expression
+ Eproc = 1 << 10 // inside a go statement
+ Ecomplit = 1 << 11 // type in composite literal
const (
@@ -364,8 +404,8 @@
eofnl int
last int
peekc int
- peekc1 int
- cp string
+ peekc1 int // second peekc for ...
+ cp string // used for content when bin==nil
importsafe bool
@@ -383,14 +423,18 @@
* smagic and umagic
type Magic struct {
- W int
- S int
- Bad int
- Sd int64
- Sm int64
- Ud uint64
- Um uint64
- Ua int
+ W int // input for both - width
+ S int // output for both - shift
+ Bad int // output for both - unexpected failure
+ // magic multiplier for signed literal divisors
+ Sd int64 // input - literal divisor
+ Sm int64 // output - multiplier
+ // magic multiplier for unsigned literal divisors
+ Ud uint64 // input - literal divisor
+ Um uint64 // output - multiplier
+ Ua int // output - adder
@@ -670,67 +714,94 @@
var zerosize int64
type Flow struct {
- Prog *obj.Prog
- P1 *Flow
- P2 *Flow
+ Prog *obj.Prog // actual instruction
+ P1 *Flow // predecessors of this instruction: p1,
+ P2 *Flow // and then p2 linked though p2link.
P2link *Flow
- S1 *Flow
+ S1 *Flow // successors of this instruction (at most two: s1 and s2).
S2 *Flow
- Link *Flow
- Active int32
- Id int32
- Rpo int32
- Loop uint16
- Refset uint8
- Data interface{}
+ Link *Flow // next instruction in function code
+ Active int32 // usable by client
+ Id int32 // sequence number in flow graph
+ Rpo int32 // reverse post ordering
+ Loop uint16 // x5 for every loop
+ Refset uint8 // diagnostic generated
+ Data interface{} // for use by client
type Graph struct {
Start *Flow
Num int
- Rpo []*Flow
+ // After calling flowrpo, rpo lists the flow nodes in reverse postorder,
+ // and each non-dead Flow node f has g->rpo[f->rpo] == f.
+ Rpo []*Flow
* interface to back end
type ProgInfo struct {
- Flags uint32
- Reguse uint64
- Regset uint64
- Regindex uint64
+ Flags uint32 // the bits below
+ Reguse uint64 // registers implicitly used by this instruction
+ Regset uint64 // registers implicitly set by this instruction
+ Regindex uint64 // registers used by addressing mode
const (
- Pseudo = 1 << 1
- OK = 1 << 2
- SizeB = 1 << 3
- SizeW = 1 << 4
- SizeL = 1 << 5
- SizeQ = 1 << 6
- SizeF = 1 << 7
- SizeD = 1 << 8
- LeftAddr = 1 << 9
- LeftRead = 1 << 10
- LeftWrite = 1 << 11
+ // Pseudo-op, like TEXT, GLOBL, TYPE, PCDATA, FUNCDATA.
+ Pseudo = 1 << 1
+ // There's nothing to say about the instruction,
+ // but it's still okay to see.
+ OK = 1 << 2
+ // Size of right-side write, or right-side read if no write.
+ SizeB = 1 << 3
+ SizeW = 1 << 4
+ SizeL = 1 << 5
+ SizeQ = 1 << 6
+ SizeF = 1 << 7
+ SizeD = 1 << 8
+ // Left side (Prog.from): address taken, read, write.
+ LeftAddr = 1 << 9
+ LeftRead = 1 << 10
+ LeftWrite = 1 << 11
+ // Register in middle (Prog.reg); only ever read. (arm, ppc64)
RegRead = 1 << 12
CanRegRead = 1 << 13
+ // Right side ( address taken, read, write.
RightAddr = 1 << 14
RightRead = 1 << 15
RightWrite = 1 << 16
- Move = 1 << 17
- Conv = 1 << 18
- Cjmp = 1 << 19
- Break = 1 << 20
- Call = 1 << 21
- Jump = 1 << 22
- Skip = 1 << 23
- SetCarry = 1 << 24
- UseCarry = 1 << 25
- KillCarry = 1 << 26
- ShiftCX = 1 << 27
- ImulAXDX = 1 << 28
- PostInc = 1 << 29
+ // Instruction kinds
+ Move = 1 << 17 // straight move
+ Conv = 1 << 18 // size conversion
+ Cjmp = 1 << 19 // conditional jump
+ Break = 1 << 20 // breaks control flow (no fallthrough)
+ Call = 1 << 21 // function call
+ Jump = 1 << 22 // jump
+ Skip = 1 << 23 // data instruction
+ // Set, use, or kill of carry bit.
+ // Kill means we never look at the carry bit after this kind of instruction.
+ SetCarry = 1 << 24
+ UseCarry = 1 << 25
+ KillCarry = 1 << 26
+ // Special cases for register use. (amd64, 386)
+ ShiftCX = 1 << 27 // possible shift by CX
+ ImulAXDX = 1 << 28 // possible multiply into DX:AX
+ // Instruction updates whichever of from/to is type D_OREG. (ppc64)
+ PostInc = 1 << 29
type Arch struct {